If Beth wants to communicate anything to me it is incumbent on HER to speak clearly. I am tried and tired of her turning her back and then speaking and saying "WHAT!! WHAT!! I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!" and other things she does to mock my hearing impediments. Even when she is facing me beth is hard to understand, she slurs her words and has other speech impediments which I have never mocked, I am only stating a fact. I have made a huge effort in med monitoring and on my own time to understand beth and I am no longer willing to make such an effort. I have devoted many hours to being kind to beth talking and mostly listening to her, I am finally so sick of her abuse including mocking my hearing problem I have no desire to communicate with beth.
If Beth want to say something to me, she must make an effort to be intelligible because I am not willing to make the huge time consuming and frustrating effort to understand her. I am her housemate not her friend or family. Beth is so far over the borderline, I am making an effort to push her back off my toes and OFF MY BACK - I cannot carry beth anymore and she keeps throwing her full weight on me expecting me to carry her while she is punching me in the head.
He ain't heavy he's my brother, until you start punching the person carrying you in the head in which case they will drop you in the road and leave you there to get wherever on your own steam.
No. More.
I would rather be painting pictures of dancers but beth has spent two years knocking down my confidence to even walk or talk straight. She and her "boyfriend" of 27 years have honed some savagely sado-masochistic verbal abuse and beth uses her razor sharp skills on her unfortunate housemates and sometimes RCs and when called on it will turn into the helpless two year old toddler victim act.
like a toddler turning one parent against another, beth should never have been allowed to reach this point and if there had been a consistent, coherent plan THAT ALL ALL ALL TEAM MEMBERS ABIDED BY there is no way Beth would have developed in the out-of-control monster she is today. Even if MJC had inherited a very spoiled and destructive gerda and beth, mjc should esp. by now have been able to devise a plan involved all team members
beth was in her element with the new rcs who had obviously not been given any information on beth's destructive and lying games against her housemates.
Ana was an innocent victim. I could hear beth talking to Ana one morning as I sat down for med monitoring, Ana came in to the dining room and had fallen completely for one of beth's lying games and said that there had been mud on the threshold and beth worked her fingers to the bone scrubbing up the mud and could I please think about mopping the floor twice a week to spare the hardworking chore doing beth from over-exerting herself.
I mop the kitchen, threshold and bathroom floor on Tuesday, Melissa mops on Friday but refuses to mop the bathroom which beth had claimed as her own but never cleaned, RCs had to clean it before inspection, Beth was supposed to mop the threshold once a week but every week Nicole would ask beth if she had mopped the threshold and beth would say no until Nicole stopped asking, it is probably still on beth's chore sheet on the bulletin board, only once have I seen beth swifter or maybe it was sweep the threshold. THE NERVE THE NERVE
It had not rained or snowed for a while so where this supposed mud came from I don't know and I doubt very much if beth mopped it since she is always asking me how to put the swifter pad on but that is when I am mopping, Beth has never used the real mop as far as I am aware and has never swept or mopped the basement which is her responsibility, and only sweeps the dining room and living room under extreme duress, beth was at Waterside during Inspection cleaning so Melissa and I and the RCs had to do her undone chores for a year. I think it was Maria who said beth had not gotten out of chores but was doing her share at Waterside Cluster, it would be interesting to talk to the people at Waterside to see how the always industrious beth did her chores at Waterside before last inspection.
Either Melissa Willard or another RC there at the time told Ana that the decisions on how often to mop the threshold were made in housemeeting and that Beth was trying to do an endrun around the proper steps for making a decision like that. Ana felt bad and immediately stopped pushing me to mop the threshold twice a week.
beth talking, laughing incessantly in kitchen probably to boyfriend maybe to self very hard to concentrate on work - she can talk in her room or living room sound does not echo there down the stairs where i am trying to work. hours, upon hour upon hour upon hour of talk, partying laughing arguing etc. why doesn't she just move in with her boyfriend if spends 8-12 hours a day talking to him IN KITCHEN more than just tying up phone which melissa willard objected to and bonnie and my job coach mike also talk about how hard it is to contact me, phone does not take message when beth is on it and sometimes mike wants to change appointment time and if bonnie has some free time in my vicinity would come and visit for a while if she could get through on the phoneline that beth monopolizes. Melissa Willard also has family and friends who try to call.
Beth has chosen evil, she wallows in it and tries to drag down into hell with her anyone who tries to help her. Beth gives compassion and kindness a bad name - Jesus said CAST NOT YOUR PEARLS BEFORE SWINE LEST THEY TRAMPLE THEM IN THE MUD AND TURN AGAIN AND REND YOU.
Didn't catch on soon enough that beth is not worthy of anything from me, don't like to think of anyone as swine but beth is certainly a mad dog with rabies.
Beth is bored and dabbles in using her gift/talents from God but the only thing she has dedicated her life to is ripping other people to pieces emotionally
"Give them an inch they will take a mile" was writting about Beth
Read in a book on surviving the savageness of some offices HOW TO SWIM WITH THE SHARKS AND NOT GET EATEN - beth could bite a rattlesnake and the snake would die, beth is pure poison - advice was given while sitting at a table with business associate to put the salt and pepper in their space to try to exert and expand you territory and unnerve even your collegues, beth could teach some of her territory grabbing techniques to the sharks.
Was glad when Christina finally a month or so ago told beth that this was not beth's house, it it beth's and linda's and melissa's house. summed it up well but didn't faze beth or stop her rampage for more and more territory more and more pain and despair in the savage tricks she never stops playing.
loosh eater -vampires just waste the energy they steal from people - stirring up fear and pain and feeding off that negative energy they exploited out of people.
Why the old Russian proverb quoted in many novels from Tolstoy to Paternak "You are angry, Jupiter, therefore you are wrong."
Why Christianity and other religions focus on forgiveness and not letting the sun go down on your anger - anger is an evil spirit and can make you do and say terrible things.
BETH IS A Rabid dog biting others giving them rabies
A buddhest monk in Myanmar who was tortured was afraid in the breaks between torture that he would lose his efforts at compassion for his torturers
Beth is as bad as that, she is an abyss of evil.
Kim, Alicia, Waterside Cluster RC, myself
Beth is an ace at twisting the knife provoking fear and anger and then playing the victim doesn't matter what was done to her how many hundreds of people has beth destroyed forever in her life.
a mad dog with rabies
this is what beth has dedicated her life too, pathetic waste of a life but the power surge she gets from getting to people like a toddler is her addiction, like heroin addiction needs more and more stealing from people to get the same power rush and she has been doing it all her life and is amazingly skilled and has more nerve than anyone I have ever met and is meaner than anyone I have ever met about equal with Gerda.
Bonnie said her pastor keeps saying "Hurting people hurt"
but if someone does as much damage as beth does in her constant rampages and war on the people of the world IT IS NOTt fair to subject innocent people to her who have to be around her hell and damnation and destruction 24/7 for years. She hates it here, find beth another place to be. Beth is always looking up information on retirement apartments and other apartments a year before I moved in Caryn Zaner said they discussed with beth changing rooms with me because alicia or whoever was unfortunate enough to be beth's housemate at the time displeased beth enough for her to want to get away. A few months ago beth had a try-out at Waterside Cluster and the RC who brought her back, the RCs face was so enraged
TEARS OF RAGE is what beth aims for and gets.
beth is too sick, perverted, damaged by her joint sado-masochistic relationship with her boyfriend of 27 years - their depraved relationship is not enough for beth and she has to try to drag in more and more people into her self-created and maintained hell and too mean to live with anyone, she needs 24 or 16 hour care from someone who can get weekends off to recover from beth.
Beth left some writing on the coffee table for a long time, it was a letter to her sister Marilyn appologizing for something beth had done to destroy their relationship beth said she regreted it and missed out on the relationship that could have been.
I only glanced at it while putting on shoes to go outside beth has writing all around and I have enough to keep me occupied and didn't not want to be dragged into her dysfunctional relationships.
Her sister Julie called shortly after and said firmly that Marilyn had decided to see beth only twice a year on Beth's birthday and at Christmas, but said Julie I would be happy to go out to dinner with you.
Her sisters rarely see her and I cannot blame them. When beth provoked Melissa Jacob into confiscating beth SNAP card, the second week after Beth's food had run out she must have called Julie, saw someone coming to the door barely recognized from the October before, Julie apparently works, does not have a car, Julie was carrying shopping bags of groceries must have gotten a ride from Marilyn and her husband. Julie had brought Ramon noodles and a few other items that must have cost her something since I don't think Julie has much money and Julie kept saying this should be for four dinners is it okay, is this enough. Beth said it was but Julie had also brought a few presents from things their mother used to own and there was a nice painted box with a mirror inside that beth rudely turned her nose up and said she didn't want. Julie asked me if I wanted it and I accepted it and kept it out of sight of Beth but Beth did not seem aware or care at the effort Julie made for her in walking and taking bus after work to bring her these things. Julie rarely calls and visited last Christmas and though beth told Melissa and I we were not welcome at her Christmas with her family and we agreed Julie asked Beth to knock on my door and ask if I wanted pizza, Melissa was at work and I went down to chat for a while, beth was upset and even before I went downstairs kept leaving the party saying she was tired.
When beth used to go to stay with Dennis after a few days I would feel like I was healing and could sit and think and not work every waking hour to escape from the pain, destruction, confusion, pure hellish meaness that Beth produces her every waking hour. It was taking longer and longer to recover from Beth's hell and damnation until between Christmas and New Year I would lay on the couch unable to get up to eat and think Beth has destroyed me, I will never be able to do my artwork or accomplish anything
Norman Mailer wrote of LITTLE MURDERS saying something so terrible to someone that they are never the same again, a part of them is dead forever. Beth is like that and it is what she has dedicated her life to. No matter what you could say about the abyss of evil in Beth it would be inadequate to convey a fraction of her destructive deathly evil, Beth is a cancer and even that is inadequate to describe the deathly destructiveness of what Melissa Willard before every medication meeting called the bethmonster. anyone who treats other people as beth does is a monster, she is the personification of the word monster.
She delights in the havoc and pain she creates, rejoicing over her RC Amanda Tillman saying to herself "I have to be with that Beth Vonieff today." chuckled the cancer beth not caring that beating down RCs means they have less to give other clients. Almost everyone is selfish but beth is beyond that to really believing she is the only one in the world that matters.
A crying enraged baby would kill if it had the strength and beth is a perpetual toddler when she is not being the mother-in-law from hell. Beth stopped being "cute" and funny a long time ago - 50 years old and her father still calls her baby.
There was a book called COME-ONS AND PUT-DOWNS perfect title for beth's life relationships with people unfortunate enough to know her. In trying to get Christina a few weeks ago at housemeeting to force me to be a second dennis in her life beth said that Linda used to talk to me in the kitchen now she talks so fast so doesn't have to get involved, I think we should be like family, then beth started crying saying she wanted to go home.
well, i did have a lot of patience and talked to beth about her wide-ranging interests but became narrower and narrower until she would do a come-on about the Green Party, politics or the Bible but beth would rapidly switch to the very abusive mother-in-law and I started walking away. She can talk about a spot which may or may not be coffee for hours berating me and has done this at med meetings and housemeetings with nicole hard to stop her and beth never stops talking - 5 minutes should be given for each person
beth when i said at housemeeting a few weeks ago that I wanted to file a grievance against beth for harrassment and abuse and got to say a few sentences but beth went into one of her acting routines saying she didn't know why didn't I say something earlier then said she felt that Melissa Willard and I treated her as a scapegoat took over the conversation though Christina tried to stop her and after this housemeeting behaved even worse to me.
When she was berating me recently at breakfast I told her she was a mean, old woman, don't think beth really cared about the mean but didn't like being called old. Late she apologized for being cranky but beth's abuse goes well beyond anything that could be called grouchy or cranky and constitutes a cumalative effect of severe emotional abuse that I have suffered from beth for a year and a half and it will end - i will not keep silent about this abuse or fall for her little girl crybaby act when I try to talk to her about her abuse and she was almost violent after she asked if we could talk things over before the provider meeting and I said I was too tired we could talk later she agreed but then upstairs putting on my shoes to take out trash beth asked me again, I said the main abuse was her nagging and immediately beth threw her arm towards the microwave and started berating me for drips of coffee hard to get a word in edge-wise but I said you are proving my point, beth followed me through the living room berating and nagging all the while onto the porch where I tried to have a cigarette in peace but beth stepped on the porch and kept berating me, I told her over her constant talk that she did not listen, said I wanted the provider meeting so I could have a chance for someone to listen to me kept telling her that i had said I was too tired to talk about it now and eventually beth stepped inside and stopped harrassing me for 2 sentences about her nagging after she had said in basement we could be friends and she was willing to talk over our differences.
Beth has gone hammer and tongs to tear down my confidence from before I moved in - beth has declared war on the world but esp her housemates whom she tries to destroy with a scorched earth policy sometime she uses the rcs as allies but no one is human in her eyes but herself beth is a liar - satan was a liar from the first and the father of lies -NO LIAR CAN EVER ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, THE CITY OF GOD - THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS
unless she is truly multiple personality and doesn't know what she is doing BETH is responsible for destroying everyone she can in her vicinity
beth is a mad dog and i have been bitten by her so many times that i probably have rabies too.
kimberly who used to take bv grocery shopping one day said YOU OUTSIDE after med meeting beth went outside and kim was chewing her out in a way i couldn't believe the front door was partially open and i never would have thought kimberly could act that way she was always confident and easy going nothing could throw her but beth did i didn't need tohear what kim was saying i knew all too well beth's vicious and skilled lies weaving a web of lies around an innocent person like the office troublemaker she is
i am sorry if her family treated her like that but she is now the victim become persecutor and everyday i have suffered from her all out attacks
alicia sounded in despair when she left and alicia fought back it doesn't matter beth has chosen the evil way demons may exist but you don't invite them in for cornflakes
even reading th bible until recently when she began reading the psyalms read the same 4 passages as if she can force God as well to do her bidding
beth will find out differently on judgment day unless she truly repents and brings forth fruits worthy of repentence not just lip service or acting a part
Beth is certainly an occasion of sin for everyone she comes in contact with, I have failed at being able to forgive her and have decided it does not benefit beth to keep silent though i hope not to tell beth what she really is in case her overdone helpless crybaby hurt acts to prevent hearing the mildest criticism or truth about what she does to people......
so far i have not told beth what I think of her and what she is being afraid of damaging her although beth has no such restrictions of any kind on the things she says and does to others around her.
Old saying : You can dish it out but you can't take it.
Beth is haunted by too many ghosts in this townhouse and has wanted to move for a long, long time and needs closer supervision and companionship 24 hour which i cannot continue to even attempt to give her. Beth has worn me down to the bone and may have destroyed permanently my ability to do my art or anything else.
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