Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Cornerstone Violations 2016


From the Wilderness

February 2016 Grievance


Sometimes I think St. Lukes/Cornerstone is a Stanford University experiment. I think esp. of the experiment dividing volunteers into prisoners and prison guards.

With all the exploitation and verbal abuse and mockery of patients/consumers at St. Lukes, there really does need to be a yearly inspection by THE LICENSING BOARD OF MARYLAND since Core Services won't do anything, of how patients are being treated.

Jeannie, one of my housemates, again told me of the staff at Bel Pre continuing to make fun of clients esp. those who are most sick and talking to themselves when they come for morning and evening medication or attend events in the apartment that is the office of Bel Pre. The Bel Pre office is an apartment and clients living in the other apartments surrounding the office have to come in for morning and evening medication and there are also planned activities.

Both Debbie Davis, former housemate and current housemate Jeannie C. have spoken about their distress and disgust by Keith Ellis, the Bel Pre supervisor and staff member making fun of very sick clients. I am sure they are not the only ones and both have complained to their psychiatrists, Dr. Claytor in the case of Jeannie and I believe Debbie's psychiatrist was with the agency on Braddock Road where she was transferred to Bel Pre and both Debbie's psychiatrist and therapist promised to help Debbie get out and away from Bel Pre and Leah, therapist at Cornerstone about Keith and this outrage and others he commits.

Jeannie spoke of how bad she felt when so many of the sicker clients had tears in their eyes and would be talking to themselves. Even if they are not able to verbalize, they must be devastated as I have been and Jeannie by Keith's bullying and encouraging staff to mock Betty Levy, myself and other even sicker clients.

If an attorney from Boston Advocacy group got in here the evidence against Keith Ellis and his supervisor Nicole Burke for allowing Keith to continue his malign neglect, most recently Linda Reif, and bullying abuse of clients, there would be so much evidence from clients who can speak some and maybe, who, like myself have attempted to inform Nicole Burke, Administration, Grievance person Susan Wilkoff and were forced to go to officials outside the agency by Keith relentless and continued and increased harrassment after complaints have made me and possibly other clients at Bel Pre too sick to follow up on initial complaints.

Jeannie said the staff at Bel Pre were like many people in the world, not understanding the sickness and suffering of patients. Debbie Davis used to be outraged first at the staff making fun of clients, then she witnessed staff making fun of clients IN FRONT OF PATIENTS, Debbie was especially distressed by the mockery of a heavy-set very tall young man with blond hair who often when I saw him looked very angry, and from her discriptions, Keith Ellis, Bel Pre SUPERVISOR, was making fun of Linda, the elderly, tiny woman with Alzheimers and mobility problems, bent over, I never saw her with a cane, Keith will not allow "his" staff to help clients with the simpliest things.

I am thankful that Congressman Van Hollen's office helped to get Linda into the 24 hour facility next to Southport since she was constantly wandering for long periods of time, including going out in socks in the winter and at night, who could not prepare food for herself, I hope that Cornerstone Admin continues to provide real care for Linda since Jeannie her housemate for several months was concerned about her and would just get blown off with "the police have a grey hair alert and always bring her back" or "don't worry about it."

I think Linda was so underweight and with the wandering would have died if Congressman Van Hollen hadn't intervened to get her into Cornerstone's 24 hour staffed facility instead of alone in an apartment with staff that didn't see walls covered in roaches if they visited her at all.

Debbie Davis said Keith, in a way, was trying to help Linda walk, but over her head was making faces and encouraging staff to laugh at her.

Debbie would say again and again if they don't want to work around people like us, why are they here? And that it was one thing to laugh behind patients back when they weren't there but Keith had led his gang in making fun of the tall blond guy who was usually very angry when I saw him but not articulate enough to defend himself. Not that anything is ever done about Keith's outrageous actions.

Keith Ellis cross-examines Jeannie and did to Debbie Davis, whenever he is called on the carpet, as to what they had been saying about him to their therapists and both tell him that what THEY say to THEIR psychiatrist/therapists is none of his damned business but he continues on.

It is shameful that Keith Ellis continues to be employed as supervisor of Bel Pre Cluster.
The Compliance Officer's contact information MUST BE POSTED WHERE ALL CLIENTS CAN SEE IT. What is the point of having a Compliance Officer at Connerstone with AN EMAIL FOR ANONYMOUS COMPLAINTS if this information is not posted.

At Family Service Agency a flyer with contacts of phone and email was posted above water coolers, bathroom doors and bulletin boards for all clients to see and use as needed.

Is Cornerstone in violation of Comar or other Laws by not posting the Compliance Officer contacts including, ANONYMOUS REPORTING OF WRONGDOING? Would anything be done?

Keith told me on the phone Feb. 10, 2016 that Anna could not give me a copy of the email asking for a meeting with Marissa the Compliance Officer, Anna B. had called me initially and said that I could not contact Marissa directly but had to go through channels and file a grievance first.

At first Anna said she could not give me Marissa's email but on a flyer, never distributed to clients, that I was given in July 2015 after a written complaint about Keith to Congressman Van Hollen, the paper with contact information said that clients could email Marissa, anonymously if they preferred and only after that did Anna say that she would give me the flyer with the email address for Compliance. Keith got on the phone and stonewalled and said I could not call the COO or the CEO when I asked for their last names though the grievance policy states that you can skip over.

Margaret Moeller, Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist, when I went in January 2016 to gain permission for a year with my Job Coach, Vanessa Martinez, said 3 times she strongly recommended that I speak with a Benefits Specialist regarding possible sales of my artwork which is my main goal for voc rehab but in Sept. 2015 the COO , Elizabeth "Lisa" pressured me to get a retail job, I am 62 years old and have very bad hearing, COPD and bad back trouble walking and arthritis.

Ms. Moeller always gives me a lot of paperwork, this strange secret, hidden job program of the Art Group, Studio Insight does not even have a mission statement so clients forced to be in the program don't have a clue and are verbally abused until they realize this is a job program.

The Art Therapy Association and Licensing Board have a few things to say about artists who are exploited by Mental Health Agencies.

I had to pause in Voc Rehab in early 2015 and told Margaret about the harrassment that I was experiencing from Keith Ellis made it impossible to do my part in selling and creating art and Vanessa Martinez heard week by week the very dirty things Keith was doing to smash me down after I complained to Congressman Murphy about being forced into Eric Gordon's art group and the violent and despicable things he did to me.

Eric was fired 3 months later, there was more than 5 years of evidence from other clients of Eric's extreme abuse, but only learned off the cuff from Nicole Burke, 3 months later because the person who was tasked to do Grievances Susan Wilkoff, in blatant violation of Comar Law, refused to get back with me in 30 days of what would be done and this was after she was contacted by Congressman Murphy's office, I was too ill by Eric's then Keith's abuse when he saw the contempt Ms. Wilkoff had for the law and Keith told me it would be in violation of Eric Gordon's privacy to tell me about any disciplinary procedure but the Comar Law is clear on not keeping a client who has risked herself dangling and clearly states that clients must be told in writing within 30 days this was and has never been done not in 30 days until now.

I was very antsy waiting for the meeting with Erika, Property Mgr, of the "Permanent" apartment program with Keith and supposedly his boss Nicole Burke, who cancelled, they did not tell me until after I was there, though I did not want to meet with Keith in the room, Anna said Nicole would be there, even though even Margaret knew why I was nervous and said "you will have witnesses." Anna Bikakis', my RC, salary depends on Keith and being blind to some of the things he does and Erika did not seem to have much respect for clients or her job and had obviously never visited the Lionsgate apartment and initially gave Anna the key to an apartment that was already occupied by a client. There are only 20 units in the "Permanent" housing but Anna said it was easy to get confused with all the keys.

I am still begging for my treatment plans, have given up last treatment plan 2 months ago, as ususal, Anna Bikakis promised to have staff bring me a copy of my treatment plan, have to sign on the computer then they supposedly print from laptop and I have to remind them again and again and even then usually don't receive my treatment plan, what are they writing that they don't want me to see? I keep saying that I am going to refuse to sign if they don't give me a copy of my plan first but it is so wearing to have to fight for every little thing when there are larger gross violations of patient rights and gross negligance.

Keisha Johnson was a thoroughly decent person, a former RC who came from Threshold, after Betty Levy had fallen down the concrete stairs outside the townhouse and had a black eye and bad bruise/cut on her forehead Keisha was very kind to her, she was the only one who showed any concern, Shatara continued screaming at Betty to clean which she could not do, she could not bend down, but I was shocked to see and hear Keisha making fun of and saying nasty things about Betty in the Bel Pre office.

But at least this was not in front of Betty.

Ana used to try to get me to join her in making fun of Betty when she would come for medications and yell at Betty for the many tissues on the table and floor which Betty used to dab her oozing eye that was swollen shut month after month. They would scream at Betty to call 911 for her badly swollen feet and eye, once I pointed it out, Betty would just keep her head down and say nothing, pathetically awful to witness a very ill 67 year old woman being treated that way by "Rehabilitation" Coordinators - used to be called Counselors but the definition of Coordinator means "do it yourself" but although Betty did call 911 many times, the RCs would not wait with her until the ambulance arrived, Betty had some trouble communicating and Montgomery General would send her home without help in most cases, once they gave her a shoe and a walker, and once they flushed her eye but it soon became even more hugely swollen and was always shut and tears flowed out of that one eye constantly and Betty would finally say repeatedly that she was afraid of losing her eye. Anna B. was the only one who was sympathetic and would listen to Betty after Nikki and Keisha quit, but Anna would just shake her head and say there was nothing she could you.

The ER would give her eyedrops as would her eye doctor, but she would say she would forget to tell the eye doctor the things she told me and early on stopped going to the doctor about her eye and foot and though I asked repeatedly for her RC, or some RC to go with her, they would only repeat, "She can do it herself."

What government agency allowed St. Lukes and Threshold to merge?

It has been so bad and going steadily downhill and is at a point where I will start a blogspot and post information including some of the long letters/reports that I have sent to Congressman Murphy and Congressman Van Hollen, often the retribution in the form of unspeakable mental and emotional abuse from Keith Ellis, Shatara and Ana prevented my writing on the ongoing and worsening abuse after I complained inside or outside the AGENCY-- on the abuse of me and other patients over a 6 year period prevent my recovery and my working at my art and computer graphics, trying to get Boston Advocacy or some advocacy group in here with strong legal discovery and action against administration for violating Comar Law esp. re: Grievances for year after year allowing this endangerment and gross abuse of me and other clients year after year after year.

Thank Congressman Van Hollen and his staff, I think they saved Linda's life, she was transferred to a 24 hour facility next to Southport, I hope she is still there because she could not care for herself.

My life was saved for a while by Congressman Van Hollen's intercession with Keith Ellis finally being forbidden to come into the house where I am now and personally harrass me.

At a meeting in the Spring of 2015 in Dr. Parveen's office with my therapist, Paula Weiss, also present, I was supposed to have a chance to talk about some of the terrible things that Keith had been doing, he was present as was Nicole Burke, his supervisor, as in most of the meetings, as usual at these meetings I am given very little chance to talk, Nicole started angrily berating me from the beginning of the meeting, Paula walked in a minute and a half after the meeting supposedly to talk about Keith's extreme harrassment and abuse of me for more than a year, Nicole if not screaming was close to it and kept interrupting me again and again and saying "It's you and Paula against the world."

Paula would just lift her eyebrows and said nothing.

Paula my therapist and I am the patient.

Nicole was acting like an adolescent on a playground with hand to hip, "It's you and Paula against the world." She also reminded me of someone who was fighting with someone, a collegue upstairs.

I am the patient, Paula is my therapist.

There is much lipservice about TEAMWORK, but it is a team in name only.

Paula Weiss and Dr. Parveen are professional and care about clients, Nicole Burke does not and in this meeting showed she is interested in office politics and her career and not being bothered with important portions of her job to insure the safety and well-being of patients, and doesn't even seem to have an awareness of client rights or decent behavior in handling a complaint meeting.

"It's you and Paula against the world."

Why do the licenced professionals on the ground trying to help patients get so much disrespect from Administration even those with licenses upstairs in Ms. Wilkoff's ivory tower who never see the immense suffering their decisions and refusal to act against even the most blatant abuse of clients?

That is so inane but typical of Keithisms and of much of my attempt to communicate with the brass at Cornerstone.

This much repeated statement of Nicole Burke is typical of the lack of concern, the complete forgetting of why Keith and Nicole have a job, to help patients not to try to destroy them or work out their severe emotional issues on patient/consumers. I am supposed to be the client and Paula is my therapist. Keith repeatedly defied my therapist's emails to stop harrassing me.

At that time my RC was supposed to be helping me find alternate housing because I was feeling so sick I was delirious from Keith's constant harrassment, month after month accelerating.

Jeannie said Keith would show up late at night in the apartment she shared with Linda, sometimes Keith would show up there at midnight. Keith has keys to all of the residences at Bel Pre and misuses this as well as any bit of power he has to the detriment of clients.

Jeannie has stated being afraid of Keith as I am, his behavior is the complete opposite of anything that people paying for caring for the mentally ill would expect. To call him unprofessional would be a compliment.

In the 2015 Spring meeting, despite his presence, I stated that Keith should be fired to protect patients, Nicole Burke went into a fury stating that it was her decision to make but she never listen to any specifics and constantly interrupted me after a sentence or two. How can she make a decision based on information only from Keith???

4 years of Keith Ellis harrassing his experienced staff when he became supervisor after a year as assistant supervisor there was no assistant until the very, for patients, ill-fated merger with Threshold when Keith came on board, I could see him harrassing staff who stood up for patients until they left, many newer staff also left and clients have been deprived of experienced staff who know their jobs and who care to help them in their recovery instead of being beaten down and the mostly newbie staff that is left is so terrified of Keith that since he did not want them to spend the required 15 minutes morning and evening doing medications and seeing that clients are okay, they would pound on my door in this small house, like a police raid every day, and when I would tell them I felt like I would have a heart attack when they pounded and ran around and screamed and they would just respond yelling for me to hurry because they had more houses, the fear of Keith makes even the good RCs useless because they can't reach out to patients and talk as they used to and and learn.

Mitch, Linda Reif's boyfriends said when she was in the hospital that at least at Halpine Linda had SEASONED staff to help her.

Anna Bikakis, my RC, was not there at the Spring 2015 meeting but although we looked at Senior Citizen Housing and she said she tried to contact some of the housing including Rebecca House and several others, she said she did not receive a response both at the time and when I asked her a week ago. Nicole kept almost yelling as was her voice throughout this meeting and repeatedly stated in a snobbish adolescent voice that if I left the Agency they could not help me move and that I would be responsible for moving.

The sudden forced move was very traumatic in July 2015 when I called the Washington Post and Congressman Van Hollen that we had been given 3 weeks notice to move but despite the fact that there were boxes in the Bel Pre office, Keith refused to allow staff to bring us the boxes though there were promises by the RCs day after day and I only called outside Cornerstone to get help when THREE DAYS BEFORE THE MOVE boxes still had not been given to us and I could not get the address to where they were moving us.

Only 1/3 of my art supplies, computer and other things needed for my work was moved after two weeks and as ususal Keith kept saying tomorrow, tomorrow and then finally, not my job. Finally after help from Congressman Van Hollen's office my most important things minus some large paintings and things lost like my surge protector were moved by RCs.

and when I had to quickly move about 3 1/2 years ago Gerda started spraying lysol in my food and telling the RCs about it I had to move quickly into another townhouse and was given no help packing and little help moving until I called Mr. Abramson, the then CEO and he said that Barrie had come to him saying there was a gap in the system because the RCs had to help clients move, the gap has never been filled -- in the forced, sudden move last Summer, maintenance had to do most of the move, Gus had said he was going to hire day laborers but on the day of the move he said that he could only find one.

Keith says he has a bad back though has little sympathy or concern for clients with physical disabilities and required me to clean the whole 3 story townhouse in October 2014 after Betty Levy was finally helped into a hospital and Melissa Willard my other housemate refused to do any work because she said she was not going to do Betty's job. I was very ill and have arthritis problems and Ana and Keith after I worked weeks essentially alone, after the townhouse passed inspection Ana the next day and Keith a day or two after that kept saying the place was a mess and ordering me to clean and I said where and they would say there are two glasses in the sink.

My job coach saw how ill and exhausted I was from scrubbing and cleaning, October 2014 and Gus who brought supplies a day before when Keith said that Melissa Willard and I should buy them though in the past one thing Melissa Jacobs was good at was organizing inspection and giving us supplies and air freshener, Keith refused and when I refused to use the broken mop which left pieces of rubber on the floor, after weeks of asking for a mop, I know there is money for extra supplies for yearly inspection, Keith brought a string mop, no bucket to squeeze the water and I am 62 years old with a very bad back. Gus said under his breath as he helped me a little "Remember when all those guys Nicole (a former RC) and others would help" because he saw how ill and exhausted I was at Keith's badgering.

There was a second HUD inspection in the spring and I refused to again clean the townhouse by myself because Melissa again would not help and David and Keith would come at night waking me up and in Keith's case dancing around my bed but I was too sick physically and emotionally from Keith's strange and constant harrassment which could be easily verified if the Compliance Officer's contact information were placed in view for clients because he has done this to so many clients and anyone staff or consumers with any kind of a heart who see very ill patients mocked and treated like garbage by Keith Ellis and some of "his" staff would be willing to testify despite the fact that Cornerstone administration and CSA immediately threatens clients who complain with loss of their housing.

Dr. Claytor and Leah, Debbie Davis and Jeannie's therapist knows about Keith's over-the-top harrassment, and when Shatara and Keith were giving Debbie the run-around for 3 months about giving her the paperwork so she could move out, from the first day Debbie said she didn't like the townhouse and wanted possession of her money back, Keith and Shatara said she owed $1,000 from her first month Leah said, "I'm going to put a stop to this." and Keith did give Debbie the paperwork to get control of her SSI back.

Paula and Dr. Claytor have apparently backed off of trying to get Nicole Burke to act responsibly, the therapists and psychiatrists who are concerned for client welfare for years have had little influence with Administration and the harrassment and negligance continue. If there were a real investigation by the Maryland Board of Licensure, I believe they could also easily have testimony from therapists. Debbie told me Leah said she had heard bad things about Keith and Jeannie recently said she didn't even have to mention Keith's name and her psychiatrist knew who she was talking about.

Most of the mentally ill have been abused and to have abusive staff continue year after year is despicable and I hope that by creating a blogspot with 6 years of mismanagement and abuse by staff esp. Eric Gordon has done to me and my ability to function and create and will ask the Maryland Board of Licensure, Boston Advocacy, Congressmen Van Hollen and Congressman Murphy and the Art Therapist Board of Licensure and others to help me find an attorney so that I can find housing free of the gross mismanagement and abuse at St. Lukes/Threshold/Cornerstone Montgomery.


Some of the RCs would pound on my bedroom door for meds there was no where else to wait and they expressed fear of Keith if they took enough time and for a long time at both Valleywood and Banquo the new RCs would pound on my door and say they were behind in med monitoring - they are leagally required to spend 15 minutes with clients but Keith resents anytime his staff spends with clients.

Because Admin and Keith have been trying to push me out of the program after my last complaint to Congressman Van Hollenand Anna Bikakis had been meeting me every week and helping in going to doctors but she also pushed the Permanent Housing, no one would do anything about Linda Rief's destructive behavior and Tessa the art "teacher" has no background in art therapy only a veneer of charm no interest in clients' work outside of the use she can make of it which includes arm twisting clients to change their way of working, Vickie like me was pushed over the edge she was shouting she could no longer do artwork after what Tessa did to her and Tessa went into over the top verbal abuse about my using cheap paper even though during those 4 sessions of Tessa's abuse I was working on a 50 inch masonite board of the 50 figures of one gymnast and her family that I had asked Congressman Van Hollen's staff to help me transport to the new house, Tessa promised to transport it in a van but took several months and then started a strange game with my other very large paintings that she also transported.

Cornerstone Montgomery - St. Lukes - Threshold by any other name needs to get some people with integrity and common sense in administration.

There was some shakeup and some of the upstairs admin like Barrie Friedman left, but in my meeting with the COO there was no attempt to try to find out what Keith Ellis was doing to damage clients or Susan Wilkoff years of violating Comar Law regarding Client Grievances - but only a push to get me into the Permanent Housing, which was not specified at that time in a meeting in September but only a push to get a job not just work with job coach in selling my paintings, I had to quit the Job coach program and told Margaret Moeller, Voc Rehab, that Keith's harrassment was so persistant and horrible I could not concentrate, in retribution for my complaint to Congressman Van Hollen about the very strange sudden moving about of a number of clients and about the endangerment of myself, Betty Levy and a woman my new housemate Jeannie was concerned about, Linda who had alzheheimers and would go wandering in her socks in winter and Keith Ellis and the other RCs telling Jeannie when she expressed concern about Linda that the police had a grey hair alert on Linda and therefore Keith and the RCs did not need to do anything to help Linda.

The new COO showed no interest at all in my complaints to Congressman Van Hollen and though denied her policy of only saying positive things was positive thinking, told me to say only positive things and when I tried to object that the deep systemic problems endangering clients were not going to get better on their own -- the COO just making a statement that she was trying to change Agency Culture and then her only explanation of what she was going to do was her positive sayings only permitted she told me I could write things that were not positive but only speak positive things.

Most of the meeting in Sept. 2015 regarding the COO talking of my working at retail -- I am 62 years old and the Voc Rehab person, Margaret Moeller told me in January 2016 that when I turned 64 in two years that I would no longer be eligible for the Ticket to Work -- my job coach Vanessa Martinez, is a rarity at Cornerstone, she is professional and focussed and I want to work with her for the two years that I still have to sell my artwork at gymnastics studios and online - the working out of Tessa's and Erics emotional issues on me has done tremendous damage and I do not want to be pressured into that very messy Studio Insight----, I think that the Compliance Officer was supposed to be there at the meeting but Anna said she had an emergency so would not attend - the COO, Lisa, I thought she was talking of Housing Unlimited, HUI, the context of her speaking of my getting a retail job was unclear to me, the COO said that if I could work one hour a week I could retain my Medical Assistance, I asked where I could find a one hour a week job and Lisa said that they could be very creative, she mentioned working retail at Michaels and said it was like an actress working as a waitress until they succeed in acting but because of my age and hearing problem working in retail would be difficult.

I have spent decades on my artwork in between temporary jobs and want to use what limited concentration and emotional and physical resources on my paintings and working with my job coach to make an interesting website for the many people worldwide who are interested in the more poignant dance on the floor exercises of the Soviet choreographers and gymnasts of the 1980s - there are numerous montages of these gymnasts and many discussions of the beautiful dance and meaning in the 1980s and the fact that the Code of Points no longer allows for floor exercises with storyline in mime and dance. It is similar to the audience for silent films which locally may not have numerous fans but worldwide does.

I have at least a hundred computer graphic images of photos that I have taken of gymnasts of the early and mid 1980s and most look like paintings with unusual effects. The quality of the videos of the 1980s is generally not good but through distance photos and working with Adobe Photoshop, I think I have a chance to sell some prints online and my real goal is to do large paintings of sequences of gymnasts doing the same exercise from different angles which the YouTube videos from this period allows.

When I asked Tessa, the art "teacher" for help with composition in sketches that I was doing on brown wrapping paper she would walk away, once made sarcastic comments on my use of the phrase mirror images telling me that was not original, that art itself was a mirror image of life and finally beginning to scream at me not to use cheap paper any longer that she could have sold my studies if they had been on better paper. It defeats the purpose of a study if you have a mindset that it will be for sale then it is a painting. No one told me that all of my time Studio Insight, 3 1/2 hours a week, MUST be spent on working on something saleable.

I doubt she could have sold that particular sketch or the other large sketches even if they were not on wrapping paper, only two or three of my paintings can be selected for the gallery shows she has contacts with every two months or so and it is not my targeted market and although Tessa said at the beginning that she would be glad to help me hang some of my paintings at gymnastic studios she changed her mind, and when my psychiatrist came in and asked how I expected to sell such a large painting, I said that from past experience I would get offers from parents to paint their kids and that I hoped to use the money to offer posters on my website of the more complex sequences of gymnasts.
I have many finished paintings in oil and pastel of gymnasts, horses, and dancers some on masonite board, some on canvas or paper. I began selling my art in Reston through gymnastic studios but my father who was helping me wrote poetry and had a problem with jealousy and said some negative things to one of the owners after he had helped in transporting and hanging them and I gave up trying to sell my work. But Tessa like Eric wants artwork that I have done in Studio Insight, its hard to tell when the "teacher" only acts mad and you have to try to mindread what they are angry about. I don't mind the 30% they take from sales or any percent but I do not want to be verbally abused.
My psychiatrist made a thumbs up and it was very strange I don't think Dr. Parveen would have thought of the size and sales and Tessa has been pressuring the people upstairs about taking over the whole lunchroom and having the other meetings find some place else and she said that after she said she had asked the people upstairs to buy better quality paper for me which would have been fine but that was the point when she started berating me and I had been trying to think of how to tell her that I appreciated her telling the people upstairs my work was good but that I did not want her speaking to me like that but for four weeks Tessa became more and more irrational and verbally abusive and I heard her berating a guy on and on telling him to take his work home, he had worked for years with Eric, he said nothing but it was like an abusive stage parent but not as abusive as she was speaking to me in that same time period. Vickie also said she couldn't work any longer and was very upset, Vickie also had been working with Eric for a number of years and like me Tessa was strong arming us to produce work that would be good for her career. She wanted me to work smaller and Vickie to work larger and Vickie said she was quitting the art group for at least a few weeks.

I think Tessa was also misusing her access to my therapist to convince her to pressure me to stop in the middle of a large project half done to work smaller and at Tessa's direction for Tessa's career not mine. After the nightmare of the things eric did to many many people though like Tessa he had an inner circle which seems highly unethical to me in a mental health clinic art program which is undefined, i have been reading the Art Therapists Association Site and they comment on unethical and exploitative practices in art therapy.

Cornerstone deliberately does not call it art therapy and its purpose is very murky or not since it seems like a hidden job program that it is unethical to hide this fact until the "teacher" begins verbally abusing patients and trying to DICTATE how consumers should do their artwork especially when I bring my own supplies.

Margaret Moeller said Studio Insight has no connection whatever with Voc Rehab and there needs to be an HONEST mission statement.

The Board that certifies Art Therapists begins its mission statement, "TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC....and promote ETHICAL practices" the Cornerstone administration needs to think about the purpose of this group and if Tessa like Eric is so embittered and angry and abusive to clients because they are being pressured to sell more client artwork than there is a market for and both have been very worried about supplies --- I will suggest in the meeting on February 11, 2016 that Tessa's new boss Anne Peyer and others upstairs should look at the Art Therapy websites and think about the statements re: unethical and exploitative actions by an Agency that is purportedly for the benefit of the mentally ill.

Jeannie said every new leader of FDA would talk about changing agency culture. From what I have experienced since my meeting with the COO in September 2015 it is a case of meet the new boss same as the old boss.

Anna Bikakis, my Rehab Coordinator, they used to be called Counselors, less and less work, clients last week Paula Weiss my therapist told me last week are responsible for calling 911 if a housemate becomes violent but in the case of Linda Rief's throwing things and hurting herself it went on for at least two months with contusions of her hurting herself and the RCs just said unless they heard or saw Linda knocking over furniture and hitting herself with magazines causing cuts and contusions and bruises they could do nothing.

The policeman who came at Christmas said at first to Linda how did you get all these cuts then said oh they are superficial. Why was Linda allowed to go on so long in agony, and Jeannie who has a room next to her spent much of her day complaining to me and trying to get the RCs to come out and hear Linda slapping herself and knocking over heavy furniture.

The guy at the emergency number is rarely there and if he is is not much help when Beth Vonieff was constantly calling the police about an imaginary man with a gun or imaginary little girl crying all he did was spend 2 minutes telling beth it was in her imagination and though his voicemail says to have fenton contact him by his cellphone Fenton said that they did not know if they were allowed to call him and would not listen to his voicemail.
Pretty useless to have a Compliance Officer if they are hidden away and the only one (s) to know about it are client/consumers who contact Congresspersons.

Keith Ellis has stayed away from our house and Jeannie said he always asks if I am there before coming to the house. Jeannie is extremely angry at Keith for not doing anything about Linda Reif's throwing things and hurting herself and she told her therapist Leah and her psychiatrist Dr. Claytor and seemed to think Dr. Claytor would finally do something about Keith since Dr. Claytor is the head psychiatrist.

For the second time Keith badgered Jeannie about what she said to her Leah and Dr. Claytor and Jeannie tells Keith it is none of his business what she says to her therapist and psychiatrist. Both have either said they have heard bad things about Keith or knew who Jeannie was talking about even before she mentioned Keith's name. If Keith responds to Nicole Burke his boss telling him to stop certain behaviors that her psychiatrist and therapist try to protect Jeannie and this is Keith's response why does it continue.

My therapist in July and autumn of 2014 said she was going to nip in the bud Keith's harrassment of me first the ongoing pressure to go to Eric Gordon's art group then Keith's harrassment in general but Keith is confident of his job and hold over Nicole Burke and their joint bogus excuses for Keith's negligance and overwhelming abuse of clients and Keith continues on. He is creeping back in my life by coming to the house and Anna Bikakis out of the blue stated that Keith must do his job and come by ignoring the fact that Keith appeared and pounded on my door the day after the meeting with many in administration including CSA's Ken and the Compliance officer in attendance. I immediately called Ken and he stated Keith had to do his job by coming by the house ignoring my complaint - I received a copy of the summary of the meeting where the written charge against Keith was severe emotional abuse.

I called Congressman Van Hollen's office and told his staff that CSA's Ken had said that maybe I don't belong in the residential program and that Cornerstone Montgomery was by no means required to help me find housing after suffering years of abuse and Congressman Van Hollen helped in getting Keith to stay away for awhile but the Sept. 2015 meeting with the COO was to pressure me into working at a retail job so that I could retain my Medical Assistance though nothing was said specifically at that time about Permanent or any other housing, that came in November when I was offered an apartment of my own but Anna said she could not answer my questions on the lease or what would be required of me and after showing me the wrong apartment and saying the property manager Erika first said she would come with us, then that she couldn't, then that Erika did not respond to Anna's emails with my request for a copy of the lease to read and study before I agreed to the permanent housing and hard information about what my responsibilities would be.

Anna first said in November 2015 that Nicole Burke had said I didn't have to but if I wanted to I could look at a single person apartment at Symphony near Strathmore, then it changed to another apartment, I was strung along from November to January 2016 before I could meet with Erika the property manager, Anna kept saying things like everyone is busy for the holidays after she asked me to view the apartment and could not obtain any information on my responsibilities if I accepted, Nicole Burke was supposed to be at the meeting but she was sick and Keith would not let Erika answer my questions but gave flowery speeches pressuring me to accept saying they would help me fill my medication tray and that he and Anna would support me as well as the RC and new job coach but I was concerned about losing my MA in which case the portion of Cornerstone that has the new RC and the job coach is under Cornerstone if you are not in one of the programs actually administered by Voc Rehab so I would lose both my job coach and RC support if I did not have a job which was not told to me until this meeting and they wanted me to move before I had a job and Keith would not let Erika answer Anna's question then restated by me of how long was the grace period before I had to get a job to avoid losing MA.

Keith also sat across from me in a long school lunchroom type table and pounded on the table, several times, as if knocking on a door very hard saying I would not have to deal with that when I moved to the apartment, since I have stated repeatedly that my heart hurts all day long when the RCs pound on my door for meds, the house is small and there is no place else to wait, I requested that the RCs just call my name since I set my alarm and most of the time I am awake. To try to pressure me and to throw me from asking the questions for hard and reliable information from the property manager after waiting more than two months.

Anna told me a few days ago after my questioning her after reading about the permanent housing program from the Cornerstone website which does not have the specific information I need that if Cornerstone only wanted the property manager to handle the property not the program who was in charge of the program and Anna said Alex George and that it was a missing piece that they - Nicole and Alex did not schedule Alex for the meeting with Erika which was supposed to answer my questions - Anna for two months would only say "NEXT WEEK" I would meet with erika and have my questions answered which took 2 months and I was prevented by Keith from asking most of the questions I had.

Anna looked stricken at the end of the meeting with Erika when I told them both that a week previous when Erika had finally given Anna the right key to the apartment that was available to me, (the previous time we had come to Lionsgate, another client was living there, though no one was in the apartment at the time when we went a second time Anna kept saying to the man at the desk that this time we were going to an empty non-occupied apartment) -after agreeing to move to the apartment at Lionsgate, Anna said "Now comes the hard part, getting you a job" (so I wouldn't lose MA) and I took back my agreement and again asked for hard information on what would be required of me if I agreed to move to "Permanent" Housing.

Anna is usually cool and calm during these meetings so her face falling like that was unusual and due to Keith's being there and obviously not wanting me to have hard information on how the program was run. I include Nicole Burke and Alex George in their not wanting me to have this information and I will request the Maryland Board of Licensure to look into how many of the clients pushed into "Permanent" housing have not had any support or honest information on what it would entail, lost their MA and support from Cornerstone altogether and how many lost their "Permanent" housing or ANY HOUSING due to lack of support and honest dealing in getting them into this Cornerstone program sounds like a way to bypass CSA's requirements that clients be packing their meds for several months, have the finance department return the use of the SSDI money and have clients paying rent to Cornerstone instead of Cornerstone taking the whole check and alloting a portion back to clients, the fact that Jeannie and Linda Rief have had terrible problems with having no money because the "finance department made a mistake." as stated to them when they first came into the program - Erika did say that non-payment of rent would be grounds for evicting clients and if the finance department is now making all these mistakes for two months, how is a client pressured into moving before becoming a repayee going to pay the rent and from bitter experience, many Cornerstone employees most particularly Keith and Nicole Burke are masters at passing the buck pointing the blame to clients and leaving out their complicity and clients not receiving basic, basic service or even freedom from abuse by Keith Ellis.
Alex George has been in a supervisory position for many years, when did Alex become head of the "Permanent" Housing program and why was I only informed in the past few days, February 2016 that she is head of this program and why didn't Anna email Alex George to answer the question I have posed to Anna for over 2 and 1/2 months while Anna was pushing me to agree to move??? And why was Alex George not at the meeting with Erika, not even scheduled to be there, Nicole was and was sick and could not make it.

Why are subordinates like Anna Bikakis put in a position like this to deceive clients. Anna said Nicole Burke was the one who wanted me to look at the single apartment beginning in mid-November and I doubt if Alex George did not know -- why did it take so long and so much probing on my part to get even half of the basic information on this program, why wasn't it volunteered at the beginning of the pressure to move???

I had an appointment with Margaret Moeller earlier in the day of the meeting with Keith and supposedly Nicole and Erika and Ms. Moeller kept telling me not to worry that I would have witnesses. I had asked for time off last year of the Job Coach program because Keith's intense harrassment made it impossible for me to work at my art or to do the work I needed online to promote my work.
The deceit goes on and on - Keith lying to Dr. Parveen after I complained to Congressman Murphey about the horrendous things that Eric Gordon did to me, saying I was not making my 17 visits a month - calendar which I trusted Keith to take at the end of each month.....

Keith Ellis should have been fired anytime within the last 4 years for his incredible abuse and negligance but Nicole Burke his supervisor, she has been at Cornerstone for about 3 years, continues to support him despite anger from therapists about the things well known about Keith and the lies and excuses for gross negligance and endanger client lives goes on and on and on and on.

They keep trying year after year to force me into that art group with abusive leaders - Eric Gordon for 5 years, he started the program and was there approximately 8 years he had no art therapy background and even when I first started was abusive beyond belief.

what is written on the American Art Therapy Website and their close association with the Art Therapy Board of Credentials they speak of exploitation of clients and ethical practices and even in the Art Group which administration apparently believes since they have an iffy name not including the word therapy that the art teacher or leader can verbally abuse clients in an attempt to make them perform and to work on things that Tessa THINKS will be more marketable. Tessa and Eric were, I believe, grossly abused by admin in pressure to sell work so that they could get more money with Evidence Based from what I have experience that phrase Evidence Based means that clients will be abused and harrassed so badly that they become totally non-functional.


ERIKA very unsympathetic and not taking any responsibility when I asked what had happened to the previous resident of the apartment at Lionsgate and Erika said she, the resident, didn't abide by the rules and regulations. I asked if I could have a copy of the Rules and Regulations before deciding to move and Erika said that they were part of the lease not a separate sheet and I asked as I had asked Anna Bikakis throughout the ordeal from November to January of being unable to get any hard information that I needed to make an INFORMED decision to move, Erika said she couldn't give me a copy but could email a copy to Anna or Keith Ellis and they could give me a copy. I received a copy of the Cornerstone website information but was not very specific and still have not received a copy of the lease for permanent housing to study.

Edna Jeannie Collition and Linda Reif two months mix up at different times and not received their checks when first moved in Jeannie said she had no food and was starving for weeks and was put off by Bel Pre office who told her she was upset about not having money to buy food was part of her illness and she told them repeatedly what her dx was and said no I am hungry. It would cause you to lose your MA and the promised support from an RC 6 times a month and a job coach and I'm sure would be a violation of Rules and Regs if could not pay rent for two months - I know how they blame clients for their own mistakes -- Nicole Burke reminds me of an absentee landlord and so is Erika.

Most memorable statement in all the troubles of 6 years at St. Luke's Cornerstone - in a meeting with Nicole Burke and Keith Ellis in Dr. Parveen's office with my therapist also Paula, Nicole sounded like a junior high school student and repeatedly said It's you and Paula against the world.

Paula said nothing, just raised her eyebrows, when Nicole tried to prevent me from stating specifics about what Keith had done to me. This meeting was before the sudden move, ostensibly to have the sicker clients near the office but Linda Reif should certainly be near the office with her history and being sent for several weeks to a hospital one week after she moved into Dunsinane and the previous history told us by Linda's boyfriend when she finally called the police after 2 months of throwing furniture in her room and told the police that she wanted to destroy things and had cuts on her arms and face and for over two months Keith and the RCs refused to do anything to help her and keith let most of the RCs go on vacation around Christmas and packed us out for a day or two and Linda told the police that she had not been taking her meds --- clients have a hard time around the holidays so why did Keith have so many RCs on vacation. Linda threw away her religious statues just before Christmas and her boyfriend said Linda had torn up his Christmas card to her. Linda called the police on herself just after Christmas but their were two months when she should have beend receiving help. There are very few seasoned RCs because Keith keeps chasing them away but Linda Rief was assigned the youngest and newest Joette who did not have the experience or training to deal with Linda Rief's severe decomposition over 2 month period --- clients who are trying to recover and in the jobs program should not have to do Nicole Burke's and Keith's job and be housemother or on-site staff and they say to ignore someone in crises but if they are throwing things and hurting themselves or in Beth's case repeatedly calling the police for bogus reasons and the police need answers from housemate client consumers - that particular excuse of hundreds for RCs and Keith being responsible for nothing at all can only be compared to the outrageous excuses of the Bush admin.

Paula is my therapist I am the client/consumer and the reason why Nicole and Keith get paid and the alternating between ignoring clients' needs and creating off the wall Bushism type excuses why they are not responsible for anything at all and Keith Ellis over the top emotional abuse not just to me but Debbie Davis and Jeannie Collition told me they have made numerous outraged complaints about the things that Keith has done to them to Leah their therapist and in Jeannie's case to Dr. Claytor but nothing is ever done to stop keith serious abuse of clients to the point of making us non-functional.

The RCs are constantly in training what is the training for if terrible situations with clients build for months and they are ordered to ignore the signs which are pretty terrible to begin with. Really interested in what the training consists of it is not listening skills I have asked for years even prior to Keith's reign and all I have ever managed to find out is that it does not consist of listening skills, Keith laughed when I asked him about a recent training at that time as if like his laughing along with Ana when I would point to the material THAT USED TO BE POSTED ON THE IN HOUSE BULLETIN BOARD LISTING PATIENT RIGHTS. THRESHOLD AND ST. LUKES AND CORNERSTONE HAVE SHOWED KEITH AND OTHERS THAT CLIENTS HAVE NO RIGHTS WHATEVER -- IT IS EASY TO POST PATIENT RIGHTS BUT WHO WILL ENFORCE THEM AND COMAR LAW NOT CORE SERVICES AGENCY MONT. COUNTY.

just changing the name from halfway houses to residences will not do anything about the bad reputation of halfway houses and group homes if the administration is so criminally negligant.

Linda Rief is a very sweet person when she comes out of her room, even Jeannie has said so many times. But someone who is knocking over heavy furniture and slapping herself with her hand and a magazine, maybe the cuts came from a magazine and tells the police she wants to destroy things has been demonstrating extreme distress and rage for over two months. Jeannie, whose room is next to her, would complain to me all day long and I would encourage her to call the Compliance Officer telling her that from her experience and mine the Bel Pre office run by Keith Ellis would do nothing and Jeannie said she was afraid to call the Compliance office that she would be put in Fenton House as I was when I complained about the sudden move and no boxes to pack to Congressman Van Hollen's office.

February 4th why can't Anne Peyers and/or Nicole write a simple email of their agenda and the subjects to be covered at the Feb 11th Provider Meeting this type of meeting is very serious and after I requested help last week from Paula my therapist she called me and said it was about Tessa the art teacher then said she, Paula, did not have a lot of clarity about what the meeting was to be about and they keep making the excuse for delaying and rescheduling this meeting because of coordinating the schedules of so many professional, fine, why can't they put a few paragraphs in writing and have my RC give me an email of the subject(s) of this meeting so I can prepare??? Nothing is ever done for the client's benefit, our needs and rights are never even on the table.

Someone once said in a work situation that it is unfortunate but some people take kindness for weakness. Tessa kept briefly telling me her problems with the long commute time, staying til 9 pm I tried to show her a lot of compassion by making few if any demands on her time and after attempting to get some help with composition gave up and just tried to work quietly by myself and brought my own art supplies. Many red flags before Tessa's 4 session screaming at me for using cheap paper, saying she could of sold that flinging her arm at one sketch, that even studies I should work on better paper, that the paper would disintegrate, I have paintings that are decades old done on brown wrapping paper both in oils and pastels and the paper did not disintegrate -- the cheap paper tirades were only an excuse she wanted someone to scream at and seemed to think that everytime I put a brush or pastel to paper that it had to be saleable, no one said at the beginning that this class was a hidden employment scheme exclusively I thought it was an art class for the benefit of client/consumers and experimentation with techniques would not be a cause for outrageous screaming, berating, etc.

Hiring saleperson types for the art group is like hiring a nurse or nurses aide which I'm sure Cornerstone admin would do to save money if it were not illegal - the same mess as hiring a nurse's aide to prescribe medication is what has gone on for 6 years in the Studio Insight. The Wash Post had an article years ago that a HypnoTherapist can hang out a shingle calling themselves a therapist with no training or creditials whatever, don't know if that had change but having an art group that is primary for money by an aggressive, irresponsible salesperson with art background but no vocation or interest in the suffering some clients are going through and saying that someone like me or JoAnne should wait to talk to our therapists is unrealistic and Tessa's boss needs to contact both the Art Therapy Assn. and Art Therapy creditialing board OR AT LEAST TO LOOK AT THEIR WEBSITE to get some idea of what constitutes UNETHICAL AND EXPLOITATIVE behavior on the part of a Mental Health CARE Agency that exploits in the public mind and in the minds of those financing Cornerstone Montgomery that consumers are getting art therapy which can help people but it is a VERY sensitive area and an Agressive and sarcastic and abusive art "teacher" who doesn't teach and can't stand to listen to people and does not even remotely have the temperment to listen to consumers but only wants to exploit the years they have spent developing their art for Tessa's very ambitious plans for HER career.

Tessa has not had the time to destroy all the consumers that Eric Gordon did, maybe this destructive behavior on the part of untrained personnel put in charge of a group with unwarrented pressure to sell clients art from the people upstairs and the fact that both Eric and Tessa are constantly worried about the lack of supplies - the art group should be shut down if admin is not willing to provide art supplies and if the art "teacher" is abused they are going to violently abuse clients.

I refuse for the last time to try to survive very, very embittered art "teachers" at Cornerstone montgomery/St. Luke's Studio Insight, I have suffered enough emotional damage and will be putting up a blogspot with 50 pages that I sent to Congressman Patrick Murphey on Eric Gordon's violent threats to me, the all out emotional warfare of Keith Ellis, supervisor of Bel Pre after making this complaint and calling Dept. of Aging to save Betty Levy's life, Keith Ellis filthy junior high school abuse along with Ana made it impossible to even make another complaint to Congressman Murphy or to try to obtain legal help from the Boston Advocacy Group started by Sen. Kennedy to gain protection from the ongoing abuse by Keith Ellis which would be more than coroborate by his other victims if the Compliance office contact information were posted at Southport, Lamberton and Bel Pre offices since Susan Wilkoff has been in gross violation of Comar Law regarding Grievances for so many years, refusing to call clients back who are trying to make a complaint, refusing to abide by the timeframe given for notifying clients what action would be taken against Eric I was told by Keith Ellis that Susan Wilkoff had decided in violation of the requirement of Comar Law to notify clients making a complaint in 30 days of complaint because Ms. Wilkoff had to protect Eric Gordon's "privacy". I only learned accidently from Nicole Burke that Mr. Gordon was no longer with the agency 4 months after my complaint and many requests for notification in writing from Ms. Wilkoff about what would be done about Mr. Gordon's abuse of me.

Tessa kept pushing and pushing to see how much she could get away with false promises amounting to a kind of ponzi scheme, promises I mostly didn't need, various kinds of sarcasm, insults telling me my idea about mirror images which was only a passing remark about the sequences of 80s gymnasts from different angles which is important and the basic work that I want to do and have prepared to do, and have markets in mind for but which Tessa thinks will not gain her immediate success since a foundation needs to be laid I don't mind if Studio Insight takes 30% or however much perceents but I do care about being lied to that tessa would help me hang my work at a gymnastics studio but since the work on the 50 inch board with 50 figures probably wouldn't sell but if what has happened in the past continues parents seeing it will ask me to do commissions of their kids which would be hard for Tessa to claim 30% though I wouldn't have minded giving a percentage and Tessa could have gained more contacts but she is so disorganized and angry with a very thin veneer of charm like many sales people and certainly like eric that I would rather just work with my job coach who is organized and professional and has never tried to work out her personal issues on me but is again professional which is a rarity at Cornerstone - thinking esp of the many ways Keith has damaged me and Nicole Burke, his boss and absentee landlord, again and agains saying in a nasty Junior High School voice when trying to testify about the destructive things Keith was doing -- It's you and Paula against the world. -- The Mickey Mouse Club - The Maryland Board of Licensure needs to do a very serious investigation esp about the end-run around the rules for Core Service Agency for the so-called Permanent housing where clients are not prepared even to packing out meds or being a repayee and therefore many clients are losing their Medical Assistance and therefore the support promised from 6 meetings a month with RC and a job coach and then losing their housing.

There seem to be several of the 20 "permanent" housing units available and like the person who had the apartment they offered me without telling me any of the requirements or hard information, Erika contemptuously said of the previous occupant that she was not following the rules and regulations and when I asked what had happened to this woman was she thrown out on the streets Keith Ellis interrupted and said that was private information and when I tried to ask Erika what would happen hypothetically to a client in the Permanent Housing that was unable to keep their MA and therefore would be completely without support what happens to them when they lose their housing. This seems like a scheme of getting rid of clients and the lack of support or even hard information for two months and the pressure from Keith and somewhat from Anna Bikakis should be looked into - clients losing everything by entering into the Permanent housing then losing that so-called Permanent Housing because of lack of preparation for the past few years needs to be investigated by the Maryland Board of Licensure and I hope that the media will also take an interest in investigating this Cornerstone Montgomery PERMANENT HOUSE THAT IS NOT PERMANENT FOR A VERY HIGH NUMBER OF FORMER CLIENT are they now on the street??? what happened to them????

keith the lamest excuses accepted by nicole and now by therapists and sewgist for not getting involved. Betty would have had more compassion from someone she stopped on the street with her hugely swollen eye and feet it would be better to be that ill alone in an apartment than with RCs getting paid to see how you are doing twice a day screaming at you to do heavy cleaning, at least stopping someone on the street if they walked away at least would not be subject to this abuse. The Compliance Officer contact information needs to be posted where clients can see since Susan Wilcoff the ostensible person in charge of Grievances has been in violation of Comar Law for years.

MJ was a protege of Barrie Friedman. My RC at the time was Amanda, she said that the way that MJ and Barrie when she came to meetings was for all the RCs to attack the client in the weekly meetings supposed to help consumers and the consumer's RC had to defend their client. Sounded like Barrie who did alot of "training" was running star chambers. Gerda who had chased away and tormented many housemates including our housemate Peggy and me was under full attack of me which caused her to completely give up her writing to torment me. My Treatment plans would say that I did not get along with my housemates which wasn't true, Peggy is a gentle sweet person and we always got along but I would request that several RCs change this statement but they would not and I was so beaten down trying to survive Gerda. It did not help even Gerda to let her do this and I always wondered just what training the RCs were getting.

Reminded again and again of Stanford University experiments and Leo Straus.

When Bonnie's friend commissioned me to do a painting of her granddaughter and horse, Gerda would stand outside the basement door screaming and I finally gave up the commission. Why take people who could be functional and require that they act as 24 housemothers to those who are much sicker, why is there no help from RCs for Gerda screaming so badly would chase neighbors away and Linda Rief who was self-destructive for months leading up to Christmas--housemate Jeannie called again and again and mentioned at the twice daily medication monitoring which is and esp around Christmas we were packed out again and again because Keith despite knowing clients often have emergencies around this holiday let most of the staff take week long or longer vacations falling under the heading of just being "short-staffed" and never received any help from RCs and Nicole Burke and Keith Ellis have even apparently convinced my therapist Paula that they have different job to do but they don't do it, they just concentrate on dirty office politics against clients and staff who do care and who have some common sense. What are RCs being paid to do if not to intervene in months or year long crises and to at least take an interest in helping all Keith seems to do is come up with creative excuses not to do anything to help and to torment clients as badly as Gerda.

The philosophy continues to be Straussian and there needs to be continued investigation, I did not have the benefit of it saw the paper on the door of Southport after I refused to go into so-called permanent housing of a group for 8 weeks preparing clients to handle finances in preparation to moving into more independent situations and I have the strong feeling that this group was only called after investigations into clients losing their MA and their housing by this "Permanent" housing run exclusively by Cornerstone with no oversight by CSA, 2 years ago Christina Taylor my RC wanted me to try for a single apartment at The Gallery, I met with Ken Westin residential handler of CSA and two volunteers from the community it was very short meeting and Ken Westin told Christina they were afraid I would get paint on the walls, Christina Taylor was dumbfounded and Paula my therapist said I KNOW you wouldn't get paint on the walls. Christina told Ken that they had never had that problem with me and then Ken said that since I was not a repayee, they refused my application.

Christina apparently had not known of this requirement. When I met with keith and erika last week Keith said that the Permanent housing had nothing to do with CSA and I said that I thought it was a good idea to be prepared BEFORE moving and jeopardizing MA which would mean that Cornerstone could not provide either the promised 6 visits a month from RC or job coach. They wanted me to move before I had a job and would not tell me about the period of grace timeframe that Anna spoke of when I said I was afraid of losing my housing if I went with the single apartment.

Someone outside of Cornerstone must have been aware of the destruction of client lives with this "Permanent" housing which judging by the number of units available that had been previously occupied is not so permanent.

The PROVIDER MEETING has once again been rescheduled from Feb 11 to Feb 25, this time because Nicole Burke suddenly has to leave town and Nicole burke told Anna B. that she would give me something in writing as to what the meeting will be about, but considering the hundreds of broken promises from small to very large issues including Keith taking down the Client Rights and refusing to put up the last names of Bel Pre staff which was always up on the wall.

There was no material on Grievance Policy not that just having a list of Client Rights on the wall means anything. I used to take it down and read to Keith about treating clients with dignity and he would give a little laugh, like clients have no rights and it is true if Keith's supervisor Nicole Burke continues to allow him to abuse clients and the new as of approx. 1 year ago COO, Lisa, believes everyone should speak positively which is not the way to examine severe and systemic abuse of clients --no one wants to get involved and Keith is very clever at making excuses why staff does not have to get involved in the most severe near violent episodes that go on for month after month of clients in distress so their housemates have to essentially be 24 hour staff for the sicker clients with no support whatever from the terrified and new staff since RCs get so disgusted at the way Keith treats them and clients that they quit or move to another section of Cornerstone.

Linda Rief never leaves her room except briefly to eat and there is no attempt to get her to participate in any of the programs at Southport or Lamberton or Bel Pre. She is no longer knocking over furniture in her room or audibly hurting herself but she needs some care and activity. The RCs pressure me whenever I make a complaint but I am constantly at my computer working on graphics and I would like to paint either in oils or pastels but am so upset by the 3 big things that have happened since I last contacted Congressman Van Hollen that never should have happened and which contain too many parts to do justice to my experience with ongoing abuse and the corruption of the Permanent Housing program which apparently is not permanent since so many clients who agree to participate have been thrown out.

After I met with Erika in january 2015, I saw a notice up at Southport for an 8 week course for clients thinking of moving to help them with financial independence at no time was this class mentioned to me while they have been pressuring me to move through Anna and I kept asking for hard information on the requirements of this program only to be strung along week after week with Anna saying people were too busy with the holidays so why did Nicole tell her to show me the empty apartment that wasn't so empty and the wrong apartment.

Need to write why I think Erika and Nicole Burke are absentee landlords.

Anonymous said...
If one can believe in the concept of good and evil and the concept that good is superior to evil, it then must follow that knowledge of the truth is a power for good.
I believe that the pure knowledge of truth is a cleansing act.
When enough people see the truth the scales fall away.
The fable of the emperors new clothes has not survived because it is a cute story- it is there to show us that the balance shifts when truth is acknowledged.
Keep up the good work Jeff and someday we will all see that they are naked.

Beginning of Tessa Complaint-new art teacher for Studio Insight

The COO will not be able to change the "corporate culture" by not allowing people to talk about things that are very wrong by calling it positive something or other and denying that it is the type of postive thinking where you refuse to see the train coming even if you see it coming at you.

Gagging clients and staff by requirements of only positive talk leads to tremendous abuse and only allow administration to say they didn't know.

How long have they had a Compliance Office and why isn't her name and contact info posted where clients can see it? I was given a single sheet with this information after contacting Congressman Van Hollen about the sudden move and no boxes or help 3 days before move, but patients should not have to contact Congress to find out that Cornerstone has a Compliance person on staff esp. since St. Lukes/Cornerstone has been in gross violation of Comar Law on Grievances for years.

Very irresponsible to not have a trained art therapist to help JoAnn Francis and others with the negative emotions that come up in an art class with hard rock and other difficult noisy music and very cramped conditions and which they dump on other clients since Tessa does not have time or experience or training to listen to patients. And then blames me for not working when I try to get away from other clients non-stop dumping their emotional stuff on me a half hour at a time so I can't work and feel dizzy from their anger and other emotions using me as a therapist not to mention my own emotions that come up in trying to work in this atmosphere with non-stop music that makes me unable to think or plan or paint or right myself.

My audience would be in gymnastic studios and internet where the 30% would be hard to charge so both Eric and Tessa very, very resentful of my request to help hang a large painting at gymnastic studio or to take some photos of my newer style paintings to post on gymnastic sites and my webblog tremendous abusive blowback on me from these requests.

Would have been better off just painting on my own instead of being smashed down by abuse of this so called art group that goes on and on. For client safety to at least hold back the worst power abuses need at least a part time art therapist to hold back Tessa from her irrational ideas, exploitation and abuse.

They keep smashing me down year after year so that I can't do my artwork by the conditions created by the vulture capitalists.

Barry Friedman's star chamber

the COO's positive thinking so never required to check back to see how much damage is being done to clients by not having an art therapist on staff instead of the most savage office environment that I have ever been in called an art group misusing the fact that art therapy used to help people but twisting it into squeezing the last drop of anything they can from clients who have spent years developing talent.

Like the movie of the mafia taking over a restaurant that had a nice business and selling off everything pots and pans for a quick profit and destroying the business.

if an adult's salary depends on a child, that child is going to be abused. TV show 20 years ago on child actors damage done esp Jay North, Dennis the Menace watching shows about serial killers nonstop and Father Knows Best, Kitten and the knife welding, and gunshots of the drug culture she got involved in.
I want to resign from the art group other ways online to reach my adudience shameful that I cannot get minimal use of a camera, one of the outside agencies that voc rehab hired saying repeatedly in meeting "The quality of YOUR work does NOT matter." run like survivor island instead of grand prise of $5,000 a few hundred for own business much more effective.

I only need 2 things, not my job. Berating over using cheap paper. list 4 or 5 reasons why need towork on cheap paper towork out ideas which tessa is not interested in because of the pressure on her to make the art group an immediate paying concern even if they don't have the room til the new building is built in germantown next year and really for the clients safety and well being the art group needs to be run more along the lines of a traditional art therapy with some sellling the art work on the side because clients get upset when they are working and try to talk to me and tessa about the issues that come up while working which tessa cannot do because to many things are expected of her and I need to work and have spent so much time listening to other people who never spend the care and time listening to me.

Vicky screaming though not ususal for her, tessa wanted me to paint upside down not just turn the paper around to see what compositions might come up but to draw upside down a suggestion would have been okay which I also would have refused but Tessa more and more aggressive and angry and bullying probably because of the flak she is getting upstairs by giving her impossible circumstances and pressure to make money off of clients' artwork.

It would have been so much better for me for my recovery a laughable concept when the basic thought of cornerstone/st lukes is to wack clients around like golf balls.

I will never again have any contact whatsoever with Tessa she has already cost me too much in basic functioning like making a meal much less doing my art work.

tired of the abuse harranging, berating and berating me like a stage mother and then berating some more - should have walked out long ago and you can consider this my resignation from the mickey mouse club art group or is it a stanford university experiment to see how much abuse you can heap on a client until someone with the capability of functioning becaomes catatonic and dies, especially useful in people over the age of 50 years to get rid of for the twenty somethings----inappropriately contacting my psychiatrist and therapist to make me stop working on "cheap paper" and to stop working at the size I need to work at for my dream for what I have been working decades towards sequences of gymnasts.

the place of pride when coming in the door of the Arundel Lodge art show was a pastel or light oil sketch on brown corrugated cardboard with the edges torn off and not in an artistic way. I noticed it because it was in the most prominent place but also because at that time two weeks ago, i was trying to work on a waltz some of the figures in sepia and some in burgundy, this painting was very nice, faint lines with the background the color of the cardboard which I did not know until looked at it closely, was realistically done of trees and branches the only reason it makes me angry is Tessa for 4 weeks in a row only coming to talk to me to berate me repeatedly for using "cheap" paper and flinging her arm to a sketch of three figures which she said repeatedly for 4 weeks that she could have sold if it were not done on cheap paper. I doubt if she could have sold it not out of modesty but because it is only 3 sketches which I have been afraid to work up further because of tessa's irrational harranging of me for using cheap paper. not every time i put a brush to paper could it possibly always be saleable I have told tessa repeatedly that I have much salable work not just the few old oil paintings but she is more interested in having a scapegoat to harrange and berate and to tell falsehoods to dr. Parveen and Paula to get them on her side to stop me from working as any artist works and on large paintings though i have said I would do smaller paintings and brought in a good pastel not yellowed very realistic but she just left it there did not put it in the locked closet to keep it safe and I could have painted on the masonite board backing it but tessa has a bee in her bonnet or as she sees it a moral right to berate me and denigrate me to my psychiatrist and therapist.

tessa is very ambitious and at war with some of the people upstairs and is using me as a pawn for her emotional satisfaction and to help her create her own fiefdom and has completely forgotten already that the art group is supposed to be for clients not her ambitions and the hardball vicious infighting she is doing upstairs done also on vulnerable clients working on art which makes you vulnerable if you are serious aobut what you are doing is very inappropriate and dangerous for the well-being of clients who trust her and Cornerstone and has shattered me and my ability to work or cope on a basic level for the past 5 weeks. -

if I can't get my freedom from this oppression and betrayal of trust disguised as an art group I will shortly end up like Linda Rife screaming and throwing things and doing nothing else.

The art group should be for consumer well being first, run like art therapy which most need even those who are skilled like Joanna Francis has tremendous need to talk about problems in an art group with others and incessant rock music and very cramped conditions, and I wonder if Tess is abusing Vicky the way she has me, in front of Jim when he gave me the canvas provided by Phil Radner of the Radner MuseumVicky started screaming at me that I was preventing her from working, Vicky has always been either friendly or at least ignored me and I was shocked at her outbursts witnessed by Jim and i wonder if Tessa is doing similar things to Vicky to get her to change her art style and the fruit is someone who is screaming and upset and blaming a scapegoat instead of the one who is messing her up by being concerned with making the artgroup a paying concern while ignoring the emotions that come up or the way clients want to work pressured by Tessa to do things her way which she thinks, will generate more income and gain her prestige and power with the people upstairs utterly ignoring the wellbeing of clients, tessa said herself she did not have phd and I wonder if she has any background in mental health.

The next time I saw Vickie she said that Tessa had tried to get her to work larger and that she, Vickie could no longer do artwork, I feel the same way after Tessa's arm twisting about my working smaller and buying expensive paper. If you take an art course at a college or even a community course, you are given information up front about the supplies you need to buy and so you can decide to participate or not, the Cornerstone Art Group, Keith and Nicole and now the COO, force you to participate then Tessa screams at you to buy art supplies you cannot afford.

I have for the most part brought in my own supplies and I was working on a gessoed masonite board which I had also purchased so Tessa's screaming was irrational and I had no idea how to respond but it seemed overwhelmingly obvious, that most of Tessa's verbally abusing clients comes from her being pressured by ivory tower administration to sell more of consumers work than there is a market for at this time.

Again, clients are not informed that they are in a HIDDEN jobs program that Ms. Moeller has told me Studio Insight has nothing to do with the Maryland State Voc Rehab.
If there are a few bad people in key positions like Keith Ellis, neglecting clients in crises saying they or their housemates should be responsible for handling even long-standing building accelerating problems by calling 911 -- abusive in the way the worst bully in Junior High School is, and Nicole Burke, Residential Program Manager, covers up evidence of Keith's abuse and neglect which has endangered the lives of patients and their housemates and gives Keith the okay to do anything that comes into his head to make excuses, abuse clients and staff and misuse any bit of power (and responsibility he has) makes even the idea of Recovery a joke, makes Evidence-Based ANYTHING IMPOSSIBLE, wastes tremendous amounts of the small amount alloted to Mental Health PATIENTS, even the meetings are a waste of time and money, since clients are shouted down or as in the case of the meeting with the COO that everyone including me had to speak positive things only, which is essentially gagging clients and staff the better to continue to cover up the violation of laws meant to protect the mentally ill from abusive Agencies, I have suggested that they be recorded if clients wave privacy but Ms. Wilkoff and others have been outraged by the idea because if the meetings were recorded or attended by someone whose salary is not dependent on Cornerstone, the outrageous coverup of abuse and ongoing retribution against clients who try to whistleblow about abuse they have suffered and/or that other patients with no voice are suffering would not be so prevalent.

For the COO to say that she is trying to change Agency Culture and then to say she is not permitting me or anyone to speak anything negative, those are mutally exclusive goals and is indicative of the Mickey Mouse, Mad Hatter, Bushian, Kafkaesque, Orwellian, Straussian, FUBAR style of management that has wasted 6 years of my life PREVENTING me from any recovery and I if even marginally well-run and peaceful could have been painting and selling my artwork instead of beaten down again and again and again and has cost some clients their lives and has made many tormented people suffer even more abuse in years of thier lives by people getting paid to help them.

Jane Roberts, a consumer artist, when I told her about the COO telling me that they had eventually wanted to have a space in a different location where artists could come to work from 9-5 like a regular job, she was excited and asked if we would get paid, I said I hadn't thought of that but I highly doubted it.

Jane Roberts, now works with my job coach Vanessa Martinez, who has helped her find a gallery who shows her minatures, Jane also works with another group and is becoming successful, Jane does small landscapes, my market would be more gymnastic and dance studios. Jane has the great advantage of not living at Bel Pre and being constantly smashed down by Keith Ellis, so badly that I can hardly prepare food, everytime I pull myself together and begin painting, he does something else to me or I witness something he does or doesn't do to other vulnerable clients - for instance the ignoring of Jeannie's constant 2 1/2 month pleas to Bel Pre to help Linda Rief who was polite when outside of her room but knocking over furniture, sounds of slapping herself with a magazine and what sounded like slapping herself with her hand and some bruises and cuts until just after Christmas, Joette only came out once despite Jeannies constant calls, I didn't call because I knew it would do no good, Jeannie was told again and again, "Not to worry." "It wasn't her problem." and finally that unless staff observed, heard it they could do nothing,

Anna B. in early November 2015 heard her knock over furniture and what sounded like slapping herself with a magazine, when Linda came out of her room, she was talking to herself and Anna asked what she was saying and if she was all right -- staff and Keith knew Linda Reif was abusing herself and her boyfriend later told us she has a history of self-abuse, Mitch called Keith with some information he thought might help Linda of copies her violent writings, Keith told Mitch to get out and stop bothering us.

Linda finally called the police at Christmas and they saw many superficial cuts and she told them she "wanted to Destroy things." and that she had not been taking her meds.

Keith Ellis very ill-advisedly let most of his staff take week-long vacations and we were constantly being packed out throughout December first for one whole day then for two whole days, repeatedly, and then longer, despite the danger to clients like Linda Reif, which is okay for Jeannie and I but Linda Reif OBVIOUSLY, since for 2 month was physically abusing herself, needed someone to come by at Christmastime to check to see if clients are okay - ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT AROUND CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS FOR ALL CLIENTS - her and for TWICE DAILY - MEDICATION MONITORING which is supposedly why RCs and Keith get PAID


Keith will do a song and dance and Nicole Burke will accept anything he says but an attorney could look at the paperwork regarding staff vacations during December 2015.

Writing this truth and taking this stand is very dangerous for me, Keith has the key to my residence and this may be the reason why Nicole Burke will do nothing, fear.

Ostenstibly the reason for the strange sudden move last July, (I never found out who was responsible for ordering this sudden, forced move) was that the sicker clients would be near the Bel Pre office but Linda Reif went into the hospital a few days after she moved in, about a month prior to the move, and stayed a few weeks and has a history of self abuse so it would have made much more sense to have left her at Banquo, Peggy Wyss whom I lived with for 2 years does not have the same kind of severe problems and would have been a better choice as housemate for Jeannie and I and would have meant a peaceful environment for all three of us.

Peggy had been living a block away from Banquo at Dunsinane for 8 years and as long as I knew her she had the large bedroom, the one I had in both places was the size of a toddlers room, and the other bedroom is proportionately much, much smaller than the masters, Peggy had suffered through 5 years of Gerda Sejour's traumatizing abuse so why move them in together at Banquo? Peggy was no nearer the Bel Pre office, in fact, slightly farther, and Keith took the master bedroom away from her.

Gerda had been living in one of the apartments at Bel Pre after she left for either a single apartment without being prepare, HUD or "Permanent" housing, Christina said she did not like it so soon asked to be accepted into Cornerstone program again within less than a year as did Roberta - why is Cornerstone not preparing clients who move until two weeks ago no program for this.

Peggy looked so happy when I first saw her in the art group and said she was glad she no longer had to live with Gerda, when Peggy was moved in July 2015 a half block away to Banquo, Peggy looked like she was in shock and could barely talk. Melissa Willard was allowed to stay at Banquo at the last moment while we were moving and retained the master bedroom.
The COO said we are not there yet but we are working towards it --- but there is not enough room and the art group is only 3 1/2 hours a week so for the unstated pressure against Tessa to sell and her pressure that took me a while to realize until she started screaming at me for 4 weeks in a row that everytime I put a brush or pencil to paper or canvas IT MUST BE SALEABLE. Also Tessa's pressure, berating on and on against the tall, heavyset guy with a short dark beard and hair.

This hidden job program especially without enough money for supplies or space or time each week, needs to be looked at by an attorney with and Advocacy group and I am going to inform the Art Therapist Licensing Board and there affiliates that there is nothing in writing about this hidden group and is leading to phenomenal abuse of staff, Tessa, and clients who have been given NOTHING IN WRITING about the current requirements for unpaid work with an abusive staff person who is really a Boss.

NOTHING IN WRITING. Even if they call it an art group, unlimited abuse of clients now using artwork which used to be healing until Cornerstone found a way to pervert it, I don't think that by calling it an art group Cornerstone is allowed to do this shady thing against consumers.

Cornerstone is run top down like the most destructive dysfunctional family, abusive, secretive, hiding abuse which as my friend Bonnie said is very ironic considering it is a Mental Health Agency.

Why didn't Alex George, the missing Alex George that I just found out is in charge of "Permanent" housing during the 2 months from November 2015 until January 2016 when Anna B. was ordered to pressure me into moving without knowing I could lose my MA and my housing if I did not have a job, and I did not have a job . Why didn't anyone tell me about the group beginning the first week of February for 8 weeks to prepare clients financially to move? I only saw it posted at Southport a few days after I finally spoke with Erika in january 2016.

And Keith called today, February 10, 2016 to pressure me into this group, had no answer when I asked why I was not informed of this group only pressured, the planning for this group was taking place while they were trying to get me to move without even adequate information, I told Keith that I would have been happy to join this group but it had already started and because of the severe emotional damage done by being strung along for 2 1/2 months, plus the problems with Tessa and the strange Art Group, plus the fact that Linda Reif received no help despite very obvious self harm during this same time period that I was working on a comprehensive complaint/report about my suffering and trauma at Cornerstone Bel Pre Cluster and that was taking all the strength I currently have.


Benefits Specialist - Terri Reid

Grievance Proceedure skipping overy people in chain of command who have been involved in retribution against me in the past for complaining about severe emotional abuse and neglect - my complaints have been both within and outside the agency when given the run around - I was too sick to continue updating Congressman Murphy and Congressman Van Hollen after the retribution.

What powers does the Compliance Office rhave to insure compliance with the laws meant to protect the mentally ill and protect clients who have file grievance against retribution and blatant violations of Comar Law regarding informing clients of outcome of their complaint.

Is the Compliance Officer paid by Cornerstone - what then endures her objectivity???

must be filed no later than 60 days after the triggering event or incident - too traumatized hard to know when Keith's abuse began but nothing effectual done to protect clients after my written complaint to Congressman Van Hollen in July 2015.

I was being set up for failure, both Linda Rief and Jeannie had to wait two months before Accounting was able to give them their checks, Jeannie is still very bitter and said she was starving and Gus bought her a hotdog and she devoured it and Bel Pre which is now helping her with Manna would not help her at that time - Jeanne had the money from but accounting made a 2 month mistake with both Linda more recently and Jeannie Jan. 2015, and if I was not able to pay the rent for 2 months I would have been thrown out on the street as was the former occupant of the apartment they wanted me to move into. Erika was very cold and said that she did not live up to the Rules and Regulations and Erika could not give me a copy of the Rules because it was on the lease and she could not give me a copy of the lease but would send it to Keith and he could give me a copy. I had been requesting a copy of the lease to study before making my decision whether or not to move from Anna and she kept saying when I talked to Erika it would all be explained and week after week after week, Anna kept saying "Next week" we will meet with the property manager

montgomery County Government's Licensure and Regulatory Services 240-777-3986.

Page given me before August 2015 meeting.


ALL Cornerstone employees are REQUIRED to report any suspected incidents of FRAUD, waste, abuse or misconduct within Cornerstone Montgomery, Inc.

If a staff member is aware of any violation or illegal conduct he or she is expected to report that information to the appropriate personnel WITHOUT FEAR OF RETALIATION if the report is made in good faith.

Marisa Gillum
Chief Compliance Officer
If you would like to report anonymously, we also have a compliance Hotline. Hotline staff will take your report and pass it on to the Chief Compliance Officer who will follow up as needed. The Compliance Hotline is available to take your calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Anonymous Compliance Reporting
(800) 398-1496

Report by Email

Submit a Report Online


Nicole Burke
Client Grievance Procedure
1. A document outlining the Grievance Procedure must be presented to each client upon admission and MUST BE POSTED IN AREAS WHERE CLIENTS MAY CONGREGATE IN COMMON AREAS.

it used to be that there was a copy on the bulletin board in each housing unit. I know that the HUD material is still required to be posted and is not at 12902 Valleywood Drive. Nicole Burke visited twice and did not notice the severe gutter problems nor did she notice that the HUD information including Grievance policy was not posted.

although the police came just after Christmas on a very serious matter, Linda Reif had called them in severe crises, one of the police officers told Jeannie that we really needed to do something about the gutters.

The gutters as well as the house at 12902 Valleywood have obviously not been cleaned for many years, Jeannie gave up telling RCs about it, she was worried about when it snowed and there were avalances but an equally severe problem is in a heavy rain walking out the door is litterally like walking through a waterfall. As of Feb. 10, 2016 the gutters have not been cleaned though they are overflowing with debris.

Howard at CSA has retired and was usually very nice but thorough and so I wonder why this house had not been cleaned for years. Keith would not tell me the address and just drove Jeannie past it, there was literally an inch thick of grease above the stove and the cabinets and on top of the refrigerator, you could not even touch the cabinets without getting grease on your hands. When I called CSA they said that Howard had retired and Ken Westin came out and told Ana who stopped by after he ran his hand over the top of the refrigerator and was wiping his hand on a paper towel that they HAD to come out when they received a complaint like this and that I had called saying it was nasty and he concurred. The bathrooms were unspeakable and there were many spiderwebs which later Jeannie and I cleaned for inspection in October. Jeannie said we shouldn't have to clean other people's sh-t and when Ken came, he told Ana that the house should have been cleaned before we moved in.

I told Ken that the RCs were exhausted from the move and maybe should hire a maid after 20 some houses being moved they were in very bad moods. They did hire a maid but when I got back from Fenton had only cleaned much of the grease but didn't touch under the stove hood and I couldn't blame them and the worst of the toilet and bathtub but not the floor.

The house at Lionsgate that Anna B. showed me when we finally got the key to the right empty apartment was very dirty, some of the lights were out and there was no bed or any other furniture in the bedroom, Anna said of course they would get me a bed but considering Keith's track record though he said at the meeting with Erikia that of course they wouldn't just dump me but would continue to support me including packing out meds, and Erika, in response to my question about maintenance and the missing small spotlights said I would be responsible for changing the lightbulbs and I asked about a stepladder.

Anna said I would be responsible for buying dishes and pots and pans and that people who got the amount of money i get have bought their own kitchen utensils, there was nothing at all but onionskins and dust in the cabinets. Paula Weiss told me about Circle of Friends that helps people with kitchen and other utensils but Anna had not known about it and I was not told that I would be responsible again for cleaning other people's mess, Anna said the RCs would help clean but I have been singing PROMISES, PROMISES for years and Jeannie has started.

I was forced to go to Fenton House a week in after we moved, in retaliation for contacting Congressman Van Hollen so could not get used to the new place or find basic stuff for going to Fenton supposedly because of the fumes from the cleaning but only a small amount was done by the maidservice and no one was ever concerned before when they pressured me to clean the whole 3 story townhouse because Melissa wouldn't do Betty's work and stopped doing her own and Betty was too ill to walk upstairs and Keith put a tremendous amount of pressure on me to clean, esp. during the October 2014 inspection, I was very ill from cleaning and when David tried to push me when I was sweating, shaking and face red from scrubbing the kitchen walls, I told David in front of Megan that a number of people my age get heart attacks from shoveling snow and I would not continue until I rested. For about two weeks I would work, then rest, felt very ill and needed a CT for a tumor in my liver and cyst in my right kidney found by MRI for back problems, but Keith would call or stop by and yell at me to work said if I were ill to call 911 otherwise to get back to work. We passed inspection with howard in 2014 and the next day Ana said the place was a mess, I said where, she said there were two glasses in the sink, a day later for several days Keith would tell me the place was a mess and order me to start cleaning. which I refused to do, the place was clean.

Bel Pre staff told Melissa Willard that we would not have to worry about maintaining the yard because they had yardmen to do the work. They came twice to rake the leaves but Ana told Jeannie just after the blizzard that we would have to shovel the walk, Jeannie tried but she is 56 years old and has had a kidney transplant, I am 62 with a very bad back and arthritis and Linda Reif, in her 40s is still recovering from her hospitalization for self-destructive behavior and even taking out the trash has been too much for her. We can't get an answer about the yard men.

After we had lived at Valleywood for a month, the dishwasher overflowed and we could not shut it off and there was a flood of steaming hot water over the kitchen, we kept trying to mop and threw towels over the kitchen all of our towels were soon sopping, Jeannie called Bel Pre repeatedly they told her not to worry that it was a holiday and the maintence people would not be able to get a replacement for something, finally they said that maintenance would be there but they did not show up at the time given, we waited about 2 hours. I called the fire department who at first were not concerned but told them that Jeannie said she was a plumbers daughter there was no way to turn off the dishwasher under the sink or anywhere she could find and the door with the machinery was locked and the floor was very hot and steaming and the metal sink was very very hot.

When 3 firemen came they jimmied the door to the machinery, the older fireman burned his hand on one of the pipes, they tore up some of the wood flooring and finally were able to stop the steam from the pipes beneath the floor after they pulled the dishwasher completely out of the counter area. The older fireman told us several times that the floor in the kitchen would need to be replaced or there would be mold. I told Nicole about this at the Sept. 2015 meeting with the COO, Nicole said Bel Pre had told her all about it and said nothing when I told her the floor needed to be replaced because of the mold. Maintenance just replaced a few of the boards around the sink. The kitchen floor is very small.

Another maintenance man, Gus, at Banquo, used to test the heat of the water with a small machine with a light, the water was always very hot at Banquo but it was so hot at Valleywood that Jeannie told RCs again and again that the water coming out of the kitchen sink was way too hot but they did nothing.

-- for evidence-based proof of effectiveness, one would think, Cornerstone would prevent this well-known abuse.
Too much abuse of staff as well to more than touch surfaces. like trying to catch Niagra Falls in a paper cup. What it is really like to live with years of abuse caused by those getting paid supposedly to help you, that clients who have suffered tremendously in their lives being ignored, or screamed at, or games played or the last drop of blood squeezed out to try to benefit their "evidence-based" success which is smashing patients ability to function at all and lying to gain evidence based funding.

Keith is an unlicensed social worker, he looks to be about 50 years old, why did he never go for his license or was it taken away from him due to extreme violations of client rights, games abuse.

How did University House lose all their staff members at once? Did they all walk off in protest of abuse of staff and/or clients. About a month ago, Courtney who used to work at Bel Pre said to another client that she did not know when she would be back, that it wasn't her decision, that University house had no other staff at all. Courtney seemed upset. Melissa Willard was at University House for several years, sounded large said that all the staff ever did was make them work until Melissa would just lay on the floor and they would force her to get up and work some more. She said the same thing with much passion about how she hated it over a period of three years.

Like stealing the children's bread. The Children's Bread is healing

Seeing Paula either 45 minutes a month, or twice a month at 30 minutes each. not enough time to talk about much or do any real depth therapy but they cut back Paula's hours. At FSA saw a therapist for an hour a week.

American Art Therapy Association --AATA

Organization of PROFESSIONALS dedicated to the belief that making art is healing and life enhancing. Its mission is TO SERVE its members and the general public by providing STANDARDS of professional competence...promoting knowledge of the field of art therapy.

Collaborative partnership
Mental Health Liaison Group MHLG

How are credentials approved and maintained?

Art Therapy Credentials Board ATCB
proficiency exam
sets the parameters of the ETHICAL practice of Art Therapy.

What consists of exploitation of clients?

The ATCB Mission is " TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC by promoting the competent and ETHICAL practice of art therapy through the credentialing of art therapy PROFESSIONALS.

As if Cornerstone montgomery decided to save money by hiring nurses or nurses aides instead of psychiatrists to prescribe medication.

Federal law prevents this and the same amount of damage is being done to clients and on top of that not telling clients that the Studio Insight art group is really a hidden and abusive job program.

Tessa is being pressured and abused for not being able to sell enough art work for the ivory tower people and she in turn is abusing clients. In many ways being unable to listen, Tessa has not worked with the mentally ill and is not trained and if Tessa won her job by saying how much artwork she would sell, some of the people who hired hers should have known of the problems under Eric Gordon another sales type with masters in art but not much patience for people and that an art therapist would be needed to handle the emotions that come up, Cornerstone is trying to ride the coattails of Mental Health agencies like Arundal that fulfill the letter and spirit of the law and who do use art to help people not exclusively for profit in their art groups.

If Cornerstone won't even protect clients from this kind of abuse witnessed by many, how can clients do their job of recovery and working?

The only thing I want out of life is just to do my artwork. I have no objection to selling my work, in fact have spent a number of years reading about markets and thought once I had a computer I would be able to contact people who have an interest in the same subject matter. Why does the management at Bel Pre refuse to help clients being bullied by housemates and in the case of Keith Ellis why do they allow him to bully clients like an adolescent, he stirs up trouble and plays very nastly loud games with clients.

I am grateful for my religious education through 5th grade at Lutheran schools so I have a love of learning, try to be a good Christian and citizen, and have something interesting to do with my life rather than bully others because I am bored. The bare minimum of a decent environment, quiet and free from massive and very creative bullying cannot be achieved by St. Luke's-Threshold-Cornerstone. The housing itself has been great, my complaint is only ongoing years long personal harrassment by housemates and then for four years by Keith Ellis, asst. supervisor that we inherited in the very ill-fated for clients merger with Threshold, nothing is ever done about Keith's expecting clients to do the job of RCs in calming down clients in crises and in fact stirs the pot tries to turn one housemate against another -- I finally need to write down and publish on FACEBOOK the outrageous mismanagement and gross negligance and harrassment of St.Lukes House-Threshold-Cornerstone Montgomery. I hope to find an attorney from Boston ADVOCACY to investigate the damage being done to clients by continued mismanagement and out of touch administration. I would also like to contact the Art Therapists Assn. and their affiliate re licensing of Art Therapists and protecting the public as is stated in their mission statement from exploitation unethical behavior and abuse of artists who are clients of misrun Mental Health Agencies with hidden arts job programs, hidden even from clients forced to participate. Margaret Moeller of Voc Rehab always gives me much paperwork and describes the requirements and Voc Rehab duties to me, the client. Nothing whatever was given to me in writing or stated that I was in a job program about the abusive STUDIO INSIGHT which I have been forced to attend.

I would have been able and happy to have been functioning creating art which I have been doing for more than 40 years on and off because of time constraints and taking care of my mentally ill mother and working as a temp. I have the time and most of the art supplies I need what I don't have is peace of mind meaning beth pushing nail clippers and other things in my eye, fear of losing eyesight, then Melissa Willard who mostly I got along with but who sometimes thinks she is Jeffrey Dahlmer, coming up behind me as I was working, stating someone in the audience of a gymnastic vid I was watching in preparation of painting looked like Jeffrey Dahlmer and she put both index fingers in my hair behind my ears and started talking at length about some part of the brain she is fascinated by. Keith Ellis took a special interest in MW and, I believe, like Caryn with Gerda became too fascinated by MW's delusions and would manipulate her this way and that to my detriment. I lived with MW for 3 years and mostly got along with her though often felt like the movie Playing For Time, was too sick by being knocked down by Keith to get up and out and the promised support for clients for Recovery does not exist anywhere except in promotional material, false advertising.

Keith after destroying me as a person keeps telling admin and my therapist that I am a strong person I am so shattered not only by the things he has done directly and indirectly like letting Linda Reid get sicker and more self harming has now apparently gotten his boss Nicole Burke who misues meetings to try to inform her of what Keith has done by refusing to let me talk and repeating over and over again that it is "You and Paula against the world." that is as inane and stupid and destruction and wasting tax payers money as any Bushism, both the COO and Nicole Burke only have one source of information and that is Keith's dirty politics.

Paula unfortunately has capitulated and perhaps Leah has as well to repeating the party line:


Paula's early Feb 2016 repeating this often heard words of Keith tore at my heart like nothing else ever has, there are years of immense pain for me behind those words disclaiming any responsibility for clients in crises and essentially exploiting housemate clients as a 24 hour crises services for sicker clients while expecting the clients that either need to igonore clients who for months scream at imaginary people so badly the neighbors move away or try to calm them down. Jeff, at the purported Cornerstone Crises, line is never there. And despite his recorded message, he does not call back and Fenon is afraid to page him despite the instructions on Jeff's voicemail. Another example of the Potemkin Village that is Cornerstone.

Latest dirty trick stringing me along and not fulfilling their responsibilities. A provider meeting very serious wont tell me what is about, requested since they keep cancelling it keeping me on pins and needles that Nicole Burke who is a program manager and should be able to write a simple agenda, nothing fancy just the topics to be covered and she won't do, did promise but week after week I am still waiting for Anna B. to give me the email with topics for Provider meeting. Similar to being strung along week after week, month after month with no paperwork or hard information on my responsiblities if I moved into Permanent housing. Erika is the property manager why did I have to cross examine Anna B. to find out who the program manager is, Alex George, why didn't they tell me that up front or when I was looking at the apartments one already occupied, oops.

I took making this decision seriously on pins and needles since November 2015 but nothing but stonewalling or changing verbal information from Anna B. If a client was looking at properties, Alex George and Nicole Burke should have either written the requirements in an email to Anna they should have been aware that I was looking at properties and being pressured to make a decision without remotely adequate information. Affects my ability to work so smashed down by year after year of abuse that I am not the "Strong person" that keith keeps telling my therapist and psychiatrist I am, the short amount of time I get with them and the contempt upstairs for therapists and psychiatrists who care about patients make doing anything more than talking about the ongoing abuse and gross mismanagement of Nicole Burke now Alex George et all impossible. 45 minutes a month is not much and now 30 minutes twice a month with my therapist is not enough for much of anything. I could do without and concentrate on healing through my art work if management would fulfill their responsibilities to give me adequate information if they want me to move, help clients like Linda Rief who are self harming month after month which also affected Jeannie who would tell me her nightmares about Linda even when Linda was in the hospital and Jeanne got used to telling me her problems. A private apartment would be heaven but at 62 years old, I don't think that I can do retail and though the COO said it was for only one hour a week and that they could be VERY creative about finding clients a one hour a week job to keep my Medical Assistance from things Anna B. and Ms. Moeller said it doesnt work out to be only one hour.

Had three crises, not of my doing, going on at once since the move in July 2015.

1. Linda Reif's accelerating self harming with no support or help from Bel Pre cluster manager Keith Ellis, Jeanne called them repeatedly but was told unless staff saw or heard it, they could do nothing.

2. The art "teacher" Tessa being to berate and serious verbally abuse me for "using cheap paper", she seemed to have lost her mind from the pressure on her to sell more of clients' work than is possible at this time. With red flags that I tried to ignore because of pressure to be in this hidden job program before the all out verbal abuse.

3. The offer of my own apartment by Anna, my RC, in November 2015 but refusal week after week to give me hard information on whether I would be risking my medical assistance which would mean that I would NOT have the Cornerstone services of 6 meetings a month with an RC and a new job coach since Vanessa Martinez does not work that area. After they gave me some information, I refused until I had more information which I could not obtain because after finally getting a meeting with Erika, Nicole Burke bowed out of the meeting and Keith Ellis kept interrupting my questions directed to Erika, property mgr, to get hard information on my future to give me the hard sell on moving.

Arundal Lodge's merger, maybe for-profit would be better, at least management might make intelligent decisions and actually help clients to succeed instead of the never ending mess at Cornerstone, it doesn't need to be this bad, no matter what cutbacks etc it does not need to be this bad with the office politics passing the buck including onto clients of their responsiblities, the blaming, the round in circles, gagging, stonewalling retributions, Duane on cellphone with personal calls instead of teaching the Internet class, the flat out refusal to offer the most basic services promised, the squeezing out of staff that cares to do a good job and who have a sense of integrity and concern for clients who are less than the dust, the flaunting of Comar Law in the Grievance policy and patient rights even as Keith and Ana would do laughing at them as if clients had any rights whatever.

I believe Senator Kennedy, who worked with Roslyn Carter for four years on the MENTAL CARE SYSTEMS ACT, knew about the massive waste of taxpayer dollars when it is so hard to get funding for the mentally ill and so Senator Kennedy started and left funding for the Boston Advocacy Group so that whistleblowing consumers would have legal protection and also that REAL investigations could be made into mental health CARE agencies that abuse clients and massively waste taxpayer, government and private donor money. I will contact Congressman Murphy again who also is concerned about waste and who Sen. Kennedy left in charge of the Boston Advocacy Group. I will also contact members of the Kennedy family including the grandson who was recently elected to the House of REPRESENTATIVES for help in investigating and cleaning up the shameful mess and abuse, neglect endangerment of the most helpless consumers and retribution that is the CORPORATE CULTURE of St. Lukes-Threshold-Cornerstone Montgomery.


At least paid staff gets vacations and weekends time away not 24/7 expected to deal with problems that are the RC staff's responsibility. and they get paid, for what if they will not help housemates of a person self-harming and throwing things for 2 months?? It is too much for consumers who are housemates to patients who are in crises as with Betty and Gerda are told week after week and month after month and are told hundreds of times mostly by Keith Ellis, sometimes by RCs and now Paula at the pressure of Nicole Burke is ratifying this ongoing exploitation of consumers with no training in handling severe mentally ill crises of their housemates.

I like to help people when I can but this is too much over a period of 6 years plus Keith's coming in at will with his key and poking and jabbing me until I scream and scream. Keith is telling admin that I am a strong person but how would they know feel delirious from the pressure and abuse. If you are strong when you come into the residential program you will not be after years of this.

And you are criticized if you are not working on your Recovery.

people who grew up in a dysfuctional family come into a purported rehabilitation program where it is mega-dysfunctional with the infighting and snobbery of the ivory tower people and letting abusers like Keith Ellis and Eric Gordon go on year after year destroying clients ability to function much less achieve their hopes and dreams or work and getting worse.

Kyrie Eleison
Christi Eleison
Kyrie Eleison

I am not trained as a lawyer which you need to be to get the slightest bit of information. I am trained as a painter and need an attorney just to stop the abuse so I can work.

The COO will not be able to change the "corporate culture" by not allowing people to talk about things that are very wrong by calling it positive something or other and denying that it is the type of postive thinking where you refuse to see the train coming even if you see it coming at you.

Gagging clients and staff by requirements of only positive talk leads to tremendous abuse and only allow administration to say they didn't know.

Very irresponsible to not have a trained art therapist to help JoAnn Francis and others with the negative emotions that come up and which they dump on other clients since Tessa does not have time or experience or training to listen to patients. And then blames me for not working when I try to get away from other clients non-stop dumping their emotional stuff on me a half hour at a time so I can't work and feel dizzy from their anger and other emotions using me as a therapist not to mention my own emotions that come up in trying to work in this atmosphere with non-stop music that makes me unable to think or plan or paint or right myself.

Don't think I can survive any more of this "help" tell Dr. Parveen to stop forcing art staff to "help" me it only leads to abuse. My audience would be in gymnastic studios and internet where the 30% would be hard to charge so both Eric and Tessa very, very resentful of my request to help hang a large painting at gymn studio or to take some photos of my newer style paintings to post on gymnastic sites and my webblog tremendous abusive blowback on me from these requests. Would have been better off just painting on my own instead of being smashed down by abuse of this so called art group that goes on and on. For client safety to at least hold back the worst power abuses need at least a part time art therapist to hold back Tessa from her irrational ideas, exploitation and abuse.

They keep smashing me down year after year so that I can't do my artwork by the conditions created by the vulture capitalists.

Barry Friedman's star chamber
the COO's positive thinking so never required to check back to see how much damage is being done to clients by not having an art therapist on staff instead of the most savage office environment that I have ever been in called an art group misusing the fact that art therapy used to help people but twisting it into squeezing the last drop of anything they can from clients who have spent years developing talent.

Like the movie of the mafia taking over a restaurant that had a nice business and selling off everything pots and pans for a quick profit and destroying the business.

if an adult's salary depends on a child, that child is going to be abused. TV show 20 years ago on child actors damage done esp Jay North, Dennis the Menace watching shows about serial killers nonstop and Father Knows Best, Kitten and the knife welding, and gunshots of the drug culture she got involved in.
I want to resign from the art group other ways online to reach my adudience shameful that I cannot get minimal use of a camera, one of the outside agencies that voc rehab hired saying repeatedly in meeting "The quality of YOUR work does NOT matter." run like survivor island instead of grand prise of $5,000 a few hundred for own business much more effective.

I only need 2 things, not my job. Berating over using cheap paper. list 4 or 5 reasons why need towork on cheap paper towork out ideas which tessa is not interested in because of the pressure on her to make the art group an immediate paying concern even if they don't have the room til the new building is built in germantown next year and really for the clients safety and well being the art group needs to be run more along the lines of a traditional art therapy with some sellling the art work on the side because clients get upset when they are working and try to talk to me and tessa about the issues that come up while working which tessa cannot do because to many things are expected of her and I need to work and have spent so much time listening to other people who never spend the care and time listening to me.

Vicky screaming though not ususal for her, tessa wanted me to paint upside down not just turn the paper around to see what compositions might come up but to draw upside down a suggestion would have been okay which I also would have refused but Tessa more and more aggressive and angry and bullying probably because of the flak she is getting upstairs by giving her impossible circumstances and pressure to make money off of clients' artwork.

It would have been so much better for me for my recovery a laughable concept when the basic thought of cornerstone/st lukes is to wack clients around like golf balls.

I will never again have any contact whatsoever with Tessa she has already cost me too much in basic functioning like making a meal much less doing my art work.

tired of the abuse harranging, berating and berating me like a stage mother and then berating some more - should have walked out long ago and you can consider this my resignation from the mickey mouse club art group or is it a stanford university experiment to see how much abuse you can heap on a client until someone with the capability of functioning becaomes catatonic and dies, especially useful in people over the age of 50 years to get rid of for the twenty somethings----inappropriately contacting my psychiatrist and therapist to make me stop working on "cheap paper" and to stop working at the size I need to work at for my dream for what I have been working decades towards sequences of gymnasts.

the place of pride when coming in the door of the Arundel Lodge art show was a pastel or light oil sketch on brown corrugated cardboard with the edges torn off and not in an artistic way. I noticed it because it was in the most prominent place but also because at that time two weeks ago, i was trying to work on a waltz some of the figures in sepia and some in burgundy, this painting was very nice, faint lines with the background the color of the cardboard which I did not know until looked at it closely, was realistically done of trees and branches the only reason it makes me angry is Tessa for 4 weeks in a row only coming to talk to me to berate me repeatedly for using "cheap" paper and flinging her arm to a sketch of three figures which she said repeatedly for 4 weeks that she could have sold if it were not done on cheap paper. I doubt if she could have sold it not out of modesty but because it is only 3 sketches which I have been afraid to work up further because of tessa's irrational harranging of me for using cheap paper. not every time i put a brush to paper could it possibly always be saleable I have told tessa repeatedly that I have much salable work not just the few old oil paintings but she is more interested in having a scapegoat to harrange and berate and to tell falsehoods to dr. Parveen and Paula to get them on her side to stop me from working as any artist works and on large paintings though i have said I would do smaller paintings and brought in a good pastel not yellowed very realistic but she just left it there did not put it in the locked closet to keep it safe and I could have painted on the masonite board backing it but tessa has a bee in her bonnet or as she sees it a moral right to berate me and denigrate me to my psychiatrist and therapist.

tessa is very ambitious and at war with some of the people upstairs and is using me as a pawn for her emotional satisfaction and to help her create her own fiefdom and has completely forgotten already that the art group is supposed to be for clients not her ambitions and the hardball vicious infighting she is doing upstairs done also on vulnerable clients working on art which makes you vulnerable if you are serious aobut what you are doing is very inappropriate and dangerous for the well-being of clients who trust her and Cornerstone and has shattered me and my ability to work or cope on a basic level for the past 5 weeks. -

if I can't get my freedom from this oppression and betrayal of trust disguised as an art group I will shortly end up like Linda Rife screaming and throwing things and doing nothing else.

The art group should be for clients first, run like art therapy which most need even those who are skilled like Joanna Francis and I wonder if she is abusing Vicky the way she has me, in front of Jim when he gave me the canvas provided by Phil Radner Vicky started screaming at me that I was preventing her from working, Vicky has always been either friendly or at least ignored me and I was shocked at her outbursts witnessed by Jim and i wonder if Tessa is doing similar things to Vicky to get her to change her art style and the fruit is someone who is screaming and upset and blaming a scapegoat instead of the one who is messing her up by being concerned with making the artgroup a paying concern while ignoring the emotions that come up or the way clients want to work pressured by Tessa to do things her way which she thinks, will generate more income and gain her prestige and power with the people upstairs utterly ignoring the wellbeing of clients, tessa said herself she did not have phd and I wonder if she has any background in mental health.

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