Wednesday, January 10, 2018

3-2 P_L

No one ever once in 2 ½ years ever spoke of the next step HUI or HOC though Gerda and Donna Melissa Willard were told that their achieving independence would lead to an HOC apartment. Laura Duvall cut off from SLH. Laura used to call me and was happy and excited for a year at the promise that she would have her own apartment, then she was told that SLH would find her a room to rent in the Gazette and after a month, after 15 years at SLH she would be cut off. Laura was angry and in despair and would call me several times a day, say a few words and slam down the phone. I told an Rehabilitation Counselor and they told Laura not to call. I feel very bad that I did not offer her more support at this time. A short time later an RC said Laura was in the hospital, I said I would like to visit her and a very short time later was told that Laura had died of lung cancer. Usually people with lung cancer do not die that quickly. I think she died of a broken heart. I went to the memorial service at St. Luke’s Church where Beth Voneiff spoke of her memories of her friend and housemate. Laura was about 50 years old.

Out of the silence, about 2 months ago,when she was driving me home from the grocery store, my former Rehabilitation Counselor, Amanda Tillman, said “you can’t expect to live the rest of your life at Banquo Terrace”, she said it twice, Amanda had never once in a year and a half mentioned leaving SLH and even at this time made no suggestion of where I might live.

Melissa Jacob never intended for me to have a chance to find housing in the Mental Health care system. The lies and blackening of my character in the Review Sections and elsewhere in my Treatment Plans show this and Ms. Jacob’s comments, as reported to me by my psychiatrist Dr. Miriam Parveen who was worried about my safety, as soon as I moved in to Banquo Terrace from Dunsinane Court (where I had been trying to live with Gerda Sejour for two years) to get away from housemate Gerda Sejour who sprayed Lysol in my rice and admitted it in a housemeeting a few weeks after saying one of her voices, Aphrodite said she was going to take me to Elysium, and specifically answered that Aphrodite said I was going to die and Gerda obeying her voice tried to make it happen) the gossip mill of the Tuesday REHABILITATION COUNSELOR meetings that “there would be no place to put me” as if I were an inanimate object, if I could not get along with new housemates show this even though Donna Melissa Willard welcomed me and we have always gotten along and there was only a two week period when Beth Voneiff tested me and said very catty things in the med monitoring which Paula Weiss, my therapist, double checked by asking the RCs who heard Beth and mildly admonished her for verbally attacking me about my cough and hearing problem.

Donna defended me, told Beth she had a mean streak, I was so stunned by Beth’s tirades, I said nothing. Why is this not mentioned in my October Treatment Plan? Extreme provocations left completely out of my Treatment Plans. Why? Ms. Jacob needs to answer this and other questions in writing including Fenton House emails to Amanda when Gerda told Nicole that her imaginary voice Aphrodite would not leave her alone until she came in my room and threatened me. Rehabilitation Counselors knew GERDA had been screaming at imaginary people when they came for meds but had been instructed by Melissa Jacob to ignore it to the detriment of Gerda as well as myself and the other housemate at 24 Dunsinane, Peggy Wyss.

Melissa Jacob’s did help with my mother’s cremation and burial with my father in Arlington Cemetery was apparently only to keep me from objecting to being pushed out of SLH with no where to go or why did she not mention this in my April Treatment Plan which was so bad my REHABILITATION COUNSELOR, Amanda Tillman said that so many people had worked on my TREATMENT PLAN she couldn’t remember what she had written, when I asked what people AT said just people, Paula Weiss looked up my TREATMENT PLAN April on the computer and said that the only other person who had signed my April TREATMENT PLAN was Melissa Jacob which was appropriate since Ms. Jacob was AT’s supervisor. Amanda refused to read over my treatment plan with me and told me that “people come around to read the Treatment Plan with clients.” I asked what people, my previous RCs had always read over my Treatment Plan with me and AT would only say again that there were people who came around to read the Treatment Plan to clients. Weeks or months later AT came and pressured me to sign the Treatment Plan, that it had to be in that day and the changes that I requested were not made except for one where AT had written a short sentence in the margins. AT had moved my computer from upstairs to the basement the previous day, and even though the Treatment Plan Review section was so awful any objective person could see it was an attempt to badjacket my reputation, I signed. I did not sign my Oct 2011 Treatment Plan because it was also highly inaccurate and although Naoma, secretary at Silver Spring office of SLH asked me to come in to sign what she said was Paula’s Treatment Plan but turned out to be Dr. Parveen’s Treatment Plan for me because they were being audited. I asked AT about my Treatment Plan saying I wanted changes before signing it and AT claimed I had already signed the Oct. Treatment Plan which is not true.

Ms. Jacob's misuse of power and its profoundly negative impact on my life and the lives of others
eating me up, cannot proceed with artwork until I attempt to write down the incredibly bad
decisions and vindictiveness and the interference with my relationship with my psychiatrist
Dr. Parveen, trying to get her to change my dx to an Axis 2 only, Ms. Jacob trying to dictate to
Dr. Marian Parveen what meds I should be on, if Ms. Jacob dares to do this in my case she has
very likely done and continues to interfere with the professional opinions of clinicians using
her will and fast talking and push on clinicians who have enough pressure trying to do a
really professional job of helping people which does not seem to be on Ms. Jacob's agenda.

This interference is surely illegal and needs a thorough investigation. Exit interviews for
Rehabilitation Counselors leaving SLH to find out just how much damage Ms. Jacob is doing by her misuse of the
power given to her.

Lies on my Treatment Plan have hampered my future in obtaining housing and I need help
writing an addendum to each and the truth behind Ms. Jacob's leaving pertinent information out
and very strange selection of examples of my behavior in the review section of my Treatment Plans
afraid of losing housing and stunned by Gerda's screaming most of the day and dirty tricks
and bullying of myself and Peggy Wyss. Catonic or physical retardation from fear. Alicia
Castro said Peggy ws the tired-est person she ever met. Peggy happy and energetic in the
hour she spends at the end of the art class, at home she was always tense and trying to
defend herself from GERDA' bullying. I always got along with Peggy Wyss despite the blatant
lies in my Treatment Plan and Donna “Melissa" Willard my new housemate has expressed her liking for me again and again and took care to welcome me to the house when I first moved in so why do all my Treatment Plans say that I don't get along with housemates plural, Rehabilitation Counselors refused to change it and I was afraid so I signed even though periodically I would try to get Grievance Policy and Grievance form through RCs but never succeeded obtaining the Grievance Policy which is supposed to be the right of every client.

Repercussions from the strange timing of Peggy Wyss being told she had to move into an
apartment after 5 years at that point, Peggy upset but she did not have to move because the
DMH rep said they had to find Peggy Wyss an apartment where her 90 year old aunt could drive
Peggy to see her mother in Kensington Nursing Home. When we heard the end of this
meeting of Peggy with her RC Caryn Zaner who every few weeks would remind Peggy to
be prepared for moving into an apartment, Gerda came in to kitchen rejoicing to me that she
would now have Peggy's room which is much larger than the other bedrooms and I just
stared at Gerda thinking of all the incredibly cruel things she had said to Peggy and all to
obtain the master bedroom, Gerda saw my expression and said that now I would have her,
Gerda' room which was larger than mine, I couldn't speak and just looked at Gerda who changed
the subject.

Very suspect the timing of telling PW she had to move out very, very short time after her
grievance about Gerda and along with no action on my complaint to Barrie made Gerda even bolder
in her dirty tricks and tormenting and bullying of Peggy and myself. Favoritism did not
benefit Gerda in long run. After she sprayed Lysol in my rice and announced it at the
house meeting with Blessing Atem witnessing, I think Gerda was disappointed that there were
no repercussions to her and she said to herself in the kitchen several times that she, Gerda, no
longer cared what happened to her.

The new iron and ironing board Ms. Jacob bought for Gerda immediately after Gerda Sejour told a panicked Caryn Zaner in the house meeting that Gerda had started ironing on her sheets in bedroom. After I showed her the new ironing board and iron Melissa Jacob had bought for her, Gerda looked very depressed instead of rejoicing as I thought she would - no matter what Gerda did she could not get the attention of the Rehabilitation Counselors about the worsening of her mental illness no matter how outrageous or dangerous the things Gerda was doing and anteing up.

Some RCs were extremely shocked by Gerda' behavior and expressed it then soon after like zombies were making very lame excusing for Gerda' screaming at imaginary people and dirty tricks like "That's just Gerda being Gerda." which is utterly nonsensical as if Gerda did not have to obey standards of human decency much less the rules of the house and sometimes I wondered if Gerda had convinced Ms. Jacob that she was indeed Jehovah God as Gerda believed and stated and wrote on the paper on the dishwasher. Or "That's just Gerda's sickness." my feeling sorry or angry at Gerda did not help her, she needed more than medication and did not get the attention she was willing to
kill me for with the Lysol in my food to help her.

Why are Peppertree Rehabilitation Counselors required to act like they are in a dysfunctional family and ignore someone not just talking to themselves but screaming the house down and causing the neighbors to move away. This does nothing to help the cause of the mentally ill living in the community if irresponsible supervisor refuse to intervene when someone needs to be hospitalized and train their staff not to let the supervisor know anything about what is going on however terrible.

When I was talking to Dr. Parveen apparently the latest gossip at the Tuesday meeting at that time was that I was always sleeping and when I told Dr. Parveen that I slept to escape Gerda screaming and dirty tricks and constant demands and that housemate Peggy Wyss set her alarm for 10:30 PM which caused Gerda to complain loudly and bitterly pounding on Peggy’s door and reporting her in house meeting and after two or three times Peggy said she would not do it again. Peggy did not watch TV or listen to the radio and had a full schedule of activities and a part time volunteer job, I suggested to Dr. Parveen that she set her alarm for 10 pm to get some time in a quiet house since after screaming all day Gerda’s meds would at least put her to sleep by 8:30 or 9 pm after giggling loudly and talking loudly to her imaginary people and would generally sleep through the night to 6am or later and that was the only time that Gerda wasn’t stomping around in boots or clattering in hard plastic slippers or screaming or singing loudly or blasting music or TV or clapping or screaming some more and maybe Peggy wanted an occasional time in the house when it was quiet.

Dr. Parveen opened the door across the hall where the Tues Peppertree meetings are held, only Amanda and Melissa Jacob were present and said that I wasn’t sleeping all the time, I was sleeping during the day to escape Gerda’s screaming. Dr. Parveen motioned me to come in and verify what she had said, I thought that finally someone was going to listen to me after RCs brushing me aside and the first year Ms. Jacob never answered my few calls about Gerda and my Treatment Plan. I sat down and was suddenly so upset I kept saying “It’s a zoo, it’s a zoo, Gerda never stops screaming or blasting the TV or music.” I also said that the neighbors on the right had moved out after imitating Gerda’s screams twice when they were on the porch and that the military family with young child had moved out months ago and I had told Sweta my then REHABILITATION COUNSELOR that Gerda’s screaming echoed and reechoed down the corridor in back I would hear it when went out for a cigarette still couldn’t get away from the screaming and Melissa Jacob’s knee-jerk reaction was “Just because the neighbors were moving away doesn’t mean it had anything to do with Gerda. And that Gerda had just started new medication and I said that’s what I was told by Rehabilitation Counselors last year and that medication had little effect in helping Gerda.

Melissa Jacob did not ask any question of my statement about the neighbors moving due to the unbearable day-long noise every day or consider what I was saying, and it seemed she had forbidden her staff to notice much less talk about Gerda’s screaming and blasting music. How can Ms. Jacob be an adequate much less effective supervisor if she does not want to know what is going on. Clients need to be listened to so Barrie Friedman as well as the CEO can make informed decisions and correct power hungry supervisors from damaging clients as well as the stigma of mental illness and objections to the mentally ill living in communities and wasting the energy and talents of Gerda’s other housemates going back 3 years before I moved in, it seems that no one except Peggy could live with Gerda for more than 6 months and I wonder how many of them filed grievances. Shannon, the previous occupant of my room at 24 Dunsinane came once to pick up something she had forgotten and from the little tableau Gerda and Shannon did not part on the best of terms. Shannon looked terribly beaten down was about 30 and could possible have held a job. So many broken dreams, efforts to move in then after a horrifying 6 months to have to leave to avoid more abuse that the RC supervisor will do nothing to prevent, to make Gerda feel better for a short while did nothing to help Gerda deal productively with her family and other issues by being allowed to scapegoat her housemates and having them as a substitute for the family that had abused and abandoned her.

Dr. Parveen believed that Gerda had put poison, Dr. Parveen’s word, in my food and I think it is possible that Caryn Zaner told Dr. Parveen about her conversations with Gerda and the danger I was in before Caryn quit. I am very grateful to Dr. Parveen for pressing Ms. Jacob to make it possible for me to move out of the house with Gerda where I was endangered.

Blessing Atem departed suddenly after she witnessed Gerda stating opening that she had not spit in my rice but had just sprayed a little Lysol in the deep dish casserole bowl my rice was cooling on a very narrow counter. Gerda had told me she spit on my shampoo and bath soap and other hygiene items when she put them in her spit bucket when she cleaned the bathroom, she said this almost two years after I moved in and on the day that Amanda took my computer downstairs to avoid Gerda interrupting my work with what her voices were saying about me and threatening me with.

I told Amanda who said Ms. Jacob said she would investigate “if it really happened” and in my treatment plan minimized this incident which alarmed my psychiatrist as well as myself and Ms. Jacob wrote that Gerda had "accidentally "spilled" some vague household detergent in my food which could have been a flat plate on a kitchen table and according to Ms. Jacob’s writing in my last Treatment Plan I was upset only because Gerda took a bit of time to "explain" what she had done. Which sound like Gerda accidentally left the cap off some minor household cleaner, maybe even dishwashing liquid and it accidentally tipped over into a low dish on the dining room table instead of the deliberate act of spraying Lysol into a deep dish casserole bowl that was on a very, very narrow counter so she was not sweeping the Lysol around a large counter area and Gerda seldom cleaned the counters, though she was good at cleaning the kitchen floor before house meeting, and Gerda never cleaned the counters just after eating and used a sponge not Lysol spray.

My treatment plan neglected to say that Gerda had told me that she spit on my hygiene products, I was stunned and said nothing, she repeated it and was holding a red bucket with my shampoo and crème rinse. I said, “Oh” and went in my room. This was the just after Amanda had moved my computer to the basement so I could work on my graphics in peace. Later in the evening, Gerda came down in the basement and told me she just had to buy the wild rice that I had left in a casserole dish on a narrow counter next to the refrigerator to cool before putting it in the refrigerator, when I went upstairs she looked like she was taking a bite from MY large casserole dish although usually when I gave her food or she bought it which was very seldom, she would put it in a separate dish, so naturally I thought Gerda had spit on my rice then she thought better of it and gave me a dollar when I told her to give me 50 cents meaning she could have half. Was stunned again when Gerda announced in house meeting that she had sprayed Lysol on my rice. I told the Rehabilitation Counselors that it was another cry for help and attention but was brushed off as usual.

When Dr. Parveen insisted I be moved out of that dangerous situation, I had a week to pack all my personal items as well as art supplies, books, portfolios, boxes of photos and medical and other papers and had to fight to eventually (months later) get help with moving 20 years of art work in portfolios and box of paintings, it meant nothing to Amanda or Ms. Jacob that I could lose 20 years of art work and the box of my portfolios was always dragged near the washing machine that had a large hole at the top and leaked water on the floor and much of my work was done on paper, pastels and drawings as well as separate oil painting which survived a dunking leak in the basement of the place I moved after 24 Dunsinane.

Blessing Atem departed so quickly in 2011, even Jackie after she was fired for purportedly not coming for medication monitoring and not calling 24 Dunsinane so that we could take one of the 3 pills clients were allowed to keep at that time, Jackie had done weeks of scrubbing and cleaning esp. of the men’s group homes for the November 2009 Inspection and was only 1 ½ month away from receiving her degree as a therapist and said she needed to find another job quickly for the last month and a half to afford to live. It was particularly mean of Ms. Jacob to fire her at that time, esp. when Jackie had done so much heavy cleaning for inspection and was so close to graduating. Jackie was a very kind person who obviously cared about clients.

Caryn Zaner stayed a week after she quit and was very bitter about her treatment by Ms. Jacob and the treatment of clients. Blessing Atem departed without saying good-bye and Donna Willard asked the RCs a number of times if Blessing had been fired. I think Blessing Atem would have told the truth about what she heard Gerda say in the house meeting about spraying Lysol in my food. Blessing was a religious person and it is unlikely that she would agree to lie or cover it up.

Caryn Zaner was the “baby” or newest employee and a year later was the “oldest” as far as time spent as RC for Peppertree. There is a tremendous attrition rate at Peppertree more than you would expect for a difficult job and an exit questionnaire would show staff that someone cares about employees and clients enough to monitor why people are leaving and if Ms. Jacob treats staff badly and asks them to do or to ignore things that profoundly hurt clients – some people have a conscience, then the CEO and Board of Directors should know about this from several sources and take action if a supervisor is not doing her job honorably and not only is doing harm to clients but costing SLH the cost of multiple training sessions for constantly new Rehabilitation Counselors which also is disruptive to clients – most of Ms. Jacob’s staff hires are just out of college and clients would benefit from at least one older more mature REHABILITATION COUNSELOR and the experience of how offices should be run, meetings conducted properly and not gossip mills, and how staff and clients need to be treated with basic human decency and professionalism NOT FAVORTISM. And certainly not interfering in the relationship between a client and psychiatrist and trying to badger an overworked psychiatrist to go against their judgement about what medications to prescribe and a patient’s diagnosis.

Gerda wrote in her short novel Sisters about the character Sandra stalking Uncle Vincent
and her desire and fear of killing her abuser in Canada, Sandra was stopped from killing Uncle Vincent and put in prison. This section was very incoherent and Gerda often talked of something that happened in Canada and said she hit a policeman when two or more came to arrest her for something
and it was unclear if Gerda had been locked up in Canada or the US for something she had
done in Canada and whether she was in prison or a mental hospital but something very
significant happened to Gerda there. When she asked what I thought of her novel I said it was
very well written and the stories of two of the sisters who make good careers and families were very interesting but that I did not understand the section on Sandra and Gerda said excitedly "I'm Sandra, I'm Sandra." and told me very incoherently about Canada as she did several times after.

Gerda's writing and speaking were always coherent but not her screaming every day or when she would talk of this period/event in Canada.

Gerda Sejour was very anxious for people to read her novel which Caryn Zaner and someone at
SLH, I think Megan read it and she asked CZ and me not to be afraid to correct any grammatical, spelling or other errors. I think Gerda was calling out for help with this attempt to get many people to read about her fictionalized biography and help her.

Grievance meetings even informal and Provider meetings should be recorded if the client
agrees doubt if Barrie would have threatened me with loss of my housing if I spoke about
Gerda if the meeting had been tape recorded or if secretary present to take notes or if rep
from Dept of Mental Health were present as Peggy Wyss' Aunt Sallie was smart enough to
negotiate for when Peggy made a complaint in early 2010 about Gerda's bullying and
threatening manner to her. Even before I had said anything, Caryn Zaner told me to stay out of it, I did not know what to say when Gerda began her bullying of Peggy so would just stand there looking at Gerda and Peggy and Gerda would, I believe, end her bullying more quickly because of
embarrassment at having a witness to Gerda's incredible abuse of Peggy. Maybe some of the
details of this abuse is in the SLH and/or DMH notes of Peggy's Grievance meeting.

Ms. Jacob clever and charming but not mature, unfathomable decisions. Fenton House
Using other people as a means to an end for Ms. Jacob no professionalism whatever but can
mimic it with personality but the reality of human decency much less professionalism would
not hold up under an honest investigation.

Ms. Jacob bet everything on Gerda and her ability to gain and hold a job and Ms. Jacob lost and Gerda lost and all her housemates for 5 years lost, and the contribution the ignored housemates could have made in working paid jobs lost Barrie and Ms. Jacob will not hear and therefore make decisions based on faulty information or pure fantasy Gerda vast decompensation too ill to work and the immense amount of job coach times spent when Gerda just wanted attention and was too ill to work and used the energy she might have had for work or recovery tormenting her housemates.

What should have happened in so many situations if complaints were handled in an intelligent way. instead of Gerda's house of horrors strong will needed a team of horses her strong will that she mentioned so often used in the wrong direction what ever happened to baby jane expressions minimizing Lysol spray in food and confessing in front of REHABILITATION COUNSELOR Blessing Atem who departed suddenly soon after witnessing this confession.

If Gerda starts fire would ruin in a big way the chance of the mentally ill in communities. Joe
Hopper, job coach supervisor, said he was Chairman of the Board at NAMI and could get her a position in the thrift store but Gerda steadfastly refused to work there don't know if Joe Hopper or Nicole Hester knew that Gerda worked at NAMI for several years and maybe NAMI Thrift Store supervisors could have told Ms. Jacob how sick Gerda was.

Gerda had just lost her job at NAMI, said she quit as I moved in and would again and again stomp up and down the stairs throughout her room, hallway kitchen dining room but not basement as if she were trying to mark each spot as hers exclusively but also anger at loss of job. Peggy asked Gerda if she were all right when one night soon after there were bumping sounds, I knocked on Gerda' door asked if she were all right she said come in and Gerda was playing Jacks with very large rocks instead of ball
and jacks and throwing them very high.
Meagan would have solved the problem instead of my being branded for life with lies. Lawrence would have benefited from Meagan’s working with him to treat other people with respect if Lawrence obtains a job not at SLH and things would have run smoother.

Took a long time for Dwayne to be as blatant as he is in instead of teaching classes spending not half but the whole time on private cell phone calls depriving clients of something important that had been promised to them and funders and county and appropriations of funding.


Ms Jacob did not mention in my April 2011 Treatment Plan my visits to my mother at Kensington and 2 year long struggle visiting my mother in Gladys Spellman on a breathing machine and Bonnie's projection of her mother and the 6 months since my mother's burial policy had been taken to pay what medicare did not 20 years paid on and the call about wanting my mother’s skin a few minutes after Prince George’s Hospital called to say my mother had died and the mass cremation and mass burial within five days – the confiscation of a burial policy my mother had paid on for 20 years by the hospital for the part Medicare did not pay and my mothers wish to be buried in Arlington National Cemetary.

Part of reason did not go higher with complaint about Gerda tremendous harassment was gratitude but knew in the past few months I would die if could not get an Rehabilitation Counselor to equip me instead of just saying do it yourself as Amanda has been saying to everything including a request for a copy of the SLH Grievance Policy.

Ms. Jacob's whim is law - too much power not enough oversight and listening to clients.

If not all this disastrous favoritism going on Barrie does not want to hear anything contrary to
what Ms. Jacob says young woman has way too much power very charming the difference
between being charming and being truly kind.

Obstructed anything to do with my recovery even since I moved the things done unbelievable power grabs by civilians from clinicians. To do the right thing slh would have benefited too.

Most people are projecting most of the time not just me. WOMEN IN LOVE DH Lawrence GAVE
the character Ursula ALL OF HIS WIFE Frieda's good qualities and divided her bad qualities among the other women characters, Frieda was delighted.

Living in terror for 2 years with Gerda unable to do much more than special effects and categorizing choreography not enough concentration when trying to block out all day screaming concern for another person in pain even if she did pull constant dirty tricks and booby-trap the bathroom then when I did move to Banquo Terrace all the ominous threats from Amanda of "the next person" who would occupy my small room.

Why was Beth told about a possible switch of rooms but not me caryn said before she left and what Beth did with that information to put me ill at ease to say the least. Told Rehabilitation Counselors but
no information given me that Beth had been offered my room at 24 Dunsinane. I heard Chae ask at potluck if Beth had moved in yet with Peggy and Gerda. Beth came over several times to visit Peggy Weiss when I was still living at 24 Dunsinane, and Beth would ask if she could move in, Peggy would say, “No, Linda is in that room.” I asked Beth where she had heard that my room would be available and Beth answered she could not remember where she heard it.

I want to spend most of the rest of my life painting and studying choreography of gymnasts of the 1980s need some tools advice and help hanging painting gymn studios Eric someone to talk to about experiences selling art and future plans. This should be something within the purview of SLH but somehow isn't. Electricity will not be wasted will produce something of value that may even be a help in funding mentally ill and homeless both issues dear to my heart would like to do something using my best talents and things that I've spent decades practicing.

Barrie said at the end of the Provider meeting last week that although the computer should have been scrubbed before it left St. Luke’s House and that she would try to get the Password so that I could transfer 7 years of computer graphics work so that I don’t lose it, but that the computer that Ms. Jacob said was for the residents of SLH to use but is unusable because of a Password that no one remembers and IT claims it is not responsible because it left IT so long ago. How many computers are floating around very likely with personal patient and staff information because the computers were not scrubbed before they left SLH and who is responsible now for securing privacy law protected supposedly information. Will anyone ever say, The Buck Stops Here.

don't want to put Barrie down but that is a nonsensical thing to say and counterproductive even
from slh viewpoint of success of clients in jobs 1/10th the help hundreds of hours job coach time weekly for two years. DORS fitted uniform cost returned after a few weeks when Gerda quit several times despite pressure from job coaches to stick it out for a while spent on Gerda.

Time is also a tool and gift and peppertree supervisor has wasted 2 1/2 years that I could have been recovering and producing artwork. Grateful for help in fulfilling my mother wish of burial in Arlington Cemetery part of reason why quiet but some things have gone so far over human decency much less professionalism and have done a lot of needless damage to me and others bad decisions someone needs to see from a different viewpoint, that of the client.

Ms. Jacob/Barrie

Why all the skullduggery, why not just tell people about HUI and help with real goals with work? incl computer absolute necessity seemed like a miracle when the new townhouse had what Ms. Jacob said was computer for use of residents.

Never intended to help me find housing reason for unprofessional and filled with falsehoods Treatment Plans and pressuring Dr. Parveen to give me only an Axis II diagnosis despite a number of psychiatrist giving me Axis I and II dx and then the email trick saying I had been transferred to Silver Spring office and would no longer be able to see Dr. Parveen when she went with her professional opinion instead of the dx Melissa Jacob put tremendous pressure on Dr. Parveen to give me, badgering and ruining my reputation not only in Treatment Plans but also in meetings.

Amanda Tillman was such a bad advocate that my therapist Paula Weiss asked my permission to be my advocate at the Tues Peppertree staff meetings but then Paula was marginalized and no longer the Peppertree Team Therapist. I asked Paula why the Peppertree meetings are based on a legal rather than a medical model and she said she didn’t know. I would like someone to answer this question about the way the Peppertree meetings are structured.

Having young, inexperienced Rehabilitation Counselors give cherry-picked questions from MCAS is a very bad idea, caused me quite a bit of anguish esp. since Amanda’s method of asking the questions were brutally uncaring. Why isn’t the therapist and psychiatrist’s opinion enough for the Peppertree supervisor, why do an end run around clinicians by having unqualified Rehabilitation Counselors give what is clearly a psychological test meant to be given sensitively by a clinician and not sprung on unsuspecting clients by insensitive and untrained non-clinicians.

Gerda said twice in kitchen after the Aphrodite incident and I think the Lysol incident that she no longer cared what happened to her I believe once when REHABILITATION COUNSELOR was sitting at dining room table with me, told AT and other Rehabilitation Counselors but ignored as usual. Ms. Jacob did not want to know anything negative or true about Gerda's bad behavior or even despair and her anguish as well as the anguish she caused Peggy and myself for two years and before that to other housemates who averaged a 4 to 6 month stay there were so many of them Martha, Margaret Sullivan, Shannon came once to pick something up and with the body language Shannon and Gerda did not part on the best of terms, Wanda Lee and on and on someone should look to see if other Gerda
housemates filed formal grievances prior to Peggy and my separate grievances in early 2010.

In no position treated with respect testing shortsighted not providing some basic tools 8-12 hours a day working on preparatory work source material too upset to concentrate beyond this finding new sources of funding for MH - lost so many jobs comparable only to a country undergoing saturation bombing.

Unlike Barrie's statement at meeting TREATMENT PLAN is not accurate and the attempt to adjacket me is very amateurish and obvious to any objective third party. Untrue things written in the Review section and saying that I do not get along with housemates plural is totally false.

Uniforms from Dors immense amt of money and job coach time wasted on Gerda when it was apparent after she quit NAMI just as I moved in that Gerda need help beyond medication to be mentally strong enough to work. Older Rehabilitation Counselors not on first real job might stay longer but also might challenge some of Ms. Jacob's very strange decisions doing damage to many clients, the neighbors and jeopardizing the future of the mentally ill living in the community esp. the
danger of fire with Gerda's constant carelessness in the kitchen and ironing on her sheets. Gerda’s many cries for help none of the Rehabilitation Counselors, Ms. Jacob or mental health professional would listen even when I would tell them with Gerda screaming upstairs that Gerda needed help and some of the things she did to Peggy and myself were motivated by Gerda's unanswered cries for help with her voices and other mental health problems.

Ms. Jacob is too young and whatever the reason for her strange and damaging decisions either Barrie has ceded her authority to Ms. Jacob and will not listen to clients or investigate herself or Barrie is making these terrible decisions that affect many lives based on inadequate information Neither Ms. Jacob or Barrie want to know and have always thought of Ms. Jacob as the invisible woman since I did not see her from the first time I met her when I did the trial period two weeks to more than a year later and Ms. Jacob would not return calls about my first missing treatment plan or the horrible things Gerda was doing to Peggy and myself.
Last summer, Ms. Jacob emailing, twice, Amand that I was welcome to go to Fenton House after Gerda came into my room at 6am after I turned on the computer and thought I could have a little time to do my work before Gerda started muttering and working up to all out screaming by mid-day and told me the terrible thing and then a few minutes after I told AT at meds what Gerda had said, Nicole called Gerda and asked her why Gerda was threatening me and Gerda said that she was lying in bed and one of her voices, Aphrodite would not leave her alone till she came in my room and warned me, after she got off the phone with Nicole, Gerda asked me if I did not want to be warned of what Aphrodite would do to me, and I told Gerda not to get used to obeying her voices.

Why did Ms. Jacob email twice that I could go to Fenton House yet did nothing about Gerda's
threatening me? Gerda was screaming upstairs during med monitoring at that time so the Rehabilitation Counselors knew how bad off Gerda was.

Was it because Gerda was right demographic and so this incredible favoritism that even Gerda was shocked at what she got away with and not too happy because she was even willing to put Lysol in my food to get the RCs attention for helping her with her "bad time".

much more oblique threats that I will soon lose my housing why did no one ever tell me about Core Svcs pressure for beds and Housing Unlimited and try to help me get the tools I need to do my work which may be a way of at least partially supporting myself I don't need that many tool but the computer with the password that is just going to waste I have the big desk but breaks my heart to attempt to move my computer to it PENNY WISE POUND FOOLISH I have the quiet and polite relationship with housemates except for art pencils disappearing but almost from the first day Amanda started saying things like "The next person who moves in might want the (huge) TV" on the nightstand in my room so I don't get a nightstand because someone else is going to take my small room. I need the large basement room which would not be available in an apartment and I don't want to lose
so many things moving again so soon.

And I might, God forbid, end up with another housemate like Gerda.


somebody has been taking money and not doing an important part of their job which made me Peggy and even gerda and the neighbors unsafe.


eric walking away when I was stumbling over my portfolio was real cold-blooded how can he write letters and seem interested in the mentally ill why has he used me as scapegoat to feel more powerful does he really feel that powerless?

Do people who have come from dysfunctional families need to be in a mental health program (Melissa Jacob and Barrie Friedman telling Rehabilitation Counselors not to mention to them anything
Gerda did however horrifying) that is also run like a dysfunctional family ignoring gerda's screams is only the most blatant example favoritism also covering up buying iron and ironing board right away and ignoring the real issue that gerda was playing with fire to get Rehabilitation Counselors or someone’s attention I did not and do not have the experience or a team to help me and the honest and experienced mental health workers like my therapist Paula Weiss and Dr. Parveen have been marginalized by Amanda and esp Rehabilitation Counselor supervisor Ms. Jacob and Barrie who are
more skilled in office politics


if you don't have a paying job by next year DORS pressure on housemate Donna “Melissa” Willard goes to Fenton house to get a rest from being pressured to do more more more I know that slh is being pressured by the government to produce workers but the mentally ill have always had trouble working and with this job economy with our jobs sent to slave labor in china and india and the incredible pressure on supervisors who do have jobs it is a terrible situation but solz wrote no matter how bad the situation you find yourself in you can still remain a human being and Dr. Parveenand PW have been trying to do that but are faltering because of young Ms. Jacob's lack of morality ability to lie as easily as she breathes and the false arguments she is peppering Dr. Parveenwith Amanda supremely
uninterested in me almost catonic from being terrorized for two years by gerda and the lack
of responsibility by RCs at the direction of Ms. Jacob very strange decisions need to be investigated.

Amanda 3rd meeting "you are in no position to..." Be treated with dignity didn't mean that wish I had let her finish but anyone who tells someone in a precarious position that they are
in no position to... is enough to get her meaning after she sat in car for half hour before
coming in she was a half hour late, I stood in door she continued sitting I went out and asked her if she was coming in after about 15 minutes of watching her from kitchen table and standing in doorway and she said she would be in after she had finished and waited another 15 minutes she claims now that she was writing up notes on previous client which other Rehabilitation Counselors have done but come in on time for meeting never had anyone be half hour late not because they were stuck in traffic or got tied up with previous client or meeting but just arrogantly sitting in car half hour after appointment time to show who was in charge and that she could do anything she wanted Amanda has gotten back into this mode since April.

I have not had an REHABILITATION COUNCELOR Amanda is an REHABILITATION COUNSELOR in name only questionnaire brutal way she asked questions told her a month later how ill it made me and that it was a brutal way to ask questions that should only be asked by a professional therapist and at was unconcerned by my distress and only asked why I had waited a month to tell her that I was upset and sick by the memories that the "questionnaire" brought up I am sure she did it at the behest of Ms. Jacob who is doing quite a power grab away from Dr. Parveen and my therapist.

Gerda needed and still needs to be in a 24-hour supervised setting so that she does not stalk or harm other clients in a bid for RCs attention and to get back at Uncle Vincent, her sister or her mother or other relatives who hurt her and have basically abandoned her but it is not her housemates fault and the reaction of Ms. Jacob and RCs are beyond strange.

To RCs and providers do you think a human life matters tell the truth do you think the truth matters in the middle of pressurized days can forget what really matters if there is an investigation into why gerda has been allowed to hurt other people partly to gain attention and help for herself from mental health professionals who just ignore her screams like a dysfunctional family rather than mental health providers.

Don't be hypnotized by Ms. Jacob's misuse of words and her power and power grabs. What Ms. Jacob
has done in covering up for gerda is to endanger lives and if you go along with it you are also guilty.

I am never allowed to speak listen patiently then it is never my turn.

Dr. Parveenabout Gerda abuse and screaming before Lysol in my rice incident – “Why do you want to live like that?” “I don't have any place else to live and need help.” Gerda is the one who is the troublemaker and should move out. Dr. Parveen “Yes, Gerda is the one who should move out.” but Dr. Parveen gave me a look that let me know that the danger outweighed any kind of fairness.

A.S. Neil therapy child jumping on furniture the parent with a little smile on face saying I don't know what to do with him/her Neil thought the parent was sending messages to the child to act out the parents aggression and rebellion

used to wonder why on earth Ms. Jacob, slh would allow Gerda to act like that like a dysfunctional
family the Rehabilitation Counselors Peggy and I acting like nothing was wrong when Gerda would be screaming at the top of her lungs upstairs at her imaginary people the neighbors suffered then moved out - better demographic more money from treasury check which Beth and Peggy also got but
which I do not.

NAMI gerda just quit or was fired just as I moved in Gerda would stomp up and down stairs has
not had a job for more than a few weeks since then why was she fired by NAMI?

measured for food service uniforms then had to return them in less than 3 weeks when Gerda quit job she did like must have told them about her delusions said should never talk about private things at work once a week job coach for about 2 years was afraid she would be jealous joe and nicole good friends good time but no job. Gerda' jealousy borne out by the timing of her telling me she was spitting on my hygiene things photo of her white bloody underpants next to my folded towels in linen closet Kari Jones telling me in the first few weeks to fight gerda for the bathroom why should I have to fight a housemate for access to common area why didn't Ms. Jacob do anything about it Kari was fairly strong willed but gave up being gerda's Rehabilitation Counselor after a very short time and transferred from Ms. Jacob's pepper tree group to another section

why no older Rehabilitation Counselors young people said Kim Russell like to try out new things when young expense of training and disruption of clients lives not steady stable or they leaving
because of the way Ms. Jacob treats them and the immoral things concerning clients safety that Ms. Jacob asks them to do or ignore Gerda said Ms. Jacob used to be Rehabilitation Counselor did not say Ms. Jacob was her rc though maybe Ms. Jacob liked her personality and had a good time with gerda but as time went on and gerda's behavior became more and more destructive and had weekly accidents with fire in kitchen began to wonder if even these reasons were enough to explain Ms. Jacob's inaction and the rapid change in Rehabilitation Counselors from shock at Gerda’s behavior to acceptance and defending indefensible actions.

to say that my life or anyone's life is worth nothing. Gerda Sejour explained that she SPRAYED not
SPILLED Lysol not household cleaner in my rice deep dish casserole dish not a plate.

ACCIDENTLY SPRAYED LYSOL IN MY DEEP DISH CASSEROLE A FEW WEEKS AFTER TELLING ME HER VOICES TOLD ME THAT I WAS GOING TO DIE. How is this an ACCIDENT" Gerda confessed to this in a house meeting with Rehabilitation Counselor Blessing Atem as witness - Blessing Atem is no longer with St. Lukes to testify to this confession of intent to seriously harm me. Why is Blessing gone? The seriousness of what Gerda did and confessed to in front of witnesses may make it possible for the Dept. of Mental Health investigators or a Citizen Advisory Group to investigate.

Martha, previous housemate of Gerda's who left the large bedroom after Gerda moved in is now with Threshold and may be willing to testify to what Gerda did to her. Gerda stated she was always fighting with Martha and Martha was in house before Gerda.

Melissa Jacob wants everyone gone who has a memory of what Ms. Jacob has let Gerda get away
with for almost 5 years. Why? Who benefits from keeping a woman that seriously ill and
that much danger to housemates and neighbors and to programs housing the mentally ill in
communities. Criminal negligence needs to be investigated.

Have a political action committee on Monday used to have a group discussing problems at SLH or recommendations on Monday also my therapist and psychiatrist did not work at Southport on Monday so did not get chance to go to these interesting groups.

Dr. Parveen said, I think quoting Ms. Jacob from the pressure she is receiving that since I had a flash drive and knew who to complain to, knew my political representatives that I was not sick enough to be in SLH program, many people in the computer lab all patients and most if not all residents of SLH have flash drives and know how to save pages from the internet and from the word processing class. Ms. Jacob using anything to push me out of program. Dr. Parveen has been so helpful to me and got me out of the very dangerous situation with Gerda where my life was threatened. Gus, the maintenance man, said after I had moved, "Gerda really hates you." warning me, did not want to say anymore but he seemed awed by the strength of her emotion. Gerda was projecting on me as I told the Rehabilitation Counselors many times, I did nothing to deserve her hate or attempt on my life.

Ms. Jacob trying to railroad me out of SLH before I have received promised Rehabilitation Services or have a place to live - Congressman Van Hollen, Councilman Phil Andrews and their staffs will know the power games and power grab Ms. Jacob is attempting they weren't born yesterday either.

IF THEY CAN GET YOU ASKING THE WRONG QUESTIONS, THEY DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT THE ANSWERS. Ms. Jacob’s ability to distract by answering the wrong questions experienced in CYA but no sense of right and wrong, lies on top of lies exhausting to try to catch each one as she is talking fast and smiling but in writing as in the last two treatment plans esp. the one in April, it is so poorly written and such an obvious attempt to ruin my reputation, so many holes in the Review narration that even someone not knowing me or Ms. Jacob could see through it. I want Ms. Jacob to answer my questions on her decisions that so much damaged my life and others IN WRITING.

Try to give my political representatives the write questions for the Dept. of Mental Health to ask and obtain real answers for IN WRITING.

What Dr. Parveen said obviously based on Ms. Jacob's pressure of her to put me on anti-psychotics and other meds that Dr. Parveen does not think I need and I agree, I need the other services that SLH promises but has not delivered on – tools for my art, job coach for my art, an internet class that is real not an excuse for Dwayne to make his personal cell phone call, addendums to my treatment plans that hurt my reputation, help with budgeting and menus, help in building up strength and orthopedic or stronger shoes protecting my foot and ankle, prescription eyeglasses, help in seeing my psychiatrist and therapist, discussion about HUI and HOC.

Get well with therapy have not had the time to get well with the care of Gerda being dumped on me two years of being terrorized somebody was not doing their job. Either the orders are coming from
Barrie Friedman, Program Director or she has ceded her power and responsibilities to Ms. Jacob and giving no oversight or supervision to Ms. Jacob so Ms. Friedman has not been doing her job either. If Ms. Friedman will not listen to a client when they ask for a grievance meeting Ms. Friedman is making decisions based on inadequate information. Ms. Jacob should not be the only one that has Ms. Friedman’s ear, she needs to listen to both sides and make a decision based on information not favoritism.

When I made a formal complaint in May 2010, Ms. Friedman would not let me talk of Gerda after talking about maintenance issues, Gerda was the main reason I asked for the meeting and reduced
30 pages of horrifying things Gerda had done to me and housemate Peggy Wyss to 8 pages at the recommendation of my then RC, Sweda, who left SLH shortly after the meeting. Ms. Friedman made a bare faced threat about losing my housing. Someone, maybe Sweta, said that I was getting along better with Gerda and I said that I had worked very hard to get along with Gerda, and Ms. Friedman jumped in at that point, which I thought was strange timing and said, "Maybe you don't belong in our Program." I was shocked by the threat even though Peggy was told that she had to move when she made a complaint about Gerda's bullying with someone from Dept. of Mental Health and her Aunt Sallie. I just looked down and everyone but Sweda left, kept looking down, I was stunned by the threat of losing my housing if I said anything about Gerda, Sweta asked me if I wanted to leave.

I was very nervous and only looked toward the opposite side of the table where Ms. Friedman was sitting with Ms. Jacob beside her and Sweda next to me, Alex George the Managing Director may have been sitting on the other side but did not say anything, I did not notice if anyone else were present.

Sweta, my RC, quit very soon after the grievance meeting with Ms. Friedman and Jarrell indicated he was not pleased with the things he was asked to do and ignore before he quit. Greg and Kari Jones transferred to other sections than Peppertree.

Scapgoatism might be less if employees were allowed to talk about what is really bothering them incl overwork. When employees leave an exit questionnaire would be indispensable to locating sources of problems that are causing so many Rehabilitation Counselors to leave Peppertree Cluster. So the SLH Management can see if one supervisor is acting inappropriately and making decisions that hurt client and order things that employees find morally untenable including the danger I was in from Gerda and Peggy and previous housemates of Gerda and Alicia Castro and that no one will take seriously, or investigate, or do anything about client complaints. Is it Ms. Jacob or Barrie making these very very bad decisions and based on what are even their objectives being met? Gerda too sick to work, needed much help first with her voices and dealing with her family’s abuse and rejection of her instead of trying to get even or feel powerful by scapegoating innocent people who have a right to live their lives in peace and quiet and to work on recovery.

if Eric’s only comment and not connected with ignoring me or never listen but a few times
grilled 3rd degree and the insulting way he treated Alan and other older clients.

FEST team in name only meetings

you are in no position... what to be treated with dignity don't care if they lie perfect gossip
fest not professionals Lawrence eric Ms. Jacob Dwayne AMANDA my purported RC was so bad
that until Ms. Jacob neutralized Paula, Paula tried to help me and must have felt so bad that I did
not have an advocate that Paula asked me if she could be my advocate. Why the legal
rather than medical model?? Advocate for what??? Dr. Parveen told me of some of the
lies Amanda has told about me in the team meeting. Dr. Parveen saved my life from Gerda
Sejour how much did Caryn Zaner say about how much Gerda hates me for no reason
kept telling Rehabilitation Counselors that the things Gerda was doing was cries for help and endangering me and Peggy including Gerda' extreme carelessness in the kitchen and ironing in her room.

Amanda’s constant going back on her word promising to take me to see cherry blossoms on the way back from my mother’s funeral when I made comments on the white beech trees and talked about nature –never happened and she never mentioned it again, promised file cabinet when I asked for SLH Xerox paper boxes to sort my paperwork, when moving promised to obtain hangers, napkins schedule budget then lies and makes other Rehabilitation Counselors think she has been working with me been no more than taxi driver since April and would get more conversation and support from a taxi driver or even someone I stopped in the street and now does not even want to drive me to see my therapist and psychiatrist or grocery shopping. shameful treatment plan have a good day half hour sitting out front when meeting scheduled

Amanda has always shown a lot of contempt for Dr. Parveen and supposed inability to concentrate, because I told AT several times how much I have been helped by Dr. Parveen and her responsible attitude and interest in me and my welfare including somatic health and though AT’s denigrating comments are less now for Dr. Parveen, Paula is no longer team therapist because of brand new therapist Carol and Nicole Hester said most of Peppertree clients go to her so Paula is no longer Team Therapist that was quick and goes with the end-run Ms. Jacob tried to do around throwing me out of program without consulting my therapist and psychiatrist as written in
my treatment plan from Paula Weiss.

Read part of this RC treatment plan to me and then half way through said she only had an hour to spend with me and if I wanted to pick up a few things at the store as I had requested at beginning of meeting, at said we would get back to going over my treatment plan but this was weeks ago and she has not mentioned it since.

My previous treatment plan was an exercise in character assassination, I was so shocked by
reading part of it in Dr. Palum's office PCP that I lost my glasses which Amanda never helped me
look for only went two places, Doctors office then to pick up a few things at White Oak
Giant and we have been past it on other doctors appts since April. Amanda does not help me
budget so that I can save for bifocals lost interest in this and anything to helping me only
wanted to be a taxi driver and now does not even want to do that.

My previous treatment plan was so shameful that Amanda refused to read it to me and said "people" come around and read treatment plan to client, I said that Kari, Caryn and Sweta had gone over my treatment plans with me. When Amanda handed it to me she said she couldn't remember what part she wrote because so many people had added to it but would not tell me what people had written that scurrilous document and Paula looked it up on computer and said that the only person who had signed it was Ms. Jacob which is appropriate since Ms. Jacob is the supervisor. Ms. Jacob never wants to be held responsible for anything.

Nov 28 Amanda did long med with filling Beth and melissa willards trays, I asked only one question, if Amanda had the information on the back therapist so that I could call for appt. Amanda said it was in her car but did not bring information back in -- 201 things she has promised and never delivered.

breathes there a man with a soul so dead

Rolling Stones turn around guilty look only wants to talk to those with similiar interests in rock music. I am still learning degas eric doesn't like degas either dead silence when mentioned could
stand to grow and learn a little more who pays for art supplies Eric’s salary during art
meetings comes from slh means he needs to be available to all clients not just the ones with
similiar interests or who flatter him. cardboard portfolio his welcome to young black girl oil
paints showed interest in her artwork in van going to Wednesday art groups, never talked to me about my artwork.


He treats clients as if employees doling out bits of information could not do what he does in
organizing class or chatting up gallery owners but he could have Nicoladi or online and not
deny he knows something as basic as scribble exercise

art gives such joy to people Troy more supplies if tried different markets in meeting re cuts
in Mental Health said must find new sources of funding. Eric will not even listen perhaps job coach could make these new contacts if Eric does not have time.

Eric erratic can have art supplies I need, then can't unless I prove to him I am serious by painting something to impress him on the canvas we made. Painted in a rush instead of being able to talk to Eric about what I had originally intended and was having trouble with.

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