Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Emails for help in obtaining somatic meds

Please do an article on group homes and psychiatric homes in the Metropolitan area. Many clients are too sick mentally or physically to be on their own and the weller clients become defacto onsite caregivers and there is an outrageous amount of bullying which is tolerated or encouraged by Keith Ellis, supervisor Bel Pre and he is one of the bullies.
More information at my site lydiagorbik.blogspot

I believe moving me to Norbeck House which is much harder to manuver to go to the bathroom or kitchen to make meals and do chores because the long tube on oxygen condenser will not reach and I feel so weak from not having medications, being forced to clean for the October inspection at 12902 Valleywood Dr. Silver Spring just after I got out of the hospital and then the forced move without my therapist or medical doctor's approval to this facility, my pcp Dr. Polam was outraged that they wanted her to sign off on sending me to a nursing home and my purported RC at the time Nicole Briscoe who falsely billed medicaid for care rarely showed up and messed up paperwork beyond belief, did not bring the hospital papers that were in an envelope for Dr. Polam and despite Dr. Polam saying come back in 2 weeks WITH THE HOSPITAL PAPERWORK, Nicole said to wait for the county, Ms. Schmitt to see if I would qualify for assisted living which I have learned is almost impossible to get. The ranch house at Valleywood made making meals, going to the bathroom more accessible than this large facility.
While in the hospital I made a complaint about the way I was treated at Bel Pre and Ms. Schmitt came out with card endangered clients aging and disability but did nothing and would not return my calls.

I believe this forced eviction and refusal to help me obtain somatic meds is due to retribution for my many complaints to then Congressman Van Hollen who was great in helping me with one or two problems but I made a mistake in not contacting HUD, Maryland Board of Licensure, and Medicaid. On Senator Van Hollen's website he said he could not overturn a decision made by an agency but could make sure it was done correctly.
I contacted Senator Van Hollen around April 2017 when a housemate at that time of about 6 months had a friend who was in no way authorized to live in Cornerstone Montgomery housing staying overnight for most of two months and at least this problem was ended and Pam Gueron's harrassment stopped for a short time but Keith Ellis Bel Pre cluster supervisor became best friends with Pam and refused to do anything.
I believe part of the reason I was hospitalized was due to the stress of Pam's harrassment including hitting me with her elbow when I tried to use the microwave and blocking common access areas like the kitchen, the day after I got out of the hospital she blockaided the whole kitchen counterspace with very greasy pans and her very expensive empty dishes and pans. I took photos. She complained to Nilya, and RC about my dishes, 2 or 3 small jars soaking from yoghurt which is all I could eat and Nilya told me to do Pam's dishes.
I have uploaded most of my complaints to Senator Van Hollen at:
I wave all privacy rights to this letter, whatever I have uploaded on the Internet and to any information and would be grateful for help in getting my somatic meds and for an article in the Washington Post on Group Homes.
The NYT, Boston Globe, and an Illinois paper have done articles on the lack of oversight in group homes and I think the people in the DC area need to know what their taxpaper dollars are paying for at Cornerstone Montgomery. Some of the movement of near senior citizen age clients to inappropriate settings is due to the closure of mental hospitals and pressure to find housing for these poor clients.
I am on oxygen, since Sept. 2017 was in Holy Cross Hospital for a week, in September was forcibly evicted from my HUD home at Cornerstone Montgomery at 12902 Valleywood Drive ostensibly because I was on oxygen and needed a higher level of care. Though I was very ill forced to throw all my belongings many needed for art in boxes though was still very ill.

Norbeck House is for people with more serious psychiatric problems, 24/7 staff will not help me with somatic meds. only need 2 but very important. I kept out my Nebulizer but Keith Ellis whom I have complained to you about numerous times over the past several years first claimed it was in the first boxes. He will not tell me where my paintings are, though less important than nebulizer and I am running out of albuterol. The staff here keeps promising but this morning Alex my new RC whom I have pleaded with to help me get the strong inhaler that Dr. Singh in the hospital prescribed and who gave me a referral to a pulmonologist, Symbicort, ran out and have not had that for 4 weeks or nebulizer for 3 weeks. My therapist of 5 years, Paula Weiss, took unexpected leave for October, then November then half of December. I think she is refusing to be a party to misdiagnosing clients to get them into Norbeck or University House. The staff here rushed to make me see a replacement thereapist Andrea Lowzowski to get a new bogus diagnosis AFTER they forced me here.
There has been some sort of purge going on at Cornerstone for the past 6 months, many supervisors replaced by MUCH younger supervisors.

Andrea Lowzowski said that this was Cornerstone's least functioning place and there was no place else to put me if I could not (didn't mention mop floors, go without oxygen to go to the bathroom or kitchen or put on portable oxygen to go to the bathroom because the long tubing from the condensor is meant for homes or apartments, not a large facility like this one, Andrea (Andie) said in our second meeting that they had to do the diagnostic paperwork to get Medicaid SO THAT I WOULD NOT BE THROWN OUT ON THE STREET.

I cannot do the chores here very weak and could manuever to the kitchen and bathroom much better in the one level house at Valleywood to make food, do laundry and get to the bathroom.

It is almost impossible to get Assisted Living but any help would be appreciated. There is another very underweight client who I believe needs to be in the hospital who doesn't eat and one staff member said "That's his choice." he is past senior citizen age as are all of the clients here save one a very angry and tall 20 sometryhing who rushes around and I am afraid of being knocked down.

I am too weak to wear my portable oxygen for chores or every time I go to the bathroom, the closer bathroom has been broken for 2 weeks though my 3 foot window fell out when staff was tring to close it for me 2 days ago. Maintenance came this morning and I am lucky it did not fall on my head. I took photos of the window propped against the bureau and maintenance should have a record. I am wheezing, weak have diareah the senior clients cannot move well enough to do an adequate job cleaning the kithchen and bathrooms. The small sink only drinking water is very smoky and Tony uses it to wet the mop to clean the bathroom, Alex said he is not supposed to do that he knows so apparently does it often. A case of bottled water was delivered then locked up with cleaning supplies and the staff drinks arcadia bottled water.
Today, November 29th, a male staff member brought in another huge case of bottled water with a blue instead of yellow label around each bottle of CLEAN water, he began drinking a bottle right away, for several days they must have been out and staff was drinking water from home or fast food resturant drinks. The VERY cloudy water from the only place for clients to get drinking water, a very small sink Tony uses to wet the mop for the men's bathroom floor is okay for clients. Is this Mexico? Someone else has also had diareha and pounds on the door, the second woman's bathroom toilet is clogged and the sink takes hours to drain. If there is toilet paper it is often on the floor as are the paper towels, no towel rack. There is a toilet paper roll holder but rarely used. Some clients throw feces ridden toilet paper in the trash can or bloodied toilet paper from a bad nosebleed.
I have been threatened with loss of housing if I don't fit in with program but they will not help with somatic medication. I finally called Dr. Polam this morning but Medicaid transportation said that since I moved not eligible to go to Greenbelt to see my PCP but sent her a fax for special reasons.
I never got a chance to recover from the hospital with Pam's over-the-top harrassment jointed by the Rcs, the first afternoon I was home after the oxygen man left Keith Ellis started pressuring me to start cleaning for the annual CSA inspection, then to pack for forced move. Then to unpack trying to find my nebulizer which I had left out and pointed out numerous times to keith and once to nicole. Keith said I packed it which is a lie. Have not been able to find it and my Symbicort inhaler was used up before I left Valleywood, am forced to mop and clean at Norbeck though I constantly mention I am on oxygen and tilt over with the portable oxygen I am feeling so weak.
When I first came out of hospital they gave me paperwork for Dr.Polam but Keith Ellis took it and lost it, my then RC Nicole Briscoe went with me to see PCP but she only brought discharge papers which Dr. Polam said were useless and to come back in two weeks with the hospital papers. Dr. Parveen my psychiatrist must have been given the papers because Ms. Lawzowski said I almost died in the hospiital. Last September was the only time I have been hospitalized since I was 16 years old and had my tonsils out though I have been to er for Bronchitis and Sphenoidal Sinusitus.
Keith wanted me moved to a nursing home but neither Dr. Parveen or Dr. Polam agreed though they might now seeing how ill I have gotten. Much worse than when I left the hospital. Nicole said I was going to meet with Dr. Klaytor, psychiatrist, but I have never seen her at Cornerstone, I believe Dr. Miriam Parveen who has always been good to me initially resisted signing off on this crazy move.

Many clients are hospitalized for long periods of time and are not foreced to move my housemate Janet Listou has been repeatedly hospitalized for falling and for complications of stomach surgury and Melissa Willard former housemate has sometimes spent almost half a year for hunger strikes in hosptial.

I could manuever much better in a house, if I had my somatic meds and some care I don't know if I would need to be in assisted living forever but I keep tellling staff that I will soon have to call an ambulance to go back to hospital if I donlt get somatic meds but the only thing they care about is notifying them BEFORE I CALL. I said if I have to call an ambulance, I don't know if I will be strong enough to walk to the enclosed desks with cameras for ther 24 hour "care"

If I do call an ambulance and go back to hospital I will probably lose my housing and I am too ill to fight back I know that mental hospital are closing and there is a purge of the good personnel at Cornerstone, don't know if they are going to privatization since the bullying roommate has a tremendous amount of money. I think they are moving senior age clients to inappropriate housing. I am 64 years old so Andrea was very pleased we did not have to fill out the form for senior citizens.

Maybe it is my time to go, my paintings and art supplies have been thrown away and it is too small here I have less than a nursing home space.

Anything you can do to help me again would be greatly appreciated, when I went to vote for you as senator I picked up the endorsement from the Washington Post focusing on how much constituent service you did including helping some of your opponents' constituents when she would not.

You have helped me greatly in the past through Suzanne Loftjelm and I was sorry she no longer works with you and that I did not send you and her many thank you notes for help in the past.

God Bless You.
I am trying to follow your Twitter messages I know that Donald is making terrible decisions for american citizens, thank you for continuing to fight for Medicaid, Medicare and I agree we should be doing more for Syrians, I am very concerned about persecuted Christians in the Middle East and if I can get my somatic meds and retain housing if I go to the hospital again, I hope to be more active at least in writing for som e of the suffering people in the world.


Linda Leonard
The staff is beginning to call me to sit on couch to take meds in line though they know I have to change to portable oxygen.
Richard at Norbeck House
Richard at Norbeck/Adrienne House, I have not seen him for 3 days. He is very, very thin
senior citizen age, on Thanksgiving took some turkey only and could not eat it.
As ususal he can't hold up his head most of the time and left the table without eating
has a hard time eating When I mentioned this to one of the staff members, she said,
it is a choice, he makes, we try to help him. I said that when you are older and eating
it is hard to start again and need something like fruit juice or yoghurt for digestion.
Utter cold-bloodedness about the death of "clients" and making sure they don't get to that point.

Julianne the supervisor told me 2 1/2 weeks ago when I moved in that because other clients
have somatic problems that the head nurse, David Bridges often stops by. Have not seen hnim since
I have been at Norbeck House and no one knows when he is coming.

I was in the hospital in Sept almost died at HolyCross who treated me very well but Nicole Briscoe
like the staff at Norbeck House will not help me get the somatic meds I need.

I kept asking first Bel Pre RC Nicole Briscoe then Norbeck House RC primary Alex to help
me get my somatic meds. Alex said there was the weekend, then there was thanksgiving holiday
and today, end of November she said she called the pulmonologist and could not give me
an appointment until December 8. I said that is a long time to wait for my medication and Alex
said that was the soonest appointment she could get. During the first week I told
Julianne the supervisor who is never here presumably at Chadwich house of my need
she said after the meeting she would help me get albuterol and that the pulmonologist
Dr. Singh at Holy Cross Hospital recommended was too far away and she knew another one.


I had to tear through instead of unpacking the few boxes Keith Ellis brought, Alex helped me
go through to try to find my nebulizer. It was not in the boxes Keith insisted they were in
Alex has been of very limited help in trying to find places for my things I share a room but
Edna left because she was transferred.

It is Cornerstone policy that staff may never touch a client even if they have fallen or are about to fall.
And no matter the age or disability constant pressure to perform and clean which has led to at least one death
when the Joint Commission came in August 2017, I was pressured by Keith Ellis to work for hours after scrubbing and cleaning house
to get corrosion off a handbar with Tilex despite respiratory problems, I first began to get very ill, unable to eat at this time and
was told a male client in Bel Pre housing had died around the time of this inspection.
Many of the senior citizens have arthritis some severe dyskenisia and have trouble with chores or even getting food to mouth.
Richard is one of those and has been absent from dinner 5 days, for a while only had crackers in his cupbord, never leaves his
room now, they say he is okay, yesterday first time I saw him in 4 days and he only ate 2 cups of applesauce his cupbord had
more food since I had been expressing great concern about his thinness and he seems to be unable to hold up his head to the
point now that his head touched his plate at thanksgiving, he only accepted a little meat did not eat that and left. He looks like
he should be in the hospital on an IV. I used to see Richard on and off for several years at Southport looking for cigarette butt sa d he had some trouble sitting, only kneels on ground and trouble keeping his head up, he does not seem to have a dowegers hump at all
he is obviously much sicker now.
His fingernails are very, very long and so dirty they look black, he never seems to change his clothes, maybe he does not have a change of clothes and they have many stains. Richard has trouble getting food to his mouth and there are sometimes globs of yoghurt on the table. Cornerstone employees are forbidden to touch clients even if they have fallen, this rule is inappropriate for the aging population at Cornerstone.
When I left the hosptial it is the only time I saw David Bridges the head nurse, he spoke with me and two roommates and said he would call
Holy Cross to send the paperwork that the hospital wanted Dr. Polam to have and which Keith Ellis and Nicole Briscoe took from me and lost.
David Bridges recommended that I move here, he did not return my calls. Jullianne said before I moved that David Bridges often came here
because there were other clients with somatic problems. I have not seen him in 3 weeks and staff says there is no set time when he comes
and yesterday an RC said Mr. Bridges was on vacation. I am supposed to see a nurse Yvonne whom I have never met after I meet wit
my psychiatrist Dr. Parveen but she is always absent. From before my forced eviction from Bel Pre managed HUD house at 12902 Valleywood, to
Keith ellis moving SOME of my belongings, He stated again and again that David Bridges would be talking to me about Assisted Living, this promise
started at the end of September it is almost December and it doesn't look like this promise will ever be fulfilled.

Perishable foods must be locked up due to theft very short window to get soft foods when you are not feeling well like yoghurt and fruit juice
and ensure, personal cupboard you can lock yourself is very, very small. Impossible to cook while on oxygen and hard to be off oxygen long enough to cook.
The independence rule prevents staff from helping. There is space for 6 clients, 3 men, 3 women with an enclosed space of one to two staff members watching
the cameras 24/7. Mostly like to talk to each other almost no interaction with clients. Blank looks when try to speak of how weak I am and that I AM ON OXYGEN and needed my somatic meds WEEKS AGO.
Constant runaround about my somatic meds and the whereabouts of my many paintings, art supplies and desk and chair and lamp so that I could work on my art IF I do get better considering this "treatment" not likely.

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