Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Comar Laws Flouted
.16 Complaints.

A. A program shall develop and implement an internal process for the prompt and objective resolution of complaints related to services provided that may be presented by an individual.

B. The program shall prominently display, in accessible centralized locations, the written description of the complaint process.

C. A program shall:

(1) Prepare the document describing the program's complaint process;

(2) Include as part of the written complaint process a form for the individual's use when filing a complaint, and a process by which, if requested by the individual, a program staff member or individual chosen by the individual receiving services, can assist in its completion; and

(3) Provide a copy of the program's complaint process for each individual:

(a) During the individual's orientation; and

(b) At any time upon an individual's request.

D. A program shall include in the complaint process required by §A of this regulation the procedures for registering and responding to the complaints in a timely fashion, which:

(1) Require a complaint to be reviewed by the program and, if applicable, the CSA, within 30 calendar days of the program's receipt of the complaint;

(2) Allow participation by others designated by the individual;

(3) Allow information to be presented to support the individual's position; other clients grievnce complaints against eric gordon

(4) Ensure the participation of the program staff members who have the authority to implement corrective action;

(5) Require documentation of the substance of the complaints and the actions taken;

(6) Include a review which:

(a) Provides an opportunity, if the individual chooses, to have the individual's complaint reviewed by the CSA director or the CSA director's designee;

(b) Requires the program, before making a final determination, to collaborate with the CSA to address the individual's complaint; and

(7) Include written notification of the program's determination to:

(a) The individual who filed the complaint; and

Susan Wilkoff, whose name is listed as the grievance person on the St. Luke's and Threshold grievance policies, Mr. Ellis took them off the board and the fulfilling of other requirements regarding forms etc did not take place until March 2015 -- did not, despite my repeated requests send notification re: my safety concerns about Eric Gordon which I documented extensively in the complaint that I sent to Congressman Murphy and a revised copy that I gave to Ms. Wilkoff which she requested she be able to show Mr. Gordon after I had stood up to leave the short but exhausting and draining meeting with Ms. Wilkoff, Elaine Frye and Keith Ellis, I sad down and said no but Ms. Wilkoff remonstrated and I was too tired to come up with a reason though it should have been obvious that due to Mr. Gordon's extreme volitility and hostile actions toward me that it would not be safe for me -- and I did not know that I would be forced into a meeting with Mr. Gordon before this meeting -- it wasn't until Ms. Burke came for an unrelated issue and I said that I thought it was my duty to continue the complaint againt Mr. Gordon with some authority outside Cornerstone-Montgomery that I was informed 4 months after my September complaint was emailed to Ms. Wilkoff by Arlene Gomez from the Bel Pre Cluster office, that I had any information whatever on the determination of my very specific complaint because Ms. Wilkoff did not want anything in writing about my complaint to come to me, despite violation of the above section of COMAR LAW.

- Who will enforce COMAR LAW and deliberate violations by upper management at Cornerstone Montgomery???????

(b) If the program's final determination conflicts with the CSA's opinion, the Administration.

E. If the program's final determination conflicts with the CSA's opinion, the Administration may review the complaint as indicated.

F. Unless the individual presents a serious risk to self or others, the program shall postpone taking action until the recommendations of the CSA and the Administration have been made, if applicable.

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