for Cornerstone Montgomery aka St. Luke's House and Threshold
things get darker people will be looking for the light
the plan and the way home
LORD Jesus Christ
2, 2015
had been packing out my meds for at least a year and a half in
retribution not only make me wait for rcs that often don't show up or
wide off the mark of the established 9:30am and 7:30 pm complained
to Paula Weiss, my therapist about Keith Ellis misusing medication
monitoring to harrass me, with the look on Paula's face and her
statement that she would email him to stop he only changed the type
of abuse i feel that others have complained about supervisor keith's
treatment of them
Davis said she told her therapist Leah Cooperman about the game of
keep away that shatara and keith were playing with paperwork she
needed and Leah told her that others have complained about keith and
that she would put an end to the games of saying that Debbie owed
$2,000 and could not leave the program until it was paid, debbie has
only been here about 3 1/2 months
inspector howard was here keith said he was going to follow me
upstairs to see that I wrote only good things, then said he was
joking when I went upstairs with the form survey on consumer
satisfaction the question of 3 years on how slh cornerstone handles
grievances is now gone for the past 2 years and now in addition to
that one missing the form is very short so csa can control the
statistics on consumer complaints.
see what a strain it is for Congressman Murphey to try to get the
funds so that American citizens including veterans don't die on the
street of exposure and starvation, very sad times.
ellis likes party time and will get his amusement from clients
patients and his staff in one way or another jessica's face when i
was sitting at the computer in the old office whose building burned
down and was condemned
back checks as long as possible to prove something with debbie
screaming and pointing out the dates on the checks keith has not been
able to hold back the checks in this house but the others have to
wait, his excuses last year of weekends holidays snow even days after
it had been cleared and the roads were cleared or that he hadn't had
time to pick it up from lamberton but debbie found out they had been
holding onto to them and they were in the office two months in a row
keith was just holding them back for some reason. causing hardship
on people who are barely making it.
said and the Old Testament that if an employer had the money in his
hand not to withhold it from the laborer and not to make the laborer
wait, a workman is worthy of his hire
asked keith last february 2014 how he would like it if his checks
were withheld for 5 or 6 days beyond the expected date for 3 months
in a row with bogus excuses needed to get cab after 5 pm hard to get
cab to go home waiting outside Giant in the freezing weather would
not give it 2 hours before med times when there was still a med time
arlene very nice but seemed reluctant to give the checks early even
though i was right there
debbie threatening to and calling social security since november
keith no longer holds back the checks in his possession but which are
not keiths only entrusted to him to distribute for this household but
not the others in bel pre cluster
months of hard sell to go into erics class won't help with camera
hippa excuse bogus laptop i am in the middle of his fight with jessie
harding the voc rehab person and keith will not cooperate to help me
in the least van board don't seem to have the supplies since eric
left but it is better with the new art specialist she is professional
and kind and it is more of a work environment not so tense with eric
volutility and explosions--------
waste my time and very limited energy trying to communicate when
keith will not allow me to say two sentence and will not listen told
him i would get paula my therapist to translate.
remember if Amanda Tillman was one who told me this but Barrie with
MJ would require a patient's RC to defend them against accusations
that does not sound like good team work to help clients barrie
friedman and susan wilkoff have strange ideas about helping mental
health patients to become functional.
things get darker people will be looking for the light
the plan and the way home
Faucet logo for Cornerstone
of the lack of respect for clients the people they are supposed to be
helping without favortism basic privacy and clients' rights which are
not even posted as according to law on bulletin board of HUD and
Cornerstone Grievance Policy and Rights though have requested Keith
post them and list of RCs several times.
has rarely if ever treated me as a client with problems but as a
subordinate or employee required to joke around to please the boss
instead of addressing issue in a mature manner. I have asked him to
stop clowning around and sit down and talk to me like an adult but he
will say he is an adult and be off to the races poking jabbing trying
to get a response from a party like atmosphere and the real issues or
never addressed he just waves them away and I think this is a misuse
of medication monitoring time. He would often spend most of the
medication meetings texting about other issues and that is a
violation of the 15 minutes that clients are supposed to have to talk
about issues and problems now he mostly teases on and on or jokes on
and on and it is very insulting and a gross misuse of time and the
issues are never addressed. Like a teenager in Junior High who knows
that someone gets upset being teased but can't resist going on and on
with it. This causes me anguish and inability to function and makes
me feel helpless as clients are helpless if grievance policy is
ignored by Susan Wilcoff and Core Services. The only power I have is
to witness the terrible things I have seen including the verbal abuse
of a 67 year old client who I believe would have died if I had not
called Adult Protective Services. Betty Levy had gone to Montgomery
ER by ambulance 12 to 15 times and the record should exist no one of
the RCs would accompany Betty who had very visible physical problems
feet too swollen to fit in shoes and very swollen almost constantly
weeping of one eye to help her talk to her doctors to find out why
she was not getting treatment. Watching this neglect and abuse was
also very traumatic for me.
Advisory Committees on Mental Health to watchdog my complaint to
Maryland Licensure
and Maryland Advocacy Groupsfs
a chance to bring up important issues at medication meetings because
of Keiths inappropriate and constant joking around, criticism
including of my shuffling feet, I have arthritus and my pants leg
getting caught on a loose nail, keith said it was my fault for
wearing clothes that did not fit and though i asked keith and other
rcs including david to call maintenance to have the numerous nails
covered they did not and it was only when gus came to fix something
else i asked him if he was here to fix it and he said he had not
heard about it but he did fix the hanging and dangerous nails.
have asked for rights in an appropriate manner, Keith Ellis refused
to hear me for over 6 months about liver just didn't hear wondered if
sound was coming out of my mouth
have asked for rights in an appropriate manner, Keith Ellis refused
to hear me for over 6 months about liver blood vessel and I needed a
CT after it was discovered by the orthopedist who ordered the MRI, it
was an incidental finding, and I did finally have an ultrasound but
even before that Dr. Polam my PCP said after the ultrasound you WILL
have a Cat Scan of your liver. Keith and other RCs just didn't hear
wondered if sound was coming out of my mouth - at one point I
insisted that Keith listen and said he was not taking my problem with
the blood vessel in my liver and help in getting the Cat Scan
seriously and he said, "Are you taking your liver problem
seriously? then did not address it again until much later. Typical
of the nonsensical responses that I get from Keith Ellis when trying
to discuss serious problems.
monitoring much too close together
is the most important thing that RCs do, it used to be that there was
a schedule for meds on the bulletin board with the name of the RC
responsible for meds at that time. There was a line of evening meds
a line of morning meds at 9:30am which is a space of ten hours.
more than a year can never depend on when RCs will come for meds,
there is not a list of names of the new RCs which is required by the
Threshold/St. Lukes Rights and responsiblities, the new grievance
policy has not been posted on the townhouse bulletin board and Beth
Vonieff, previous housemate, took the HUD grievance policy and no one
will replace it. Howard should have checked this at house inspection.
can come anywhere from 8am to 11:30am or anywhere from 5pm to 6:30pm
which often is not enough time between the medications for safety.
On the weekends the RCs come once in the morning supposedly at 10:30
but often much earlier or much later or not at all.
sudden death at the age of 29 years what effect did the decades of
meds have on Lora Duvall handfuls
of meds can't space it out - it may be necessary to take alot of
medications twice a day because of staff time but they should be
dependable and with enough time in between used
to be about a 10 hour stretch between 9:30am and 7:30 pm--10 hours
now very, very erratic morning can be from 7 or 8 am until 11:30 am
or later then come for evening meds between 5pm to 6:45pm barely 7
hours or less between meds often the same meds taken morning and
night need to go back to a regular schedule with enough time between
the time staff shows up for meds
push you over the edge with their hounding making people who could be
functional utterly non-functional like a nagging mother in law from
hell opposite effect put downs criticism not listening to serious
health issues not hearing at all even after worked so hard while ill
for inspection masonite board camera things they could do always own
agenda constant put downs this is not what was envisioned by med
monitoring betty giving up not eating 90 degree heat threats of
losing housing all the time depressed paralyzed by fear
don't hardly have the words to describe how the hounding and
harraasing me to see a staff member , Eric Gordon, who abused me in
terrible ways Keith kept sayingwe let you use the basement for a
studio -- no interest either in the work itself or the ideas for
marketing and my desperate need for a camera to get anywhere and
internet access after the complaint I must make too uncomfortable to
use the one in the office which will not let you use flashdrive
anyway and lawrence megan and dwayne
is everyone now a screamer pressuring people who could be functional
into giving up and becoming so non functional can't even make
anything to eat
Wilkoff gross violation of the law and helped by rebecca garcia,
questions on questionnaire delivered by howard missing to manipulate
statistics on slh failure to perform job, treating clients like
inmates, ignoring physical problems screaming poor decision no extra
household supplies til gus the day before inspections.
worked on my itp not me though
rights say i must did susan wilkoff or Barrie Friedman work on it
more covering behind, what problems with current house mates why no
mention of serious physical problems which i have told repeated ly to
all rcs liver kidney and thyroid onlymentioned corn or callus on
bottom of foot is thi responsible this is my itp and physical
problems determine fatigue and napping why no mention of important
problems why is nurse marshall mentioned as provider when noone would
tell me about her using my name to pay for services i have not
signed my ITP though I did not work on it as required in Rights and
Responsiblities and that was early October took weeks of asking until
I got a copy and my ITP did not mention my thyroid problems, my liver
problem, my pulmonary problems, my new RC Anna brought a copy and I
said that the copy someone else brought me did not contain my
physical problems as can be verified by the testing, ultrasounds,
needle biopsies etc though the itp said I nap all the time. Anna
said she would try to squeeze it into my itp and took the copy back
that was at least two weeks ago, today is November 23, 2014.
Ellis brushes me aside when I try to read to him from Rights and
Responsibilties and other material about Patient Rights including
Elder Abuse brochure from the Department of Aging. Who will enforce
patient rights? Susan Wilcoff will not do her job and Core Services
handle complaints at the yearly questionnaire that Howard brings to
house inspections. I would like to know and someone needs to do an
investigation as to why this most important question was taken off.
The one last October was very short and it looked like CSA had taken
off other questions about Cornerstone Montgomery's performance as
assessed by clients which is the only way for clients to have any
voices at all but the one that concerns me most is the one on
handling grievances. For three years this question was on the yearly
inspection questionnaire but for the past two years it has been
missing. It seems obvious that it was messing up the statistics so
someone at CSA agreed to remove it.
House Inspection was treated the way Susan Wilcoff treats grievances
the toilets and bathtubs would be stopped up for years and the
townhouses would look like New York tenaments. Why are grievances
and client rights essentially not done by people who are getting paid
to do oversight??
salesman can show to the door I have to be present for meds
doing the job contracted and paid to do that is stealing I am not
getting the services contracted for if the med meetings are always
joking around, text messaging or worst of all hounding and harrassing
about seeing Eric Gordon even though I said again and again the last
time he came as close as he dared to punching me in the face, I was
the only one who cleaned the house for inspections, Melissa refused
to do anything but her room and Betty was too ill and screamed at and
they went back and forth between idea of hiring a maid which was too
late for me to save for but betty had the money but could not
communicate with Merry Maids so they cancelled, Meghen and David only
came for two hours the day before inspection and David came for an
hour the day just before inspection this is heavy duty Spring
Cleaning though in the fall and a 60 year old woman myself and a 67
year old woman Betty Levy with serious health problems cannot do it
alone especially since the usual partnering for at least a week ahead
of inspection did not take place and the extra cleaning supplies were
not given that we always have before inspections gus gave us alot of
supplies but it was the day before inspection and came from
maintenance and in this case endangering life
nails hanging down on the one step from living room to dining room
caught pants leg several times then fell thought broke knee but the
thing is Gus came and fixed it right away as soon as maintenance knew
with Ms Wilkoff
go on year after year until someone with terribl need to hurt people
like staff member mr gordon do those terrible things to clients
emboldened by lack of response to terrible things done to clients rcs
do not speak with respect any longer to clients just like the abuse
described in brochure from dept of aging
teacher rating end of semester could not go on year after year
questionnaire data points if the power says that people they are
supposed to be serving should be held in contempt it goes on down the
huge # of staff quitting - usually the ones who care about clients -
just because you are very good at bitter, brutal office politics does
not mean you are good for patients, usually the ones who care about
clients have spent their energy on learning to help mental health
patients and not on brutal, "wild
to make me look bad for bogus reasons because I made a written
complaint to Congressman Murphey, PA and the Montgomery County
Keith and Kathy behaved differently to Melissa Willard and Mike Puel
who has since quit a year after I stopped working with him as job
coach was very enthusiastic about my artwork until I asked him to
email Eric Gordon about my needs in producing and marketing my art, 3
things, a large canvas, use of a camera to be able to put my most
recent work of the past year onto my art website and information
about digital painting transferring some of my sequences of gymnasts
that I did in computer graphics onto a large canvas.
Eric Gordon ever replied to Mike he never said but his whole attitude
to me changed after I asked him to email Eric when Christina thought
I had a right to the services in art that Eric Gordon and Cornerstone
claims is for ALL clients who are proficient in art.
of junior high school students have committed suicide due to the type
of "teasing" Keith Ellis has been directing towards me for
a very long time misusing my required presence at medication
kind of "humor" shows a lot of hostility and I am sick from
that hostility being directed at me, Keith will not quit or take me
seriously unless I complain to Congressman or Adult Protective
Services and then it only abates for a short time. Very formal
complaint to adult protective services contact head of Dept of Aging
if first contacts are afraid to act against a group home. ABUSE IS
abusive attitute that "clients"/Patients are less than the
dust is coming from above at the Program Manager level esp Susan
Wilkoff's 4 year refusal to do her job so patients are powerless
against this type of abuse if the Patients Rights are never enforced
and staff knows it and Susan Wilkoff is in violation of Comar laws
meant to protect client/patients.
the end of the St. Luke's grievance policy it used to say that the
Department of Mental Health had a section which would help clients
write grievance if needed, why is this no longer mentioned in the
Cornerstone/Montgomery grievance policy and why is it not on the
bulletin board?
to the wall thrats constant of losing housing betty crying trying to
do whst they want
would like to make an addendum to my ITP and request why the ITP was
written by David Minestone without my input although Threshold Rights
and Responsibilities states that it is client right to be present and
a part of the creation of the ITP why did it take weeks of asking for
a copy of my ITP after I signed it with the proviso that David would
quickly give me a copy asked keith and other rcs repeatedly for it
was promised by keith that an RC would bring it next day but did not,
was over a month before I received it and nearly two months before
new RC Anna gave me a copy when I told her that I had read a copy
given to me a week before and requested to know why my serious
physical problems as proved by MRI, CT, Ultrasounds, Pulmonary
testing, x-rays were not included in ITP she said she could not
change it then said she would try to squeeze it in but that was weeks
ago. I have serious thyroid, pulmonary, liver, umbilaca hernia, bone
degeneration in my lumbar spine because it took well over 6 months
for RCs to help me obtain the liver cat scan, i was not able to
revisit my orthopedist to speak about medication to rebuild bone and
physical therapy because my orthopedist Dr. Knesis was so upset about
the incidental findings on the mri of my lumbar spine of something in
my liver and kidney. my former RC Christina would take me to doctors
appointments and Keith kept brushing aside my quoting Dr. Polam my
PCP and orthopedists severe concerns the other RCs told me to ask
Keith who gives run around answers knows pathetically little about me
or my physical problems or my artwork he has been assistent
supervisor for 2 years and before that at threshold should know about
medication monitoring and how important it is and for client safety
there needs to be a clear not an erratic scedule and close to 10
hours between morning and evening meds instead of 6 or 7 hours. 29
year old Robbie died suddenly a few months ago, client deaths should
be investigated whatever their age but esp when a young man dies
misuses medication monitoring to text mail, for a year most of his
time was spent on staring into his cellphone only less than one
percent of the time was he texting about something to do with someone
in the townhouse at Banquo instead of his job the 15 minutes provided
for med monitoring is supposed to be to check on clients and see if
there are any problems, in addition to his fascination with his
cellphone, when I ask him a question about why client rights are not
being upheld even with the simpliest thing like why there is no list
of the new rcs after many have left and he said he did not want me to
know his last name or brushes it away.
Howard, the CSA house inspector was supposed to be inspecting for HUD
as well as Cornerstone, he did not look in the package of what is
supposed to be HUD Rights and Responsibilities and HUD Grievance
Policy I have asked Mr. Ellis numerous times to replace the HUD
required information on the bulletin board as is required by law but
he waves me away. When I tried to show him a brochure from
Department of Aging about Elder Abuse and tried to get him to look at
it the drawings of a family screaming at a senior citizen reminded me
of the months long vicious verbal abuse of Betty Levi but he waved it
away with disgust.
had very visible physical problems, fell down the concrete steps
taking out the trash and went to ER and had a black eye and it was
bruised and swollen but they still continued to harrass and harrangue
her about taking out the trash and other things this 67 year old
woman was incapable of doing. After a particularly vicious
harranging about Betty doing heavy duty housecleaning for inspection
which her very swollen feet and very swollen right eye which had gone
on for months, I would point it out and that Betty had gone ALONE to
ER by ambulance 12 to 15 times in the 10 months she was here, I
called adult protective services and within 2 days Betty was
hospitalized with the assistence of Keith and Nurse Josephine
Marshall which I had repeated requested contact information for
myself and Betty after we both filled out a very intensive pages long
questionnaire last April and were told by Mr. Ellis to gain
cooperation that Cornerstone had contracted with this medical agency
to monitor somatic health and to coordinate meds and testings to help
psychiatrists and patients but no one ever contacted me again and Mr.
Ellis repeated did insulting song and dance when I asked to be put in
contact and he questioned why I wanted contact information for Nurse
Marshall but still would not give me contact information until I
providers listed using my name for funding and I am not receiving
services. This is occuring on a number of levels and needs to be
investigated by HUD and the Baltimore Department of Mental Health and
the Board of Licensure.
I signed the ITP on the computer for David the front page lists
providers and Ms. Marshall was one of the names, she said she could
not be a provider since she wasn't a doctor, I have been unable to
find transportation to see Ms. Marshall for her to coordinate my
like the front page that has my name and list of providers before my
ITP which was not shown to me when David requested I sign it and I
would like the ITP that my RC Anna promised to squeeze in my somatic
health issues. IT has been weeks.
is an Ana and an Anna, according to Threshold
Rights and Responsiblities clients
have a right to know who is taking care of them. Keith just waves me
away or does an insulting fast humorous routine or starts hounding me
about an unrelated issue. This is not the behavior that either an
Assistant Supervisor or now Supervisor should show to clients and the
contempt for client rights and clients is because Susan Wilkoff has
not handled any grievances for four years according to Comar
Law or
according to the St.
Lukes/ Threshold/ Cornerstone Grievance Policy.
David gave me a copy of the Grievance Policy with my name at the top
but Keith waves me away at my repeated requests that a Cornerstone
Grievance Policy and Rights and Responsiblities be
posted on the house bulletin board. Why such contempt for the law
meant to protect minimally client rights?
my RC with no last name, says she will call be back in a few minutes
to get me information, then she doesn't I can't continue to hang
around the phone in the kitchen and by the time I get up or
downstairs the answering machine is on, why doesn't Anna leave a
voicemail message for me.
said to Debbie that she was required to meet with her once a week,
Anna stood me up once or says she is too busy or changes the time
"since we didn't discuss meeting this week." another
service that has been very erratic since Christina Taylor left.
are just realizing Nikki Lak left, someone at the going away party
when Arlene Gomez, previous Supervisor left in October 2014, one of
the clients said he was glad that Bel Pre told us Arlene was going
away since so many RCs have left and clients not notified, RCs who
were leaving used to say good-bye to clients and give two weeks
notice why are so many RCs and other employees leaving so quickly????
evidence based means screaming at clients not doing anything to help
forget the look on Jessica no last name when Keith was outside the
door doing some clowning when I was sitting at the computer in the
old office, she looked with dread then played around with Keith
requiring RCs not to do a good job but to amuse him.
avoid dealing with clients problems during med meetings, Keith
parties, sings dances which would be okay if it wasn't so over the
top and continuing and used to avoid doing the job that is supposed
to be done during medication monitoring.
said there was a new law that clients in group homes could not smoke
out on the back deck because of fire hazard. Keith said he was just
about to send around a letter about this new law. Let's see if he
sends the letter, it should be an open letter if true and check and
see if other Bel Pre clients have received this letter and see if it
mentions just who made this law and when. I like the nature, deer
out back will contact whoever made this so called law. I think it is
because Debbie complained about my coughing and wanted to cause more
complimented Meghan saying that she was the only one who liked
talking to clients the other RCs couldn't wait to get out of here.
This is true. Saturday, Nov 28 as usual Ana was playing with her
phone until I said has our visit started yet.
spent a year dragging me downstairs for meds, for almost 2 years the
med schedule has been very erratic and someone took down the schedule
and never replaced it so unless you want to sit for 6 hours or so in
the middle level and sometimes RCs don't even come, Keith for a year
once I was downstairs would start playing with his cell phone for the
whole session 95% of the time. I have not received the services
charged for in many different areas Keith refused to give me the
contact information for Nurse Josephine Marshall until I called Adult
Protective Services partly for me and partly for Betty Levy who had
been atrociously verbally abused for months by most of the RCs
because she could not clean esp the deep "Spring cleaning"
for Inspection, Betty 67 years old, went 12 to 15 times to ER for her
very visible physical problems including very swollen feet she could
not wear shoes and Shatara kept screaming at Betty to go buy some
shoes though Betty could hardly walk, the last time Betty took a cab
to go grocery shopping she was just wearing socks because her feet
had been too swollen to walk any distance shatara and other RCs
screamed at her that if she could go to the bathroom "She could
do it."
also had severe eye problems with one swollen eye that was constantly
weeping and the RCs refused to accompany her to her doctors or to the
on-call doctors saying she could do it although RCs have gone with me
and my present ITP states that my RC will help me to communicate with
my doctors as needed but Betty was even less articulate in a great
deal of pain and often forgot what she was going to ask and finally
stopped going to the doctors the RCs would not help her only scream
fell down the outside concrete steps called an ambulance had a black
eye and badly bruised forehead but the RCs would still scream at her
to take down the trash down those same concrete steps with one step
missing which the Inspector Howard has never noticed though everyone
always trips over it the first few visits including cab drivers who
help me up the stairs with groceries, I was told to call management
myself when I repeated asked that something be done and was told that
the outside of the townhouse was not Cornerstone/St. Luke's
cruelty that went on for months to Betty Levy was incredible a day or
two after I finally called adult protective services Betty was
checked into a hospital with the help of Nurse Marshall and Shatara
and has been in the hospital or rehab for two and one half months and
I believe would have died if I had not called, this was not simply
neglect but actively abusing someone who was very, very ill and the
record at Montgomery Hospital should show this.
gift clients patients have is considered to be raw material for keith
for his career the way he was not interested and would not help with
simple things like camera which would have meant so much not really
human but only raw material for their careers this is comping from
the top admin barrie and susan wilkoff decisions and training would
like to see what the training consists of not listening skills for
sure that makes so many decent young people with degrees in mental
health become monsters after a few weeks and then worse after a few
months it is not just the pressure but barrie and others ideology
they training did not teach the rcs and supervisors and other staff
to treat the clients patients they are supposed to be helping and
supporting like animal trainers with a club and chair - have noticed
the change that comes over rcs after a few weeks or months of
training and it is horrible and smashes patients and costs more for
them to go to fenton house or to become completely non-functional
patients are esp vulnerable and patients die when you insult and
berate and abuse them
first moved to Maryland worked at NIH -- carpool with ron who was
worked in the hospital occupational therapy said his whole department
was in group therapy once a week.
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