Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Need help obtaining somatic meds-24/7 facility Cornerstone Montgomery will not help

Washington Post
Frances Stead Sellers
Health Editor
from Linda Leonard

MDH Contact Us

thank you for your inquiry to the Maryland Department of Health. We make every effort to respond to all inquiries in a timely manner, however, if you need immediate assistance, please call 410-767-6500 during regular business hours (Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.), excluding State holidays. We look forward to assisting you.
Please do an article on group homes and psychiatric homes in the Metropolitan area. Many clients are too sick mentally or physically to be on their own and the weller clients become defacto onsite caregivers and there is an outrageous amount of bullying which is tolerated or encouraged by Keith Ellis, supervisor Bel Pre and he is one of the bullies.
More information at my site lydiagorbik.blogspot

I believe moving me to Norbeck House which is much harder to manuver to go to the bathroom or kitchen to make meals and do chores because the long tube on oxygen condenser will not reach and I feel so weak from not having medications, being forced to clean for the October inspection at 12902 Valleywood Dr. Silver Spring just after I got out of the hospital and then the forced move without my therapist or medical doctor's approval to this facility, my pcp Dr. Polam was outraged that they wanted her to sign off on sending me to a nursing home and my purported RC at the time Nicole Briscoe who falsely billed medicaid for care rarely showed up and messed up paperwork beyond belief, did not bring the hospital papers that were in an envelope for Dr. Polam and despite Dr. Polam saying come back in 2 weeks WITH THE HOSPITAL PAPERWORK, Nicole said to wait for the county, Ms. Schmitt to see if I would qualify for assisted living which I have learned is almost impossible to get. The ranch house at Valleywood made making meals, going to the bathroom more accessible than this large facility.
While in the hospital I made a complaint about the way I was treated at Bel Pre and Ms. Schmitt came out with card endangered clients aging and disability but did nothing and would not return my calls.

I believe this forced eviction and refusal to help me obtain somatic meds is due to retribution for my many complaints to then Congressman Van Hollen who was great in helping me with one or two problems but I made a mistake in not contacting HUD, Maryland Board of Licensure, and Medicaid. On Senator Van Hollen's website he said he could not overturn a decision made by an agency but could make sure it was done correctly.
I contacted Senator Van Hollen around April 2017 when a housemate at that time of about 6 months had a friend who was in no way authorized to live in Cornerstone Montgomery housing staying overnight for most of two months and at least this problem was ended and Pam Gueron's harrassment stopped for a short time but Keith Ellis Bel Pre cluster supervisor became best friends with Pam and refused to do anything.
I believe part of the reason I was hospitalized was due to the stress of Pam's harrassment including hitting me with her elbow when I tried to use the microwave and blocking common access areas like the kitchen, the day after I got out of the hospital she blockaided the whole kitchen counterspace with very greasy pans and her very expensive empty dishes and pans. I took photos. She complained to Nilya, and RC about my dishes, 2 or 3 small jars soaking from yoghurt which is all I could eat and Nilya told me to do Pam's dishes.
I have uploaded most of my complaints to Senator Van Hollen at:
I wave all privacy rights to this letter, whatever I have uploaded on the Internet and to any information and would be grateful for help in getting my somatic meds and for an article in the Washington Post on Group Homes.
The NYT, Boston Globe, and an Illinois paper have done articles on the lack of oversight in group homes and I think the people in the DC area need to know what their taxpaper dollars are paying for at Cornerstone Montgomery. Some of the movement of near senior citizen age clients to inappropriate settings is due to the closure of mental hospitals and pressure to find housing for these poor clients.
I am on oxygen, since Sept. 2017 was in Holy Cross Hospital for a week, in September was forcibly evicted from my HUD home at Cornerstone Montgomery at 12902 Valleywood Drive ostensibly because I was on oxygen and needed a higher level of care. Though I was very ill forced to throw all my belongings many needed for art in boxes though was still very ill.
They asked me a number of times at Holy Cross Hospital if I had a nebulizer and cane at hl ome and I did until this forced eviction from my home at Valleywood.
Norbeck House is for people with more serious psychiatric problems, 24/7 staff will not help me with somatic meds. only need 2 but very important. I kept out my Nebulizer but Keith Ellis whom I have complained to you about numerous times over the past several years first claimed it was in the first boxes. He will not tell me where my paintings are, though less important than nebulizer and I am running out of albuterol. The staff here keeps promising but this morning Alex my new RC whom I have pleaded with to help me get the strong inhaler that Dr. Singh in the hospital prescribed and who gave me a referral to a pulmonologist, Symbicort, ran out and have not had that for 4 weeks or nebulizer for 3 weeks. My therapist of 5 years, Paula Weiss, took unexpected leave for October, then November then half of December. I think she is refusing to be a party to misdiagnosing clients to get them into Norbeck or University House. The staff here rushed to make me see a replacement thereapist Andrea Lowzowski to get a new bogus diagnosis AFTER they forced me here.
There has been some sort of purge going on at Cornerstone for the past 6 months, many supervisors replaced by MUCH younger supervisors.
Andrea Lowzowski said that this was Cornerstone's least functioning place and there was no place else to put me if I could not (didn't mention mop floors, go without oxygen to go to the bathroom or kitchen or put on portable oxygen to go to the bathroom because the long tubing from the condensor is meant for homes or apartments, not a large facility like this one, Andrea (Andie) said in our second meeting that they had to do the diagnostic paperwork to get Medicaid SO THAT I WOULD NOT BE THROWN OUT ON THE STREET.

I cannot do the chores here very weak and could manuever to the kitchen and bathroom much better in the one level house at Valleywood to make food, do laundry and get to the bathroom.
It is almost impossible to get Assisted Living but any help would be appreciated. There is another very underweight client who I believe needs to be in the hospital who doesn't eat and one staff member said "That's his choice." he is past senior citizen age as are all of the clients here save one a very angry and tall 20 something who rushes around and I am afraid of being knocked down.
I am too weak to wear my portable oxygen for chores or every time I go to the bathroom, the closer bathroom has been broken for 2 weeks though my 3 foot window fell out when staff was tring to close it for me 2 days ago. Maintenance came this morning and I am lucky it did not fall on my head. I took photos of the window propped against the bureau and maintenance should have a record. I am wheezing, weak have diareah the senior clients cannot move well enough to do an adequate job cleaning the kithchen and bathrooms. The small sink only drinking water is very smoky and Tony uses it to wet the mop to clean the bathroom, Alex said he is not supposed to do that he knows so apparently does it often. A case of bottled water was delivered then locked up with cleaning supplies and the staff drinks arcadia bottled water.
Today, November 29th, a male staff member brought in another huge case of bottled water with a blue instead of yellow label around each bottle of CLEAN water, he began drinking a bottle right away, for several days they must have been out and staff was drinking water from home or fast food resturant drinks. The VERY cloudy water from the only place for clients to get drinking water, a very small sink Tony uses to wet the mop for the men's bathroom floor is okay for clients. Is this Mexico? Someone else has also had diareha and pounds on the door, the second woman's bathroom toilet is clogged and the sink takes hours to drain. If there is toilet paper it is often on the floor as are the paper towels, no towel rack. There is a toilet paper roll holder but rarely used. Some clients throw feces ridden toilet paper in the trash can or bloodied toilet paper from a bad nosebleed.
I have been threatened with loss of housing if I don't fit in with program but they will not help with somatic medication. I finally called Dr. Polam this morning but Medicaid transportation said that since I moved not eligible to go to Greenbelt to see my PCP but sent her a fax for special reasons.
I never got a chance to recover from the hospital with Pam's over-the-top harrassment jointed by the Rcs, the first afternoon I was home after the oxygen man left Keith Ellis started pressuring me to start cleaning for the annual CSA inspection, then to pack for forced move. Then to unpack trying to find my nebulizer which I had left out and pointed out numerous times to keith and once to nicole. Keith said I packed it which is a lie. Have not been able to find it and my Symbicort inhaler was used up before I left Valleywood, am forced to mop and clean at Norbeck though I constantly mention I am on oxygen and tilt over with the portable oxygen I am feeling so weak.
When I first came out of hospital they gave me paperwork for Dr.Polam but Keith Ellis took it and lost it, my then RC Nicole Briscoe went with me to see PCP but she only brought discharge papers which Dr. Polam said were useless and to come back in two weeks with the hospital papers. Dr. Parveen my psychiatrist must have been given the papers because Ms. Lawzowski said I almost died in the hospiital. Last September was the only time I have been hospitalized since I was 16 years old and had my tonsils out though I have been to er for Bronchitis and Sphenoidal Sinusitus.
Keith wanted me moved to a nursing home but neither Dr. Parveen or Dr. Polam agreed though they might now seeing how ill I have gotten. Much worse than when I left the hospital. Nicole said I was going to meet with Dr. Klaytor, psychiatrist, but I have never seen her at Cornerstone, I believe Dr. Miriam Parveen who has always been good to me initially resisted signing off on this crazy move.
Many clients are hospitalized for long periods of time and are not foreced to move my housemate Janet Listou has been repeatedly hospitalized for falling and for complications of stomach surgury and Melissa Willard former housemate has sometimes spent almost half a year for hunger strikes in hosptial.
I could manuever much better in a house, if I had my somatic meds and some care I don't know if I would need to be in assisted living forever but I keep tellling staff that I will soon have to call an ambulance to go back to hospital if I donlt get somatic meds but the only thing they care about is notifying them BEFORE I CALL. I said if I have to call an ambulance, I don't know if I will be strong enough to walk to the enclosed desks with cameras for ther 24 hour "care"

If I do call an ambulance and go back to hospital I will probably lose my housing and I am too ill to fight back I know that mental hospital are closing and there is a purge of the good personnel at Cornerstone, don't know if they are going to privatization since the bullying roommate has a tremendous amount of money. I think they are moving senior age clients to inappropriate housing. I am 64 years old so Andrea was very pleased we did not have to fill out the form for senior citizens.
Maybe it is my time to go, my paintings and art supplies have been thrown away and it is too small here I have less than a nursing home space.
Anything you can do to help me again would be greatly appreciated, when I went to vote for you as senator I picked up the endorsement from the Washington Post focusing on how much constituent service you did including helping some of your opponents' constituents when she would not.
You have helped me greatly in the past through Suzanne Loftjelm and I was sorry she no longer works with you and that I did not send you and her many thank you notes for help in the past.

God Bless You.
I am trying to follow your Twitter messages I know that Donald is making terrible decisions for american citizens, thank you for continuing to fight for Medicaid, Medicare and I agree we should be doing more for Syrians, I am very concerned about persecuted Christians in the Middle East and if I can get my somatic meds and retain housing if I go to the hospital again, I hope to be more active at least in writing for some of the suffering people in the world.
The staff is beginning to call me to sit on couch to take meds in line though they know I have to change to portable oxygen.
Richard at Norbeck House
Richard at Norbeck/Adrienne House, I have not seen him for 3 days. He is very, very thin
senior citizen age, on Thanksgiving took some turkey only and could not eat it.
As ususal he can't hold up his head most of the time and left the table without eating
has a hard time eating When I mentioned this to one of the staff members, she said,
it is a choice, he makes, we try to help him. I said that when you are older and eating
it is hard to start again and need something like fruit juice or yoghurt for digestion.
Utter cold-bloodedness about the death of "clients" and making sure they don't get to that point.

Julianne the supervisor told me 2 1/2 weeks ago when I moved in that because other clients
have somatic problems that the head nurse, David Bridges often stops by. Have not seen hnim since
I have been at Norbeck House and no one knows when he is coming.

I was in the hospital in Sept almost died at HolyCross who treated me very well but Nicole Briscoe
like the staff at Norbeck House will not help me get the somatic meds I need.

I kept asking first Bel Pre RC Nicole Briscoe then Norbeck House RC primary Alex to help
me get my somatic meds. Alex said there was the weekend, then there was thanksgiving holiday
and today, end of November she said she called the pulmonologist and could not give me
an appointment until December 8. I said that is a long time to wait for my medication and Alex
said that was the soonest appointment she could get. During the first week I told
Julianne the supervisor who is never here presumably at Chadwich house of my need
she said after the meeting she would help me get albuterol and that the pulmonologist
Dr. Singh at Holy Cross Hospital recommended was too far away and she knew another one.
I had to tear through instead of unpacking the few boxes Keith Ellis brought, Alex helped me go through to try to find my nebulizer. It was not in the boxes Keith insisted they were in Alex has been of very limited help in trying to find places for my things I share a room but Edna left because she was transferred.
It is Cornerstone policy that staff may never touch a client even if they have fallen or are about to fall.
And no matter the age or disability constant pressure to perform and clean which has led to at least one death when the Joint Commission came in August 2017, I was pressured by Keith Ellis to work for hours after scrubbing and cleaning house to get corrosion off a handbar with Tilex despite respiratory problems, I first began to get very ill, unable to eat at this time and was told a male client in Bel Pre housing had died around the time of this inspection.
Many of the senior citizens have arthritis some severe dyskenisia and have trouble with chores or even getting food to mouth.
Richard is one of those and has been absent from dinner 5 days, for a while only had crackers in his cupbord, never leaves his
room now, they say he is okay, yesterday first time I saw him in 4 days and he only ate 2 small cups of applesauce his cupbord had more food since I had been expressing great concern about his thinness and he seems to be unable to hold up his head to the point now that his head touched his plate at thanksgiving, he only accepted a little meat did not eat that and left. He looks like he should be in the hospital on an IV. I used to see Richard on and off for several years at Southport looking for cigarette butt sa d he had some trouble sitting, only kneels on ground and trouble keeping his head up, he does not seem to have a dowegers hump at all he is obviously much sicker now.
His fingernails are very, very long and so dirty they look black, he never seems to change his clothes, maybe he does not have a change of clothes and they have many stains. Richard has trouble getting food to his mouth and there are sometimes globs of yoghurt on the table. Cornerstone employees are forbidden to touch clients even if they have fallen, this rule is inappropriate for the aging population at Cornerstone.
When I left the hosptial it is the only time I saw David Bridges the head nurse, he spoke with me and two roommates and said he would call Holy Cross to send the paperwork that the hospital wanted Dr. Polam to have and which Keith Ellis and Nicole Briscoe took from me and lost.
David Bridges recommended that I move here, he did not return my calls. Jullianne said before I moved that David Bridges often came hereb ecause there were other clients with somatic problems. I have not seen him in 3 weeks and staff says there is no set time when he comes and yesterday an RC said Mr. Bridges was on vacation. I am supposed to see a nurse Yvonne whom I have never met after I meet wit
my psychiatrist Dr. Parveen but she is always absent. From before my forced eviction from Bel Pre managed HUD house at 12902 Valleywood, to Keith ellis moving SOME of my belongings, He stated again and again that David Bridges would be talking to me about Assisted Living, this promise started at the end of September it is almost December and it doesn't look like this promise will ever be fulfilled.

Perishable foods must be locked up due to theft very short window to get soft foods when you are not feeling well like yoghurt and fruit juice and ensure, personal cupboard you can lock yourself is very, very small. Impossible to cook while on oxygen and hard to be off oxygen long enough to cook.
The independence rule prevents staff from helping. There is space for 6 clients, 3 men, 3 women with an enclosed space of one to two staff members watching
the cameras 24/7. Mostly like to talk to each other almost no interaction with clients. Blank looks when try to speak of how weak I am and that I AM ON OXYGEN and needed my somatic meds WEEKS AGO.
Constant runaround about my somatic meds and the whereabouts of my many paintings, art supplies and desk and chair and lamp so that I could work on my art IF I do get better considering this "treatment" not likely.

Notes for bullying complaint against Pam

Bullying complaint

Nurse needs to tell current caregivers about how ill I am to stay out of hospital.
I am on oxygen and my primary RC Alex at Norbeck/Adrienne House asked after a week
and ahalf here if I need to be on the oxygen at night??? › … › Materials & Resources › Forms

An eviction is formally called a FED (Forcible Entry and Detainer). ... group home, farm, vacation rental, social or fraternal home, or to evict a "squatter." ...
[PDF]Eviction Rights of Community Care Facilities …

Group Homes: facilities that ... Eviction Rights of Community Care Facilities Residents Eviction Rights of Community Care Facilities Residents

Kris filling out HUI papers after I made formal complaint about her staying overnight and ALL DAY for most of 2 months Janet was in the hospital on and off much of this time and has
been afraid that Pam Gueron will begin bullying her again if Janet Listou does not
b ack up Pam's lies.  Now Keith Ellis denies that it happened more than once or twice when
he was illegally forcibly evicting me from my home at 12902 Valleywood Drive Silver Spring
lost my hearing aids and nebulizer in move, new caregivers said I must buy a new nebulizer
and are taking their time in helping me to get a prescription for the other somatic med

Subtle Signs of Bullying

A skilled bully prefers to achieve victory before anyone realizes that a war has been declared. His covert methods take a heavy toll on the company and its employees, with the most capable people often the most emotionally overwhelmed.

It is far better to know you are being bullied than to feel miserable without knowing the cause. But the signs of bullying are often subtle, frustrating your attempts to make sense out of a confusing situation. How is it possible that an eloquent, vivacious company leader is unfairly manipulating you? Could it be that your boss, a charming, soft-spoken manager, has been intentionally undermining you?

Without obvious evidence of bullying, backstabbing and manipulation, you will probably remain uncertain (or even unaware) of the source of your problems. If this is your situation, there is hope. You can learn to detect the more subtle signs of being bullied, which in turn will lead you forward in your effort to fight back.
told janet and pam throught keith that they could throw away the small amt of food remaining in fridge
was exhausted from forced packing for days by keith I asked keith to bring the teabags and sugar that I kept
in cabinet above sink when he was going back for another load keith stated that within two hours pam had thrown away
my sugar and teabag containers.

falsified diagnosis AFTER forced move my therapist Paula took leave for October, then November,
now she may be back mid-december, There has been a purge of many employees at Cornerstone,
Montgomery over the past number of months I wonder if Paula Weiss my very honorable therapist
of more than 5 years refused to be a part of moving patients for bogus reasons to a different "level" of care
claiming senior citizen age or near so are incompetent and moving them to sites where
clients are sicker in mental illness not physical illness to free up beds from the closing of

Wanted me to see Dr. Klaytor whom I have never seen while at Cornerstone until my
formerly very caring and honorable psychiatrist Dr. Parveen.  Nicole Briscoe told me after
getting out of car to a pressured meeting with Andie Andrea Lazowski AFTER the forced
eviction from my home that Andie was going to --Do a treatment plan, then a diagnosis,
AND THEN take a little time to get to know me since we had never met."  I was furious and

Nicole must have called Andie who seems pleasant because she only did the treatment plan
and met with my job coach for 15 minutes.  I stated the above and she said she would
not give me a diagnosis based on what Keith Ellis, Bel Pre supervisor told her too,
contradicting previous dx by my therapist of 5 years Paula Weiss.

the staff at 2710 Norbeck road were upset that they could not get me an appt with
Andie to  have a diagnosis given by her until Tuesday so pressured Andie to meet with me
BRIEFLY to give me a dx on Friday.  When I questioned Andie asking the dx questions instead
of Dr. Parveen when psychiatrists, I thought, give the dx, Andie said she was a licensed
social worker and was qualified to asked the questions on the diagnosis test and
my diagnosis would be agreed upon by the "team" whoever that consists of.It is God’s desire for us to be with Him and know Him. We can know God relationally through an intimate relationship with His son. He has made us to know Him and He is knowable to us. David lays out how we get there. He says “One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.”

We need to ask God! I invite you to make God’s presence your dwelling place by spending time in God’s word and just being in His presence. Pray that the Holy Spirit would come over you and guide you each day.

Lord, we ask that you give us the desire to share in an intimate relationship with you, so that we may dwell in your presence. We pray that we would have ears to hear and a heart that is open to receive where the Spirit leads us daily, so that we may remain in you. We give all glory and honor to you!

Self-Advocacy Guides - Arizona Center for Disability Law

Self-advocacy guides cover disability-related legal issues. ... The Center offers several self-advocacy guides and ... Legal Rights of Students with Disabilities in ...
Virginia Disability Resources and Advocacy Organiz ...

Scroll down for links to government agencies and disability rights organizations in Virginia. They may be able assist you with: disability advocacy

Those three short words, in Christ Jesus, are, without doubt, the most important ever written, even by an inspired pen, to express the mutual relation of the believer and Christ. They occur, with their equivalents, over one hundred and thirty times. Sometimes we meet the expression, in Christ or in Christ Jesus, and again in Him, or in whom, etc. And sometimes this sacred name, or its equivalent pronoun, is found associated with other prepositions -- through, with, by; but the thought is essentially the same. Such repetition and variety must have some intense meaning. When, in the Word of God, a phrase like this occurs so often, and with such manifold applications, it can not be a matter of accident; there is a deep design. God's Spirit is bringing a truth of the highest importance before us, repeating for the sake of emphasis, compelling even the careless reader to give heed as to some vital teaching.

What that teaching is, in this case, it is our present purpose to inquire, and, in the light of the Scripture itself, to answer.

First of all, we should carefully settle what this phrase, in Christ, or in Christ Jesus, means.

If there be one truth of the Gospel that is fundamental, and underlies all else, it is this: A new life in Christ Jesus. He, Himself, clearly and forcibly expressed it in John 15:4: "Abide in me and I in you." By a matchless parable our Lord there taught us that all believers are branches of the Living Vine, and that, apart from Him we are nothing and can do nothing because we have in us no life. This truth finds expression in many ways in the Holy Scripture, but most frequently in that short and simple phrase we are now considering -- in Christ Jesus.

Such a phrase suggests that He is to the believer the sphere of this new life or being. Let us observe -- a sphere rather than a circle. A circle surrounds us, but only on one plane; but a sphere encompasses, envelopes us, surrounding us in every direction and on every plane. If you draw a circle on the floor, and step within its circumference, you are within it only on the level of the floor. But, if that circle could become a sphere, and you be within it, it would on every side surround you -- above and below, before and behind, on the right hand and on the left. Moreover, the sphere that surrounds you also separates you from whatever is outside of it. Again, in proportion as such a sphere is strong it also protects whatever is within it from all that is without -- from all external foes or perils. And yet again, it supplies, to whomsoever is within it, whatever it contains. This may help us to understand the great truth taught with such clearness, especially in the New Testament. Christ is there presented throughout as the sphere of the believer's whole life and being, and in this truth are included these conditions:

First, Christ Jesus surrounds or embraces the believer, in His own life; second, He separates the believer in Himself from all hostile influences; third, He protects him in Himself from all perils and foes of his life; fourth, He provides and supplies in Himself all that is needful.

We shall see a further evidence of the vital importance of the phrase, in Christ, in the fact that these two words unlock and interpret every separate book in the New Testament. Here is God's own key, whereby we may open all the various doors and enter all the glorious rooms in this Palace Beautiful, and explore all the apartments in the house of the heavenly Interpreter, from Matthew to the Apocalypse, where the door is opened into heaven. Each of the four gospel narratives, the book of the Acts, all of the epistles of Paul and Peter, James and John, and Jude, with the mysterious Revelation of Jesus Christ, show us some new relation sustained by Christ Jesus to the believer, some new aspect of Christ as his sphere of being, some new benefit or blessing enjoyed by him who is thus in Christ Jesus.

To demonstrate and illustrate this is the aim of this study of the New Testament. And, for brevity's sake, it may be well to confine our examination to the epistles of Paul, from Romans to Thessalonians, which will be seen to bear to each other, and to the phrase we are studying, a unique and complete relation. We shall trace this phrase in every one of these epistles, and find it sometimes recurring with marked frequency and variety, generally very close to the very beginning of each epistle; and usually we shall find also that the first occurrence of the phrase, in each epistle, determines its particular relation to that particular book, thus giving us a key to the special phase of the general subject presented in that epistle. The more we study the phrase and the various instances and peculiar varieties of such recurrence, the more shall we be convinced of its vital importance to all practical holy living.

2015 Clients who were Endangered at Cornerstone

Cornerstone Montgomery-Bel Pre Cluster - Alzheimer Patient wandering day and night with no supervision
God bless Senator Van Hollen and Suzanne Loftjelm who helped Linda with Alzheimers to be placed in the house by 6040 Southport Clinic where at least she would get real supervision and help with shopping and cooking food
Linda at Bel Pre Apartments behind the Cornerstone Bel Pre office.
I met Linda at a Christmas party at Bel Pre two years ago. She smiled, is pleasant, youthful face but bent over from shoulders with arthritis, huge bald area from the crown to almost all of back of head, though in front has long silver hair, very fragile looking, thin, short doesn't seem to be able to talk but pays attention when introduced and smiles.
My new housemate Jeane has been with Cornerstone about 8 months, was roommate to Linda and spoke of how concerned she was about Linda, keeping the ground-floor sliding glass doors open all night, wandering off without shoes even in winter when police brought her back Bel Pre supervisor Keith Ellis doing nothing and expecting patient/client Jeane to care for or ignore Linda's plight. Jeane said that there was often gunfire related to drug dealing, sometimes sounded like gunfight at Bel Pre near their apartment and although Linda was not homeless, looked like a homeless person and was afraid someone might hurt Linda.
Linda sometimes would not let Jeane close her bedroom door and though Jeane said Linda is very sweet and was not at all afraid of her called Bel Pre office one night to say that she could not stay all night with Linda coming in her room, acting erratically and that she needed someone from Bel Pre to help her with Linda. Jeane told them she could not stand to stay all night alone with Linda, that someone from the office needed to come and help her.
As with Betty Levy and me they would basically tell Jeane to ignore Linda that it wasn't her problem but like me Jeane believes that if you are around someone in need of help you need to try to do what you can.
Jeane said she told her psychiatrist who said that Cornerstone/St. Lukes was not set up to give Linda the care she needed but thought Cornerstone/St. Lukes had been trying for several years, no nursing home would take Linda because of her severe schizophrenia, she had come to Cornerstone after having been years in a hospital where, I would guess, at least she had someone to watch over her enough so that she didn't go wandering especially at night and especially without shoes and socks in the winter and meals at set times.
Jeane said that the apartment esp the kitchen was covered in roaches which Linda did not see because of her dementia and possibly eyesight problems. Jeane called to complain and said that Keith came over with roach spray and trapped the mouse but I wonder how long Linda was living like that since Jeane only moved in last January or February. Since Jeane has left, Linda has another roommate but I doubt if Linda is getting even the minimal care she needs to stop wandering off and since she goes to the Bel Pre office for medications i wonder if anyone visits hers, she is supposed to have an RC and I wonder why someone didn't notice before that the place was covered in roaches. Does her RC help her with medical care? Josephine Marshall and Home Health Care, a Cornerstone consultant is impossible to find except when they want us to sign for them to get paid twice a year and since the long-time and friendly receptionist knew nothing about her and said the other nurse who just gives shots for long-acting psychiatric medication is not with that group.
I went grocery shopping with the group once when Linda was there, she did not buy much and I wonder if her dementia is so great that she didn't notice the roaches if she is able to cook. I didn't notice much at the time but Linda did not buy much at all and I wonder if she subsists on slices of American cheese, she is so very frail and thin and if it is safe for her to cook. When we moved to Valleywood, 2 weeks ago, there was a sign above the stove, “HENRY, DO NOT USE STOVE UNLESS STAFF IS PRESENT.”
Jeane said Linda always had several hundred dollars in her purse when she went wandering and Jeane would try to get her to leave most of the money at home but Linda would not. I blame upper management more than Keith Ellis but they could do something to help Linda that wouldn't anger upper management, like their incredible verbal abuse of Betty, if they were afraid to go with her when she would call 911, most of the time at the instruction of the staff when she complained about her very visible physical problems – it is hard to get care from ER in hospitals and Montgomery General is not much better than Shady Grove in my limited experience with them, most of the time they would send Betty home in a cab with nothing done only instructions to see her doctor, at first she would go by herself and when i would ask her if she told the eye doctor or PCP what she told me, Betty would say, “I forgot.” Later i don't believe she would go to the doctor at all and when I would ask the Rcs to go with her, they would say, “She can do it herself.” but she couldn't.
There are many people getting paid to help clients who are ill and disabled but they have a policy of doing less and less to actually help them.
Jeane said she was afraid to make a formal complaint that they might send her to Fenton House, like they did to me for 2 days, very shortly after I called Congressman Van Hollen and the County Council and the Board of Licensure --told my psychiatrist when she called that I had not even unpacked, couldn't find my nebulizer or underwear and did not want to go, Dr. Parveen has always been good to me but said I had to go -- will write later on evidence that administration is telling Dr. Parveen and Paula Weiss my therapist not to let me talk of Keith's abuse, to move on and to have Paula do new age relaxation exercises but I tell Paula if there are systemic problems of abuse at cornerstone, if it is being run like a dysfunctional family and if Keith is always coming up with some new way to ambush and abuse me—preventing me from doing my artwork and from doing things throughout the week that I was working with my job coach, Vanessa Martinez with, her supervisor Jessica Harding should have notes going back more than a year of Keith Ellis accelerating abuse of me, misusing his access to me through medication monitoring and then when he became supervisor just because he felt like it, Christina Taylor before she left said that Keith really wanted to be my RC but she prevented it, and I thanked her telling her Keith would destroy me as a person but Lisa Rhodes moved to a job at Southport to get away from Keith after one month, so they gave me David Minestone who never showed up either for RC or HouseMeetings ------ though Keith said in the February meeting with Nicole that he was now supervisor and would not be doing medication monitoring except for my housemate he has found ways of dragging me downstairs when it was NOT time for medication and on Friday the week before we moved screaming at me "WHY ARE YOU SO TIRED ALL THE TIME? repeatedly -- Keith's unchecked ambush attack abuse might have something to do with my exhaustion.

Jeane speculated again and again that Keith's sudden abuse of her might have something to do with her talking to her psychiatrist about Linda. Jeane said since we had no food despite promise by Barbara Lilly that refrigerator would be filled, they did eventually next day after much pushing on my part take Linda R., new housemate, and me to the grocery story but Jeane went to her therapy group. She told Keith on the third day that she had no food, and Keith told her to drink water or eat salad and Jeane said I never know when he is joking but it made me mad. She also had to beg Keith to take her to the store and Jeane told me that she was never going to beg for food again, never going to beg Keith for food or anything else again and asked him if the $40 set aside as Barbara Lilly said to compensate in some small way for the sudden move came out of his own pocket. Keith has a way of making you feel that the money your receive or work space or every breath you take is because of his generousity.
A lot of food spoiled during the move, if you could find it due to the 6 days of being given boxes so you could pack and was very hungry, thirsty, hoping at least for some fruit or fruit juice looking forward to what Barbara Lilly had said would be stocked refrigerator but when I opened the fridge, it was empty and the plastic thing on the door fell on my foot. The only reason why they took me the next day was that i raised a ruckus and even then was promised by Barbara Lilly she would take us, then renaged almost immediately and said Keith would take us in a half hour give or take 10 minutes, after 2 hours I called Barbara Lilly and someone said they would take us at 2:15 pm which was several hours away which they finally did. Very little in the way of dishes or cooking implements had been put away filthy dirty and one fork for the three of us. The next day Keith delivered some used dishes and silverwear which we were very glad to get but whoever planned this sudden move, even apartment projects give you a full month or more if they need to remodel, etc., should have to explain under oath just why this decision was made without input from clients and even more importantly WHY WASN'T ADEQUATE TIME GIVEN FOR CLIENTS TO PACK AND RCS TO PREPARE THE NEW HOUSE???
The name of the management company is called SECOND STEP and is located at the Lambert location so I guess it is a part of Cornerstone though RC Courtney said she knew nothing about it when she had me sign the HUD papers and I wonder IF VALLEYWOOD IS THE SECOND STEP, WHAT IS THE THIRD STEP FOR GETTING CLIENTS OUT OF THE CORNERSTONE PROGRAM AND HOW MUCH TIME WILL WE BE GIVEN EITHER TO LIVE HERE OR TIME TO PACK IF WE HAVE ANOTHER FORCED MOVE?????

Jeane said that although she had not made a formal complaint --That Keith Ellis had asked her after she told her psychiatrist about her concerns about Linda's safety that Keith had started harrassing Jeane including inappropriately asking what she was going to say to her psychiatrist when she told him before she went on the next visit. Jeane told Keith that her communication with her psychiatrist was none of his business and he began harrassing her so severely since she has moved to Valleywood that she was thinking of filing a grievance against him. The harrassment took place around the time that I was waiting for the Compliance/Provider meeting on July 31, 2015 so nothing will stop Keith Ellis from outrageous mental and emotional harrassment of patient/clients.
Jeane called and spoke to Keith and though he would not discuss the way he had been treating her, kept saying we are alright we are good and Jeane said she disagreed but that if he treated her better from now on she would leave it at that.
Ken Westin, CSA Residential Program refused today to listen to "hearsay" and investigate and in the meeting on July 31, 2015 said that I needed to begin anew and forget the past, when he said that again today, Monday, August 10, 2015, I told Mr. Westin that I disagreed that there have been so many abuses directly related to Susan Wilkoff's refusal to do grievances that it was like a huge pile under the rug that you could hardly walk around and that someone with legal expertise needs to lift up the corner and see all the waste, mismanagement abuse and suffering and even death of clients (Robbie Wetzal, 29 when he died last year from unknown causes and Lora Neal around 55 when she died she was in despair because they had promised her her own apartment for a year which she was always joyfully talking about then Barry Friedman was going to dump her into a rented room, inquests upon the deaths of clients are needed because there is so much abuse, false promises, RCs that don't show up, services promised but not delivered etc., etc., etc.) that is continuing and if people complaining are angry it is because nothing has been done for years and years.
Mr. Westin refused to hear about Linda's night wanderings and suffering from what I believe is criminal negligance and told me that maybe I did not belong in a Rehabilitation Program, and threatened me with loss of my housing for attempting to complain and said that I should find a room to rent in the community and that Cornerstone was under no obligation to help me find housing. (Mr. Ellis and his staff were constantly threatening Betty Levy with loss of her housing if she did not do housework which she was incapable of due to very visible physical disabilities, I finally contacted Adult Protective Services and they at least made sure she was taken to the hospital where she was for months and then in rehab for months according to RCs - the criminal negligance against Betty Levy for 8 or 9 months plus the screaming abuse misusing medication monitoring and her RC meetings esp by Shatara - before the HUD Inspection in early July 2015, in the last few days after offering no help or support threatened me and the other people at the table Linda R. and Melissa Willard with loss of housing if "we" did not do housework with a string mop and no help - amended it to say Linda R. he wasn't really talking to since she had not been at Banquo Terrace for very long.)
I told him that Rights and Responsibilities go together and since Cornerstone under whatever name has violated all of the rights of clients in terrible ways and that it was his job to investigate that, he disagreed and I told him that I had read the Blue Ribbon Panel put together by the County Council a few years ago and which condemned CSA for failing in its mission to require accountability of Mental Health Care Agencies in Montgomery County and that I would continue to try to witness and give testimony on the suffering caused by the blatant disregard of COMAR Law particularly Ms. Wilkoff refusal for a number of years to either do grievances or complete them according Comar Law. Mr. Westin basically said he was not interested in my attempt to lobby for a fair, thorough investigation of Cornerstone/St. Lukes/Threshold practices by an oversight agency and I said that liability cannot be cancelled by changing the name of an agency nor can Cornerstone obtain a good reputation by changing the name of St. Lukes/Threshold.
I also mentioned the GAO report that Congressman Murphy and now allies in the Democratic Party are using to try to get accountability from HHS------
Debbie Davis told me and I believe her therapist Leah Cooperman about Keith's harrassment of Debbie and was shocked that Keith ridiculed Linda and a tall, blond young man twice and tried to get the RCs to laugh at them. This took place at the Bel Pre office November/December 2014 and Keith is not discreet about his abuse of clients so in addition to talking with Ms. Cooperman someone should interview clients who are in the apartment project and go to the Bel Pre office which is an apartment twice a day for medication monitoring about Keith's treatment of them and other patients. He used to ask Debbie Davis what she was going to say to her therapist which made her furious.
After the first year, Keith would say to me "You've been badmouthing me. I know you've been badmouthing me." since I had made no formal complaint as yet against Keith esp. his texting during the time he was supposed to be giving us visits, more medicaid fraud, he would mouth the words on the radio and look at me sideways as if to say, "I'm doing wrong, but you can't stop me." I would just look down and wait out the agony of what was supposed to be RC visits for clients for 15minutes after medication monitoring.
Jeane said many of the clients at the medication monitoring at the Bel Pre office have tears in their eyes or talk to themselves and I wonder from my own experience of Keith Ellis abuse of me and making me too sick to continue in the Back to Work program - the head Jessie Harding should have a years worth of notes as I told my Job Coach about Keith Ellis continuing and accelerating harrassment of me.
I did not know how severely Linda had been neglected until the forced move of 30 clients in 3 days with only 3 1/2 weeks notice and since Bel Pre supervisor would not have any of his staff, Rehab Coordinators who are supposed to do medication monitoring twice a day by coming out to townhouses bring the cardboard boxes so that the 3 people at 14528 Banquo Terrace could begin packing for an unknown destination. Only the day before would the RCs let me know where I was moving to and then only because I had to sign the HUD papers.
Ana Reyes told me very arrogantly "You have no choice so why do you need to see the new place?" Endless false promises to give me the new address - tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow.

As my new housemate Jeane said even though we had no choice it would have been nice to see the place. The ranch house and yard are very nice but there were inch layers of grease in the kitchen and the bathrooms were filthy. It is a HUD house and I can't imagine how it ever passed inspection since I'm sure it has not been cleaned in several years, at least the kitchen and dryer lint deep, cannot reach.
Ken Westin did come by after I called and told Ana Reyes that they should have cleaned the place BEFORE we moved and that I had said it was nasty and it was.
The only remaining problems are a very old dryer that takes 3 cycles of 80 minutes to dry clothes for Jeane and I hang my clothes after the first 80 minutes they are still very wet but I am afraid the dryer is a fire hazard.
A very greasy fan under the hood over the stove which the cleaning crew missed and greasy light under hood and some of the outlets poke out a bit from the wall.
And since I have art supplies, art work, 2 desks and file cabinets and book cases it would have been nice to imagine how to arrange my workspace.
No help has been forthcoming in even putting together my PC table which needs to be moved and lifting my PC and CPU onto desk which is too heavy for me and I need this for my art work and the RC supervisor knows I will be continuing my grievance outside of the Agency Cornerstone since COMAR Law has been blantantly violated for a number of years which is the reason for unchecked abuse of client/patients, RCs and other staff leaving in droves due to conscience and perhaps fear of liability since the abuse of some clients is so severe, out in the open and disgusting to anyone with a conscience. I have trouble believing that MC CSA has been unaware of these gross violations and their effects on patients/American citizens/human beings.
I believe the reason Keith did not want HIS staff to do so much work as to bring over folded boxes is that he was trying to push as much as his work as possible on to Gus and facilities/maintenance whom Keith has had it in for the past few months. Keith constantly needs to be campaigning against enemies to distract himself from the boring work he was hired to do like organizing and making sure that staff isn't spending so much time entertaining him that they use too much paperwork as an excuse not to show up for weekly Rehab Counselor meetings another Medicaid fraud or spending enough time during so called visits during medication monitoring.
How else would Keith get in with the in crowd except by very dirty office politics against staff and clients and now maintenence, people who actually do their work and administration and Ken Westin seem to like this and Ken especially will not let me speak or give me comparable time to combat Keith's lies and distortions and huge omissions.
Since the 5 people in facilities had to do this sudden move by themselves with what day laborers they could find at the last moment and since Gus had to do the HUD Inspection in early July essentially by himself because Keith would not allow any of HIS workers to help despite the fact that previous supervior Melissa Jacob would provide extra supplies, lists of things that needed to be done and help from the RCs. Mr. Ellis made me do the entire 3 story townhouse by myself in October 2015 CSA Inspection with sciatica pain, received a steroid shot from orthopedist Dr. Kessous 2 months later when pain would not quit, I am 62 years old,with almost no help for the CSA inspection in October 2014, more on that later.
He expected me to buy all the supplies myself, Melissa Willard was just out of the hospital but when Christina was both of our RC and Houseperson we always had enough supplies and Melissa Willard would always do her chores not leaving them all to me for about a year.
Irresponsibility Amounting to Criminal Negligance in refusing to space morning and evening medication monitoring far enough apart for client safety and refusal to post times of medication monitoring and to abide by it.
Jeane has had two kidney transplants and has been very concerned about the erratic times and the lack of enough time between her medication or having to wait too long for the morning medication. Since we have moved I have requested that the new medication monitoring times be posted and am promised tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow never comes.
Jeane said someone named Dennis from Cornerstone Southport called and said she would not be allowed to take 137 milligrams one day and 150 the next even though that is how Jeane's doctor prescribed it, Dennis called back and said that he had talked to Jeane's doctor and she would be allowed to take her meds as prescribed -- at least he checked with her doctor, neither one of us had ever heard of Dennis before but it gives you some flavour of how fubar everything is and RCs Yen Fan and Anna Bikakis when I was at Banquo reached new lows in coming only 5 hours in between medication because they had a few minutes in their busy schedule - when Melissa Jacob was supervisor it was closer to 10 hours between 9:30 am and 7:30 pm were posted on the corkboard at the townhouse and rarely deviated from.
For almost two years the times got wilder and wilder until I objected and requested that times be on the board, all Keith Ellis did was to remove Melissa Jacobs schedule and not answer me when I repeatedly requested that medication times be posted on board. After several months, he finally did but the RCs had started deviating from it and Mr. Ellis has the nerve to complain that I don't come down for meds when i would set my alarm and either the RCs would start coming earlier and earlier or would not come at all which Debbie Davis and I'm sure others in the townhouses and houses can attest to as well.
Client safety treated like a bore and someone needs to look into why Keith Ellis supervisor of Bel Pre is so cavalier about patients' lives in the most important job the RCs do and since the good ones have left who used to be the cause of wild meetings with Keith in trying to act responsibly and who had said a word or two about Keith before they left - the good ones were Christina Taylor at Peppertree/Bel pre, could witness Keith following her around harrassing Christina and me when he was assistant supervisor, that title came from the Threshold merger, saying again and again when Christina and I were trying to work saying he "wanted to make sure Christina was doing her job." in a fake jolly voice. Christina did not respond, kept trying to concentrate on our work and not to hold her mouth in too straight a line. I had seen Keith flick a paper in Christina tray at Bel Pre and could feel the tension. Christina always did her job responsibly and Keith had only been there about a year then, Christina had a masters in psychology and was committed to St. Lukes, hoped eventually to become a therapist here, Keith is not licensed and is a social worker, he is about 50 years old and considering his childish behavior I do wonder if he lost his license.
Christina told me months after that she and Keith had gone after the Supervisory Job after Melissa Jacob left, they told Christina she needed supervisory experience and did not hire Keith at that point but hired Arlene Gomez who came from Pennsylvania for 8 or 9 months, I believe Keith did everything to undercut Arlene, she looked very upset in her going away party and I think they decided that since Keith would undercut anyone they placed in Bel Pre as supervisor that maybe he would do a good job, I have been asked if he became much worse in his abuse and irresponsible behavior after he was made supervisor in October 2014 and though he was horrendous before became even worse afterwords and will edit my report on the ongoing disaster for clients and staff most of whom have left of Keith Ellis as Bel Pre supervisor.
Keith will cry poor that he is understaffed but his actions against the staff that care about clients and his constant party atmosphere so staff gives up trying to concentrate on paperwork and just looks up entertainment sites on the internet.
Debbie Davis said to Megan Grout that she was the only one who seemed to like to talk to clients the others just came in popped pills in your mouth and ran away. I concurr. Two weeks before Megan left about a month ago her cell phone was beeping, she said something under her breath and to my surprise repeated it when i asked saying Keith would call her constantly when she was doing medication monitoring to "make sure she was doing her job." Keith does not like RCs to talk to clients they might give away some top secrets like what the RCs last names are despite the RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES stating that clients have a right to know who is caring for them when I asked repeatedly that an updated list of RCS be placed on board Keith took away Ms. Jacob's list and refused to put another one up when I asked Ana Reyes about it she asked why I wanted to know, I said that I did not need to give a reason and showed her the RIGHTS document, at first she said that it did not mean that I had a right to know their last names, and then she said she thought it was illegal to post the RCs last names.
Megan, like Christina, had a masters in psychology cared about patients and was a threat to Keith's job.
Keisha Johnson and Nikki Lak were also very good with clients and did not spend a year and more like Keith and Ana Reyes playing with their cellphones instead of talking to clients during "visits".
When Arlene left a man sitting on the couch with me with slight sarcasm thanked the gloating Keith for letting us know that Arlene was leaving since so many long term RCs had left without saying good-bye that was when I learned that Keisha and Nikki were gone.
Shatara quit but does weekend medication, I think someone other than Megan quit recently too.
There has been a mass exodus of experienced and good RCs since just before and after Keith Ellis became supervisor, since he scorns his real job as organizer and spends all his time scapegoating staff and clients and now Gus, maintenance who works harder than anyone I have ever seen and very dirty political manuevers allowed by Ken Westin whom I told he never gets to hear my side of the story, like Keith's telling him I was fighting with Shatara and refused to leave because she had been screaming like a banshee at Betty Levy for months and that I finally called Adult Protective Services who at least got Betty the medical attention she, I believe, would have died if it had been delayed any longer and an investigator needs to contact Holy Cross about the shape Betty was in when Shatara finally went with her to ER. Montgomery General should have records of Betty going approximately every week and a half to ER calling 911 and going home in a cab they finally flushed her eye but it did not do any good and it was hugely swollen for months, it is very hard to get ER to treat you without someone with you and when Betty would go to her medical doctors she would dry up and not be able to talk and the RCs kept screaming at her month after month that she could do it herself. Betty stopped eating for about a week because of her depression over the atonishing over the top verbal abuse and I spent a long time sharing my meals and coaxing her to eat since she had trouble walking to go shopping and RCs would not order Bubble packs for her when I asked Ana Reyes why not, Ana with a snide, smirking laugh said she did not want Betty to get to lazy and did a trademark sniggering laugh with her head ducked and her arm coming up partly to hide her face.
These people are not human Betty, 67 years old was so visible ill with incredibly swollen feet and not only did they do nothing to help her they ridiculed her and even Melissa Willard picked up on it and start, Betty was most hurt by Melissa and said she acts like i have no right to be here and every time Ana Reyes left Betty would say, "Does she realize how awful she is?" which made me laugh since it was such an understatement. Betty had an unprintable name for Shatara who later would scream so loud at Debbie Davis who would scream back and Shatara went on what they called medical leave but I think it was administrative leave, I was always afraid she was going to hit Betty and I am sure someone or more than one made a complaint about Shatara's extreme abuse of clients. i made no formal complaint with Cornerstone, knew it wouldn't do any good, just finally called Adult Protective Services after that the gloves were off regard Keith Ellis intense abuse of me.
Jessica La Tout quit last week to go to a similar agency I rarely saw her after Keith became supervisor and she rarely did meds Jessica seemed to be on board with Keith's mistreatment of clients and I think it garnered her the assistant supervisor's position, since Keith refuses to post the names and titles, I did not know that Nicole Burke had been hired a year ago as even Ms. Jacob had stopped listed Barrie Friedman and Alex as supervisors. Keith laughs when i bring up rights and we have the same rights as inmates -- this and the astonishing abuse and criminal negligance is the bitter fruit of Cornerstone and CSA allowing Susan Wilkoff to pick up her salary without doing her most important job as Grievance person for over 3 years.
It is not credible that CSA has not known that Susan Wilkoff and Cornerstone by whatever name have not been doing grievances in violation of COMAR Law for at least 3 years.
When I first moved in 5 years ago it was during the cleaning for CSA Inspection, Howard would bring a questionnaire, a copy was never given to us, for the first three years one of the questions was HOW DOES ST. LUKES/THRESHOLD/CORNERSTONE HANDLE COMPLAINTS.
The past three years this question has been missing, the first time it was missing I wrote on the Questionnaire asking why this question was missing, never got an answer. Last October 2014 when Howard brought the questionnaire in addition to missing the question on complaints, it looked like several other questions were missing. Before it was almost a page of questions last Oct it was only about half a page.

I think that CSA in order to make their statistics look better left off the question about how the Agency handles complaints and to avoid having to look into why so many clients in their only yearly communication with CSA gave low or lowest marks to this question.
Although Cornerstone has had groups for 20 somethings none for senior citizens though if you look in the waiting room there are at least 50% of clients with canes and arthritis. I wonder if the abuse and neglect particularly of client/patients over a certain age reflects a desire to take the money but offer little or no care
with the inevitable result of early death from not eating as with Betty because so sickened by the brutal treatment
so that there will be a preponderance of young people to make Keith Ellis and Administration whatever their age happens to be look good since they treat us more like circus animals and inmates very destructive to whatever level of functioning including back to work that client might be capable of.
Someone wrote of Alberto Gonzales hand in legislation of not helping minorities, ----nothing like pulling the ladder up after you ----and think of that when considering Keith Ellis, Barrie Friedman and Susan Wilkoff's actions and inaction.
A good look needs to be taken of those in their ivory tower at cornerstone who don't want to know and so believe they are also above liability for the mismanagement, fraud, abuse and waste of so much money and so many human lives.
"You meet saints every where. They can be anywhere. They are people behaving decently in an indecent society." Kurt Vonnegut

I now have heart problems I think associated with Keith and other RCs pounding on my bedroom door for medication even though I have been telling them for 3 years they are going to give me a heart attack. At Fenton when they took my blood pressure from the Bel Pre wrist cuff could not believe my blood pressure was so low and advised that I see a doctor after using their cuff to make sure mine was working and only got a slightly higher reading, in reading the material with the cuff learned that it also measure irregular heart beat and I think that is why my PCP wanted cornerstone to keep track.
When I first saw Dr. Polem almost 5 years ago she was concerned about my thyroid which other medicaid accepting doctors never told me about and found an endocrinologist for me who accepted Medicaid. When I told Dr. polem that most doctors starting when I was 16 said I had a heart murmur but not to worry, Dr. Polem said she did not hear it and there was nothing wrong with my heart. She is a very good doctor and my exhaustion and extreme weakness has to do with not only Keith making as much noise as possible but the other RCs needlessly pounding on my bedroom door or if I was downstairs working continuing to bellow are you coming are you coming and I would try to get enough breath to scream I am coming wait a minute, I was slow on the stairs but not that slow and they have continued inanely screaming at me if I am coming.
I keep thinking what is this, tobacco road.
Keith does not like his Rcs to spend even the 15 minutes required for a visit and was harrassing Meghan Grout for actually talking to people.
Claudia who is the substitute for meds, I think, she was never introduced as a replacement for one of the many RCs who have left since Keith became supervisor, had been an RC before very confident but was upset when Yen kept calling her that they needed the car and told him she would have been finished if she had not had to do one of the earthquake/other disaster drills.

Keith and his mismanagement is going to give me a heart attack as I have been saying for 3 years when I tried to tell Ken Westin the other day, he said maybe I don't belong in a rehab setting and should just rent a room in the community. If St. Lukes/Threshold/cornerstone is being grossly mismanaged that needs to be investigated not getting rid of individual clients who know how things are supposed to be. Reason for Keith getting rid of the long time RCs who knew his actions are not how things are supposed to be.
I want to go back to 17 medication visits a month, this is all Cornerstone gets paid for. For 2 ½ years I pack out my meds and only in retribution when I contacted Congressman Murray for help, I only found his name by his being in charge of the late Senator Kennedy's Boston Advocacy Group, about the near violence towards me of St. Luke's staff person Eric Gordon, Eric was fired after 8 or 9 years not just because of the testimony of what he had done to me but his rages towards clients and other inappropriate actions to patients were so well-known and should have been acted upon by Susan Wilkoff years before.
In the meeting in Dr. Parveen's office in early February due to my first Comar violated – – Nicole Burke did not complete the first section of the Grievance form re: what the meeting outcome was and which appears to be lost –- Jeff Blanken (sp?) the clinic manager in the July 31, 2015 meeting said he would look for it and send me a copy but apparently my January 2015 complaint against Keith was filed in the wastepaper basket, --When I asked why after my complaint about the the outrageous things Eric Gordon did to me on August 8, 2014 when Keith spent three months hounding me to go to the artclass though the previous year Eric came as close as he dared to punching me in the face though I was mostly silent and had been forced into the November 2013 meeting by my then RC and mostly excellent RC Christina Taylor - it took Christina who I am sure was being bullied by Keith into convincing me to go back in the same room with Eric after I had spent 2 ½ years not going to Southport to avoid his abuse – I w-ould have been more than happy to attend an art class but like Keith, Eric Gordon's behavior had gotten incredibly abusive over the years due I think to the self-isolation of Susan Wilkoff and others in the Ivory Tower and corporate culture contempt for client patients – Ms. Wilkoff in our September 2014 meeting which she consented to only because I had contacted Congressman Murphy, before that Ms. Wilkoff had called and tried to pressure me into saying that my letter outlining Mr. Gordon's abuse of me was venting and she would file it, I refused and said after he had tried to punch me the previous year and I tried to have compassion on Eric since a lot of his duties had been taken away from him at that time in an obvious disciplinary action but apparently there was no follow up, I made no formal complaint after the forced November 2013 meeting except to tell my RC Christina and my therapist Paula Weiss but after being forced to see Eric again I told Ms. Wilkoff that I wanted my complaint to be ON THE RECORD, Ms. Wilkoff said that if she filed it It would be on the record and I told her no, I wanted to continue with my complaint. Since it was obvious that Eric Gordon would be allowed to continue abusing clients esp in his art class, I looked into Boston Advocacy and found Congressman Murphy's name and read that he was involved in sponsoring legislation for funding for the mentally ill, and wrote to him but ONLY AFTER GIVING MS. WILKOFF A CHANCE TO HANDLE IT IN HER CAPACITY AS THE PERSON LISTED ON THE GRIEVANCE POLICY, I had tried in years past but either Ms. Wilkoff would not call me back or would tell me something bogus like my complaint had to be sent by electronic means when I enquired why since the posted grievance policy did not mention anything about electronic means and asked why a typed and printed copy would not be enough she sounded like she was very amused at playing with me and repeated that Grievances would only be accepted if sent via electronic means – I then called Congressman Van Hollen and the situation was resolved without having to go through the grievance process.
(Comar Law re Grievances say a form must be provided but the St. Luke's and Threshold policies did not mention this nor did Ms. Wilkoff until January 2015)
Ms. Wilkoff forced me into a meeting with Eric in Dr. Parveen's office though I kept saying NO, NO I did not want to meet with Eric but Ms. Wilkoff said I had to and she ran out twice to try to find Eric, the Grievance Policy at that time clearly stated that if a client is afraid of a staff member they will not be forced to meet with them and can skip to the next step and if the letter and report that I sent to Congressman Murphy giving him permission to share it with anyone he thought might help, was not enough to show I was afraid of Eric…
I would have walked out except for the respect that I have for Dr. Parveen, I thought I was just going to meet with Dr. Parveen, she was upset that I had contacted a Congressman and they had obviously just received a call from Congressman Murphy then Ms. Wilkoff and did not consent to meet with Eric. Ms. Wilkoff said that Eric was going on administrative leave but changed her mind the next day when she saw that I was not an effective fighter.
When Ms. Wilkoff found Eric and dragged him in the office, I looked down did not want to see him suck in his cheeks again to mock my lack of teeth and looked at Dr. Parveen who was talking and obviously Eric was gesturing and Ms. Wilkoff kept saying to him, “She is afraid of you.”
Dr. Parveen told me to talk to Eric and looking down I told him that he needed intensive, intensive therapy to find out who he was angry with. And then I said that is all. Dr. P told Eric to talk to me and he cleared his throat and said very hesitantly I would like you to be in my art group and I said No No never again. And Ms. Wilkoff said to me that is enough you can go.
I called Ms. Wilkoff the next day and asked her why she made me meet with Eric when I kept saying no and she said it was interesting to see our interaction. I asked what she had learned from our interaction and she gave a non-answer. I pushed for a meeting with her regarding my complaint, she said I might meet with Eric in the hallways so obviously her first upset reaction at being contacted by Congressman Murphy had abated at my lack of fighting skills. She agreed to a meet and when I asked what Eric's schedule was so that I could avoid him she made the first of a number of subsequent snobbish statements that Eric's schedule was “Below her level”
Paperwork like my treatment plan in October of 2014, four month post dated, rushed me over to sign, David Minestone, my four month RC who rarely showed up for our scheduled meetins said printer not working or something but promised to give me a copy of the treatment plan that I had nothing to do with writing the next day and had to ask Keith and Anna Bikakis for weeks for a copy of my treatment plan when I told Anna that I disagreed with some of the things that had been written like I was doing journaling for therapy instead of writing detailed complaints and sending to Congressman Murphy about Eric Gordon, Anna Bikakis after checking with Keith said that I could not write an addendum and another treatment plan was due, Anna did not have much time to spend with me on the next treatment plan and that went up in the ether too. Told myself I was not going to beg for treatment plan as Jeane has been saying over and over that she was never going to beg Keith for food again that she was never going to beg anyone for food in reference to spoiled food from forced move and like Debbie Davis, and Linda R. accounting is not giving clients their checks when they first move in and so they are up a creek. I do not remember that I had any problem with receiving my checks the first month I moved in.

Refused to sign paperwork for Terri Reid until she called because the paperwork clearly stated that I agreed that I had been told about how my treatment was financed and more importantly that I had received a Cornerstone Handbook if requested, Keith said he did not have time to answer my questions skipped over the request for the Handbook and it was only a few months later that Terri called me out of the blue to say that Cornerstone would not get paid if I did not sign, I told her that I would sign and when I read the paperwork with Ana Reyes on the computer she did print out a copy of the Handbook and I signed several pages.
Since the Handbook contains Advanced Directives a copy should automatically be placed on top of the medicine cabinet as it was when I moved in, there was a copy ontop of the
In my meeting with Elaine Frye, Susan Wilkoff and Keith Ellis in October 2014 regarding my letter and report to Congressman Murphy (I had hoped to get help from Boston Advocacy Group or help from a Congressman associated with the late Senator Kennedy's Group, 10 years ago Sen. Kennedy's staff member said he saw no reason why I should not be able to utilize this group but the problem was resolved.) about the harrassment from Eric Gordon which many clients had experienced for 5 years and more.
Ms. Wilkoff said that just as clients have privacy rights so do staff and requested that I not speak to anyone about my problems with Mr. Gordon. I said nothing but thought later that a staff member who is abusing clients is in a different position and clients have every right to exchange information on ongoing abuse from staff member.
Ms. Wilcoff violated section 7a of the COMAR Law on Grievances by never sending me any paperwork whatever on my complaint and COMAR Law requires that clients be informed of the ultimate decision and any action on complaint despite 2 requests to Ms. Wilkoff and 1 request to Elaine Frye after the meeting that I receive this information, I never received anything in writing. I made multiple requests to Mr. Ellis who said that Ms. Wilkoff said she had sent it, I requested of him how she sent it if by mail I did not receive it and requested that he email Ms. Wilkoff to tell her that I requested the final decision by email to Mr. Ellis who could then print it out this was never done and I was tired of wrangling with Ms. Wilkoff to do her job.

Keith also said that Ms. Wilkoff said in the meeting that if discipliary action were taken against Mr. Gordon that she would not be able to tell me due to privacy laws – this is not what COMAR Law allows for, section 7 is very clear that client not be kept in the air about the resolution of complaint. I learned by accident by a meeting on another subject months later with Nicole Burke, Keith Ellis supervisor about another subject and then only because I told her how upset I was and thinking of writing Congressman Murphy or Congressman Van Hollen to get Ms. Wilkoff to adhere to Comar Law.
I consider that Ms. Wilkoff has violated Comar Law previous to my complaint about Eric Gordon by refusing to do a grievance complaint, and only partially did her required action on the Mr. Gordon complaint and then only because Congressman Murphy contacted her.
Ms. Wilkoff kept trying to turn her refusal to have anything to do with clients into a plus and kept repeating that she was objective because she never had anything to do with clients which made her objective. Ms. Wilkoff has been listed as the person responsible on all of the Grievance Policies for more than three years.
How can Ms. Wilkoff be a liaison to upper management if she prides herself on never coming down from her ivory tower and refusing to have anything to do with clients??” And if her favorite phrase in response to questions, “That is below my level.” with no suggestions on where to find the answer.
Ms. Frye said the same thing once. With Ms. Frye I was trying to speak in the very short meeting of Eric taking a client's suggestion, Melissa Willard, from the Suggestion Box, and telling Melissa he threw it away because she criticized some of the post-post modern art on walls of waiting room saying she thought it sucked, and Eric Gordon said her comment was degrading so he threw it away. I asked Melissa how Eric knew it was hers, she looked puzzled and said I don't know, I didn't put my name on it then I said He probably knows the way you express yourself, Melissa's favorite phrase is “It sucks.”
Ms. Frye said, none of us know any of the clients at all or the way they phrased things or their names “so we can be objective.”
Ms. Frye who it was told me by both Ms. Wilkoff and Ms. Frye current assignment was to developing ways for clients to increase communication with management
Their comments rank with the logic of we had to destroy the village to save it.
My complaint about Mr. Ellis in January written on a grievance form also required by Comar Law but never previously given to me was not completed because Ms. Burke did not fill out the required space on how the first meeting was resolved after meeting in Dr. Parveen's office in February 2015 despite repeated requests. Mr. Jeff Bracken at the July 31, 2015 meeting said he would track down this grievance form and give me a copy but it is now August 12 and have heard nothing.
There has been a tremendous loss of money and damage to clients by Ms. Wilkoff's refusal to do her job as grievance person which includes staff members like Eric Gordon, Keith Ellis, Ana Reyes knowledge that clients have no protection against any abuse whatever by staff members. And this has resulted in gross violations of the most basic rights listed in the RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITES which I believe is Federal law but if laws are never enforced they are just a piece of paper and most of the time the piece of paper is hidden as well.
When I signed the multiple papers for HUD on July 27, 2015 the 3 pages for complaining to HUD were unreadable which was not true of the rest of this large document, I asked Courtney to run off a readable copy at first she refused because I had a good copy but I told her that it came from the required posted HUD package on the Bulletin Board and I needed to return it to the envelope on the corkboard, Beth Vonieff was always looking at the larger package and must have taken it with her or put it somewhere and I had asked Keith for months to replace the required HUD material and almost told Howard during the CSA inspection to look inside the manila envelope and find it was empty inside, I only found the 3 pages on a bookshelf when packing. There is no HUD package at 12902 Valleywood Drive or list of people taking care of us as required by the RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBLITIES which is also required or a copy of the Grievance Policy which should be available for all to read not just the personal copy given to me which will disappear if I post it by past experiences – or a copy of the schedule for medications which I have requested of the RCs a number of times even in the short time I have been here and like the readable copy of HUD grievance procedures have not received. I wrote by hand from the good copy the HUD phone numbers on Discrimination and Fraud, Mismanagement and Waste.
I would rather be painting but everytime I begin to get going Keith does another of his harrassment routines and I am too upset for days or weeks to continue. I believe Jessica Harding, Back to Work supervisor has taken notes for a year and a half on my weekly testimony to my job coach Vanessa Martinez of Keith's continuing and accelerating harrassment of me, Vanessa coached by Jessica who is very sharp and was angry at Eric Gordon for his treatment of Van and Jane Clifford and other artists in the Back to Work program who were not treated well by Eric Gordon. When Vanessa would ask me if I tried to talk to Keith, I said he would never listen or let me get a word in or ignore me if I managed to say 2 sentence really quickly and Vanessa said, “I know I just block him out.” meaning the monthly meeting in which Vanessa is required to go to the team meeting run by Keith Ellis who has wasted to travel money of Vanessa and the Voc Rehab money paid for her time to go to the meeting by talking non-stop in the meetings.
Christina Taylor would again speak of “wild meetings” and could see the toll it was taking on her to try to do her work honorably with Keith trying to psych her out and to defend decent treatment of clients I think that is the reason why Keisha Johnson and Nikki Lak also two of the good ones left without saying good-bye to clients which is highly unusual for long term RCs with clients who are attached to them.
They left very suddenly approximately one month before Keith pushed Arlene Gomez out for the supervisory position. At the going away party for Arlene in which it was clear she was not leaving voluntarly, she did not pack up from Pennsylvania to stay only 9 months, she was trying to be a good sport but was very upset and spoke of how much she enjoyed talking with clients every morning as they came for medications and I contrast that with Debbie Davis describing keith ridiculing and trying to get RCs to ridicule Linda and a tall blonde young man.
Keith has not been discreet about his outrageous behavior and there are many more witnesses for an outside investigator to interview to verify Mr. Ellis sickening ridicule of the most vulnerable clients who least able to defend themselves.
As Debbie kept saying why do these people go into mental health if they don't want to work with people like us.
Since Mr. Ellis ascended the throne in October 15 there has been a massive exodus of long time and short time Rehabilitation Counselors that I have never seen before. Someone needs to investigate why they are leaving and not brush it aside with excuses. An honest investigation by an outside oversight agency would reveal the unprofessional and obnoxious way Mr. Ellis harrasses his staff and insists they amuse him every second of the day and constantly interrupts their work either with clients or paperwork even without Exit Interviews which should be offered to departing staff even if a software program to identify troublemakers like Keith Ellis who are costing the Agency money and reputation and destroyed the stated mission and the government and private funders who trust Cornerstone to adequate manage the Agency and remove grossly incompetent and abusive supervisors long before they have reached the state of Keith Ellis and Eric Gordon and the cost of retraining RCs and if even the RCs who have not been here long are leaving the costs have been immense and the emotional cost to clients just as bad. Not only losing RCs who cared and were skilled and experienced but no restraints on Mr. Ellis abuse of clients and the law and endangerment of clients by his off the wall decisions.
because Mr. Ellis interrupts his staff constantly to joke with him while they are concentrating or trying to work paperwork they give up and start looking up entertainment sites on the internet. An IT person needs to get in there and to look at the amount of work time on work computers are being spent on entertainment sites. Anna Bikakis says because of so much paperwork and the trouble getting Cornerstone to pay overtime was the reason she had no time to spend with me and kept cancelling appointments. They must have told Debbie the same thing who said they don't look that busy to me they are always sitting in a circle talking which was my experience later she was outraged that so much of the conversation was downgrading clients and even more upset when they did it in front of clients, she would say if you are going to put down people like us at least don't do it in front of them. I wonder if that is the reason for so many of the tears in the eyes of patients which Jeane told me she witnessed while waiting for meds at the Bel Pre office apartment.
Keith Ellis is saying more and more things are not his responsibility or the responsibility of his staff, patients Rehab Workers and I wonder just what mr. Ellis thinks the Rehab Counselors are for and what if any are their responsiblities to clients or are they just there for Mr. Ellis to play with, create an endless partytime shrieking laughter atmosphere, to put down, to solicit compliments from and as a captive audience for him exclusively? Someone needs to ask just what Mr. Ellis thinks the RCs should be doing since they are forbidden to do anything to help clients even given the medications on time.
If you searched high and low you could not find a worse person for the Bel Pre Supervisory job, he is bored with organizing and really supporting clients and staff during the twice year house inspections or the move or overseeing that Rights are being respected.

Clients are only useful as scapegoats in his promotion of mobbing or as entertainment either to wild party joke with him or as butts for his jokes and practice in pysching people out to destroy whatever ability they may have to function.
And this malicious man has a key to everyone's home in case a viscious game occurs to him and he needs someone to practice it on, Mr. Ellis has no sense of responsibility or decency.
Mr. Keith Ellis is not supervisor, he does not do the work of supervisor and prevents the RCs from doing their work Mr. Ellis has the title and likes the power and salary but he is not doing a supervisor's job and in fact is doing the opposite in damaging clients and preventing staff from doing the work they trained and went to college for some at the master degree level and not to have only one client a bullying babyish boss who mistreats the clients they went into psychology to help.
Aug 12, 2015
Times - schedule for medication monitoring IN WRITING was refused basically, tomorrow Yen Fan said more than a week ago.
Negligence in spacing of medication ie 5 hours in between instead of 10 hours – very erratic schedule or RCs don't show up at all – easily verifiable from other clients in townhouses or houses.
1. I would like there to be a POSTED schedule of time for medicaion monitoringa t Valleywood with a reasonable wait time for RCs to show up – not 2 hours in the evening and 2 ½ hours in the morning and who knows if the RCs will even show up in that time from OR AT ALL.
Melissa Jacob, former Bel Pre supervisor, had posed a schedule of 9:30 am morning meds and 7:30 pm for evening meds and within 15 minutes either way RCs showed up for med monitoring. After Melissa Jacob left the med monitoring became more and more erratic and dangerously close together if an RC was several hours early Yen or Anna or even Meghan would say, since I'm here I may as well do meds. Incredibly cavalier approach to safety and effectiveness of taking medications on a regular basis much less so close together that it represented what I think amounts to criminal negligence.
It should be easy to verify this from an honest outside inspection from the other clients in houses, Until recently meds were often given 5 hours apart instead of 10 hours and was continuing to shrink until I made a fuss and a schedule was posted and adhered to…...for awhile.
Very dangerous for people who take handfuls of somatic and pyschiatrict meds moring and evening.
Jeane has had 2 kidney transplants and had no trouble when she walked to the Bel Pre office for meds but since she has been at Valleywood has been upset that RCs come so late in the morning she has started taking her emergency medication because the time between the evening meds and whenever they decide to show up for morning meds is too long for safety and since no schedule is posted, despite promises obtained, it is hard to hold the RCs accountable for being late.
Later Meghan would say I will give you your meds now and you can take them later after I complained.
Why not let me pack out as I did for 2 ½ years until Keith decided on retribution for my complaining about Eric Gordon and calling Adult Protective Services because of the screaming abuse at Betty Levy, threatening her with loss of her housing if she did not do the housework which she could not do because of sciatic nerve pain which made it impossible for her to lie down for months or climb the stairs to take a shower and I repeatedly pointed out to the RCs her monstrously swollen feet and her incredibly swollen right eye which during the last 2 months she was at Banquo Terrace she repeated voiced her fears that she was going to lose her eye and it felt like there was glass in it and her eye was constantly dripping tears but they would only scream at her about the tissues she used to dab her eye on the table and floor and she was so confused with the eventually use of only one eye because it was completely swollen shut but the RCs would repeatedly scream she can do it herself whether it was housework, taking the trash down many stairs after she had fallen and had a black eye and lump on her forehead or going to the store with bare feet because they were too swollen to get in shoes and Shatara told her to take a cab and buy some shoes and cut them ups o she could get her feet into them instead of helping her find a doctor that would help her or accompanying her to a doctor she already had and couldn't seem to communicate with.
The very long space of time especially in the past year when RCs would not show up at all and if you told the next RC at the next schedule time they would say RCs always show up for meds – Debbie Davis would get furious and say she had been sitting on the couch for hours and no one showed up for the previous med monitoring and she was right but I had given up trying to get Keith or the RCs to do their most basic job. Medicaid Fraud????
In the meeting in February 2015, I requested to begin to pack out my meds again, Dr. Pareveen said at least 4 times, “I didn't order that.” Nicole Burke said, “I did because you weren't making the 17 required visits a month.” Cornerstone does not get paid for more than 17 visits which can include RC visits and Housemeeting visits as well as medication monitoring. Because the RCs were so bad about keeping records around November 2013 until Keith made me come to 60 medication visits a month, if they RCs showed up, I first had the RCs initial each visit and trained them to do it consistently, RCs would give me a calendar page printed blank each month and keith would endlessly count the visits when he came, I started numbering the visits on the calendar and averaged 20 visits a month, all of the RCs had a distinctive initialing style and Keith would at the end of the month ask if he could have the calendar and I would say yes so I could not prove that Keith had blatantly lied when he told Nicole that I was not making my 17 visits a month. An additional plus for Keith was that it gave him access to me to harrass me.

When Christina left she said Keith wanted to be my RC but she made sure it would be Lisa Rhodes and fought Keith because she knew he would destroy me as a person if he were my RC, I gave Christina my heartfelt thanks and she said I know my people.
Keith had been saying for months, “Oh Linda doesn't like me she doesn't want me to be her RC.” When Lisa Rhodes and I were trying to work at Bel Pre she saw that Christina had found me a Rhematologist and a Cardiologist and I said Christina said she couldn't find a Rhematologist that took Medicaid. Keith kept interrupting our work as I have often seen him do to his staff, the office is in an apartment with 3 to 4 work computers and so the quarters are very tight, hard enough to work with that little space much less a supervisor who can't stand to see anyone quietly working when their main job is to amuse him and make him the center of attention every nanosecond. I was still trying to be polite and he as usual kept saying the same thing over and over so I said to him, “You are too quick and too witty.” He said, “No one has ever called me witty before.” Lisa Rhodes was disgusted at the constant interruptions of our attempts to work and try to work out a strategy for the numerous medical appts and procedures that I needed, after Lisa left, it just fell by the wayside since David rarely showed up and the same with Anna Bikakis it was almost a year before I could have the tumor in my liver and cyst in my right kidney that was found by my orthopedist, and which Dr. Polem ordered tests for, and said no, David is a quiet person and will be Linda's RC, Lisa had decided to leave just after Christina and gave a month's notice and either Keith doesn't notice or relishes the disgust on people's faces when he harrasses them at this level, –-and won't stop saying the same thing again and again to get a response and even then continues asking the same questions to see how people will react and how far he can push them until they react with anger –--his harrassment and teasing can quickly become much more vicious and malicious and then he will instantly switch pretend to be superfriendly to try to throw people off. Debbie Davis notice he was in charge of GAMES at the activities at Bel Pre and would angrily refer to her refusal to let Keith play anymore games with her or to sign any more paperwork.
2. I would like the RCs to stop pounding on my bedroom door for me and just softly call my name, I am usually either resting, reading or working on my laptop and the suddenly pounding on the door makes me feel like I have a heart attack and in addition they bellow are you coming, are you coming repeatedly, I don't walk that slowly and until recently never refused to take medication, but after speaking with them of the irregular heartbeat found at Fenton and the sick feeling I get and their continuing, if they pound on the door I refuse to take my medication and I am sure Keith has been just telling Ken Westin that I have refused to take my medication and Ken would not listen to me in the one and only time I have ever called him last week, just kept repeating that I was the only client he is receiving repeated complaints about and maybe I should find a room in the community to rent because I don't belong in a Rehab setting.
This is not the first time that Ken Westin has worked hand in glove with St. Luke's for retribution of people who have made complaints. For two years the monthly potluck suppers were held at a men's house on Banquo DRIVE. I think there were 6 men in the townhouse and the kitchen was much larger than in most, during that two year period, most people watched TV or talked quietly at the dining room table while some people helped out in cooking the meal and there was a large round table in the kitchen where the food would be laid out cafeteria style and people would line up to serve themselves. Suddenly the RCs barred anyone including the residents from setting foot in the kitchen even to get use the icemaker on fridge or get water and would point to 3 or 4 people to come in the barred kitchen to fill their plate, there had never been any trouble whatever with there being too many people in the kitchen helping or lining up peacefully.
I had notice the snobbish attitude and was offended but with housemate Gerda's harrassment seemed not enough to comment on but I was glad when Melissa Willard said who was friends with Michael said that the men's house had voted unanimously not to allow any more potluck suppers in their home because of the insulting attitude of the RCs. Within a few months Melissa said Michael was being forced to move because of the protest– a few years later, Eugene told me that Ken Westin had threatened Michael with homelessness if he did not move to a small apartment and it was so quick there was not enough room for Michael's collections of 30 years so he had to throw them away, Ken tried to do the same thing to Eugene around the same time but Eugene said he got so hysterically upset that Ken said never mind. I didn't ask if any more of the men who had voted were forced to suddenly move.
Things missing from the move. Keith told me on July 28, 2015 that I had too many things to move and they would move them the next day, It is August 15, and my things still have not been moved. I made a list of missing items at Courtney's request last Thursday but I have been given so many false promises about so many things.
The most irreplaceable are my paints in progress, I have a 50 inch masonite board with 50 figures of gymnasts with a very long canvas not stretched given to me by Tessa the new art person at Cornerstone, Both the 50 figures and the background on this canvas which was binder cliped 1 ½ times around the only 50 inch board I have to support other pastel drawings on rolls of paper. This board had painting done in acrylic weeks before and was dry. Courtney and other RCs keep saying it was not moved because it was still wet. This is not true. I had some large but much smaller canvases partially finished in oils and only one was somewhat wet.
Courtney did try to set up my PC on Thursday but the wire connecting the CPU to the screen is missing, possibly I could buy one at Project Reboot and the laptop that I bought from Project Reboot a few months ago has for more than a month given the message that the batterie is only charging 30%, I would need to use most of my cab coupons for grocery shopping to go to Choke Cherry Lane and for the wire, I would need my RC, Anna Bukakis who rarely shows up or keeps her promises to give me paperwork. I had to pause the Back-To-Work program, my job coach Vanessa had originally taken me to Choke Cherry Lane because of Keith's harrassment and he did nothing to help either for the CSA House Inspection or the HUD Inspection in early July and then were notified of the move and Keith did not give re