Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Eric Complaint



Brut Art and Eric Gordon's Twisted Tongue and Twisted Psyche



For truth in advertising Eric Gordon's Studio INSIGHT should be renamed THE THEATRE OF CRUELTY so that clients know what they are getting into when they attend Eric Gordon's "art" classes.

It must have taken Eric Gordon a long time to learn how to stick out his tongue at clients and then twist it all around in a point like a Brut painting of a demon and leave his twisted tongue out of his mouth long enough for clients/consumers/patients to get his message.

Since it took Eric so long to learn how to physically twist his tongue like that - I DOUBT VERY MUCH IF I AM THE ONLY ONE he has used it on in his latest deliberately insulting Junior High School insult.

Thought sucking in and flutter his cheeks to mock someone without teeth also shows his skill and dedication to miming mockery of disability.

Instead of his stinging "wit" Eric Gordon now relies on mime - unbelievably cruel mocking of consumers' physical disabilities.

It is not too strong a title at all considering Eric Gordon's abuse and exploitation of clients, esp. in the art class, art studio where only Eric is allowed to talk - no free exchange of ideas in Eric's totalitarian country with Eric as sole dictator and only voice.

By looking at St. Luke's calendar, Eric Gordon has been relieved of most of his former duties. I believe Eric Gordon has been removed because of formal and informal complaints by his clients who were victims of his cruel remarks, insults and games, so why is Eric Gordon still allowed to stalk around St. Luke's LifeSkills causing trouble, creating more pain for consumers?

Eric Gordon's mocking client's physical disabilities, throwing away consumer/client Melissa Willard's criticism/suggestion in the St. Luke's Suggestion Box and the arrogance of TELLING Consumer Melissa Willard he threw away her suggestion.

Eric has been standing at the end of the hall at Southport staring at me in a threatening manner while I am in the waiting room to see Dr. Parveen for the last year, since my meeting with Eric Gordon in November 2013 promoted by my then RC Christina Taylor to talk with Eric about the abuse I suffered in his classes and where Eric strangled my leather coat as a proxy for me and shoved his fist wrapped around my leather coat in my face.

What is the procedure of compliance of making sure that clients are safe and free of harrassment by a man posing as staff at Southport??

Someone should ask how often Eric Gordon put cooking wine in what is billed as simple dishes when he taught the cooking classes - over the objections of clients who told him that many of the consumers have alcohol issues. I only witnessed him doing it once but he often does rebellious, childish things more than once.

What kind of mental health "staff" throws away client's suggestions, then brags to the client about it or who shoves his fist in a client's face if they ask him something he doesn't like?????????????

I was mostly silent at our meeting last November because from the beginning he was obviously so upset possibly over some of the minor things I had written about what he had done to me in his class, I had still hoped we could work together so did not write about the heavier more painful things that I experiences when I was still going to LifeSkills, and he mentioned having come out of a difficult meeting, Eric Gordon justified strangling my jacket and jabbing his fist in my face at the end of the meeting - to other staff later by saying I asked him to do something he didn't want to do.

So you don't dare say anything whatever to Eric Gordon in his class or elsewhere or he is justified in strangling your jacket and jabbing his fist in your face. If Eric really can't help it, he is even more of a danger to client consumers of St. Lukes House.

Eric Gordon's barely leashed rage ,though more vocally than physically acted out at that time, is why I did not go to Southport for the LifeSkill programs or the Internet access for almost 3 years except for meetings every few months with Dr. Parveen.

Paula Weiss my therapist was aware of the reason I started at that time seeing her in the Silver Spring office two and one half years ago.

The only thing that I can think of that fits Eric Gordon's statement of asking him to do something he didn't want to do is my attempts, interrupted by Eric each time, of the opportunity for sales for all clients at specialized forums such as gymnastic and dance studios and esp. equestrian schools and stable, I also asked Eric if he would help me hang my artwork in gymnastics studios, I never badgered him, in fact he never let me complete more than 3 sentences at a time about any subject whatsoever in 5 years and when he would interrupt me or stonewall my questions I rarely even attempted to follow up because of his lightening quick changes to anger or rage or because I didn't know what else to say to a "leader" who refuses to answer the simpliest question or to allow me to talk. Eric apparently likes to use a variety of insults to provoke clients to react and argue and then slap them down and throw them out of HIS classes.

Why didn't Eric Gordon just say "No", instead of jabbing his fist in my face with no comment. Eric had made a disgusted noise at this very short meeting when Vanessa my young job coach who missed a lot of what was going on said to me, "And you thought it was going to be so bad." For most of the meeting Eric just talked, and talked and talked and I just listened to Eric with my mouth open and jaw dropped at his vehemence, I had not seen him for 2 1/2 years except in passing when waiting to meet with Dr. Parveen, and there was no space for me to talk about the issues CONCERNING ME THE CLIENT CONSUMER the meeting was supposed to cover.

Eric Gordon then hustled us out of his office and when I was at the Southport main exit doors a few steps away, I remembered my jacket and went back to get it, Eric unexpectedly came very quickly out of his office with my somewhat heavy leather jacket encircled COMPLETELY by his tightly closed fist, he thrust it in my face, came very close to hitting me in the face with his fist and turned away and started stalking down the hall with a rage filled look on his face.

If you want to use someone as a scapegoat and to the Junior High School type cruelties, mostly in mime now, since he was caught out in using words of sarcastic cruelty, Eric used to zing people in cooking class if they did something stupid or just because he could and later I could see Eric was struggling with controlling his quick sarcasm and hostility to clients. Now he uses mime to insult clients very quickly so no one can see and testify but his being relieved of almost all of his duties shows that some clients not as vulnerable as myself and more articulate managed to both see and complain about the abuse to themselves and others.

The 1960s "alternate" Theatre of Cruelty has gone mainstream in Eric's personal DOMAIN mistakenly called Studio INSIGHT - to gain any real insight you have to sometimes stop talking and listen and consider the ideas of others but clients are only useful as an audience for Eric's monologues, cover for his personal ambition or as scapegoat dolls and their needs not worthy of any consideration to Eric but he is smart enough to cultivate a few consumers with outrageous favoritism and try to make trouble by using his favored clients to listen to his - deliberately audible to the victim - gossip about other clients which not all the "favored" ones respect Eric for and leave because they have a conscience and don't like being exploited to hurt other consumers.

Eric runs HIS art studio like 20 of the worst and most inefficient offices I have worked in as a temp, makes clients run a hellish gauntlet if he has chosen them as his scapegoats instead of refusing them entrance into HIS art class - drives anyone who dares to do realistic art away with all out personal attacks.

Answer me why any adult much less one in the field of mental health/illness would need to do these cruel acts to vulnerable patients especially in the vulnerable, sensitive area of artwork? Eric Gordon recently added the words to his description of Studio INSIGHT, that it was a place for client to explore their creativity "IN A SAFE ENVIRONMENT".

Except for out and out physical violence, I can't imagine a less safe environment to try to create art than one of Eric Gordon's DUKE IN HIS DOMAIN, THEATRE OF CRUELTY classes. Eric Gordon needs intensive therapy to deal with his not anger but rage issues in a way that does not let him play with human beings like dolls to damage and mangle patients/clients/consumers.

The constant focus in museums and other venues for the mentally ill on "Brut" or Raw, brutal art as the only artform permitted the mentally ill leads to a feeling of violence if not actual violence.
I am working on a painting of gymnasts with no features on their faces called Sinfornio Per Addio, The Dolls of Paris, WHEN THE FACELESS ENVY THE LEGLESS. It is based on a Russian short story after World War I - set in France.

It is about doctors unsuccessful attempts to help those maimed in the war trying to make a doll-like plastic faces for patients whose faces had been disfigured or destroyed in the war.

Those with part or all of face blown off or badly scarred by fire or mustard gas who complained that those who had lost a leg or part of a leg could travel outside their apartments on crutches or wheelchairs and people soon got used to seeing men with out legs or arms but the horror of seeing disfigured faces never went away and to help patients there was an unsuccessful attempt to use plastic in a similar way that dolls are made so that the faceless could go out in public without stares of shock or insults or mockery and not have to hide in their homes.

A phrase was repeated about the horror of war and of people's cruelty not even in war WHEN THE FACELESS ENVY THE LEGLESS.

I will dedicate my painting to Eric's extreme cruelty in mocking my face, lack of teeth and denigrating comments about my looks.

the power afforded to him by the consumers he despises and uses as cover for HIS great ambitions for HIS art and is greatly offended by physical disability and infirmity in HIS DOMAIN.

So much of Eric's cruel Junior High School tricks, MIME MOCKERY and comments are so hurtful that most people do not complain even to their therapists because they do not want to repeat such terrible things said to them especially by a purported "staff" member.


ERIC GORDON is a very skilled mime. He should go on the stage and leave the mentally ill or any other vulnerable people/populations alone.

If you want to abuse people and are so insecure you need to shoot fish in a barrel, you chose to work among vulnerable populations like daycare centers, prisons or Mental HEALTH organization. There needs to be something in place to weed out such people early on before they do the type of damage to people that Eric Gordon has been allowed to VICTIMIZE for more than 5 years.

The pain ting Eric Gordon featured in HIS studio/DOMAIN on Friday August 8 of a portrait of a woman with a gruesomely slashed throat and spatters of blood - Goth and Brut art certainly should be allowed but they should not be THE ONLY ART ALLOWED.

Last September, I visited the RADNER MUSEUM and pointed out to my friend Bonnie, Eric Gordon's scratchy drawing of man with angry fist upraised and over the whole figure the razor slash type of ink slashes like the artist Matt Secow who thanked Eric for helping him but Eric Gordon is not content to work out his rage in paintings but exploits clients he selects as scapegoats or proxies to whoever he is really enraged at - as unwilling, unconsenting participants in his violent and cruel psychodramas written by and starring HIMSELF. That is what he considers his real artwork and should be upfront about his real intention when begging money from the Montgomery County Council and taxpayers.

in my painting dedicated to eric gordon and his fathomless cruelty I will include in MY painting WHEN THE FACELESS ENVY THE LEGLESS.

I will include some of the photographs of REAL soldiers maimed and burned esp facially in the current wars/occupations against Iraq and Afghanistan and elsewhere - instead of realistic and exploitative FANTASY blood and gore THE REAL THING of thousands of young men and women who are currently struggling with being faceless, legless, armless and worse at Walter Reed, Bethesda Naval Hospital and other military hospitals and these wounded young men and women should not be subjected to Eric Gordon-type cruelty about their disfigurement by anyone much less art therapists/ art classes, art teachers. And his excuses about teaching consumers to toughen up by submitting to his cruel remarks and intricate and infantile "games."

Since Eric Gordon told me that I was basically on my own in submitting my artwork, I will send a photograph of my painting WHEN THE FACELESS ENVY THE LEGLESS to Phil Radner for the RADNER MUSEUM September 2014 showing of portraits and tell him how it was inspired by Eric Gordon stunning and relentless cruelties, now in mime.

Eric likes the young interns' looks and the power afforded to him by the consumers he despises and uses as cover for HIS great ambitions for HIS art and is greatly offended by physical disability and infirmity in HIS DOMAIN. Eric Gordon needs to find another place of work.

I will also ask the Montgomery County Council and the Grant makers how they like the money they have given Eric Gordon for supplies supposedly so the mentally ill can have access to creating art --if they like the way Eric Gordon is using constituents' money.

I know that Eric Gordon has testified in front of the Montgomery County Council about the need for housing for the mentally ill and Eric can be quite charming but who but politicians would know about office politics and that some well-spoken, seemingly charming people can be extremely cruel AND ABUSIVE to their staff or families or those they consider to be subhuman or negligable worth as human beings and Eric's mockery of disfigurement or awkwardness/physical incapacities or infirmities of age should be out of the question in any mental health facility.


For we wrestle not against flesh and blood
But against powers and principalities
and spiritual wickedness in high places

Wherefore let us be clothed in THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD

The Helmet of Salvation
The Breastplate of Righteousness
Be girded with Truth
With feet shod with the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace

And most of all the Shield of Faith
Wherewith we may be able to quench all the firey darts of the wicked

And the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.

So that having done all, in the evil day you may stand. (St. Paul's Epistle)

Look up "Brut art" or art of the mentally ill in Wikipedia and follow some of the links - rejoicing and demanding that the art of the mentally ill never have any connection with the history of Western art - and you will see how the mentally ill and the institution purportedly for them -- are being corralled into promoting a certain type of art and philosophy that is dangerous or at best meaningless to most people and potential clients and has decimated the number potential collectors who do not like vulgar or cruel or meaningless art - THERE IS ENOUGH OF THAT IN MAINSTREAM MOVIES AND TV - TOO MUCH FOR MANY PEOPLE ESPECIALLY THOSE MOST LIKELY TO BE INTERESTED IN PURCHASING ART - similar to Modern Art esp Abstract Expressionism denigrating emotion and craftsmanship in art.

Read the online 1997 Guardian review of "THE CIA AND MODERN ART" and the more recent comments on this book in many political forums --also the blog Against Modern Art and the most visited art museum in Northern America ART RENEWAL which promotes living masters.

Vanessa Martinez said Barrie Friedman had led a class for job coaches, if interested in art sales and art that is meanful to people and the strong objections to the take over of art by art critics and museums and others whether paid for by the CIA using our money after the open using of taxpayer money to transport and promote Abstract Expressionism led to sustained outrage which is still simmering. Art Renewal in addition to being a museum of realistic art and supporting LIVING MASTERS has several excellent articles objecting most of all to the imprisonment of artistic expression by making various forms of modern art THE ONLY art.

Eric Gordon did not invent the TAKEOVER of mentally ill art and institutions by BRUT art proponents but Eric Gordon savages anyone but himself doing realistic art and has chased away at least two people skilled in realism and meaningful emotion besides rage, darkness and violence and I'm sure many more that I don't know about but can guess from hearing things here and there and thereby in addition to doing damage to the mentally ill artists is stealing from the more probable sales of realistic art that the grants and other monies he has received for supplies that he will give only to his favorites most often those who will bend their art to his will and his personal ambition exploiting the mentally ill in many more ways than one.

Matt Secow was wrong when he wrote that the alternate to his violent, Picasso based art was bunny rabbits and rainbows. One of the most frequent subjects shown in art history classes and books is the crucifixian which is not a lightweight theme but the reactions of the soldiers and the mourning women and the sometimes inclusion of John the Baptist pointing to a Lamb and the knowledge of the story of Christ or trichtypes showing the Resurrection and the Ascention.

The dead Christ can be seen in contraposto as very peaceful with multiple meanings as was the almost lifesize cross in the Lutheran church school I attended or can be extremely violent as in many Catholic Spanish cruxificians of a certain era but always there is meaning and most of the examples come from secular western art history because you cannot talk about the history of Western or Slavic art without the life of Jesus and the current attempts to obliterate the past and deeper meaning in America is using mentally ill art for this political/philisophical abomination.

Kenneth Clark wrote of a crucifixian with Jesus not seeming to be suffering cartoon type figures of the life of Jesus painted within the cross as showing the suffering of life and the fact and promise of overcoming the suffering. When the Soviets took away Christianity from the Russians they were given the substitute of Spartacus which while not as hopeful in promising eternal life free of suffering showed a man living for something other than self and personal ambition over any sense of the COMMON GOOD and the popularity in ballet and drama and sports Spartaciade show a need for some meaning in the depiction of suffering instead of violence for its own sake being the meaning of life.


The largest chapter in Clark's THE NUDE: A Study in Ideal Form is called the alternate convention and shows the many, many, many ways the crucifixian and Passion of Jesus has been depicted in two thousand years of Western then Slavic art. Bunnies and butterflies are not the only alternative for the worship of violence for its own sake and for shock value which has to keep getting more and more cruel and inhuman to sustain shock value. Shocking people has never ever been the main motive in the art of any people and in a thread on Modern Art someone wrote if you want to destroy a people you destroy their art first, see the history of Scotland and the English occupation.

When I went to the Radner Museum last September and saw two lovely pieces of realistic art, my immediate thought was Eric Gordon hasn't managed to chase away all of the clients who paint and want to paint realistically.

The newest modern art is extreme animal abuse which you can also find online, I remember reading years ago that a famous museum, I believe it was MOMA, chained a dog and starved it and called it an art work, no one apparently called the Humane Society and people just walked by looking at this abomination called an artwork. The Washington Post mentioned it in a very short paragraph but did not show a photograph. There is a photograph of this dog starving to death while being chained in an art museum online and there are more recent cruelties to animals on pedestals in art museums.

The man who started ART RENEWAL stated that a bag of trash put on a pedestal in a museum is still just a bag of trash not a work of art and canned excrement is just disgusting and not a work of art and often invoked the Emperor's New Clothes analogy that many people state with much of modern art.

I have heard many people on buses and elsewhere who despise both NEAs and the majority of the population is put off what is claimed to be art completely. The National Endowment for the Arts moved into a very small space and barely exists.

ART RENEWAL is being successful in counteracting this and states it is not against modern art though denies much of it the title of art and would not prevent its production but is against the denigration of craftsmanship and meaning and emotion other than violence in art.

In How To Sell Your Art Without Selling Your Soul, the writer speaks of a drivers license test where the man administering the test, after finding out she was in the arts, berated her for the whole of the test about Picasso, she did not say if she agreed but instead spoke of the loss of art collectors and supporters by near exclusive promotion of violent, in your face art.

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