Wednesday, January 10, 2018

New Keith Ellis

Keith Ellis lied to Debbie Davis new housemate that previous supervisor veronica had said debbie always had plenty of money when debbie moved in and rcs would not take debbie to see her doctor or help with purchasing medications

Christina when pushing me for months to see Eric in what became the November 2013 meeting in which Eric came as near as he dared to punching me in the face, said in the autumn of 2013, "You haven't seen him for 2 years maybe he has changed." and he had for the worst.

Christina must have been in meetings with Eric and when she saw how violently he opposed Dr. Parveen,

Christina my RC and Job Coach in seeing me and talking about what went wrong when i was briefly in his class,

Christina cut out on me at the last minute and said she couldn't come on Tuesday, didn't say why and after meeting with very gentle, but at that point inexperienced Job Coach, Vanessajust before the November 2013 meeting with Eric, I almost called Christina to remind her that I was supposed to have an RC with me when meeting with Eric and had been promised this

That was the only reason after months why I agreed to talk to Eric. Emphasized to Christina that I needed protection from Eric.


Come out and round up everyone who knows more than they do

From the first meeting trys to destroy any client who might be competition, doesn't want to grow as an artist but just get rid of the competition before they have a chance to be framed and shown at one of Eric's venues which are supposed to be for ALL clients and I'm sure he did not tell Phil Radner, the restaurants and other art galleries and the County Council financing that Eric will shut out and try to destroy any clients but a small group of his favorites most of which are not skilled in art BUT WANT TO BE IF ERIC WOULD ANSWER QUESTIONS AND DO AT LEAST A LITTLE TRAINING WITH THE MASTERS IN ARTS HE USES ONLY TO GAIN STUDIO SPACE TO WORK IN AND SUPPLIES AND A THIN COVERING OF A VERY FEW CLIENTS that he acknowledges as being useful to him, for a time.

for his reputation as an artist makes him sound like a real humanitarian but it is all facade

I was screaming and hysterical and I am never that way ask Dr. Parveen who sent my screaming voicemail to Sharon Fishman but doesn't look like Eric will suffer any consequences and what can they do but fire him since thay have taken his other jobs away and he persists in abusing clients, Eric did this shameful thing to me on Friday, Aug 8, 2014, and I was screaming when called Paula Weiss telling her she was not objective enough about Eric to be my therapist, called later and unfortunately apologized to Paula for yelling and said I did not know if I could get used to another therapist. Arlene said she would email Paula about the other therapist who uses art with clients that Paula mentioned in Feb 2014, but I have not heard back.

Was still so upset when my job coach came on Tuesday could not meet with her and I was screaming told her some of what Eric had done to me and that I was not well enough to meet with her that day.

Management has not been taking seriously patients rights to be free from emotional, mental and physical abuse and that means intimidation or coming as near as Eric dared to punching me in the face, plus his staring when I am sitting in the waiting room to see my psychiatrist.

Bullies keep ratcheting it up, doing worse and worse until or if they are stopped by someone in authority and Eric Gordon is following this pattern. If Administration were serious it would not be impossible to find the names and contact information on the three consumers on the Board. What use is it to have consumers on the Board if clients of Cornerstone are stonewalled when they try to find out how to contact them. It is just for show since managment does not want to deal with even very serious threats like Eric Gordon to clients well-beingh. The Board consumers should have an extention at Cornerstone and listen to the messages themselves.

Eric Gordon did not get this bad overnight, though he was very abusive even 4 years ago, has gotten much, much worse. His behavior is so outrageous that I do not believe management has not been aware of it and they did start taking his jobs other than the 2 art classes away from him beginning in the fall of 2013, but obviously no one has wanted to go any further and do the only thing that will keep clients safe from emotional abuse and intimidation. I wrote a quick outline of what Eric had done on Aug 8 and my job coach was kind enough to email it to my psychiatrist, Dr. Parveen. The job coach supervisor sent it to Arlene, supervisor of Bel Pre and the feed back that I have gotten from RCs is that Eric will not be fired and how else he could be held responsible and clients and staff protected from Eric Gordon, I don't have any idea what else could be done, since Eric has proved he is going to do whatever he wants despite having gotten in trouble for his utter lack of caring about his juvenile and criminal behaviour against consumers.

Did Eric leave the cooking wine there in the LifeSkills kichen all the time or just bring it in when he thought it might be fun (for him) to spike clients' food???? Maybe someone should check the shelves in the kitchen now. Eric showed no concern for clients who are trying to deal with alcohol problems.

My brother has been in AA for 20 years and he would check the labels even of cold medicine to make sure there was no alcohol in it. Eric just kept shrugging and saying, "It's only 3 tablespoons, the alcohol will burn off." One reason for the disgust of the three people Eric asked "permission" of to do this, other clients who had helped prepare the food and who were sitting in the dining area were not informed that there was wine in the food. At the time, to me, it just seemed par for the course of Eric's off-the-wall behaviour. It took all my strength to deal with severe anxiety not just of being with other people, but Eric's extreme need to humiliate and hurt clients made the Day Program unbearable. How many other clients won't go to the Day Program because they are afraid of Eric Gordon???

I pray that Eric Gordon will be returned to sanity. Eric needs something like "Bullies Anonymous", either he is not getting any help if he is in therapy and not just using Paula Weiss to listen to his complaints and gossip about clients and other staff instead of working on his problems.

The only power that I have to stop Eric Gordon from doing any more damage to me or other clients and staff is the power of witness and I will do that.

Paula' story in July 2014 about her home economics teacher.

First Step Domestic Violence Progrgam (Town of Arlington, MA)

Safety - Provide a confidential space, where women explore and identify how to best keep themselves healthy and safe from harm. Support - Decrease isolation through providing opportunities to

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