Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Betty Levy - Debbie Davis - Eric Gordon - Keith Ellis

things mw not allowed to talk about jd but wants to talk about and if anyone knows can pressure her to do what they want. mw apologizing debbie can be very persuasive before went into hospital last time, debbie is very aggressive, debbie could kick my ass, i am afraid of debbie i said i am too

wild woman bouncing off the walls hard enough to live with but her needing a scapegoat and the dizzying games light on and off, chicken grease, telling mw about fire, fire hazards need training in fire safety re stove oven and dish washer maybe vids at fire station they must do some vids at schools can happn to anyone once the problem if they don't want to know and keep courting disaster for whatever reason smell of diesal fuel was melted spoon in dishwasher beth going to bus leaving oven on gerda kept throwing in spoons sideways when loading dishwasher checking to see if paper labels or anything else is at bottom of dishwasher

what keith did and said to and from meeting with elaine frye and susan wilkoff about eric gordon, this is not obsessing about eric but is part of a continuum of abuse by keith which has gotten worse and worse since he became supervisor instead of assistant supervisor when arlene was pushed out by him and Christina.

holding back checks -- last february jessica dread then laughing laugh a minute amused by clients and staff like it is there duty to amuse keith.

are we having fun yet?

we allow you to use the basement for your art when hounding me for 3 months to see eric
and again when debbie's abuse caused me to scream --- i don't like dramas shaky for days afterward but can't just sit there and absorb any more body blows from someone who is playing sibling rivalry games trying to get rcs to be on their side dhl children on couch mother and father appealing to kids like a jury during their knock down drag out fights
a human iniquity

frieda and dhl using friends same way rcs should be trained not to feedinto this game of attention grabbing because it makes debbie and gerda not take responsiblity for their lives or to live in boredom if they cannpt be abusing housemates and the ones who could be functional are knocked down and shattered again and again because of petty and ridiculous games ongoing. trying to do something worthwhile with their lives not wating huge amount of time and energy listening skills need to be taugh in training also onlything that susan wilkoff wrote down in our meeting.
the past two rights and responsibilities have left off the word client in clients have a right to be treated in a humane and respectful manner by housemates/clients as far as oversight of this right the prgram mgrs could not be doing a worse job for 5 years and more and is getting worse

refusing to let me go to fenton house after he did such terrible things along with debbie and saying flat out no discussion allowed that he did not always side with debbie but he did in rediculous ways i have never been to fenton, did not want to but felt so upset and sick and afraid of what debbie and keith would do next ambush misusing medication monitoring

who let it get this bad asked this question in my complaint about the horrific things eric gordon did to me never got an answer but wilkoff's saying parveen excuuse me dr. parveen and pride in being at a "different level" this phrase used several times to show her superiority over those on the front lines really trying to help clients instead of a glass ceiling that protects them from contamination of any contact with clients they are supposed to be helping and which in someone with the responsiblity for grievances like wilkoff doesn't make any sense and elaine frye's duty to help provide more access to clients trying to communicate problems with those who have this responsibility

got no sense that ms. frye's attempts were sincere or that anything would change and wonder if the name change was due to so many patients going outside the agency to complain for themselves and those who don't have the ability to articulate the abuse they are suffering

pitbulls cockfights seem to be encouraged don't want to get involved but they are getting paid to get involved some prg mgrs that have no contact with clients so can be objective would be fine but not ones with the title of ms wilkoff resp for complaints and knowing what is going on or the special project ms frye is working on supposedly to increase the ability of clients to make management aware of terrible problems that have been allowed to fester for years and is costing a huge amount of money just wasting it if my job coach goes once a month to bel pre staff meetings to let them know how the job coaching is going and keith ellis spends the whole time talking waste of vanessa' s gas money and time spent getting there and with me since i am so upset by the abuse that i have suffered and witnessed and slh and cornerstone some of the prog mgrs are carryovers from slh not addressed for years and years and is toxic work environment and for patients who deserve better.

i have experienced retribution when have pushed though complaints about serious matters and I think it likely that other clients have as well, what eugene said about michael being forced to move by csa and eugene who lives in the same townhouse on banquo drive was pushed to move but was so upset csa backed off, michael was forced to quickly dispose of a collection that he had kept for several decades because he was forced to move so quickly or threatened by csa with lose of any housing options by csa - these actions were ttaken shortly after the men's group home voted against any further potlucks because of the insulting treatment of clients during the potlucks i had noticed it to and it did not start out that way and have wondered for years just what the training of rcs continuing turns kind and interested rcs into snobs and highhanded abuse some rcs obviously had a struggle within themselves and though for a time would treat clients without respect turned back and refused to treat clients like garbage and those were the first ones fired with keith ellis and his group came from threshold at the merger - monopolies or near monopolies are not a good ideaand melissa telli8ng me that due to the snobbish attitude of rcs who would no longer let clients in the kitchen their house voted not to let any more pot lucks be held in their townhouse which is larger than most of the townhouses. for a while used the smaller townhouses now no longer potlucks.

slh lobbyists
how do you sleep at night how do you live with yourself i know the pressure everyone is under but these things have been going on for years and the truthtellers are pushed out and the abusers remain and get worse and worse
who will stop them if the ones tasked with investigating grievances utterly refuse to this part of their job which is at least as important as fund raising or any other part of their job Gino on Board of Directors as client wilkoff asking me what I would say to them if she got me the contact number none of her business why is this info not freely available to clients and what happed to the client advisory board bogus answer from anna reyes and wilkoff that making the consumer board members number available would be an invasion of their privacey, i mentioned the fact that the client advisory group had a 3 digit extention from the main cornerstone slh phone number and the only answer from wilkoff was that was the client adviory board and she never told me what happened to it did they quit in disgust because they were only for show? Wilkoff said she would get back to me on othr staff complaints like dwayne but of course she never did.
abusers go on and on because no one has the time to do a serious and thorough investigation of wrongdoing esp the damage being done to patients
instead of waiting til the house is on fire adequate grievance investigation would prevent many of the destructive fires.

not doing what the funders think you are doing, as if there were no police force or the police told people who called to fight it out among themselves doesn't make sense. quote new grievance policy and beginning of old policy.

won't get better on its own
so many lives ruined because admin doesn't want to get involved or csa

i know there is very little money for the mentally ill and the homeless but does it really have to be this badly run?
the one who can make the biggest noise to keep quiet will side with them
if i had all these superwoman abilities to stop gerda keith debbie i wouldn't be here
harlem globetrotters
inspection cleaning all on my own this far and no further with keith's bullying our age and heavy cleaning 3 story townhouse can take care of small appt dishes
don't put this ideology to the test of whether screaming berating abusing clients patients makes them more functional or shatters them so they can't function at all.

the fixed bitter grin on betty levy's face after turning on heat to 90 degrees
her brother calling and leaving message, he thought the townhouse was the bel pre office wondering what was going on when betty told him early on about the abuse but keith convinced him that it was for the best and that betty exaggerated which she did not hardly able to put into words the ongoing horrific abuse of her by rcs keith and housemate melissa willard scapegoatism not possible to overstate and her physical problems must have been noted in writing by Holy Cross when shatara finally went with betty to help her get medical attention for severely swollen feet and right eye

lysol on foot only after 8 months of malign neglect by rcs and supervisor and keith was only interest after i called adult protective services to help betty and to let them know how ill she was, keith was only interested in evidence against betty not able to take care of herself

no one deserves to be treated like that ever even if she was "in the wrong place" it wasn't betty's fault she was placed here keisha johnson and nikki lak not able to stand participating in this sick abuse and keith apparently wants to get rid of all his staff that might pose competition to his careerism at the expense of clients patients and iron fist rulership

debbie using scapegoats seemd to be wo a conscience but used the word "we" and "us" when describbing keith ellis and other rcs gossiping about clients sometimes in front of them waste of money maybe so many people would not have to go to fenton if treated decently and not pressured and staff also might treat us as human beings in a tv documentary of child stars actors and the terrible trouble they have later if an adult's salary depends on a child's performance, that child is going to be abused. same with mentally ill screaming and other verbal abuse is going to make them less not more functional.

the terrible results put in play by not doing grievances in a timely manner

questionnaire inpection on how slh cornerstone performing last two years the question about how slh handled grievances was missing the questionnaire by csa - not to mess up statistics or take time to fulfill this most important comar law and the extremely detrimental affect on clients/patients

training rcs to prevent sibling rivalry rehashing childhood patterning to make it turn out better and the years of horror for patients who are selected by staff or housemates as scapegoats

how peggy suffered from gerda and was actually more functionals for those 2 years than gerda and peggy made statistics look better for obtaining funding

amusing ourselves to death a book written in the 1980s
Eric Gordon was not an anomolie - the program mgrs esp barrie and susan wilkoff attitude and training to rcs that clients are to be treated like prison inmates and rcs trained to be more like animal trainers than REHABILITATION Councilors, the way keith always says my name like an animal trainer trying to get the animal's attention even if i am still in my room and he is calling down for meds will continue calling even after i say i am coming misuses my name and medication monitoring

gerda debbie Keith jeolous of even any peace of mind you may attain and try to take it from you/

i want to go back to packing out meds i had been packing and taking my own meds for almost 2 years the timing of requiring me to come downstairs retribution for making complaint against eric and the laxness in defending clients from dangerous staff who become dangerous because of the corporate culture at slh and cornerstone that clients are less than the dust.

the 17 viisits are useless rcs don't show up for meds or show hours off which is dangerous with meds that need to be taken on time, no interest in me, run in and out to get away as debbie noticed right off or to berate and in keith's case to play sick junior high school malicious teasing games with no purpose but making keith feel big ego

I am gagged in what I can mention even my health and results of ct

staff privacy is not the same as client privacy, if there is an abusive staff member clients have the right to compare notes to try to stop the insults and abuse and worse especially since the grievance people refuse to do their job even to the point of refusing to call client making complaint back even when in writing and why was the
CSA questionnaire missing the question on client satifaction that the house inspector brings around missing the question on how slh and cornerstone for the past two years missing handles grievances other questions were missing this last october and questionnaire had gotten noticably much shorter was only one page to begin with.

useless I am being used and not receiving promised services for years esp in twice daily, supposedly of medication monitoring

Keith Ellis does not use Melissa's, Debbie's, Beth's or even Betty's name like he is training an animal. sharp, loud, repeated again and again unnecessarily, insulting

Absolute power corrupts and keith is trying for absolute power whatever damage to clients and staff and most of the good rcs left, christina taylor left because of keith she had been there for four years was my rc for 2 and had a masters in psychology and did not create a dramatic mess out of everything but cared about doing things well and about clients before they hired arlene from pennsylvania through ad in wapo Christina and Keith went after the supervisory job after MJ left and Christina was told she needed supervisory experience but she would have been a much, much better choice than keith who gratutiously insults and beats down clients and is disorganized and will not obey any of the client rights even to knowing who is caring for you per rights and responsibilitys and when
I showed him Dept of Aging brochure on Elder Abuse when Betty Levy was here and at other times Keith just laughs literally at the idea that client/patients have any rights and that the comar rules have the force of law. CSA does not act no matter how bad the reports of abuse are.

so these situations build and grow until they are as horrible as what Eric Gordon did to me and others, close to violent if they are under pressure and clients have no rights and the laws to protect them are just laughed at by program managers at cornerstone.

about child actors and directors and others - if an adults' salary is dependent on the performance of a child, that child is going to be abused. Relate to the positive outcomes which have perpetrated incredible abuse and beat down even clients who want to and would be able to have positive outcomes if they were not abused at every turn by erratic, volitle and crazy-making caretakers who are promoted instead of fired and who chase off the good ones who care about clients.s

did they change the name to cornerstone montgomery because threshhold and st lukes had such a bad reputation due to the corporate culture of contempt for client patients by the program managers which have remained so long and fought away the staff and other managers and ceos who really care for patients???

Nurse Josephine should look at the back of Linda's head, she has long silver hair and I was shocked to see that most of the back of her head is bald, i think from not washing her hair for at least a year and the rcs wouldn't think of helping her Linda has severe athritis, had trouble with the shopping cart, and is bent over, debbie said that when she would go to the office keith was helping her but encouraging everyone to laugh at her and other patients it sounds like th type of thing that keith does. a few weeks ago, nurse josephine met with linda before she met with me for a brief update intake on medical problems, i doubt if linda will receive any help with washing her hair. cornerstone/st lukes most of the program managers are carry overs from st lukes threshold hate the elderly what they did to betty levy to make her the scapegoat with her severe physical problems trying to make her do house work and the deep housework for the inspection which i was stuck with betty called 911 10 to 15 times and when shatara finally went with betty to the hospital the severe physical problems must be on her chart at mont gen and holy cross and the rehab center think barry is trying again to get dr p to give me a personality disorder dx despite 4 psychiatrists from fsa over a 3 year period giving me the same dx as dr p so they do not have to help me find another place of residence and cansay that i don[t belong at cornerstone at least part of this is due to my complaining to adult protec6tive services, cong. van hollen and cong. murphy and county council who said that i did not reach the criteria to go to fenton, no one at fenton has talked to me.

Trying to get into Fenton House no one calling back disappointed in Dr. Parveen
Debbie blaming dry drunk
noise pollution
Keith egging Debbie on and vicious teasing retribution for writing to you
another client at Bel Pre Linda and her huge bald spot very bad arthritis making fun of her looks like hair hasn't been washed for a year no one to help her
extreame resentment of older clients

mw jd audience fingers in hair request to hide sharp kitchen knives tried to put in back of mind scared people at on our own about her visitations from jd autopsy films her father had and making her watch horror films with him as a child best room always in hospital hunger strikes does work in between lack of safety don't want to damage privacy but it is my life too

hurricane debbie shouting so much my job coach and I can't talk or work on her laptop and dd is upstairs then want to accomplish something

dd tantrums over supplies refusal to contribute chicken grease and dd saying she would put aluminum foil at bottom of oven fire hazards david said foil does not catch fire on an outside grill but this foil would be under oven grill in enclosed oven with much chicken grease

Sheppard Pratt - Family Service please help me out of this cockamamie place so I can work on my art - i am 60 years old in between temp assignments family problems my rc will not sign me up for HOC or help in getting into senior independent living Anna Bikakas says she will then doesn't do it says she has too much paperwork - need out now esp since mw is acting so badly. don't know what to make of it since she is one of the few new rcs who is polite at least but need to get away from extreme harrassment now

Lea Cooperman and other complaints against Keith Ellis, supervisor of Bel Pre.

I kept trying to forget and forgive but it has been going on too long and keith has been given too many chances to stop hounding me even before aug 8 with eric and what he did, paula send email to keith to stop hounding me to go to erics class a bit hypocritical saying with obnoxious salesman misuse of med monitoring oh i wouldn't want you to miss out eric driving to various places to sell work, even tho i said repeatedly in the supposed med monitoring that the last time i say eric he tried to hit me and that meeting was supposed to be working out differences where i said next to nothing certainly nothing to provoke eric, keith jeolous of compliment to yen that he took enough interest in me and my work to offer then take photos of my work that i have done in past year since my camera broke a few years ago and put online on the art sales website that i have been working with my job coach vanessa on for over a year but the new work can't be placed because i can't afford a camera and keith came up with the bogus hippa excuse i gave yen my verbal permission to send to vanessa's email and would put it in writing but like keith's usual games, not giving debbie her money or paperwork when she moved in and telling debbie that she owed two thousand dollars and would not be allowed to take back possession of her 800 ssi till it was paid off, debbie said in
february that her therapist, leah cooperman said i am going to put a stop to this and that she had heard other bad things that keith had done to clients.

how i am banned from mentioning health or anything else gagged in med monitoring not allowed to talk about eric or the ct scan of my liver and kidneys - essentially the 60 meetings and the 17 paid for a month are a joke, have not received the promised services in med monitoring chance to talk to tell how i am doing not just melissa williard for months and years.

barries sickness invented team meetings that a person's rc has to defend them from everyone else on the team attacking them amanda tillman told me i asked paula why and paula just said she didn't know but that kind of sick competition in "caring" for the mentally ill is not like Dr. Parveen or Paula -- first and second meeting with barrie about housemate problems nothing in place to protect clients from aggressive housemates who misusemedication meeting to be the center of attention and more to use housemate as symbolic sybling and to vy for rcs approval and being on their side children sitting in dlh house mother and father would appeal to children as jurors have had more thann= my fill of that and keith seems to encourage that behavior and evern before keith came nothing in place to deal with the victims of that or to pull back gerda who eneded putting lysol in my food and admitting it in front of rcs the situations that susan wilkoff and barrie and rebecca garcia refuse to get involved in getworse and worse until you have eric keith and gerda going beyond anything imaginable for staff to do or allow

games of keep away with the checks when de bbie pushed ghe checks were in office despite lies waiting 5 days in a row almost 6 feb 2014 e e vening hard to get cab trying not to show gloating 2hen arlene was lea i ving ascending the throne computer work so he would get paid nurse josephine keep away with information

making his life and clients needlessly complicated by his games
nurse josephine also a matter of human life with betty and my need for ct ignored and david not showing up for rc or house meetings

such denials of service - debbies comments on talking and joking yet no time for adequate med monitoring just run out the door didn't used to be like that and the braddock road house that debbie lived in prior the rcs didnt run in and out anna reyes looking at cartoon like heading of obvious entertainment website and anna b also when clicked on another heading she said no and got me out of that as quickly as possible anna b will not help with applying to get out of this mickey mouse joint unless pushed and pushed by someone more important than me, it is not going to get any better and clients have to deal with the bitter fruit of the program managers who as susan wilkoff said at least three times live on a whole other level

the lonesome death of hattie caroll who emptied the ashtrays on a whole other level

if trying to gain more access for clients were real then why no client involvement and why did elaine frye in charge of this echo wilkoff, whole other level wouldn[t know voices or ways of expression that excuse doesn[t hold water for someone in charge of grievances needs to know what is going on so doesnt reach the violent threat level that eric reached would have been impossible if susan wilkoff had been doing her job said parveen then oh exscuuse me Doctor Parveen - someone on the front lines as opposed to the brass above it all - the pain suffering needless deaths inability to function because of abuse from staff and clients who are abusive nothing in place to stop them old rights and responsiblities mentioned humane treatment and freedom from abuse of staff AND CLIENTS but someone getting paid for preventing abuse doesn't want to get involved and refuses point blank for yeaars, barrie friedman, susan wilkoff and rebecca garcia.

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