Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Debbie Davis Complaints re Keith Ellis Supervisor Bel Pre

February 20, 2015, Friday

Debbie Davis Complaints

Debbie's venting to me numerous times a day on her anger at Keith, Shatara, etc. Debbie tells me endless and angrily about her multiple daily phone calls to Nicole Burke, Social Security, not being given right amount on checks, calls to Terri Reid, numerous daily calls to many people, Debbie telling me again and again she refuses to see therapist or go to AA or do other things requested because of the expense of buses but will not get a $10.50 money order for the cab coupons she was recently granted.not being allowed to visit her family on weekends for various reasons including Keith Ellis, Debbie says mistakenly saying she did not get 17 visits or owes $2,000 and must pay before Debbie can move anywhere else, etc. etc. etc. Takes up a considerable amount of my limited energy and my time fast talking complaints like a strong wind or hurricane, never listens to me, I have finally stopped looking at her when she talks on and on and on very angrily and look away or down or leave the room/

Anna B., my RC said two weeks ago that it is good to be able to vent to housemates but that I am not expected to be an RC to Debbie. I say again that I am not a 24 hour live in therapist, or housemother, or Rehab Counselor and Debbie takes severe advantage of me every day several times a day including when I am trying to concentrate on cooking or art work, she runs down when she hears me in the kitchen, to jabber and natter and complain and talk fast with never-ending complaints.

I am afraid of burning myself with Debbie's manic talking in kitchen when I am trying to concentrate on making a meal. For the first time I lost the $10.50 money order for cab coupons because I again took Debbie grocery shopping twice last week because of the cold and because of her complaints about the cost of getting there. Since she now has her own cab coupons if she will get the money order, I need to go shopping on my own so I can hear myself think without Debbie talking endlessly and I forget some of the things I meant to buy or can't concentrate on my list and the various choices because of jabbering in my ear and refusing to listen to me ever, like trying to stop a runaway train to get her to stop nonstop talking - I get very confused an have to lie down and occasionally she still bursts into my bedroom when I am trying to rest to tell me how angry she is with Shatara and if I feel better and leave my room, never know if Debbie will jump on me again to listen to her endless complaints and anger.

I feel drained by Debbie every day some of that energy could go into cleaning. She must stop exploiting me as a listener to her excited, angry talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. Also her loud talking on her cellphone in the next room when I am trying to sleep and the strange loud noise when she opens or shuts her door that sound like the door wood has swollen or that she is moving furniture. Neither with Beth or Betty have I every heart this loud noise before though I used to have a bedroom door in an apartment that made this terrible noise when the weather changed and my brother thought I was slamming the lightweight door which would have been impossible, instead, I was using all my strength to open it. Before this scraping noise, Debbie often shuts her bedroom door at night with a sharp movement like a slamming from a short distance that wakes me up or makes me jump.


Tired of living with people who are jealous ,not essentially of my art, but the fact that I have something I find interesting to do. Debbie talks constantly of how bored she is, that there is nothing on TV and she is bored but she refuses to consider volunteer or other work to pay for buses and/or Call and Ride and states repeatedly that she hates things like arts and crafts and Debbie angrily yells at me that Shatara tries to make her see doctors, go to AA, see therapist and she, Debbie is not going to do it. --now that is boring --to be a captive audience to an angry person who says the same thing again and again several times a day, every day she is here. I will begin walking away from now on when she tries to make me her audience for her angry dramatics.

Now Debbie is Troublemaking because she is bored and jealous of someone who is not bored but has work that fascinates them and who finds peace of mind which Debbie could also if she tried concentrating on the right things, RCs and Keith should not feed into Debbie's TROUBLEMAKING but force Debbie to at least concentrate on finding solutions not creating dramas --- time-wasting and energy wasting.


I asked Meghan and Debbie the evening of February 20, Friday when I was ambushed again by Debbie inappropriately using medication monitoring for sudden complaints that she has not talked to me about and Debbie refuses to say anything to David when we do have housemeetings because, as with most people, Debbie doesn't like him and states she will not say anything to him about problems.

Monday is not a good day for housemeeting and we need to find another because Anna is most often free to take me to doctors appts and my job coach and I keep trying to obtain a Reboot laptop but I have to call Monday to make sure they have one, REBOOT is only open two afternoons a week and Vanessa's schedule won't let her go on Wednesday but Debbie has had plently of chance to mention it to David but she prefers to entice RCs into misusing medication monitoring for ambush and is trying again to turn Melissa and me against each other, Melissa told me last time that she did not want to call Keith but Debbie kept at her and that Debbie is very convincing.


When I came downstairs in the evening, half asleep, Debbie and Melissa were gossiping about the basement and Meghan was there with a new person that I was not introduced to because Meghan then the other two went into a rapid ambush attack INAPPROPRIATE AT MEDICATION MONITORING, Debbie waits a while then pulls an ambush when my guard is down - new person suggested having an agenda when Meghan said she didn't know how many time we had met with Nicole Burke and no one would say anything, I said we met ONCE with Nicole, I called Nicole twice and Debbie as she reported to me has called Nicole an uncountable number of times-

I said an agenda is a good idea but instead of David that this was serious enough for Debbie and I to meet to talk it over with our RCs present, Debbie hated Shatara and screamed at her and me after Shatara left and I would be very confused and upset at Debbie's screaming muddled accounts of what Shatara was asking her to do to get out of the house, work, go to doctors and Bel Pre events etc. Shatara is now on medical leave and at medication meetings Debbie seems to have a good relationship with Courtney who will probably be Debbie's interim RC.

I may need to go on medical leave to Fenton if Debbie doesn't stop screaming at me when she is angry at Keith, etc etc, I am not hired help for Debbie 24/7, someone needs to explain to her appropriate treatment of HOUSEMATES. I am tired and sick from hearing about Debbie's endless complaints and anger.

I will be asking Paula, my therapist and Dr. Parveen my psychiatrist to protect me from any further ambushes by letting me pack out meds instead of being forced to have 60 to 62 meetings a month with RCs who show no interest in me or my art beyond quickly writing down what I did that day.

Anna B., my RC, requested that when I was working for 6 months to have a CatScan of my liver and right kidney not to mention it in from of Melissa at medication monitoring because it upsets Melissa and she is sensitive. I am sensitive too and am forced to listed to Melissa' s depression other problems and blow by blow accounts of Debbie's numerous physical problems.



SEVERAL YEARS OF THIS AT THE REQUIRED 17 MEETINGS A MONTH IS ENOUGH!!!! 60 MEETINGS A MONTH IS TOO MUCH - I want to start packing out again, I had been packing out for two years and I believe requiring me in September 2014 to be at 60 meetings a month to get my meds instead of the 17 visits that the RCs are paid for was retribution for my contacting Susan Wilkoff, Congressman Murphy and the County Council about the horrible things that Eric Gordon did to me on August 8, 2014 when I was pushed by Keith Ellis who inappropriatedly used the 17 medication meetings to badger me endlessly about attending Eric's class though I told him what had happened the previous year and that I was afraid to attend Eric's class after he had tried to punch me the previous year when Christina took 3 months to push me into a meeting with Eric.


If Debbie is so upset about my housekeeping or other things, she needs to put it in writing AND OWN IT - not nasty gossip behind my back and ambushes --because from the first when I would try to defend myself Debbie would say never mind, now she says I get so upset when confronted INAPPROPRIATEDLY AND SUDDENLY in MEDICATION MONITORING MEETINGS instead of House Meetings -- this is a ploy to cause trouble and not be held responsible and her accusations are tissue thin. If she is so upset, Debbie must write down SPECIFICS where it can be clearly seen that most of her complaints are bogus and troublemaking. I have a right to defend myself and to talk about what I am trying to do in soaking dishes etc. no more excuses DEBBIE MUST WRITE DOWN ANY ACCUSATIONS and read or listen to MY response and the RCs need to quit feeding into Debbie's boredom games of false accusation and trying to turn my housemate Melissa and I against each other instead of Debbie doing something useful with her time that she is so bored with, most people would be glad to have extra time and not complain endlessly about being bored.

I am the only one who cleans out the lint filter in the dryer and when I try to talk about it or show Melissa or Debbie how to do it, when I have to clean out the filter for the upteenth time since they NEVER CLEAN IT, they shut off, ignore me, start talking about something else though Gus, the House Inspector and the signs up on the wall say that "THE LINT FILTER MUST BE CLEANED EVERY TIME YOU DRY CLOTHES BECAUSE IT CAN START A FIRE."

Whenever I try to talk about fire hazards I get this ignore me turn off response. I NEVER criticise the way Melissa does things because she gets so upset if I insist she doesn't ignore me which I only do when it is a fire hazard like the chicken grease that falls in the bottom of the oven after Melissa cooks alot of chicken placing it on the shallow cookie sheet and the chicken grease falls in the bottom of the oven, the fire alarm used to go off every time that Melissa cooked chicken from previous times she had left the overflow chicken grease and Melissa would tell me that she opens the window when baking chicken so the fire alarm wouldn't go off.

I did not realize the reason until Debbie told me the oven grill caught fire when Debbie tried to bake something and showed me the blackened grill at the bottom of the oven and Gus had to turn off the oven and buy a replacement grill. I think Melissa was in the hospital when the oven caught fire, I told Melissa yesterday when she was heating the oven to cook alot of chicken in on the cookie sheet that Melissa needs to cook less chicken at one time or else by a deeper pan but Melissa was upset, didn't listen don't know how much I was able to say because Melissa turned and walked away and did not appear to be listening.

Since Debbie complained to Keith about supposed dirty dishes on sideboard about a week ago, Melissa and Debbie have been putting dirty dishes in the dishwasher along with the clean ones to be put back on the shelf, it is difficult when more than one person is in charge of the dishwasher, also very, very greasy frying pans and cookie sheets have been placed in the dishwasher, the grease will coat the other dishes during washing and the whole cycle will need to be done again,

---that is why I soak some of the dishes and instead of leaving in sink have been putting on the sideboard near the dishwashing rack but even that gives Debbie a bogus reason for her sudden ambush complaints -- jars that are used for storing leftovers like beans are still dirty after going through wash cycle 4 times so I decided to soak them ON THE SIDEBOARD NOT IN THE SINK WHICH KEITH SAID MUST BE EMPTY AT ALL TIMES

but Debbie again found something to complain about,

if I had been allowed to soak the jars since there is no bottle washer at the beginning when Debbie raised a ruckus a week ago with Keith egging her on, I would not have to have put them through the cycle 4 times only to have them stilled stained and I don't have many jars that size for storing opened cans of beans which I am supposed to eat for protein, now I have had to soak for a couple of days trying to reach in as far as I can with the sponge because Debbie and Keith would not let me soak them in the sink to begin with ....!!!!!

--I don't mind filling and unloading the dishwasher but the grease should be soaked off the pans in hot water and dishwashing liquid and spoons with oatmeal on them should be rinsed thoroughly before placing in dishwasher. The food left on dishes and silverware often are not cleaned by the cycle and are harder than ever to get them off after the food bits or larger are soldered onto dishes, silverware glassware after the intense heat of dishwasher to sterilize them.

Gerta, Peggy, Melissa and Beth would put dirty dishes into the cupboard thinking they were clean or put dirty dishes into dishwasher with clean dishes waiting to be put back on shelf. Or would handwash dishes and silverware and put them on shelf and they were often still so dirty after the handwashing not only not sterilized but disgusting bits of food or food disolved into black waterstain puddles. Need camera to show how disgusting.

If I am responsible for loading and unloading dishwasher EVERY DAY , so these things don't happen, possibly Debbie could take out the trash twice a week since I have a problem with the concrete stairs and carrying heavy things.

Spoons and forks are just thrown in by Melissa and Debbie and not pushed down into the slot for silverware which can be a severe fire hazard. When we moved into a new apartment, a rubber spactular slipped down onto the grill at bottom of dishwasher and caught fire, a regular spatula fell down years later and melted onto the grill and had to pull and pull to get it off the grill, Gerta started the dishwasher and left the house and when I went upstairs I smelled something like diesel fuel, when I opened the dishwasher a regular spoon with plastic handle had fallen onto the grill at bottom of diswasher and the metal part of the spoon had fallen off and the plastic handle was almost completely melted, Gerda was unconcerned and still threw the silverware in sideways instead of pushing into slots as were the RCs when I tried to stress how dangerous it was and that fire safety in the kitchen needs to be taught because there are some common accidents that can be fatal and not everyone has been taught things they need to know about kitchen safety esp. with dishwasher and stovetop and oven.

I told Keith yesterday morning to take a picture with his cellphone of the kitchen and kitchen table that he bogusly claimed were a mess and Keith refused.

I have listened to Debbie enough for 10 years I don't want to hear anymore outside of med monitoring and even there she needs to stop monopolizing time with endless complaints.

Keith always, always talks non-stop every second he is in house the most disasterous quality in a supervisor is the inability to listen.

If there were a photo of my room it would be clearly seen that my bed is on the floor, I need a bedframe at least so that I do not have to pile quilt to make the bed soft enough to sleep I have mentioned the need for a beframe before and possibly a softer mattress. Always ignored even if I do manage to very quickly say a few words.

I have told Keith that I need Paula to translate since he won't listen or gives weird solutions to problems he hasn't listened to.d


Woe to you scribes and pharisees, hypocrites all, you strain at a gnat and swallow a camel, you do not go in yourselves nor do you allow others to enter, blind guides. Jesus New Testament

You make clean the outside of the cup but not the inside, you are like whited sepulchres all clean and fair without but within full dead mens bones and all corruptions Did He who made the outside of the cup not make the inside also,

God hates high looks of arrogance, their day is coming.

Cast not your pearls before swine.

God is bigger than any mountain
And bigger than all my fears

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