meeting 1 and 2
Parveen only knew that one of her clients was being starved. The
food card was issued to Beth Vonieff not to either St. Lukes or
Melissa Jacob Clayton and MJC had
no business confiscating Beth's card and ordering the RCs to keep it
locked in the cabinet when beth had no food whatever. Even if beth
was playing games by not showing up when RC came to take her grocery
shopping because there were certain innocent items that the RCs would
not let her buy, you can find some other way of disciplining a client
that stealing their food card for a week serveral weeks in close
of the RCs excuses was that beth would misspend her food allowance
and starve towards the end of the month and I said so it is better
for her to starve at the middle of the month or at the beginning. I
was really angry when soon after they confiscated her card and locked
it in the cabinet and beth was starving at the end of the month.
Beth repeatedly asked for her card in medication meetings and my
other housemate, Melissa Willard and I would shout at the RCs GIVE
HER HER CARD BACk. Beth called MANNA at one point but either did not
have the transportation or the authorization from social worker and
Melissa Willard requested again and again in medication and possibly
house meetings that the RCs obtain food for Beth from Manna.
MJC's orders but very distressing for Melissa Willard, Beth and
apparent first excuse to Dr. Parveen who was trying to get food for a
client who had money on her food card but no access to it was that
Amanda Tillman was on vacation and Dr. Parveen said people go on
vacation clients shouldn't starve that is why you get paid the big
bucks for being supervisor.
P called MJ a second time and left a second voice mail, and said that
for the second time in a few days Dr. P had been told by clients
that beth was being starved a week at a time and Dr. P said if I am
wrong, I appologize. Before that Dr. P said to Melissa Jacob Clayton
that there were other ways of punishing a client than depriving them
of food.
when I was living at Dunsinane Ct. used to do her own grocery
shopping and I would see her wheeling a cart and she wanted to chose
her own food again but the RCs said again and again if they gave her
back her card beth would not have any food at the end of the month
and I again stated but not often enough that I did not think starving
beth at the middle or beginning of the month MADE ANY SENSE
needs to look into the legality of what Melissa Jacob Clayton
did/ordered rCs to do last Spring. This is serious and I wonder if I
wrote a letter to the Gazette or the Washington Post about the
starvation of a client in a Residence program by Melissa Jacob
Clayton would get a response of the outrage that I, and Melissa
Willard and Dr. Parveen felt.
choses exclusively very, very young RCs just out of school or still
in school who are malleable to her will and constitute a power force
against responsible therapists and psychiatrists.
other power grabs from professionals and doctors.
lose there moral compass somewhere and regain it agin just before
despair real reason for her death needs to be looked into, why did
RCs lie to clients and state that Laura had died of lung cancer and
then after beth challenged her Nicole stated that Laura died of
ovarian cancer. people with lung cancer linger and I barely heard
that Laura was in the hospital and was trying to visit her when RC
told us she had died and Gerda too was stunned by the quickness of
Laura's death and said here today gone tomorrow and looked upset.
was in despair after having been promised her own apartment for at
least a year and then she was told that she would be dumped in the
community in a rented room with no support. Laura had been at St.
Luke's for a decade at least and she told me that when the inspector
Howard came he teased her and said she was the client who had been at
st. Luke's the longests and that she was THE QUEEN OF ST. LUKES and
Laura said to me Aw, I'm no queen but seemed very pleased at the
attention. Laura was in her early to mid-fifties and like Peggy
Weiss when she was told she had to leave after 5 years with St. Lukes
and aftrer Peggy and her aunt had made a complaint witnessed by
someone at DMH against gerda's incredible verbal abuse of Peggy
within a day or two after this meeting which Gerda was aware of PEGGY
don't think Gerda or part of her did not want to get away with the
abuse of her housemates and stalking, playing with fire with the
stove ironing on the bed spraying lysol in my food AND THE FACT THAT
WITNESS SHOWED THAT SHE did not really want to do the worst things
she did and was crying out for help that she did not receive only the
grace of God that there was not a fire started with her weekly
mishaps on the stove and carelessness in loading dishwasher leading
to the burning of a plastic spoon so bad that the metal portion had
come off the halfway melted handle which had burn places. I had come
upstairs and kept smelling something like diesal fuel, Gerda had gone
off after turning on the dishwasher and neither Gerda nor the
housemeeting person was concerned when I showed them the spoon and
Gerda continued to carelessly throw plastic handled spoons and other
silverware horizontal in the container in the dishwasher that is
meant for silverware to be placed vertically.
the Fire Department could loan St. Luke's house some videos on
kitchen safety. That is one life skill that is not covered by the
classes at Southport and is the most importand.
to treat ment plans and Susan Wilcox deriliction of duty. comar
notes never received. formal complaint against Ms. Wilcox for her
part in the St. Luke's policy of blockading grievances or threatening
people with the loss of their housing if they insist on being heard
about dangerous situations.
mjc is bully psychiatrists into changing their diagnosis of clients
into lesser dx so MJC can throw them out of their housing and then
bullying and trying to trick clients into seein g another
psychiatrist when they are perfectly content with first psychiatrists
needs to be looked into - contact Psychiatric Association to see if
this rare situation is covered is it illegal it is certainly
unethical for Melissa Clayton to use RC Amanda Tillman to browbeat a
client into changing psychiatrists when MC is not satisfied with the
dx. Several previous pyschiatrists including Dr. Claytor at Family
Service when I saw her and who is now at SLH gave me an Axis I dx
along with several other pychiatrists and the State Psychiatrist what
are MJC's credentials to challenge Dr. Parveen's dx of me?????
culpable is MJC for attempting this??????
doesn't Dr. Parveen have access to my previous provider's notes/files
Amanda T told me that the strangely named Anastasia program which is
supposed to include medical and psychiatric files on clients does not
have the previous provider's files why not? I gave Dr. Parveen some
of the paperwork that I had obtained from my files at Community
Connection and from when I first started going to Family Service when
MJC mistakenly or deliberately lied to Dr. Parveen and told her that
I could not have an Axis I and an Axis II dx when previous providers
have given me both?
me a river.
cried a river over you.
could have been a contender before going through the meat grinder
with Gerda and Beth acting out their childhood issues on me and other
clients in a vicious, vicious way with not restraint up to and
including lysol in food. Somebody hasn't been doing their job for a
very, very long time, too busy making power grabs from real
wasted 3 years of my life by throwing me into the lion's den after GS
and BV consumed the other fresh meat thrown to them no protection
and MJC most important job to make sure clients and neighbors are
truly safe and bogus lines about if Linda doesn't FEEL safe in the
house with Gerda she should go to Fenton House. Why should one
client whose life was threatened by another using the proxies of
Gerda's voices not leaving her alone until she told me of Aprodite's
threats as Gerda said to Nicole Hester who called soon after I told
Amanda Tillman of this over the top even for Gerda threat.
if using SLH as a launching pad to finance other careers should at
least do some soul searching to see if they are giving even minimal
amount to people who have had so pitifully little in their lives.
to starve a client this cannot be slid under the rug along with
everything else bf and mj have done the rug is getting really bumpy
mj's little boo-boo of gerda giving her everything she wanted
including unending and outrageous abuse of other clients blockading
the bathroom and kitchen with nasty tricks when I first moved in Kari
said fight gerda for the bathroom and i thought why should i have to
fight anyone for the bathroom. these things come up and if mj would
consult other agencies or people online or stop thinking of
professionals who care about clients and with more education and
experience like paula and dr parveen as enemies mj might learn how to
deal with situations beth and gerda like wild horse need a team
effort not telling client they have to be independent waterside rc
furious and couldn't deal with beths needling and endless
sophisticated troublemaking games how can client who is seen as
sibling substitute do anything to protect themselves from abuse and
harrassment jeolous even of peace of mind and try to take it away
much less an attempt to really create something do something positive
with life gerda and beth needed guidance to using their gifts instead
of mj letting them take the low road and try to steal what energy and
effort I tried to put into my art gs told at that all I did was watch
slide shows at that time I was making many discoveries with computer
graphics and at said contemptously out of nowhere that i did on the
computer was watch slideshows after years of abuse much of which the
rcs witnessed and did nothing about and refused to let me speak that
is all I am reduced to.
in the house, melissa willard with severe and persistent eating
problems and mj in sublime stupidity deprives a client of the food
stamps hers by legal right and creates a chain of horrible events.
lives of clients worth less than the dust to bf and mj and the rcs
while likable in alot of cases have their salaries and future
earnings as mental health professionals dependent on their ability to
do doublethink while carrying out mj's sometimes criminal and often
immoral orders such as ignoring gerda refusing to come down for
medication monitoring and screaming in her room at the top of her
lungs for weeks then months despite my pleading with them to help
gerda to give her some attention. though mj's favortism was based on
liking for gerda when she was rc though mj never visited gerda but
was only interested in gerda being a feather in her cap for mj's
career and ignored her until she could get rid of her strange timing
for gerda's hoc to come through 2 months after i had to run for my
competition in painting sequences of gymnastics but much bigger
market in equestrian if eric would listen could help him find
additional markets for artwork of people who need and want to make
money with their work but he along with mj consider the ideas of
clients too worthless to even listen to and consider.
ironing on the bed and the way mj handled after caryn zaner freaked
dancers and choreography actors used to say in interviews on tv that
they were only as good as the parts they wer given to play
hepburns beatnik dance in funny face used 5 years ago in lerner
clothes advertisements many references in people diary type blogspots
would be many of shaposhnikova's sabre dance beatnik choreography if
americans had been allowed to participate in and watch the 1980
burton wrote that before he met elizabeth taylor that he had thought
that painting was rather bad photography.
it is a very nice letter but it is hollow it does not mention gerdda
which was the whole reason for the grievance meeting and at the end
bf wrote that if I wanted to file a formal grievance I could do so
but after bf shameful handling of the very short grievance meeting
and threat that i could lose my house I thought that it was a formal
grievance hearing and bf's comments are bogus also she wrote that if
I wanted the comar notes to my treatment plans that read like
character assassinations I should contact Susan Wilcox, I did so and
she never returned my calls. According to the first grievance policy
I was given patients could ask for Comar notes and they must be given
but another joke if the person responsible for handling it susan
wilcox does not return repeated calls the only choice is to go to the
CEO and or the Board of Directors and bf's handling did not leave
much confidence that those above her would care anymore and began to
contact Congressman Van Hollen's office and Phil Andrews of the
County Council and was told that i needed to write permission for
them to get involved in my case to oversee dmh and other agencies
investigation of my complaints but the horror of gerda was so intense
it was hard to get even part of it on paper.
supposed to administer care not have the attitude that her whims are
law. no sense of fairness or evenhandedness or even interest
complete lack of interest in clients safety to the point of telling a
client who has been threatened by another that she could go to fenton
I mentioned how very young ALL the RCs were gerda said "I don't
like alot of kindergarteners telling me what to do, I mean, I am
Jehovah God and these kidnergarteners are telling me what to do."
Gerda was about 40 years old when she said this, Melissa Willard,
current housemate is peeved by the young clients groups and is in
her 40s.
of the RCs mj hired are in their very early 20s mj inherited Nikki
Lak from the merger with threshold. I don't believe MJC would ever
have hired anyone over 30 years old you can tell how old someone is
by the number of jobs on their resume and many of the rcs are on
their way to somewhere else, becoming psychologists not yet out of
college or just out of college alot of money in training would be
okay if some rcs were in this situation but need more mature rcs
caryn zaner going pow pow pow with her finger held like a gun as we
entered bank and I wondered who was taking care of whom older rcs
might stay around longer and mj would not have a band of yes women to
fight dr. p and paula with advice from her "good" mother bf
on vicious office politics which give mj power but which is
detrimental to the safety of clients and their neighbors.
not words it takes more than just saying it must be hard for you
bogus sympathy is not needed a more mature responsible rc supervisor
is needed and barries actions in squashing any attempt at grievance
policy deriliction of duty in letting situations fester until they
explode as they did with gerda spraying lysol in my food after peggy
and I had filed grievances against gerda's abuse a year and a half
early the situations should have been dealt with then instead peggy
was told she had to leave a few days after her grievance the
statement that there will be no retributions for filing complaints is
as bogus and most things at st lukes barrie would not let me speak
more than one sentence in my complaint about gerda's abuse of me (
and her savage abuse of peggy affected me as well) after this one
sentence barried stated to me that maybe st lukes program wasn't for
me I looked down and the obvious and shocking threat and continued
looking down neither Barrie, mj or alex tried to talk to me they just
quietly got up and slipped away and after sometime of my staring down
sweta, my then rc asked if I wanted to leave no followup to this
meeting to see how I was of if gerda was continuing her abuse which
they knew of from peggy's formal complaint two months earlier only a
bogus letter mentioning the realatively minor maintenance issue which
I would not have called a grievance meeting for.
way st lh mishandles ie squashes any attempts to make known serious
issues that are part of the main part of mj alex and barries
responsiblity to handle why did core services start leaving this off
of their yearly inspection questionnaire HOW DOES ST LUKE'S HANDLE
GRIEVANCE. they don't and i'm sure that it was messing up slh
statistics to have this one questions answers sticking out like a
sore thumb of negative responses from Slh clients so someone talked
core services out this all important question because all the
violence and misery stems from barris mj and alex's refuse to address
real problems endangering clients an neighbors physically and
emotionally, ie the extreme careless around the stove and with
ironing by SOME clients and neighbors moving away because of gerda's
screaming the neighborhood down with the rcs hearing it and doing
nothing to help gerda her housemates or the neighbors the 17 visits a
month are made bogus by mj's refusal to hear what she doesn't want to
hear and rcs obey her orders to ignore a woman a client screaming at
the top of her lungs for the 15 minutes they are there and like a
dysfunctional family pretending it isn't happening. Week after week
month after month of ignoring screaming that was not just told them
by clients when gerda was better and charming to rcs and then would
start screaming after they left but a measure of gerda's despair that
she finally refused to come down and just screamed and screamed while
the rcs were administering medication to peggy and myself.
rcs regain their moral compass just before leaving and exit
interviews if
only on computer are need to pinpoint trouble makers ie melissa jacob
clayton and her supervisor and mentor barrie friedman.
professionals should have been able to see through gerda and beth's
gossip about me and pretending that i was oppressing them to the fact
that they were continuing childhood dramas and using me as a
substitute, i did everything possible to avoid an argument or hurting
either one of them the rcs would have been bored as was the emergency
help after i pushed beth to call them after she had called the police
for the second time in one day over an imaginary incident of a man
with a gun and that evening she called the police which i did not
know until they came to the door or surrounded the house. the
emergency slh person only told beth that she was imagining things and
got off the phone in less much less than 5 minutes so i was left to
dealwith it and when the police come to the door or suddenly appear
just below the back porch deck it is my business and i have to make a
response over something beth has done i am sick of rcs telling me
that anything to do with housemate beth is not my concern. including
ignoring her when she has no food for a week but a food card ie food
stamps locked in the medication cabinet which beth was not allowed to
use for a week at a time for 4 almost consecutive weeks because beth
kept missing appointments with rc who drove her for 25 dollars of
food a week and would not let beth buy even a few items she wanted.
many of these computers are floating around ie password protected but
stored in residences with personal information on clients with the
bogus reasons that said computers in basement of residences were
placed there because slh decided to kindly allow clients to use them
when new computers were purchased. The computer was unusable because
it was password protected and the help desk refused to help me take
off password to use for my computer graphics until rc amanda had
requested it when i kept insisting that i needed the computer and
that it should have been wiped before placing them in residences to
protect sensitive client information, she was unconcerned and over a
period of months refused and finally started obliquely threatening me
with loss of housing if I continued. This incident was brought up at
the last provider meeting and grossly mishandled until Paula asked
what about reboot when I stated as I had to amanda and other rcs that
i was going to lose 8 years of work in computer graphics because my
old computer was on its last legs and making terrible noise robbie
said the noise was the death throes of my computer and that he had a
soft ware program that would get rid of the password but never
brought it by mj and bf know about reboot so why didn't they help me
even in the meeting until paula spoke up.
carelessness with client information and casualness in brushing off
information that client privacy had been breached, nullified by
distributing slh old computers without wiping the drive of very
private information on clients mj eventually came and took the hard
drive/cpu away.
who maketh or telleth a lie cannot enter the city of God (heaven).
called satan The author of the lie and the father of it.
is The Father of Lies
is Truth He said, "I am the Way, The Truth, and the Life."
and "all who come to me, I will in nowise cast out."
for mj and bf that there eternal souls are on the line and in their
own hands until Judgment Day. God is not mocked and there will be
justice for the poor and needy from those who oppress them.
grievance is an outlining of this oppression from bf and mj and Alex
George not doing the most important part of their jobs keeping
clients safe and responding adequately to grievance before situations
become so dangerous.
mjs moral corruption of youth rcs and setting up a situation for
Melissa Willard and myself to be ordered to ignore a housemate whose
food card was stolen and who had only flour and water to eat for one
week then she was allowed her food card for one week to spend 25 and
then her food card was taken again bf and mj don't trouble their
beautiful minds to imagine what it is like to be in a house sitting
in the kitchen with someone trying to make pancakes or bake a cake
with only flour and water at first beth refused the egg and milk and
other things i offered had been trying to teach beth not to steal
food and other items from housemates and this demented illegal action
by mj scotched that and beth began taking things other than food and
housemate Melissa Willard expressed her distress to me and numerous
rcs and requested as did i that beth's food card be returned to her.
Willard has a very severe eating problem and mj's beautiful mind did
not consider the impact on Melissa Willard of starving beth for four
almost consecutive weeks.
investigate and prosecute. MJ is utterly incompetent for the job she
holds and a troublemaker on top of that. She needs to be removed and
someone placed who cares and knows how to really create and run a
team to help clients not a gossip mill with mj as queen bee.
who lie as easily as they breath a Monica Goodling type stealing the
chance to vote from black servicemen and placing inexperienced AGs
who would do bush's bidding replacing ags with substantial trial
experience with very young Ags with trial experience whatever.
get a supervisor for Belpre with some morality, competence and
without so many personal power problems.
reminds me of Natalie Wood in All The Fine Young Cannibals but Barrie
Friedman is living proof that older is not necessarily wiser.
Weiss' and Dr. Parveen's professional and personal integrity shine
out next to this very deep dark moral blackness of mj and bf.
one point amanda was mocking Dr. Parveen for being eccentric and I
told her that Dr. Parveen cared about patients, had integrity and
professional standards which she and mj should emulate - at did not
take my advice nor did mj if she heard of it.
to American Psychiatric Association to tell CEO about mj's trying to
bully me into seeing another psychiatrist when I stated repeatedly
that I was more than satisfied with my current slh psychiatrist Dr.
and upsetting "questionnaire" or psychological test amanda
surprised me with in car very inappropriate questions then cut me off
opening up unto most terrible times in life should not have been
given at all by unqualified personal and not sprung on me this was
done about the time mj was pressuring Dr. Parveen to change my dx to
a personality disorder axis I so mj could say I no longer qualified
to be with slh, when Dr. P would submit to Mj's pressure she tried to
trick then force me to see Dr. Kahn.
bogus bogus - weeping over my harsh treatment of Amanda kept trying
to say I knew mj was responsible for ordering at to do most of the
terrible things she did.
doesn't mj and bf go into traditionally cut-throat businesses instead
of helping to turn the pitiful amount of dollars in mental health
into a cut-throat business? strazheva
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