Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Sharon Fitchman - Cornerstone Montgomery Official

TO: Sharon Fishman, 6040 Southport Drive, Bethesda, MD 301-493-4200
cc: Dr. Mariam Parveen and therapist Paula Weiss
FROM: Linda Leonard, 14528 Banquo Terrace, Silver Spring, MD
RE: For Mentally Ill Patients who cannot speak up for themselves

March 14, 2015

Dear Ms. Fishman,

I wrote much of the following while it was happening but felt too beat down, too tired to continue writing the ongoing abuse of clients by some Bel Pre cluster staff including supervisor, Keith Ellis.

I have been trying to continue and complete this complaint which is why some of the tenses are inconsistent but I feel I need to let you know as soon as possible about what has been happening over the past 3 years and getting worse by Peppertree/Bel Pre cluster at St. Luke' House/Threshold/Cornerstone - Montgomery as the three names for this clinic and residential program.

To King David, I Chronicles Chapter 17 verse 7
Now therefore thus shalt thou say unto My servant David,
thus saith
the LORD of hosts.

I took thee from the sheepcote,
even from following the sheep,
that thou shouldest be ruler over my people Israel:

People Not Sheeple

God said I will judge between cattle and cattle in the Book of Isaiah
If the king is corrupt, all the people in the kingdom shall be corrupt.

He did not mean that people should be treated as cattle for the profit and amusement of those appointed to care for them but is referring to the responsiblity required of those in authority.


Keith Ellis was Assistant Supervisor before that and came to Bel Pre about 3 years ago with the merger with Threshold and some of the good RCs who really cared about clients from Peppertree/Bel Pre like the old Jessica were fired to make room for other employees from Threshold.

It's been over three years since Keith Ellis has been at SLH/Cornerstone and especially in the past year his treatment of me and other clients has been like a neverending nightmare, it is finally time for me to write a complaint get the truth in play and relief from this abuse of power.
Keisha Johnson and Nikki Lak who started around the same time were also excellent caring, competent RCs. October 2014, at the going away party, which was also a party for those with birthdays in October, when Arlene Gomez left, a client sitting on the couch with me stated to Arlene and Keith, who was standing trying to cover his rejoicing at being made supervisor at Arlene's and the clients' expense, with an edge in his voice said to Keith, "Thank you for letting clients know Arlene is leaving, a number of RCs have left recently and clients have not been informed."

I did not know Nikki and Keisha had left, always before even if someone were let go, they would stay for a week or so and say good-bye to clients. Arlene was acting a good sport but she was obviously upset, I do not believe she resigned. Christina Taylor, my RC of 2 years who had been at SLH/Cornerstone for 4 years and who definitely did not get along with Keith or his detrimental decisions about clients though she didn't say much told me the reason why Arlene was taking so long to take up her responsibilities when she was first hired is that Arlene Gomez was hired through an ad in the Washington Post, lived in Pennsylvania and was packing to move and close or sell her house.

Arlene lasted less than a year and did have a problem with controlling staff but she was an extremely kind woman and said at the party that she would miss all the clients she had gotten to know so well from them visiting her in her office each morning.

I doubt if Keith Ellis has the time or inclination for talking to clients to help them. Debbie Davis complained the Keith and other staff said terrible things about clients. She told me this three times, the first time she witnessed the extreme gossip behind their back, especially of a tall, heavy, blhong young man and was outraged when Keith started gossiping and making fun of clients in front of them with his staff and Debbie Davis would say repeatedly, "if they don't want to work with people like us they should get a job doing something else."

Debbie Davis told me that she repeated this to her therapist, Leah Cooperman, who told Debbie that she had been hearing bad things about Keith from other clients and that Keith's playing a game of keep-away with Debbie's necessary paperwork, Leah said, "I AM GOING TO PUT A STOP TO THIS." and Shatara and Keith began to try to obtain the paperwork for Debbie instead of telling her that she owed Cornerstone $2,000 and would not be allowed to leave until she had paid it off, and other ridiculous games, which I know all too well, not to give Debbie her moving in paperwork so she could leave Cornerstone, Debbie stated from the first hour she moved in and multiple times every day she was here that she wanted to move out and she also needed the paperwork for other official things.

Some of Keith's other games included telling Debbie she would not be given her paperwork or allowed to leave the residential program until she started going to the events and classes at Bel Pre, several of the RCs complimented Debbie on her participating in some of the classes in front of me and Debbie reminded me of this a number of times. Debbie, who was in an acute manic phase when she first walked in the door in November 2014, became even more constantly ballistic and screaming and screaming at me and incessantly into her cell phone
so loud that my job coach and I sitting downstairs sitting close to each other in from of Vanessa's laptop could not do our work because of being drowned out by Debbie who was upstairs in her bedroom. I am sure Vanessa Martinez will testify to Debbie screaming the house down at our job coach meetings. The first time Debbie did this Vanessa kept asking me how many people were upstairs, I repeated again and again that it was only Debbie and Vanessa said it sounded like there were at least two people screaming the house down upstairs Debbie talks and screams so fast. And I told Vanessa it was like this 24/7 the screaming at the top of her lungs and galloping up and down the stairs and all around all three stories like the townhouse was way too small for her and I could barely hold on to my stability-sanity much less do the work for the job coach program.

at the bald face lies of Keith and sometimes Shatara that she refused to go to the events. The only event Keith hosts is called GAMES and Debbie noted that as did I and she stated repeatedly about Keith prediliction for other more destructive games with clients in terms that I cannot repeat and punctuated repeatedly with the f-word several times a sentence which was her usual communication style but even faster and worse. Debbie was hard enough to be around in her manic phase even before Keith started these games and she would not leave me alone in my bedroom or while trying to work on my computer and art for repeating again and again blow by blow descriptions of her arguments on the phone with Keith while bouncing off the walls and charging at me and calling Social Services about holding back our checks and her former RC and other staff at Braddock Road and her large family in hysterical terms which caused me to have almost constant panic attacks.

Debbie Davis was particularly outraged at Keith making fun of another client called Linda who very frail, tiny and thin with a sweet face, long silver hair but a huge bald spot over most of the back of her head, is bent over from extreme arthritis in her shoulders and has trouble walking, Keith did this twice when Debbie was in the office. She said the last time Keith was helping Linda to walk but was making faces above her head and the RCs and Keith were laughing at Linda. From my personal experiences with Keith and from what I saw done to Betty Levy by Keith and Shatara and Ana Reyes and others, I can certainly believe it and verify the insulting and abusive way patients are treated as if we are not even remotely human and have no power. Mental Health patients do not have any power if grievances and complaints are not handled in a timely manner before it gets this bad.

I think Linda has trouble washing her hair and is not being given help by the RCs or referred to nurses aides who could help her wash her hair and treat the huge bald spot which looks crusted.

I had to meet with Nurse Josephine Marshall in Keith's office in December for an update short intake and she was polite but gave me the short shrift when I tried to talk about ongoing problems with my thyroid, arthritis, cortisone shots and rhematism and Linda saw her before me but I do not believe that Ms. Marshall did anything to help Linda, these meetings were just for more funding for the Home Health Group getting paid by Cornerstone for God knows what.

A few days after the October GOING AWAY PARTY for Arlene Gomez, when my then RC David Minestone had me sign on the computer my treatment plan, WHICH WE HAD NOT WORKED ON TOGETHER and which took me months of asking Keith and later RC Anna Bikakis for a copy of, Keith was rejoicing telling people not to bother him while he was working on the computer to make sure he got his new Supervisor salary right away, he had a lot of problems with doing this and Meghan Grout kept teasing and complimenting Keith on being the "OVERLORD."

At this time, Keith utterly ignored my questions about Josephine Marshall being listed on the first page as one of my providers and I asked him if she was listed as one of my providers, why he would not give me a contact number for her. David's desk is right by the computer Keith was working on for his new Supervisor salary.
Keith has had many chances to stop his abuse, my therapist,Paula Weiss, emailed him in July 2014 to stop harrassing and hounding me to go to the art group, I wrote him a note, in November 2014 , on an envelope (and left it on the table before med monitoring and his usual RC appointment with my housemate Melissa Willard) since he talks non-stop to please stop teasing me -- that it was making me physically and mentally ill and was an inappropriate abuse of medication monitoring.

And his access to me since after 3 years of packing out my meds at the time I was writing the complaint about Eric Gordon in Sept. 2014, Keith convinced Dr. Parveen to make me attend 60 medication meetings a month which are a waste of time, if staff isn't running in and out the door immediately, screaming at me about housekeeping, Keith plays more elaborate and damaging games -- I think this stopping my packing out after so many years was retribution for saying that I was filing a grievance and I was forbidden to talk about it at med monitoring, I have also been forbidden to talk about my physical health since it upsets Melissa and 6 month attempt to gain help in getting the CT for the liver and kidney masses that were seen as incidental in the back MRI that my orthopedist ordered April 2014, when I finally went back to Dr. Kessous 8 months later his nurse asked why it took so long to get the CT.

Paula again emailed Keith Ellis in December 2014, at my request, to stop treating me like a clown for his amusement, sometimes Keith would back off briefly but would then come back strong with a new twist on old mind games or new mind games until all that was left was for me to scream and scream at him to STOP HOVERING AND LEAVE ME ALONE, which I have asked him to do many times over the past three months or so, that it makes me nervous but like a junior high school teenager, if a client tells Keith that something bothers them, Keith has to do it even more, this is not the responsible behavior towards the mentally ill required of a supervisor.
this is not the responsible behavior towards the mentally ill required of a supervisor

Keith has made me and I believe other patients in Cornerstone-Montgomery Residential Program much more ill and I believe he has increased the number of patients needing to be hospitalized or who need to stay at Fenton or Grundy House which certainly needless costs Cornerstone and the funders including government funding and is the opposite treatment of which is expected by the community and government funding ENTRUSTED to Cornerstone - Montgomery


I finally called Department of Aging, Adult Protective Services on Betty Levy's behalf after months of periodically telling Keith and staff that I would call them if they did not get Betty some medical help and stop verbally and mentally and emotionally abusing her. I called in October 2014 and I am sure Protective Services has the record of my call to them. Keith finally got Nurse Josephine Marshall to come out and look at Betty's very swollen shut eye and very swollen feet which she had suffered from for at least 6 months and got her into a hospital with Shatara Hill staying with Betty until 10pm as Keith said, to be nice to Shatara and then Keith said with no humor whatever, "You think I'm a magician, don't you." This call may be the reason for the increase of Keith's abusive teasing and other abuse directed towards me.

If Betty Levy is well enough to testify, I am sure she would be glad to talk about the things done to her by staff while she lived at Banquo Terrace, she had a number of choice phrases for several of the RCs which she told Melissa Willard and myself a number of times.

Betty (Lisabeth) Levy
67 year old client at Cornerstone Bel Pre not getting help, yelled at
October 12, 2014

I am very worried about my housemate Betty. We are both in a group home.

Sunday evening, Oct. 12 I was soaking towels in water to wrap around Betty's foot, left so swollen she didn't know what to do so she put Lysol cleaner on it , I helped her to wash it off, told her not to do that again, huge bunion also on her left foot, Betty cannot wear shoes and her RC, Shatara Hill, will not help her only screams and screams abuse at Betty, can hear Shatara screaming an hour at a time even when I am downstairs working on computer. When I was sitting next to Betty at med monitoring, did not hear her speak but Shatara interrupted her screaming at Betty to do housework to screaming at Betty for treating her, Shatara without respect. Jessica Cetout does this too when she would occasionally come before Inspection and would not answer questions about needed items to do the housework.

Betty's right leg hurts so bad (for many months) she can't sleep, sleeps sitting up in living room or kitchen table for several months, with her head thrown back, or on her shoulder or sometimes with her face on the table - when I tell RCs about the pain she is in that she can't lie down, they just scream at her and she goes upstairs to sleep in hard back chair in her bedroom since Betty says she can't get her leg on bed and is too painful if she does.

Also her eye hurts so bad in the past few months, Betty says that it is too painful to put her head down, Betty's right eye weeping constantly and extremely swollen most of the time for months.

Betty's right eye weeping constantly.

A few months ago Betty fell down front steps hit her head, Betty had a very bad black eye and bruised forehead when she was going out with a Rehab Counselor Keisha Johnson and fell down the outside concrete steps with one step missing onto her face, Betty called an ambulance and went alone to ER and had to take a cab back, minimal concern from RCs except for Keisha who was concerned that night and was very nice to Betty.

Watching this cruelty to a 67 year old woman is terrible.

The Rehab Counselors yell at her to take trash down the concrete steps once a week, she can't so I do it, I am 60 years old and have some problems with my back and sciatica nerve pain in my right hip and femor as verified by numerous x-rays recently by my orthopedist Dr. Kessous.
More threats to Betty about losing her housing if she cannot do her chores.

The RCs esp. Ana Reyes telling Betty for house inspection by CSA Inspector Howard, (Oct. 2014) she has to hire a maid with her own money, Merry Maids charges $100 for 2 hours of cleaning. The staff changed their mind and told Betty not to hire a maid service but to do it herself. Betty called Merry Maids but said we did not need the bathrooms to be done, I was sitting at the table and told her that the bathrooms needed to be done but she said no. A few minutes after Betty hung up the phone Merry Maids called her back and said they could not work that Saturday and did not offer another day, I think it was that Betty had trouble communicating as she did with doctors.

Betty finally got into a hospital in October and I had been cleaning and decluttering but the RCs esp. Shatara Hill and Jessica Cetout would scream at me to clean and would not listen when I told them the work I had done in between resting because of sweating profusely and red face and weakness told David and Meghan that I was going to be like one of those elderly people who drop dead shoveling snow so they left me alone for a while to dry off and gain strength in the two hours they were hear and pushing me beyond my physical abilities to rapidly do housework that I should not have had to do alone.

so I started a list of chores that I had been doing hour by hour then resting but they refused to look at it, would not give me a copy of the usual chores required for House Inspection until almost the day of inspection. Keith would not buy a decent mop, bought a string mop that you have to wring out by hand and David bought dry swifters which needed spray cleaner which we did not have, I bought Ajax twice but could not afford all the supplies needed so did my best with water or the usual extra supplies for Inspection.

Gus, the maintenance person, was in and out did a heroic job of fixing things for weeks and asked quietly the day before since he had seen me working alone for weeks, remember when "Nicole (RC) and them would help with preparing for inspection." and was flabbergasted that I was getting no help, only promises that David would come, he came once with Meghan who did clean Betty's room but they took the supplies they brought with them when they left and Gus asked how long they stayed and I said about 2 hours which is a drop in the bucket.

I told Gus that Keith promised but refused to give me the extra supplies for housecleaning including a mop and Gus gave me some cleaning supplies the day before the inspection and said he wished he had known that I had no cleaning supplies and even had to cut up rags since there was no papertowels bought since Melissa Willard persuaded the House Meeting RC David not to charge the usual $10 from each person for supplies but only $5 and since Betty was gone this did not go far.

I ended up doing the whole house for inspection which we passed, was ill, in pain from sciatic nerve pain, Keith told me to call 911 if I were ill otherwise to clean the whole 3 story townhouse by myself.

The day after PASSING INSPECTION, the abuse continued and still continues about my supposedly not cleaning, Ana Reyes, snide RC, told me at med monitoring (The day after PASSING INSPECTION) that there were a few glasses in the sink that the kitchen was a mess and since Betty was no longer her, "You can't blame it on Betty."

I was too sick after weeks of cleaning the townhouse and could not make food, my face continued to be very red after any exertion, I had never used that phrase of Melissa Willard when she repeated refused to help with the Inspection housecleaning, that she was not going to do Betty's work and my job coach asked what Betty's work was and I said sweeping and mopping which she was not able to do, Melissa was required to sweep and mop in ordinary household chores but since Betty was unable to Melissa refused to do her cleaning for about 6 months even the stairs or upstairs which was Melissa's job. Melissa is in her 40s is able bodied, lifts weights, goes on power walks, but has severe eating issues has been hospitalized much more in the past year than usual but before always did her chores.

Months later Keith Ellis continues to use the phrase, "Betty is gone, you can't blame it on Betty." which makes me furious. I have never regretted anything as much as making myself so ill doing this entire townhouse myself with ta variety of threats of losing my housing, worsening sciatic pain until cortisone shot a month ago which is wearing of by cleaning and decluttering this 3 story townhouse including 3 bathrooms without cleaning supplies, I never want to be put through this again though the abuse about cleaning continues from the time the townhouse passed inspect to now.

I could take care of a small apartment but I cannot continue to be the sole housemaid for a 3 story townhouse and clean up after Debbie Davis and Melissa Willard and the RCs tracking in mud and leaves.

When the CSA Inspector Howard gave me a copy of the CSA questionnaire on client satisfaction with Cornerstone, I said I had to go upstairs to get my glasses and Keith said, "I will go along with her to make sure she writes only good things. Then Keith said "no I'm just joking." but went upstairs with me and hovered while I marking the questionnaire.

I noticed for the second year and should have and will ask Howard why CSA no longer has the question they had for the previous 3 inspections on CLIENT SATISFACTION WITH HOW SLH/CORNERSTONE-MONTGOMERY handles GRIEVANCES. I always gave high marks and the lowest mark for this question. I would imagine many clients did and instead of investigating why SLH/Cornerstone does such inadequate investigations of GRIEVANCES CSA decided to drop the question so it would not mess up their statistics.
Before screaming about housework, someone needs to make sure that clients are receiving services promised
and rights guaranteed by Comar Law are respected
I also noticed this time that there were other questions missing, the Client Satisfaction questionnaire was always one page but is now closer to half a page.

Before Betty moved into this townhouse a year ago, she was in a St. Lukes/Cornerstone Montgomery Bel Pre cluster apartment which was apparently much better for Betty than this 3 story townhouse. Her then RC, Amanda, said she could take the bus then and was more independent and several RCs said she has gone downhill since she has moved here. When she moved in her feet were not so swollen that Betty could not wear shoes and has had to go grocery shopping in her stocking feet. Her later RC Shatara would scream at Betty to take a cab and buy new shoes and later said to Betty if you can't find a pair big enough, buy the biggest shoes you can and cut them up.

The Rehab Counselors used to keep record of physical problems and go to doctor with clients, Betty is sometimes confused sometimes sharp but needs this help, Nurse Josephine Marshall, if she is listed as one of my providers why can't I speak to her????, even Pam, long time receptionist at Southport, said she had never heard of a nurse called Josephine and the only one at Southport was a nurse, LaToye, who only gave injections.

But found out from RC Ana Reyes that Josephine is at Southport then Jessica Cetout gave me the nurses full name and I think that is when I got the true location of this nurse which is at the Silver Spring office until she found out this information was also top secret, Cornerstone is charging Medicaid and Medicare for services not remotely provided.

Debbie Davies noticed right away, she said with in the first week or two to Meghan that she was the only one to stay and who seemed interested in clients that the others couldn't get out quick enough and this was very true before Debbie came. Possibly they run and in out so they don't want to get in trouble for giving away information that clients have a legitimate right to know but which Keith has decided is top secret, like the last names of RCs, the people caring for us in violation of the Comar law listed in RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBLITIES.

Keith at first just joked around and gave me a hard time and NO answers as to why all the residents in this townhouse had to meet with NURSE Josephine Marshall (only meeting, have not heard from her since) in April 2014 and answer questions from a very, very nosy questionnaire including questions if you were a transexual or homosexual, satisfied with your sex life, had ever been sexually assaulted and more and more intimate questions that even a therapist at the first meeting doesn't ask much less all at once, I complained to Lisa Rhodes about the extensive nature of these inappropriate personal questions just afterwards most of which had nothing whatever to do with STDs or anything even a nurse should be asking especially if it is planned---in opposition to what Keith said to get us to go along with this questionnaire---that only select clients or maybe none will have access to this nurse and bogus health organization.

Lisa said she would pass it along and shortly thereafter Lisa went to work at Lifeskills after being my RC for a month after Christina Taylor left Bel Pre after 4 years due from things Christina said to wild meetings and referring to Keith several times over two years obliquely -- they did not get along and Christina said Keith wanted to be my RC but she fought him down saying, "I know my people." again obliquely referring to the fact that she knew Keith Ellis would mess me up so bad if he were my RC but at medication meetings, Keith has managed with his ever increasing mind games to reducing me to screaming at him, get away, stop hovering, stop teasing me but like a teenage boy, if he knows something bothers you Keith will do it all the more until I am almost totally non-functional.

Lisa Rhodes too when Keith was asking me at the Bel Pre office why I didn't want him to be my RC, I said to Keith that he was too quick and too witty for me (to be polite) and Keith said no one had ever called him witty before and Lisa said firmly that David Minestone was quiet and calm and a better match FOR ME.

But David rarely showed up for our scheduled RC meetings or house meetings which made my housemate Melissa Willard furious and she would call Bel Pre office asking where David was and that we had been sitting there waiting for an hour with no call from David, standing us up as I put it and Melissa started putting it, like me for a while Melissa would shout at David sometimes shaking she was so angry why he did not call at least to cancel housemeeting when David did show up on whatever day or hour we would not be aware of but David usually wouldn't answer or gave a nonsensical reply and like me Melissa would just say "I guess it stood us up again." and would just accept it rather than getting so agitated.
At the time of the questionnaire, 4/2014, Keith Ellis told us before she came that Josephine and Home Health had been hired to coordinate somatic care, so it would be to our benefit to cooperate with the written questionnaire but after asking Keith several times, 6 months later, and getting the runaround and rude questions why I wanted to talk to nurse Josephine, I said REPEATEDLY that both Betty and I need her help that had been promised by our signing papers and agreeing to the long questionnaire. Keith FINALLY said he would contact Josephine to see if she was taking calls(???).

If Cornerstone is charging Medicare for this service from Josephine and Home Health, and according to the first page of my treatment plan on the computer, Josephine Marshall is listed as one of my providers since April this is fraud.

Medicare Fraud Hotline. Ms. Wilkoff not doing her job of grievance for five years and refuses to follow grievance procedure about letters updating action taken on complaint.

Montgomery Hospital ER should have computer printout on how many times Betty has called an ambulance and gone to ER for very real somatic problems. Later after meeting with nurse Josephine and being placed... somewhere, I never saw Betty Levy again, the RCs said months later when I asked repeatedly that Betty was still in Rehab about a month later after Betty saw Josephine and Keith said to be nice to Shatara because she waited with Betty until 10pm so that Betty would be admitted, Betty started receiving bills from Holy Cross which is a very good hospital and saved my mother's life several times when the nursing home was afraid to call the hospital and my mother would be comatose and I would have to call 911, ride with the paramedics and wait for many hours with my mother to be admitted but the doctors in ER really cared unlike Shady Grove and Montgomery Hospitals.

Betty has a bad cough though she has never been a smoker.

Betty has to go grocery shopping with only one shoe and a sock because her right foot is so swollen, both feet were swollen terribly for months and months but the RCs still screamed at her to do the housework, the Montgomery General ER finally after many times of Betty calling 911 and going alone by ambulance, gave her a special braced shoe just for her right foot and a walker. The Rehab Counselors are not concerned with the reason why betty has no shoes, her very swollen feet and huge bunion but just tell her to take a cab, she does not have cab coupons or metro access, to buy some shoes at an inexpensive shoe store.

RCs used to go with me to doctor and go into to visit the doctor and help with questions and organising and keeping track of medical problems, and for other clients as well.

The ER just tells Betty to go to her doctor, Betty says Dr. Cohen and her opthmologist don't care or help. When I used to ask her if she remembered to tell the doctors what she had told me about her pain, Betty would say once in the doctors office she would forget. The RCs get very frustrated and angry by Betty's inconsistencies which she cannot help and offer her no real help only anger and intense verbal abuse that I can even downstairs hear Shatara screaming at Betty for an hour since Shatara was her RC but except when she after about 8 months living here went with Betty to help her get admitted to the hospital presumably because Josephine the day before who came out to see Betty, told Keith and Shatara how visibly ill Betty really was and need to be hospitalized.

Amanda, who was Betty's first RC, said she was getting a lot of flack for not being able to get Betty to perform as the "team" thought Betty should. Amanda said it was very stressful for her and quit shortly after she said this -- the team in name only just blames the RC for lack of independent action or performance and they certainly do not seem to act as a team.

Keith's humor can be very engaging but he is very little help and the MISUSE OF MEDICATION MONITORING AND "VISITS" for his clowning around and constant text messaging instead of talking to clients and giving straight answers would be unprofessional in an RC much less the title of Assistant Supervisor that he had when he first came here from Threshold and now that Arlene, the supervisor hired from Pennsylvania, has been pushed out, Keith is now Supervisor of Bel Pre.

When Arlene came to talk to Betty she was very gentle and seemed really concerned about what was best for Betty but management has been making some very detrimental decisions and many experienced, trained and caring REHABILITATION COORDINATIRS have quit. Christina Taylor told me that before Arlene Gomez was hired both she and Keith applied for the job of supervisor but they told Christina that she would need more supervisory experience. I can't imagine Christina mocking clients as Keith has done more and more.

There are Exit Interview software programs so that CSA and Cornerstone
could stop raging fires before they happen again.
The ER flushed Betty's very swollen, weeping right eye on two different visits recently, Betty has said for months it feels like she has glass in her eye and she is afraid she will lose her eye. 4 days ago, her eye was swollen shut and Keith Ellis the supervisor just told her to call the ambulance and left after med monitoring, like all the RCs gave her no moral or any other support and she has to take a cab home after minimal insufficient care. Betty has gone to Montgomery ER 10 to 15 times in the past year after calling 911 and the RCs show no concern whatever for her health or helping her talk to doctors and get care.

They yell at her, treat her so disrespectfully that I have several times told them I would call Adult Protective Services and they are nicer to her for a short time.

I placed on the table a brochure from St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church on Elder Abuse with a simple drawing on the cover of two middle age children of an elderly person in a wheelchair screaming uncontollably at him whose shoulders are drawn up. I placed it on the table for a week and during med monitoring Keith just waved his hand over it dismissively. Many of the things mentioned in this brochure remind me of the way Betty is treated but none of the RCs would look at it.

They threaten her constantly with the loss of her housing but do nothing to help her. An RC, a Rehabilitation Counselor, is supposed to have more skills than yelling and berating and threatening. Some of this attitude that clients are to be treated as animals or less to be controlled is coming from upper management and the training and the emphasis on independence which sounds good but some clients are not physically capable of the independence they demand.
Keith had asked me twice when he first came and a year later, who my supervisor was

and I said, "I don't have a supervisor, I am a client, I have a REHABILITATION COUNSELOR."

even though Keith doesn't use the term supervisor, he has always treated me as a subordinate and not a client/patient.

A few months ago I tried to talk to Keith about his apparent belief that I am not mentally ill and a client and the way he talks to me and he said coldly and flatly, "I believe you are sick." It was the same tone he used a few days after Christina left, she was also Melissa Willard's RC if we missed Christina and we said we did then I asked Keith if he missed Christina and in the same flat voice which means the opposite of the words said, "Yeah, I miss Christina."

Betty sometimes stops eating she is so distressed by the verbal abuse, I have told RCs after I noticed that Betty had not used any dishes for a week and had not eaten and they are unconcerned. Betty can't always get to bank for cab fare to grocery shopping or she is too ill or in too much pain I have bought groceries for her several times with her money at her request and at the time of her week where she did not mention it I just noticed that she had not been eating and she had been staring blankly on the couch since she had trouble making it up the stairs and slept on the couch sitting up despite the screaming abuse of staff, and Betty said she was overweight but she was very depressed.

If I asked her if I could make her something to eat she would say no but if I put a plate of food in front of her she would eat. Melissa Willard got on board with treating Betty as a scapegoat, would say that Betty would steal her food, Betty said she was confused and could not get to the grocery store but even after Bel Pre gave Melissa a small refrigerater in her very large master bedroom and a very nice tall bookshelf type with very large plastic drawers for cereal, canned goods and Melissa transferred all her food upstairs since staff did not want the inspector to see her food placed against the walls of her room.

But despite this, Melissa kept screaming also at Betty that Betty did not belong here, even if Betty had been placed in the wrong program it was not her fault and to see a person who is visibly very ill being screamed at by Melissa when she felt angry.

Betty said she spent several days in her room sitting up in the plastic chair because Melissa was acting wild before she went into the hospital again and I had noticed it as well and was concerned though Melissa and I usually get along and I have put alot into our relationship, listening to her doing what she wants basically a one-sided relationship but Melissa has rarely been abusive or played games with me in 2 1/2 years but even when I would say Betty fell down the stairs and had a black eye Melissa would tell the RCs that it wasn't fair on me for me to take down the trash twice a week. Though people have had compassion on Melissa and she gets help that she needs, neither she nor the RCs had any compassion on Betty and treated her like a scapegoat or an insect.

Betty was fairly strong person emotionally when she started and was a little smart mouthed though she only said a few words at a time and didn't talk fast but Betty started breaking down after the twice daily verbally assaults from most of the RCs. NO ONE, EVER, DESERVES TO BE TREATED LIKE BETTY WAS as if she were not human and Keith and the RCs have started treating me like the scapegoat even Melissa Willard. Betty finally was more upset by the things Melissa said to her and said Melissa acted like Betty had no right to be there and I told Betty she had as much right to be here as Melissa and Melissa not only implied but directly said in medication monitoring and ran up to Betty sitting at the dining room table and would tell Betty directly that she did not belong here.

I would object and Melissa would get angry with me and since Keith is now treating me as the scapegoat and is Melissa's RC I wonder how much undue influence has been and is being brought to bear on Melissa to treating both of us so badly.

Betty started crying during medication monitoring and she said she was afraid of losing her eye to Anna Bikakis, who was sympathetic but her demeanor basically said that Anna could do nothing to help Betty stop the severe abuse that got worse and worse as they saw Betty had no protection, her brother rarely called, unlike Melissa who goes out weekly to lunch with her parents and whose father has said if Melissa dies from her hunger strikes that he will sue, that no matter how hard she tries to do the housework, I stated repeatedly at the housemeetings we did have and med monitoring that Betty cleaned the dishes soaking and put them in the rack and would try to do things that did not demand her bending down since she had severe arthritis and it was obvious she could not bend over and since she was tall and heavy said many times that she was afraid of falling AGAIN her rc Shatara just keeps yelling at her and I can testify to that. Melissa was there when Betty started crying, she rarely cries and I told Keith a few days later but he was unconcerned.

Betty sleeps sitting up on the sofa or kitchen table, she says it is too painful for her right leg and sometimes her eye to lie down or put her head down, sphenoidal sinusitus could be, I had that but Betty would need a forehead CT to find out.

It's hard for betty to even walk upstairs or downstairs to the finished basement and the unfinished laundry room, I have helped her several times wash her clothes and wish I had done more but even I was fooled sometimes by the intense effort by "staff" making her the scapegoat and the incessantly repeated by RCs and even Melissa "SHE CAN DO IT HERSELF." which was a very, very obvious lie.

much less kneel down to clean the bathtub

Betty had a lot of medication, handfuls and handfuls morning and afternoon (instead of evening as was the rule) the coming too close together of medication monitoring is dangerous--TAKE DOSES AT EVENLY SPACED INTERVALS- and they should have gotten Betty bubble packs, I had it for a year at other RCs request even though I didn't need it. When I asked Ana Reyes why Betty had to go constantly to the store by cab in swollen feet after being screamed constantly at to get her medication (handfuls, huge amount of meds Betty was on) that she could not put her shoes on Ana said with a smirk, "We don't want Betty to get too lazy."

I kept telling Ana when she would play games and berate Betty, LOOK AT HER FEET THEY ARE SO SWOLLEN but no one would help her get medical care or even stop abusing her, everytime Ana would leave Betty would say, "Does she know how awful she is?"

Betty had an even more choice name for Shatara Hill which is unrepeatable but which I agree with.

for a while Betty couldn't walk down the basement stairs to use the shower stall so she doesn't have to step a foot and a half to get into the tub but her severe arthritis or sciatica pain in her right leg and swollen feet make it impossible for her to go downstairs or upstairs to her room.
Betty needs help in picking things up off her floor, and making bed and unpacking and hanging up her clothes I asked an RC to help Betty obtain hangers but was told that was Betty's responsibity, what did Betty do when she was at the Bel Pre Manor Care apartment close to the office with her clothes??? but her RC does not partner with Betty to help but just yells at her.

Betty had a severe swelling on hand or arm don't remember now, thought was bedbug bite, see if Betty's new bed and my bed have plastic sheeting with zipper, and my bed, look in linen closet for sheets and for plastic bedbug sheeting

Pam said about two weeks ago when I called that there was no nurse Josephine Marshall at Southport found out later she was at the Silver Spring office but Keith Ellis who is now supervisor since last Wed said he will find out if she is taking calls!!!

Ana Reyes told me Josephine's first name and when I asked why she and Home Care Heath had been hired to coordinate care if they are unavailable, Ana went on and on about how this agency and Cornerstone were planning to expand in 10 years, neither I nor Betty can wait 10 years for the promised home health nurse to follow and coordinate my and Betty Levy's medical conditions - why did we have to fill out a very nosy long, long questionnaire with nurse where roommates had to go upstairs for privacy last April??? They are not waiting 10 years to get paid from the funds Cornerstone raises and uses this heath care something or other to promote their supposed care for clients' physical well-being.
The night after I called Adult Protective Services to tell them how ill Betty had been for months and the ongoing verbal abuse, mostly because of her severe physical problems which the RCs kept screaming at her to go to the doctor or call 911 and go to the ER by herself, which she did 12 or 15 times in the months Betty was at Banquo Terrace ---when I would ask for her RC, Shatara Hill, to go with Betty to help her explain to the doctors and to provide an added incentive for ER to give her more help for her horribly swollen feet than just give her a walker and a special shoe.

Later Betty had the Lysol on the kitchen table and said she had put the Lysol on the foot to try to get the swelling to go down and to disinfect it, I told her not to do that that I had some rubbing alcohol, there is very little in the First Aid Kit left. I wet a large bathtowel and washed off Betty's foot and then wet another towel with warm water and wrapped it around the foot telling her the warm water I put on the towel would soon cool off and that the cool wet towel might bring the swelling down as well as clean off the rest of the Lysol.

Keith asked me questions downstairs about Betty and for once was serious and not in his perpetual party personality which makes communication impossible. I think Betty who was sitting at the kitchen table near the staircase could hear. The most memorable thing to me was when I told Keith that the night before Betty had showed me how swollen one foot and lower leg was, her feet had been so swollen getting steadily worse, it seem that they couldn't get any more swollen, but she was right, one foot was very noticibly much more swollen that the other.

Keith immediately grabbed hold of this when I mentioned it and said as he wrote that Betty could not take care of herself. Keith was very cold, obviously did not care about Betty and was just looking for something to make her look bad and to get rid of a client that he and the other RCs told repeatedly to Betty that she would lose her housing if she did not do as they said until in the two weeks before I called Protective Services Betty stopped being afraid and would respond, "I DON'T CARE."
The last time I saw Betty the night after she met with Josephine, Betty called a private contractor to come and jimmy the cover over the thermostat control. Betty constantly complained how cold she was. Betty turned up the thermostat to 90 degrees, after Bel Pre office was closed, I would wake up and turn it down and ask Betty not to turn it up so high but she would not talk to me though we were on very friendly terms for a long, long time. Betty had a fixed scary smile that either looked like she was crying or extremely bitter. She continued sitting on the couch with the fixed smile all night long. Her face was usually mobile, I had never seen this expression before but well understood her extreme bitterness at the shameful way she had been treated for months.

I kept waking up because of the heat, would turn it down and ask Betty not to turn it up again and asked if she was crying because of the fixed look but she just stared straight ahead hour after hour, she would not answer me. I called Jeff at the SLH/Cornerstone psychiatric emergency line, as usual he was not there and said to leave a message or have him paged. I left a message and called the other emergency number which was fenton/McCullough House the young girl who answered said she did not know if she was allowed to page Jeff, I told her of the message on his emergency line but she refused.

Left several voicemail messages for Jeff which he never responded to -- I called 911 and said I didn't know if I needed someone to come out but needed advice about the 90 degree heat possibly starting a fire, I was put through to the fire department and a woman said the thermostats prevent a fire even at 90 degrees over hours and if there was some place I could go to get relief from the heat, I said the basement but even the basement was very hot. When I woke up Betty was gone and Keith said later that Shatara had stayed with Betty until 10 pm at the hospital until she was admitted.

They can't take away my dignity, but they certainly try.

When signed for my Treatment Plan last Friday, David said he would give me a copy of treatment plan but Bel Pre staff rarely keeps their promises, asked anna B. my present RC for a copy on Sunday she said she would meet with me on Thursday and bring it but I am skeptical.

said she would send email to my job coach about laptop but she misremembered our conversation in the one sit down meeting we had after David transferred me to her and she only stayed about 10 minutes.

why can't I have a copy of my treatment plan, no one went over it with me. Told Keith a number of times and he keeps promising I will have a copy.

Arlene Gomez said that Bel Pre didn't have much in the way of funds but that there was funding marked for replacement of broken answering machine, I am waiting for responses for my grievance complaint. The light in the answering machine goes in and out. will not replace the answering machine. (I have mentioned this numerous times including at house meeting, it is hard to make outgoing calls since the phone only sporadically works but they will not replace the phone despite the right to have access to a phone.)

Inspection is Oct 23 for both HUD and Core Service agency Howard, Keith won't take my questions on anything seriously just jokes around which is disasterous for clients in an asst supervisor and now the supervisor since Arlene Gomez left after just 9 months after moving from Pennsylvania she was very nice the other RCs scream and don't partner or help with anything.

Howard, CSA House Inspector, always leaves a questionnaire for CSA to know how clients rate SLH/Cornerstone Montgomery, always would give highest marks for everything EXCEPT HOW SLH HANDLES GRIEVANCES. A number of other clients must have done the same thing because CSA left the question about how Cornerstone handles grievances off the client satisfaction survey.

at Arlene's going away party last Wed one of the clients said he appreciated being told that Arlene the supervisor was leaving since so many people/ rcs have left recently and nobody told the clients. Keisha and Nikki Lak really cared about clients and helped with cleaning for inspections in past years, they keep telling Betty she has to hire a maid then change their mind and say Shatara will partner (this from Ana) then Keith will say Betty and possibly me need to hire a maid, I could have tried to save money - can't afford it now.

Keith will not meet with me privately for 15 minutes after med meetings as he and other rcs have done for other housemate Melissa Willard literally hundreds of times. I rarely ask but with grievance and David my rc not showing up for RC meetings or House Meetings have needed someone to talk to but not someone who clowns around and spends most of his time as he always has during the 15 minutes he is required to stay for med meetings in case clients need help -- doing private text messaging or playing computer games on his cellphone.

When I told him after a year of just sitting there during what is supposed to be a visit at med monitoring that Keith was in love with his cell phone, Keith said he was always texting about needs of clients at our house but it has been true a very few times most of the time it would not have to do with us. After Keith started his malicious teasing, I would tell him to go back to playing with his cell phone but it was more fun for him to torment me until I would be screaming. Ana Reyes also spent most of the time that was being paid for as a visit for clients playing with her cell phone.

Very, very rude, this is supposed to be our time, the three of us not just melissa, or his cell phone. Melissa's dad said that if she died from her hunger strikes that he would sue St Luke's Cornerstone but this was even before Keith came a year and a half ago, they used to wait until Melissa was very very ill and could hardly walk before getting her to Fenton house or a hospital where most of the time, she had to go on a feeding tube.

Tripping on livingroom step

The living room at Banquo has one step up to the dining room, there is a gold colored metal strip on the edge like the ones on the staircases but there was no protective strip underneath and several times my pant leg caught on the nails exposed and hanging down. In October 2014, my pant leg caught on one of these exposed but hidden nails and when I found I could not right myself and would fall, I threw the glass mug and glass jar I was carrying as far from me as I could, I hit and skinned and twisted my knee, if I had fallen with the glasses in my hand it would have been much, much worse.

Melissa heard me fall, came downstairs and cleaned up the water and tea and broken glass and found some antiseptic and bandages for my knee. When I told Keith about it later, he blamed me, told me to stop wearing clothes that were too big, and related a story about having pajamas that were too big and always tripping, I asked him to let maintenance know to fix it and Keith just kept telling me to get clothes that fit. It was inspection time and Gus was in and out working hard, a few days later when he came, I told him and Gus immediately knelt down and hammered the nails sideways to eliminate the danger. I asked Gus if Keith had called and he said no.

Several similar things have happened and I wonder if Keith and the RCs get in trouble if they call Maintenance, like the large convex bubble in the living room ceiling from the water and debris that poured in from the wall in my bedroom adjoining the next smallest bedroom during a hard rain.
david did not show up for housemeeting again monday 6th
did not call
mw said i guess dm stood us up again made appt for thurs
but not calling to cancelling waiting and waiting changed from 4 would show up 5:30 changed to 3pm showed up at 4 30 we have inspections did not buy adequate supplies last month and we need supplies this month and inspection date changed from 23 to 15th in past rcs have helped told would call dept of aging if Shatara didn't quit berating Betty who has trouble walking much less scrubbing kitchen without papertowels and old oily sponges and no working mop for months, (doesn't squegee and sopping wet, have to find and cut up and dry with rags, a lot of extra work) and dry swifters - good for cobwebs and walls but not floors.

When will we be getting extra supplies??? I keep asking this question, we always get extra cleaning supplies before inspections.
had to cancel the appt for my Cat Scan with contrast for a serious liver problem that was discovered last spring with an orthopedist MRI was incidental finding, had ultrasound and it is very serious, a blood vessel in liver, have told rcs including Keith that my doctor and her assistant both said in September to have the CT done and come back quickly Monday oct 13 because anna could not work overtime gets there at 12 noon.
I told Keith last week he was not taking my problem with my liver seriously and neither was Anna or David my current and former RCs and Keith said "Are you taking your liver problem seriously?" which didn't make any sense since I have been trying to get the RCs to help me and take an interest and find out why Nurse Josephine Marshall is being listed as one of my providers but has been incommunicado since last spring despite having an office at the Silver Spring Cornerstone location.
last week Anna was very busy and said she would meet with me twice next week starting oct 12 but sunday she said she has another busy week when i asked her again to give me times and days she was free so that i could reschedule the very important liver ct that i have needed since last spring when orthopedist and radiologist saw two spots or lumps in my rt kidney and liver, david not showing up, lisa quiting had to cancel podiatrist appt twice in a row and both, David and then Lisa Rhodes just before she went to work at Southport-- did not show up and the line, one phone line to bel pre office was busy when tried to call to find out why they were not there to take me to podiatrist appt.

If need help or more information
The project manager in HUD Multifamily Hub, Multifamily Field Office
or your local Contract Administrator

housing counseling agency in your community HUD housing Couseling Service locator at 1-800-569-4287

Hud clearinghouse to report maintenance or management concerns 1-800-685-8470

Inspector General Hot Line 1-800-347-3735 to report fraud, waste or mismanagement
if believe discriminated against 1-800-669-9777

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