Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Keith Ellis Pt 2

I am emailing copies of this long report of violations of COMAR and other laws meant to protect mental health care patients but not, so far, enforced on St. Lukes House/Threshold/Cornerstone Montgomery. I am sending this report to Congressman Van Hollen, Congressman Murphey, the local health editor of the Washington Post, MacClatchey newspapers, Editor and Publisher, the person in charge of Group Homes at Maryland Board of Licensure. I don't know what can be done but in case other people have or will complain about similar abuse at Cornerstone and the former names of Cornerstone Montgomery but many of the same cast of characters in the top administration positions making very strange decisions negatively affecting client welfare, for the 5 years that I have been at St. Lukes/Cornerston including Susan Wilkoff, in charge of grievances but not effectial in this portion of her job and Barry Friedman.


The real mission statement of St. Lukes House since it went secular should be from Bob Dylan.



Gino and the Potemkin Village of having clients on the Board of Directors but denying any kind of access to them by clients to let them know of very real problems. When I asked Gino at a social event at Bel Pre what the clients did on the board he said discuss various ways of fundraising, said it several times very sadly seemed discouraged so I did not ask him about why clients have no way of contacting the clients on the board.

At the beginning of the meeting with Susan Wilkoff about what Eric Gordon did to me, I asked her why there is no contact information for clients at Cornerstone to discuss problems or report wrong doing to our supposed representatives on the board and she gave the bogus reason that Ana Reyes gave about not wanting to violate the clients on the Board's privacy by giving out their home number and I said to both women that there had been a Consumer Group for problems and they had a 3 digit extention at the Cornerstone main number and why couldn't that be done again and received inadequate slip sliding answer as usual to my questions.

At the beginning of the meeting when I asked for contact number of clients on Board, Susan Wilkoff said, "If I give you a contact number for one of the clients on the Board what will you say to them." I just looked down but thought it was inappropriate for her to ask me that, and Ms. Wilkoff did not give me a contact number.

Keisha Johnson, RC, before she left said that she wasn't familiar with the clients on the Board program and the only name she happened to know was Gino since he was a client at Bel Pre cluster and sometimes spoke of it but she did not have a contact number. I called Cornerstone and was put through to someone in administration who was very nasty and she said if you are a resident you have an RC have them do the research. Since Ms. Cho had put this in one of her open letters but not contact information, why should anyone have to do research for a simple thing like a way to contact clients on board, if they are not accessible to other clients to learn about severe problems at Cornerstone what is the point of having clients on the Board. David Minestone who was my RC at the time and who rarely showed up for our scheduled weekly meetings unless he wanted me to sign something was surprized at the idea of client on the Board and per usual came back stating he could not find out the information and blew me off when I tried to press him to do research. The Cornerstone Board of Directors has never had contact information not even email and it was hard even for the librarian to find the page on the Board.

If you DON'T HAVE THE TOOLS CAN'T DO THE JOB IE STRING MOP FOR INTENSE CLEANING FOR October 2014 Inspection -- no fmatter how many times I say it household supplies not given and David Minestone allowed Melissa Willard to talk him into only $5 a month instead of $10 required and since David doesn't show up for meetings and I cannot do his job of collecting money from a housemate for ordinary cleanings supplies....

Services not provided at all but charged.

Last minute 3 days only bought supplies for more intensive HUD Inspection, NO BOXES FOR MOVING AND LESS THAN A MONTH WARNING TO GET READY Anna B. my purported RC cancelled 4 schedule meetings in a row before HUD July cleaning and instead of help keith promised in packing for forced move of all three residents they won't even give boxes anna refuses to help and is going on 3 week vacation so she does not have to do any work whatever with the move after letting me down before inspections in October and July

so beaten down from expectations that I do Keith ellis purported supervisor of Bel Pre's job plus Anna Bikakis, plus housemeeting person David Minestone - don't have money to buy boxes and ill from heat in bedroom and outside no help whatever and move is now a week away.

The RCs can and do just walk off and quit because of gross mismanagement and abuse by supervisor Keith Ellis. But clients cannot Christina Taylor was very competent for 4 years but Cornerstone Management chose keith ellis who had been a disasterous assistant supervisor for 3 years.


Keith continues to waste a huge amount of the money meant to help the mentally ill.

I had to quit the Job Coach program because of Keith Ellis malicious harrassment and inability or refusal to listen to anyone - he talks non-stop and pokes questions to make me scream. my job coach said that Keith spent all the time in the monthy job coach meeting talking so in addition to not listening to me, he wasted the time that Vanessa spent coming to the so called team meeting to discuss my interests (Vanessa told me that I was the only one at Bel Pre in the job coach progam and now there are none and no wonder because clients need to try to protect themselves against Keith's malicious games and incompetence and Keith's chasing away the Rehab Counselors who try to do their job and who care about residents) not for Keith to have yet another audience for his games and ego.

Nicole Burke x371 - she is not taking any interest in the move of 3 people with less than a month's notice or calling me back about my complaints about Keith's outrageous behavior, or to give me the form so that I can attempt to file another formal complaint about Keith's damaging me and other clients.

Dr. Polem's, my PCP, office said that the reason why they did not send Dr. Parveen, psychiatrist, my medical -doctor's notes was that they need a faxed medical record request and how far back the notes should go - Anna Bikakus did not call and as my purported Rehab Counselor it is her job to do this paperwork, Anna B. cancelled 4 weekly scheduled appointments in the month running up to the HUD Inspection though she said when we were given a month's notice that since the HUD Inspection unlike the CSA October inspection was only for 2 houses in Bel Pre, not all the houses that the RCs would help, they did not and RCs just threatened us with loss of our housing, Melissa Willard finally did some housework unlike in October and new housemate Linda R. only was here for a week and then was in hospital most of this month so Keith ellis AGAIN expected me to do all the housework and extra chores for another inspection myself of a 3 story townhouse and also did not buy cleaning supplies until 3 days before the inspection, in october he bought none though previous Supervisor Melissa Jacobs always bought extra supplies and we had a mop.

Rebecca Garcia is on leave until Monday, since Ana Reyes said that 30 people are being moved in 3 days, about 12 from Bel Pre and since I have been trying to get into housing where Keith Ellis does not have a key to the place I am living, I will request that Ms. Garcia and the CEO of Cornerstone transfer me to another cluster with the hopes of a competent supervisor who exhibits minimal decency as a human being and respects clients instead of treating them like garbage.

Keith and Nicole Burke tell Dr. Parveen the things that RCs are not required to do but there is nothing left what are they getting paid to do??/ Debbie Davis and Lisa objected to the amount of money taken from clients' Social Security but Ana Reyes said that was for RC services WHAT SERVICES??

Anna Bikakis, constantly cancels our weekly scheduled appointments, has not kept promises in calling about alternate housing WITH ME PRESENT, cancelled 4 appointments in a row before HUD inspection in early July and has done nothing to help with move including getting Keith or someone to give us boxes to pack.


d mental health association maybe movers pack and then move at last minute gus saying try to hire a few mexicans a few days ago.

courtney calm down so blood pressure not supposed to be another way of covering up the effect on clients of gross neglect mismanagement and malice of rcs that haven't quit

poor anna b is going on vacation she is permanently on vacation with pay maybe she should be on unpaid vacation leave all the time

sniggering snide ana reyes and bogus excuses not to know names of rcs a list that had always been up on the bulletin board in house hud material gone

understated truth

where is their compassion on the people they are supposed to be caring for that they damage and neglect

debbie could not believe the open mockery of clients in front of clients at the bel pre office at least twice

playing the race card dd and lisa gave a few choice words to ken about keith and they were black

keiths obnoxiousness, malicious mocking of patients physical and mental disabilities in front of them and gross incompetence and refusal to do his job even organizing or taking an interest in inspections and now move other than berating me for not doing all the work myself and buying all the cleaning supplies myself and supervising housemate melissa willard who has done almost no housework for a year and refuses to provide the monthly money has nothing to do with race

he said about himself about a year ago, i am the scum of the earth, I wonder if a client or departing rc employee had said that to him

nikki lak protection against the evil eye

playing with cellphone for years when supposed to be doing client visits at medication

keith's blatant lie about my not making 17 visits a month for a year had a calendar with the rcs signing off once a day which keith would confiscate at the end of the month so I could not prove I had beeen making the payable number of visits each month since rcs would forget to write it down had my own copy

nicole usurping Dr. Parveen's role as psychiatrist, Dr. P said repeatedly in the joint meeting that she had not ordered that I be forced to attend medication meetings twice a day when I had been self monitoring for two years started at the time I made complaint about Eric Gordon to Congressman Murphey and was forced to clean house 3 stories by myself with string mop where did the money go describe the elaborate catered food at Arlene's going away party and other times instead of spending money for extra supplies for inspections as has been the case when Melissa Jacob was supervisor for the past 5 years.

snobbery when i met ms. wilkerson after several previous attempts to file grievances i understood part of why eric was the way he was, the management class who see the rest of us as less than human. ms. wilkoff's violation of COMAR law in refusing to give me anything in writing or on the phone about what was to be done about my complaint about Eric's threatening and mocking behavior.

absolute contempt of the law rights and responsibilites states that clients have a right to know who is caring for you keith and ana reyes refused and made a adolescent game of keep away finally ana said you know who we are you know where to contact us, the r and r sense is that you don't have to give a reason for wanting to know last names but i did state to ana that i wanted it for the complaint i was writing outside of the agency. only after a meeting with keith's supervisor nicole burke did keith in handwriting not typed so no other residence was given this information required by law and always on house bulletin board before keith became supervisor give me the last names of the new rcs since the old and not so old rcs were quitting in droves while keith was assistant supervisor for 2 1/2 years.

expensive food instead of household supplies for the intensively cleaning demanded by house inspections or written organizational lists of what to be done or rcs helping with the work for the first time last october not done after keith became supervisor. He had been here as assistant supervisor for 3 years, he knew what was required but danced and goofed and made jokes when I tried to get the supplies and other things needed to do the work.

He stated years ago that he had a bad back and so could not help when individual new residents were transferring their stuff and depending on the all female staff at that time but berated betty for not picking up meds or grocery shopping and told me that if I was ill to call 911 or else get working the rcs have stated numerous times to me and betty that we would lose our housing if we did not pass inspection but keith could not get 40 year old Melissa Willard to do any work in October and before that after Christina Taylor left, before that Melissa was very good about the chores and the white kitchen foyer and bathroom are very difficult for one person, me, 62 years old,to clean week after week alone with a string mop and a bad back and other physical problems.

yesterday called many people about the lack of boxes, they have been stored in the Bel Pre office but keith insists that it is Gus' maintenance man with more than enough work job to distribute them despite the fact that the RCs (caseworkers) come twice a day for medication monitoring and could have been bringing boxes for the past few weeks. Keith often will not let his employees do anything whatsoever for clients spends his time in dirty office politics and considers himself and his employees (RCs) too important to do any work whatsoever except the required paperwork which is bogus since the RCs either socialize or mock client's disabilities or play with their cellphones during med monitoring or are looking up entertainment sites at the Bel pre office while repeatedly stating that they have no time for clients not even to minimally meet the required once a week or if they do act bored and leave within a short time and very rarely acting perform the promises that are extracted by desperate clients trying to get the rcs to do their job.

keith is like an alcoholic or mentally ill overbearing obnoxious father that RCs have to keep make twisted bogus excuses for his demands/behavior - someone whose salary does not depend on keith needs to examine his gross violation of the trust placed in him, his misuse of power and refusal to do any organizing or anything else required of a supervisor even when there is a HUD or CSA house inspection or clients are required to move in less than 30 days and even boxes are not given to them despite repeated requests during medication monitoring.

Olivia saw right away that something wasn't right with Keith's actions. Hard to speak the truth in love when things are this messed up by the actions of one man but many lives are being ruined and lives are being endangered by abuse and neglect that keith requires of RCs many have quit because they were too decent to do this to clients or were afraid of liability since the Cornerstone lawyers are only for the negligance of the bigwigs.

Whited sepulchres making friends of mammon.

Keith Ellis, Bel Pre supervisor, messing people/clients up with all manner of dirty tricks and then reporting them to Ken Westin and others for not being functional.

Undercutting good RCs and supervisor like Christina Taylor, Amanda, Keisha Johnson and Nikki Lak, Arlene Gomez while they are here and having them quit because of "wild meetings" and Keith's pushy salemanship of dirty tricks and abuse of clients which many RCs would not go along with.

Olivia/Claudia and her questioning Keith dragging me downstairs for medication monitoring but really to continue harrassment when he comes to see his only clients my housemate Melissa Willard on Friday at 8:30am although the time on the bulletin board after my complaints that RCs were coming on a catch as catch can basis for medication monitoring and some of the medication times were getting closer and closer which is dangerous for clients on handfuls of medication - the handwritten sign says that morning meds are supposed to be between 10 and 1030 am so why is Keith continuing to drag me downstairs ostensibly for med monitoring but really for harrassment - Keith does not inform the RCs coming for meds at 10:30 am on Friday so they are shocked when I tell them that Keith has already come and forced me to take meds early.

Suddenly told all three of us have to move on or about July 5, 2015 and that the moving date was July 28, 2015. No prior warning whatever. Who made this decision of musical chairs and why and why was not an adequate amount of time give for patients to prepare themselves psychologically and to pack? Keith Ellis promised he would help housemate Melissa Willard to pack and that Anna Bikakis would help me but as of last Thursday July around July 15 Anna stated that Keith had not even asked her to help Anna is going

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