Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Unwarrented Housing Move to Lower Level Based on keith ellis' Lies and pushing for my eviction, retribution for complaints


November 5, 2017
Two days ago Keith Ellis, Cornerstone Bel Pre Cluster Supervisor and his assistant and my Rehab Counselor who rarely shows up, Nicole Briscoe, came into my room and told me that I must immediately move from the ranch house that I have been living in for two years with many of my large paintings 2 desks and computers and extensive art supplies to a house for violent client/consumers. I would also have to stop seeing Shane Senior my job coach who is helping me to find markets for my paintings and computer graphics.
They did not give Norbeck House its' real chactactorization to me or to the Holy Cross nurse, Keith and Nicole told both of us that it was a “higher” level of care leading Patricia the Holy Cross nurse to think I would be given greater medical and other help.
Does the staff at Norbeck House have ANY medical/nursing training whatever? Are there ANY educational requirements at all?
I would like to read Cornerstone's information on Norbeck House and the type of consumers it is designed for with the closed circuit cameras.
Norbeck and Montgomery House are for violent consumers NOT equipped for Senior Citizens at all, I doubt if they even have a shower chair

The only authorization for the sneak, immediate move is the nurse David Bridges, who works for Cornerstone and whom I have only met ONCE and Nicole and Keith told me that David would be talking to me about Assisted Living. They have been trying unsuccessfully to get Sandra Schmitt to come out to see if I need Assisted Living.
Two weeks ago Nicole told me I should make an appt with Dr. Klaytor a psychiatrist whomI have never seen at SLH, Cornrstone, thought it was a slip of the tongue but apparently after Keith's badgering my psychiatrist that I have been seeing for 5 years has agreed to the plan that Keith concocted. Dr. Miriam Parveen has always been very kind to me and it must have taken a lot of badgering for Dr. Parveen to agree to this move.
I have insisted on talking to Dr. Parveen myself about this move to a COED house with closed circuit cameras (!) based from what Keith said on my oxygen what provisions would be at Norbeck House more than here? I have not been on anti-psychotics in all the time I have been with St. Lukes/Cornerstone and Dr. Parveen only sees me every 2 months because aside from bullying roommates and bully supervisor Keith Ellis, I do fine.
Keith wants me to see a therapist that I have never seen before called Andie and made an appointment for November 15th and then stated he had to have my Grievance on Monday because they want to move me right away, even before I see Dr. Parveen this Friday or the therapist Andie whom I have never seen.
THERE IS NOT ENOUGH AUTHORIZATION FOR KEITH TO PULL THIS MOVE even if he does have Ken Westin of CORE service on his side, Ken should know the authorizations for such a move that are needed and he does not have them!
Neither my Primary Care Doctor nor my Therapist, Paula Weiss, whom I have been seeing for about 5 years has signed off on Keith Ellis plan, Paula had taken leave for October and now is taking leave for November, she had taken a vacation not long ago around the time of the visit for possible ACCREDIDATION BY THE JOINT COMMISSION ON MENTAL HEALH.
Ms. Cho had been writing about this visit for about 2 years, a representative of JCMH came in August, Keith brutally pressured me to scrub the corrosion of the pipes in the bathroom with Tilex despite my resperatory problem and I date the time of my illness leading to hospitalization and problems keeping food down to that time, around the time of the Joint Commission visit another client in Bel Pre cluster died in the bathroom, I believe it was Mr. Ramarez who was in in 60s like me and I wonder if Keith had pressured him in the same way and threatened him repeatedly with loss of housing if do not pass inspection, there are yearly inspections and in HUD houses sometimes 2 times a year and I am always ill many clients now use canes and I wonder if in order to gain funding if the older clients are being funnelled out one way or another to make room for the 20 somethings which was a long time group, people in their 20s would be more apt to be pressured into jobs whether they were too mentally sick or not and would make Cornerstone look good according to EVIDENCED BASED criteria which Congressman Murphy seems to be against and which I have seen over the years lead to incredible abuse of clients.
Paula Weiss also sees my former housemate Peggy Wyss who told me a few weeks ago that Keith Ellis was calling her only relative Aunt Sally who is almost 100 years old and telling her that if Peggy did not clean well enough for the October Core Service House Inspection that she WOULD BE TRANSFERRED TO ANOTHER ENVORNMENT FOR CLIENTS WITH LESS ABILITY IN DAILY LIVING, Keith characterized it to Peggy as a different LEVEL of care.
Peggy is about 50 years old, a very gentle person, has been at SLH/Cornerstone for over 10 years has a volunteer job on an as needed basis and has come every week to Social Night for year after year. Peggy is very able to function in buying groceries by herself and cooking. I think Paula Weiss has refused to go along with this program to ditch senior citizen age or almost clients into environments that are dangerous.
Keith Ellis used to harrass and pressure a friend of mine Bonnie Keller to try to get her to force me to go to the art group with Eric Gordon who was very verbally abusive or to get Bonnie to force me to do whatever else Keith wanted and while Bonnie was a light friend who helped me visit my mother at Gladys Spellman, Bonnie did not want to be harrassed by Keith since I have no relatives. If Keith is alienating friends and families from clients because the only portion of the job he is getting paid to do is harrassing people which I wrote about extensively to then-Congressman Van Hollen and got blessed relief for a year when Keith did not directly harrass me with his obnoxious and puerile humor and personality but only through other staff members.

There has obviously been some type of purge going on at Cornerstone from before the Joint Commission August visit and especially afterword and it seems the good people are the ones being fired or quiting. The County Council needs to investigate, they know from their Blue Ribbon Panel that Core Services will not offer any real oversight of Mental Health Agencies.
I went to see my PCP Dr. Polam with Nicole in September, she did not have the paperwork about my stay in the hospital, the discharge nurse put it in a carboard envelop half the size of the manila envelope she put it in saying it was for Dr. Polam. Keith relieved me of the 3 envelopes the hospital gave and Dr. Polam to Nicole that the only paperwork Nicole handed her was the discharge papers which was useless and told me to come back in 2 week WITH TtoHE HOSPITAL PAPERWORK. Dr. Polam said a nurse had called her and was pressuring her to put me in a nursing home, she was outraged and asked me if I thought I needed to be in a nursing home, I said emphatically NO. The person who called Dr. Polam wanted her to certify me alternately for Assisted Living and Dr. Polam said she couldn't do that.

Nicole told me about a week later that she and Keith were trying to get someone from the county to come out and certify me for a nursing home and that I should not make an appointment with Dr. Polam until AFTER to County person came out.
Ms. Schmitt came out a few days after I came home from Holy Cross because someone has reported me as an endangered adult. I was very ill at the hospital, my heart rate would go down to 50 or 60 then shoot up to 158 with red lights and beeps when I would try to think of trying to get Keith or Nicole to take me to the store since part of my getting so ill was because of Nicole not helping me to recertify with Call N Ride, I have gotten my groceries for 5 years completely on my own for 98 percent of the time until Nicole kept making false promise to help
me obtain the necessary paperwork from May 2017 until September 2017 after I came home from the hospital.
I had gone on my own in August 2017 to see my PCP Dr. Uma Polam in Greenbelt and Nicole lost the paperwork Dr. Polam filled out and I cannot obtain from accounting the yearly amount from SSDI because they say “Don't you have an RC, you can't call on your own, she needs to request it.” As usual, the few times I saw Nicole, she would make promises but I got into a cab in July 2017 after staying at Panara to use the wifi after my job coach and I worked for an hour, the cab driver said I had $30 in my Call and Ride account but that it had been cut off (due to the paperwork due May 30 never having been obtained by Nicole Briscoe). I had $100 in my food stamp account but Nicole told me to wait 4 days to eat until she could take me to the store, Nicole would not stay on the phone long enough to hear how I was vomiting up the only food I had rice and pasta and needed something like yoghurt or soup or bread.
I continued either not eating or vomiting until Monday and called the ambulance due to cold sweats for several days and not being able to eat the only food i had in the house, I am sure my CBCs will show this but Keith took all the paperwork that Holy Cross gave me at discharge, he was not at the hospital and only came to see about the oxygen truck because I called the Compliance person Marissa Gillum, neither Keith nor Nicole called or visited me in the week at the hospital though my housemate Janet called twice. The discharge caseworker said that she requested that someone meet me at the front door since I could not afford Butler which is what Keith told them to send me home in but Keith when he called only after I called compliance said he did not have to meet me and has said a number of times recently that none of the staff has to help clients to see they don't fall, I never fall but this seems strange, Keith bullied the caseworker until she agreed to release me from the hospital with no one to help me from the cab to the front door.

A few months ago Janet upon being released from the hospital fell on the one outside step cut her head from front to back along the part line had to go right back to the hospital and a week later she asked if she should wash her hair, the partline still had a lot of dried blood, I guess it was not deep enough to stictch but alot of clients are getting older.
I have written to former Congressman now Senator Van Hollen and Congressman Tim Murphy about some of the things staff members have done and the refusal of St. Luke's, Threshold, and now Cornerstone Montgomery to adhere to their Grievance policy especially about getting back to clients on what action will be taken and so it fades away and the problems just get worse and worse which cannot be remediated by constant name changes of the Agency.
I have received with much graditude help from Senator Van Hollen and the aide he assigned to me Suzanne Loftjelm, sometimes it would take a while and often the most egregious problem concerning me would have something done but the overall attitude and treatment of clients has not change. Congressman Murphy is in charge of the late Senator Kennedy's Boston Advocacy Group, which years ago one of Sen. Kennedy's caseworkers said he saw no reason why I shouldn't work with them but the problem was solved due to the intervention of the caseworker.
Eric Gordon, a staff member, who after 5 years of running 2 art groups along with cooking and other groups, who insulted clients, verbally abused them and even mocked the facially disfigured, I sent the complaint that Susan Wilcoff, then in charge of grievances and who told me she would consider my complaint “just venting” I told her I wanted it on the record and that I knew that other clients had complainted about Eric over the years and after I sent the complaint to Congressman Murphy, Eric Gordon was finally fired after do years worth of damage to clients.
My writings over the years to Congresspersons I have uploaded to lydiagorbik.blogspot, I hope that the Washington Post will do an article similar to the ones done by the New York Times, Boston Globe and and Illinois paper on the lack of any oversight in group homes and the suffering that takes place.

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