Thursday, May 3, 2018

Letter to Senate Appropriates Lack of Oversight of Montgomery County Mental Health Residences at Cornerstone

believe that Cornerstone Montgomery has a lobbyist.  They might do something to make sure that that money is spent appropriately to help clients.
There have been many articles in the past few years about the lack of oversight of Group Homes and Psychiatric Residences and some of the massive Medicaid fraud.
I have written of my personal experiences with psychiatric "rehabilitation" housing and the abuse and bullying from clients and staff particularly Keith Ellis of Bel Pre Cluster for 7 years of me and other clients, staff workers and even therapists and psychiatrists who have tried to stop Nicole Burke-Tumi head of Residential from employing people who undo the good work of the social workers, doctors and whatever caring and competent staffers are left after several purges it seems only the narcissists are left with clients-patients left out completely. May is Mental Health month and there is essentially no oversight by CSA or anyone in residential homes, NYTimes, Illinois newspaper found blacked out evidence when they did an article on this subject 3 years ago, Boston also did article.  Washington Post has not done article on abuse and lack of oversight.
More of 9 years of abuse, fraud and mismanagement at
Filing Another Useless Grievance Against Cornerstone Montgomery aka St. Lukes aka Threshold – no oversite Whatever in agency or out
The most immediately dangerous things to patients at Norbeck including Keith (not Keith Ellis, supv but a client who is in his 20s and warehoused) who has for months, at times, shaved his head, when he does their are huge, bloody gouges, this is not done with a safety razor, Keith talks to his voices every single day most of the day and like most of the 8 clients here other than doctor visits is ignored.  For the second time in the last few weeks I badly rebroke a blood vessel in my left eye, even my Primary Care Physician Dr. Polem a few days ago was so worried about it she asked an eye doctor next door who does not take Medicaid and Dr. Solomon’s office was concerned that Medicare would not pay though my eye was so badly bleeding from the pressure I have been under for 9 years now.
My roommate in my divided bedroom with only 5 feet across to partitian Esther screams some days and nights almost constantly, she is in a choir and so has a powerful voice, it is hard enough living in a house with someone screaming at te top of their lungs at their voices saying “Get away, Get away”  the meds don’t seem to work very well I have had a lot of compassion on my mother and housemates but I am utterly worn out and is why I almost died when at Holy Cross Hospital in September with a dangerously low blood pressure from this extreme stress even before the forced move into this lower circle of hell with warehoused sick people who de-serve compassion and more attention or at least enough sanitary kitchen supplies to cook meals.
Esther is about 30 years old, 6 feet tall and morbidly obese, when she walks rapidly down halls is often so angry she doesn't see where she is going - I am 65 years old with a cane and low bone density, I hug the walls when I see her coming but she is so large does minimal good against being knocked against and almost falling.  When she comes in our small room angrily thrusts open the door high velocity and if I don't hear her coming almost knocked down.
I could have done something with my life and my art and tried every single day for 9 years to do my art or at least digital paintings when my supplies would be stolen if I got up or housemates would do worse things to me.  Anyone who cares about mental health patients and the homeless should take a look at the huge waste of money and the partying, not by the therapist and psychiatrists who did not like their work undone but the absentee landlord Nicole Burke, Keith Ellis and others in the residential program plus the outrageous and constant bullying by Keith Ellis including mockery of very sick patients coming to the Bel Pre office for meds and witnessed and commented on by Jeanne and Debbie Davis and others who were capable of making complaints but they and their therapists and psychiatrists have been ignored for years and years and the good workers have been and are being pushed out in the purge that started a year ago.
My eyes are so blurry I don’t know if I will be able to do art again.  My eyeglasses are scratched and 6 years old and online the only perk for turning 65 years old was supposed to be a free eye exam, Dr. Solomon’s receptionist said no free eye exams by us.  I asked Terry Reid the benefits specialist last winter before I turned 65 to check into it, usually she has been one of the very few employees who do their job well but she has not gotten back to me.
When Keith, (not Keith Ellis supevisor in name only of Bel Pre but one of the clients at Norbeck House) started acting really violent last week there was only one tiny new part-time person who said that the Crises Center had no room for Keith but would have the following day.  This crises did not come on suddenly Keith has been badly gouging his face shaving for days before this crises.  Per instructions on the wall I called the now defunct Chadwhik House and left a message which has yet to be returned.  Crises Center said it wasn’t their job and to call 911.  I called the police non-emergency number and asked what would happen if an officer came out and Keith refused to go with them, the woman on the line said it would depend on how he reacted to the officer but that they could not make him leave.
Other people in the house expressed fear and the little girl at the desk said she agreed that there should be two people at the desk especially when a young clients starts acting violently, but the on-call supervisor Snyder apparently didn’t and that Julianna was not on-call.
I had thought when I was forced here ostensibly because of short term oxygen use that there were supposed to be 2 people at all times at the desks in the middle of the house built for 6 clients but holding 8.  And that the men were supposed to be on one side and the women on the other.  My housemate Esther has complained repeatedly about Keith coming in our room to ask for cigarettes or to use something of mine, he is lonely but I have never invited him into my room and they had promised Esther told to me by Alex Smith that they would put a lock on our bedroom door, that was weeks ago yet to be done.
It is hard for me to cook because Keith is in his 20s very restless should be in some kind of basketball or softball group. Cornerstone st lukes house used to have many party type events for 20 somethings but never any sports and nothing special for the majority of clients who are senior citizen age or close to it. If I try to spend 20 minutes attempting to cook a rice or pasta dish Keith walks through the whole house CONTINUALLY and will walk through the small kitchen in a fast angry way talking to his voices about a hundred times in a 20 minute period and will stare at me while I eat.  Esther has gotten into several fights with Keith for his staring.  I subsist on bread peanut butter sandwhiches Ensure when I can afford it and yoghurt and juice if it is not stolen.  Even though there is a locked refrigerator even before being broken for the past several weeks staff would leave it open for hours or days and much of my food was stolen.  My orange juice is now spoiled because I keep as much as possible in the tiny locked cabinet alloted to us because I cannot afford to buy twice the amount of food when it is constantly stolen and the staff tells me it is my tough luck even though they have cameras trained on the kitchen and real time screens of what is going on they are too busy watching youtube or socializing with each other not the so-called clients.
People get paid to do oversight at Cornerstone, Core Service Agency, and Department of Health and Human Services -good old boy and good old girl network-and they go on their vacations, have beautiful homes and cars get to go home at night and weekends while clients fend as best they can from housemates acting out – people who never do what they are paid to do and the mess that I have written about here and at Lydia Gorbik blogspot for almost 10 years just gets worse and worse.  Are they any citizen groups who care or would get involved NAMI is useless as far as getting involved on any level whatever, defending real clients from real abuse or being able to refer to Disability protection Agencies there don’t seen to be any in Maryland.
Less sick clients must act as housemother to ones who are dangerous screaming down the neighborhoods going off to the bus leaving the stove on – this was at bel pre but their is plenty of utter neglect at Norbeck House as well.  Why did Chadwick house burn down? I have been told for months that it would reopen when the fire dept said it was safe.  Is there any oversight agency who cares enough to look at the Fire Department reports as to why Chadwick house burned down with the smoke detectors not going off????
filing formal grievance
first goes to Julianne Totollino an absentee landlord at Norbeck House
How did Chadwick house burn down Georgio said that if one of the clients Alisha had not notice the ceiling on fire it would have been worse. I asked staff supervisor Georgio if the fire alarms did not go off, he looked puzzled for a moment and said, “No.”
This happened around Christmas time 2017, the residents of Chadwick stayed one night at Norbeck/Adrienne House sleeping on blowup mattresses, one girl was very very ill with a cane and since Ester my roommate was in the hospital I offered to let this girl sleep in her bed. It is now April 27th and the fire department still has not let them reopen Chadwick House. My Primary (RC) Alex Smith said about a week ago that she would be attending a morning memorial service for one of the clients who was officially listed as living at Chadwick House but in reality they have all been in a hotel since Christmas 2017.
Julianne Totalano is the supervisors of both Chadwick and Norbeck House rarely see her, when she does come for the huge Tueday meetings with chocolate covered strawberries, pizza many deckered deli sandwhiches, who pays for this (?) and why is the kitchen at Norbeck House so devoid of necessary kitchen items like a can opener that works, ANY measuring cups, spoons, very rusty unsanitary pans etc. stovetops catching on fire because the cups underneath the wires have not been cleaned for years and years and Georgio and others that I have requested for months to buy steel wool or brillo to clean the unsanitary rusty pans with months or years of layers of burnt stuff impossible to clean and the unspeakable stove with burning smell throughout the house when someone tries to use it, will not use their luxury food money for their weekly picnics called staff meetings.
Also they continue to buy bottle water for the staff though the clients must drink cloudy murky milky water from the faucet. There must surely be a paper trail of how the money for mental health patients is being misused for the never-ending staff parties. There must be a paper trail as to how this money ostesibly for clients is being spent. The basics things missing like spoons and a working can open filthy water for clients show that NOTHING to do with helping mental health patients is being done at these weekly Tuesday meetings at Norbeck for hour long parties.
I have never been on anti-psychotics certainly not in the time at this ever changing name mental health agency so why was I placed in a 24 hour facility using the excuse of my being TEMPORARILY on oxygen as stated by Holy Cross Hospital In all these years last Sept was the ONLY time I had been hospitalized though other house mates like Melisssa and Janet have spent almost a half year in hospitals leaving their rooms in townhouses or houses unused.  Pam Gueron wanted the ranch house to herself and Keith Ellis who is GETTING PAID TO BE A SUPERVISOR AT BEL PRE was angry at the many complaints that I had made over the years about his bullying to then Congressman Van Hollen’s office who kindly assigned a caseworker Suzanne Loftjelm to me who saved my life.
Senator Van Hollen is now overwhelmed by Donald and the immoral tax cuts so Keith Eliis who should have been fired long ago and the deaths of clients at Bel Pre examined was able to get extreme retribution by placing me illegally in a 24 hour facility for people with extreme psychosis.
I grew up taking care of my mother who talked to imaginary people in a very angry way after the assassination of President Kennedy.  I cannot continue to spend my whole life taking care of very sick people since I was 11 years old until now when I am 65 years old, Cornerstone stole my art and my art supplies the only thing I had to live for and exploited me to care for those who were sick and often never even visited for the evening meds. And becoming very ill at the two to three  inspections cleaning even the baseboards with a toothbrush not a joke and Keith Ellis even stole the money the previous supervisor gave us for extra household supplies for inspections by HUD and CSA.
There is not enough square footage for adequate living.  The room that I am in is exactly 5 feet across, barely enough room for the bed, there is a jerry-rigged partition for half the room.  Norbeck House was built with 6 bedrooms not for 8 people, there is more room in the master bedrooms at the townhouses to subdivide.  Most of the people here are senior citizen age, it seems to be a warehouse with almost no caring contact with staff.  They are trying to put Peggy Weiss here for ostensibly not cleaning the townhouses well enough.  I think they want this to be a warehouse for those not able to make Cornerstone look good by being able to work and the good outcomes farce means people will be abused in a number of ways if they are not able to perform WITH NO HELP OR SUPPORT WHATEVER AND IN KEITH ELLIS CASE OUTRAGEOUS BULLYING AND MOCKERY.
Pressure on me for years about my art and to be in DORS Voc Rehab without being given a SAFE place to live or even help with obtaining a camera and abuse from Eric Gordon for 5 years, I refused to be in the same room with him , and Keith Ellis would harrass me into entering a class with a very angry young man who did not want me there and pressure from his replacement not to do large work gymnasts which I had hoped to sell posters of online.

Still pressure to be in voc rehab but no help in retrieving my art supplies including oils and acrylics which Keith Ellis essentially stole from me and false promises since October from Julianne and Alex Smith and the new art “teacher” Tessa to help get back the things I need for my art.  The oils and acrylics and rolls of paper to draw on are essential but so is my large desk, my lamp, my file cabinet, my whiteboard to do sketches more cheaply and other things.  Stringing along by false promises so it is difficult finally to make a complaint or file a lawsuit.
I have tried to quit voc rehab over the years because of the harrassment from other clients and stealing my art supplies when I get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of a drawing but am told that if I move out I will lose my Medicaid if I am not working.  I am 65 retirement age.  I would love to try to sell my artwork but need safe housing FIRST.
Please help by investigating Cornerstone Montgomery.

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