Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Susan Wilcoff - CM official - Betty Levy very ill nothing done

therapists and psychiatrists don't have enough power what training does sw, Susan Wilkoff, have strong personality catching people out

Vanessa, my job coach, is a good person

rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth

Betty Levy would have died if I had not called Protective Services last October about the criminal negligance of her months long deteriorating health, she was in Holy Cross after complaint for months then Rehab and Board of Licensure investigator should easily be able to prove this.

Keith Ellis only concerned with catching betty levy out putting lysol on her very swollen foot when for months they could have been helping her should never have let eg get to that point --there was some explosion like backed up bathtubs and tenement toilets why aren't they as afraid of not doing grievances rebecca garcia as they are of house inspections ----the welfare of clients by keeping up with grievances ----contempt saying Parveen instead of Dr. Parveen need to come out of their ivory tower--- replacing eric made program acted out cry for help patients did not have the authority take a good look at rebecca garcia and csa even before she ascended the throne.

licensure who is directly responsible for the president of csa???? county council???? very upsetting and terrible for everyone let get to this point indict a ham sandwich instead of helping people what evidence based means on the ground level on the front lines destroying peoples capacity by forced flowering lose what clients did have to give but their job is dependent on pushing and scraming contempt for clients at the highest levels ms wilkoff however powerful has not been doing her job for at least four years and neither has ms garcia i am a client that doesn't speak well no match for them how did they push mr gordon out instead of helping him????

Gross Lack of Concern for Patients Privacy by Distributing Computers not wiped to Residences

Provider meeting with Barrie Friedman a few years ago

the computers of Southport distributed without being wiped and made excuses several months before removing them

mj lies about my firing my previous rcs when THEY HAD QUIT AND AS SUPERVISOR MJ KNEW IT

why bother to have police or courts to uphold the law, tell everyone they should be able to fight for themselves if someone repeatedly mugs you and steals your purse

I have asked for rights in an appropriate manner, Keith Ellis refused to hear me for over 6 months about liver blood vessel and I needed a CT after it was discovered by the orthopedist who ordered the MRI, it was an incidental finding, and I did finally have an ultrasound but even before that Dr. Polam my PCP said after the ultrasound you WILL have a Cat Scan of your liver. Keith and other RCs just didn't hear wondered if sound was coming out of my mouth - at one point I insisted that Keith listen and said he was not taking my problem with the blood vessel in my liver and help in getting the Cat Scan seriously and he said, "Are you taking your liver problem seriously?" then did not address it again until much later. Typical of the nonsensical responses that I get from Keith Ellis when trying to discuss serious problems.

med monitoring much too close together

This is the most important thing that RCs do, it used to be that there was a schedule for meds on the bulletin board with the name of the RC responsible for meds at that time. There was a line of evening meds EVERY DAY at 7:30pm
and a line of morning meds at 9:30am which is a space of ten hours.

For more than a year can never depend on when RCs will come for meds, there is not a list of names of the new RCs which is required by the Threshold/St. Lukes Rights and responsiblities, the new grievance policy has not been posted on the townhouse bulletin board and Beth Vonieff, previous housemate, took the HUD grievance policy and no one will replace it. Howard should have checked this at house inspection.

RCs can come anywhere from 8am to 11:30am or anywhere from 5pm to 6:30pm which often is not enough time between the medications for safety. On the weekends the RCs come once in the morning supposedly at 10:30 but often much earlier or much later or not at all.

Robbie's sudden death at the age of 29 years what effect did the decades of meds have on Lora Duvall handfuls of meds can't space it out - it may be necessary to take alot of medications twice a day because of staff time but they should be dependable and with enough time in between used to be about a 10 hour stretch between 9:30am and 7:30 pm--10 hours now very, very erratic morning can be from 7 or 8 am until 11:30 am or later then come for evening meds between 5pm to 6:45pm barely 7 hours or less between meds often the same meds taken morning and night need to go back to a regular schedule with enough time between the time staff shows up for meds

they push you over the edge with their hounding making people who could be functional utterly non-functional like a nagging mother in law from hell opposite effect-- put downs --criticism --not listening to serious health issues --not hearing at all even after worked so hard while ill for inspection -- masonite board camera things they could do always own agenda constant put downs -- this is not what was envisioned by med monitoring --- betty giving up not eating 90 degree heat ----threats of losing housing all the time depressed paralyzed by fear

i don't hardly have the words to describe how the hounding and harraasing me to see a staff member , Eric Gordon, who abused me in terrible ways Keith kept saying we let you use the basement to do your artwork --- I was in the Job Coach Back to Work Program and Keith gave no help whatever not even to listen to Vanessa Martinez when she came once a month to the "Team" meetings -- Vanessa said that Keith talked so much she just blocked him out -- Keith demonstrated no interest either in the work itself or the ideas for marketing and my desperate need for a camera to get anywhere and internet access after the complaint I must make too uncomfortable to use the one in the office which will not let you use flashdrive anyway and lawrence megan and dwayne

why is everyone now a screamer pressuring people who could be functional into giving up and becoming so non functional can't even make anything to eat

Susan Wilkoff gross violation of the law and helped by rebecca garcia, CSA president, questions on questionnaire delivered by howard, CSA House Inspector, missing to manipulate statistics on slh failure to perform job, treating clients like inmates, ignoring physical problems screaming --poor decision no extra household supplies til Gus the day before inspections gave me some supplies --Keith Ellis not only expected me to clean a 3 story 4 bath townhouse all on my own for the anual Inspection but Keith Ellis expected me to buy all the extra supplies that previous supervisors had always provided before inspections, where did the money allotted for this go to????

who worked on my itp not me though rights say i must did susan wilkoff or barrie work on it more covering behind, what problems with current house mates why no mention of serious physical problems which i have told repeated ly to all rcs liver kidney and thyroid onlymentioned corn or callus on bottom of foot is thi responsible this is my itp and physical problems determine fatigue and napping why no mention of important problems why is nurse marshall mentioned as provider when noone would tell me about her using my name to pay for services i have not received

I signed my ITP though I did not work on it as required in Rights and Responsiblities and that was early October took weeks of asking until I got a copy and my ITP did not mention my thyroid problems, my liver problem, my pulmonary problems, my new RC Anna brought a copy and I said that the copy someone else brought me did not contain my physical problems as can be verified by the testing, ultrasounds, needle biopsies etc though the itp said I nap all the time. Anna said she would try to squeeze it into my itp and took the copy back that was at least two weeks ago, today is November 23, 2014.

Keith Ellis brushes me aside when I try to read to him from Rights and Responsibilties and other material about Patient Rights including Elder Abuse brochure from the Department of Aging. Who will enforce patient rights? Susan Wilkoff will not do her job and Core Services took off the question HOW DOES ST. LUKE'S/THRESHOLD/CORNERSTONE handle complaints at the yearly questionnaire that Howard brings to house inspections.

I would like to know and someone needs to do an investigation as to why this most important question was taken off. The one last October was very short and it looked like CSA had taken off other questions about Cornerstone Montgomery's performance as assessed by clients which is the only way for clients to have any voices at all but the one that concerns me most is the one on handling grievances. For three years this question was on the yearly inspection questionnaire but for the past two years it has been missing. It seems obvious that it was messing up the statistics so someone at CSA agreed to remove it.

If House Inspection was treated the way Susan Wilkoff treats grievances the toilets and bathtubs would be stopped up for years and the townhouses would look like New York tenaments. Why are grievances and client rights essentially not done by people who are getting paid to do oversight??

The reason I refused to sign the consent form in May/June 2015 is that Keith would not give me a copy of the Client Handbook on Rights and Responsibilities, should not have to ask for it every residence should have a copy. Yesterday Ana Reyes printed out a copy of the Handbook so that I would sign the annual paperwork for benefits specialist Terri Reed.

hounding salesman can show to the door i have to be present for meds

not doing the job contracted and paid to do that is stealing and in this case endangering life

the nails hanging down on the one step from living room to dining room caught pants leg several times then fell thought broke knee but the thing is Gus came and fixed it right away as soon as maintenance knew with Ms Wilkoff

situations go on year after year until someone with terribl need to hurt people like staff member mr gordon do those terrible things to clients emboldened by lack of response to terrible things done to clients rcs do not speak with respect any longer to clients just like the abuse described in brochure from dept of aging

like teacher rating end of semester could not go on year after year questionnaire data points if the power says that people they are supposed to be serving should be held in contempt it goes on down the line

a huge # of staff quitting - usually the ones who care about clients - just because you are very good at bitter, brutal office politics does not mean you are good for patients, usually the ones who care about clients have spent their energy on learning to help mental health patients and not on brutal, "wild meetings".

why evidence based screaming



The buck stops here.

not normal just screaming at and pressuring people makes mentally ill less not more capable, not receiving services perversion of what it is supposed to be ms wilkoff refuses to do her most important job pivotal to the welfare of consumers, staff and neighbors to group homes from Gerda's all out screaming at imaginary people.

sw all clean and fair without

Elaine Frye, one working on supposed greater access of clients to administration, the reason why eric would check suggestion box because he knows how many people complain about his abuse and that ms wilkoff will not do her job so no way for clients who have been hurt by mr gordon to let someone who has the responsibility of stopping ongoing abuse by staff rather pathetic

Ms. Wilcoff has been refusing to do the most important part of her job as Utilization Mgr by handling complaints adequately and abiding herself by the Grievance policies which have been the same in essentials from when it was SLH to when they merged with Threshold to when the new Grievance policy for Cornerstone was given to me upon request, but not the rights and responsibilities.

If Ms. Wilcoff is blockading complaints with the approval of the other program managers who are supposed to form an ad hoc committee to examine complaints and the board of directors where there is no way to contact them, Ms. Wilkoff is still responsible for refusing to do this job for five years and more and the Board of Licensure needs to investigate this and the resulting damage to clients by staff who treat them in unspeakable ways.

I need Boston Advocacy or some Mental Health Advocacy Group for an attorney.
Cornerstone needs exit interview computer program, so many people quitting
needs hotline for grievances with people who are not cronies at a different location and covering for each other as Ms. Wilkoff seems to be doing in not doing her job of handing grievances for 5 years.

The Current Cornerstone Grievance Policy listing

list of your rights in the public mental health system

the right to have and to participate in the development of a treatment/rehabilitation/recovery plan which reflects your goals, needs, plans, and services

[Individual Treatment Plan] itp shall be developed in collaboration with the client

the client care provided shall be in accordancw with the itp individual treatment plan

L. You have the right to refuse medication

R. You have the right to file a grievance - what if ms wilkoff violates the grievance policy?

Client Grievance Procedure

4. If the client feels that s/he has reason to fear talking to the individuals mentioned the client may skip steps 1,2 and 3

May file a written ( not electronic necessarily) with Utilization Management Director, Susan Wilkoff, ext 251.

The written grievance ust include specific information such as dates, requirements, staff and client's actions and a statement as to why the grievance is being filed and what are any requested actions.

Within five working days after receiving a grievance, the um director will:

Appoint an ad hoc committee to investigate the grievance,



7. Within 10 working days after the UM Director receives the grievance, the committee will investigate the grievance and make a decision. THE UM DIRECTOR WILL NOTIFY THE CLIENT IN WRITING OF THE DECISION.

8. If any party wishes to appeal the deceison made by the Grievance Committee to the President/CEO in writing within 5 business days of their decision the CEO will make a determination within 5 business days

9. IF extenuating circumstances warrant extension of the above deadlines, the UM Directior will notify the client in writing within five working days after receiving the grievance. The notification will state the extenuating circumstances and the time frame within which the grievance will be addressed.

Elaine Frye, very sweetly, at end of meeting "Trust us. Let us handle the investigation." like All-State with cupped hands,Susan Wilkoff, not so friendly, "After all, investigating is what we do."

If the client is not satisfied with the CEO's ddecsion may file a complaint with
the Mont. Cnty. Mental Health Core Services Agncy 240 777 1400

MD Dept of Health and Mental Hygiene Office of Health Care Quality Assurance 1 877 4MD.DHMH

MC Gvt's Licensure and Regulatory Svcs 240 777 3986

.16 Complaints.

A. A program shall develop and implement an internal process for the prompt and objective resolution of complaints related to services provided that may be presented by an individual.

B. The program shall prominently display, in accessible centralized locations, the written description of the complaint process.

C. A program shall:

(1) Prepare the document describing the program's complaint process;

(2) Include as part of the written complaint process a form for the individual's use when filing a complaint, and a process by which, if requested by the individual, a program staff member or individual chosen by the individual receiving services, can assist in its completion; and

(3) Provide a copy of the program's complaint process for each individual:

(a) During the individual's orientation; and

(b) At any time upon an individual's request.

D. A program shall include in the complaint process required by §A of this regulation the procedures for registering and responding to the complaints in a timely fashion, which:

(1) Require a complaint to be reviewed by the program and, if applicable, the CSA, within 30 calendar days of the program's receipt of the complaint;

(2) Allow participation by others designated by the individual;

(3) Allow information to be presented to support the individual's position; other clients grievnce complaints against eric gordon

(4) Ensure the participation of the program staff members who have the authority to implement corrective action;

(5) Require documentation of the substance of the complaints and the actions taken;

(6) Include a review which:

(a) Provides an opportunity, if the individual chooses, to have the individual's complaint reviewed by the CSA director or the CSA director's designee;

(b) Requires the program, before making a final determination, to collaborate with the CSA to address the individual's complaint; and

(7) Include written notification of the program's determination to:

(a) The individual who filed the complaint; and

(b) If the program's final determination conflicts with the CSA's opinion, the Administration.

E. If the program's final determination conflicts with the CSA's opinion, the Administration may review the complaint as indicated.

F. Unless the individual presents a serious risk to self or others, the program shall postpone taking action until the recommendations of the CSA and the Administration have been made, if applicable.

Consumers on board of directors should be allowed to contact them, Gino said that most of what they do in monthly meeting is talking about financing and fundraising, board director needs a contact number and the board needs to be concerned about quality of care and allowing not blockading grievances so things don't get this bad with eric and dwayne and keith.

Dragged Eric into meeting even while I said no, No, NO, NO never said yes, if not for my respect for Dr. Parveen would have left the office, Ms. Wilcoff blames Dr. Parveen for wanting Eric there but it is not her style she may have gone along with it but don't believe it was her idea. Ms. Wilcoff was the one who ran out of the office twice to try to find Eric Gordon, Dr. Parveen, I believe went once to try to find Eric.

I could not look at Eric and Ms. Wilkoff began treating me without respect after that. Eric Gordon was obviously miming what is she doing with hands or face or both while Dr. Parveen was speaking and Ms. Wilcoff told Eric at least twice, "She is afraid of you." which is hypocrital of Eric since his mime mockery of my disfigurement and the gruesome portrait he placed on the bookshelf right in my eyeline of a woman with a slashed throat, blood spatters and a wedge shape by her throat that looked like a kitchen knife minus the handle which was behind the woman's neck and that was painted a shiny black like a razor blade. Dr. Parveen told eric a year ago that I was afraid of him after he came close to punching me in the face and he began staring at me while I was in the waiting room and along with what he did on Aug 8 when I was persuaded after months of refusal to go into his art class again, eric gordon has done everything to try to frighten me. What kind of a mental health staff member does something like this????

At this meeting in Dr. Parveen's office, before Ms. Wilkoff found Eric to drag him in, Ms. Wilkoff said that Eric was going on Administrative Leave, but when I called ms. Wilkoff about 3 days later to ask why she made me meet with Eric, she said it was interesting and she learned a lot from out interaction and I asked her what she had learned and she gave me a nonsensical answer. I am not a prosecuting attorney to have to corner staff for a straightforward honest answer to legitimate questions. Ms. Wilkoff agreed to set up a meeting with myself, Elaine Frye and Keith Ellis but she warned that I might encounter Eric in the hallways or while I was in the waiting room, What happened to the adminstrative leave just after Congressman Murphy's office had contacted her??

By hounding I meant Keith Ellis not Dr. Parveen, though it looks like Susan Wilcoff who is proud of not working with clients and kept saying in the phone call when she did not call me back for the meeting that SHE WAS ON A WHOLE OTHER LEVEL. Elaine Frye, Program Mgr., also seemed inordinately proud of never having contact with clients, and these are the ones making decisions.

Was the ad hoc committee ever formed for my grievance about the events of August 8 why won't Ms. Wilkoff abide by the law and send me the letter required in the Grievance Procedures??? It is now August 12, more than a month since Arlene Gomez, former Bel Pre supervisor, emailed my complaint to Ms. Wilkoff and I have asked Ms. Wilkoff 3 times for this required letter.
changes her mind then denies she said it client rights want program manager at meeting provider meeting tripp tappe recorder like nih at meetings barrie maybe you don't belong here-- after all that effort nerviousness --nms wilcoff has blocked grievances before.

sneak attack bringing eric in after i said no many times on phone and in dr parveens office

Ways for clients to make a complaint blockaded

why I had to write to Congressman Van Hollen before, about a year and a half ago, Susan Wilkoff, which I probably misspelled as Susan Wilcox would not return calls said had to send grievance to her in electronic format, this is not stated anywhere either in the St. Lukes House, Threshold or Cornerstone Grievance Procedures, only says that grievance must be in writing nothing about electronic format. with all the blockades against filing a grievance some like the above incredibly bogus, I had to write Congressman Van Hollen twice in order to be heard.

during yearly house inspections by howard of core svcs give everyone an anon questionnaire i would always give highest marks for everything BUT HOW ST. LUKE'S HANDLES COMPLAINTS last year this question was left off the questionnaire. never any follow up though signed my name and wrote in comments tho there was no space called comments just in the blank spaces

if grievances were handled in a timely manner or handled at all eric would never have gotten this bad

dr parveen very upset seems they are blaming her for my contacting a congressman Dr. Parveen never asked me to only what i could glean from her body language i think eric is playing the same dirty tricks including in mime as he did to me on Aug 8, 2014 on some staff members

Howard, CSA House Inspector, always leaves a questionnaire for CSA to know how clients rate SLHCornerstone Montgomery, I always would give highest marks for everything EXCEPT HOW SLH HANDLES GRIEVANCES. A number of other clients must have done the same thing because CSA left the question about how Cornerstone handles grievances OFF the client satisfaction survey last October 2013.

There is no way to make a grievance within SLH Cornerstone, Ms. Wilkoff does everything to blockade and refuses to follow the grievance procedure which I believe is state and/or Federal law, someone needs to make an investigation of this because Ms. Wilkoff and Cornerstone cannot and will not investigate themselves.

In Eric's and Dwayne's and Keith Ellis' outrageous behavior you can see the result of having grievances blocked for 5 years and situations that could have been handled much easier earlier if address grown to monstrous proportions and affect client welfare and functioning.

dwayne just marking time compare with Megan's proactive caring and the difference it made even seeing her go out of her way to help others

would might be able to afford art supplies if listened to ideas

jackie doing all that work cleaning the guys' houses for inspection and mj's pure meaness in firing jackie 2 months before her graduation as psychologist so jackie was very depressed about having to suddenly find a short term job pure meaness - jackie was upset about the 2 emergencies

mj initiated a brilliant plan for several months of having the rcs run in, drag you down the stairs stuff pills in your mouth and run out, I would think who was that masked man/woman it seemed ridiculous later found out that rcs were required to spend at least 15 minutes in each house for med monitoring and to see if clients were okay, if they needed to talk.

mj thinks she is a law unto herself but was forced to have rcs spend some time with clients, I didn't complain, didn't know until Gerda told me later so someone else must have complained, charging for 17 visits a month so i guess she thought....

remember me i am the reason you two lovebirds got together dwayne and amanda tillman

natalie, job coach for a few weeks before she quit, good but thought was talking about exhibiting equestrian schools stables only about eric not consumers remember them???

Eugene and Michael, Resident Clients, to ask about their voting as a house not to have the potlucks in their townhouse because of the way RCs treated clients like second class citizens holing up in the kitchen

at first could help cook then not allowed in kitchen except in a line to pick up food when they called your name, the potlucks were not large enough to need this formula.

hotline for gymnasts to report if they are being abused or starved by their coaches and/or parents - people online user groups very skeptical that this hotline which has been in exsistence for a number of year is only for show or if they actually do anything to help the gymnasts who report abuse/starvation.

don't think eric needs to exhibit his art in stable said Natalie, job coach who was at St. Lukes for a long time, helped launch Jane Clifford's art but Natalie quit after two visits with me, don't think it had to do with me but with policies of SLH.

but clients do you remember those --clients the ones who ostensibly you are helping to justify your paycheck

dwayne's internet class - Dwayne spent the whole time on personal calls cellphone

is eric any better in some classes but strangest art class

what is his motivation

what do you need I can order any art supplies you need, then clay we can't afford that

the clients who supposedly took home supplies

listening time is in short supply if can talk so long about rock music can spend 5 minutes every two years with each client.

What they did to Lora Duvall her despair how did she really die why did the RCs lie about her manner of death?

The rcs told Gerda and me that Lora had died of lung cancer, I thought she must have died from a broken heart, or suicide, I had planned on visiting her in the hospital but about a week after I found out she was in the hospital ostensibly with lung cancer, Lora died, I told the RC who told us that people usually don't die that quickly from lung cancer and she said that it was very advanced by the time they found it.

Beth Vonieff when I moved here would say she turned over the porch chair that Lora used to sit in because Lora died of cancer of the person parts and Nicole, then RC, would say firmly that Lora died of uterine cancer and it was not contagious. They lie so much hard to know what to believe. Don't believe Lora had any family except a brother far away that she was not on good terms with. very vulnerable to being told she would have her own apartment, then when her psychiatrist said Lora could live on her own doing a bait and switch and saying she had to look in the
Gazette to rent an apartment on her own, aparently with no help.

Beth Vonieff spoke at Lora Duvall's memorial service, they had been friends for at least a decade, Lora told me that Howard, CSA inspector, used to joke with her that she was the Queen of Peppertree since Lora had been here the longest, and Lora would say, "Aw, I'm not the Queen of anything." but she was pleased. After having been at Peppertree in the townhouse I now live in, Melissa Willard had the room Lora used to occupy, it must have been a terrible shock for Lora to be told she would have to make her own way in a rented room in the community. Lora would call me and scream a few words then slam down the phone, she was so upset about it after bragging for a year that she would have her own apartment which she was happy about.

They tried to do the same with Peggy Wyss, Caryn said when I asked if Peggy would still have an RC and be eligible to go to Southport LifeSkills, Peggy went every Friday night for years and only missed once when she was ill and Caryn said that the Program was to prepare people to find their own resources in the community. Luckily, Peggy had an aunt, 90 years old but very together and fiesty who had a meeting with MJ and program managers and insisted on having someone from Dept. of Mental Health at the meeting and Peggy was able to stay.

Just dump Lora in a room found in the Gazette after more than a year of promising Lora she would have her own apartment, she was very excited about it Lora was in her mid to late 50s. Lora was very depressed and upset when Barrie and MJ were just going to dump her in a room in the community. Gerda said they were trying to get rid of Lora because she was always complaining.

Barrie Friedman and Melissa Jacob did show up at her memorial service at St. Lukes Episcopal Church right next to Cornerstone. I wish that St. Lukes CHURCH were still in charge of the institution they started to help the mentally ill, not exploit them for someone's career.

They change the rules so much, some are made by the State but Melissa Jacob, close to Barrie Friedman and Susan Wilkoff would add some strange rules of their own, even recently as my meetings with Ms. Wilkoff show. Cornerstone cannot and will not effectively investigate itself and an outside agency needs to be monitoring what they do including the handling of grievances and the various blockades so that Ms. Wilkoff is the only gatekeeper of complaints whatever Ms. Cho recently wrote in an open letter, most changes will not be made.

The letter did not even include contact information for the three consumers on the Board of Directors. The reference librarian said there is no contact information for the Chairman of the Board or any Board member.a

Fire Safety classes needed
Kitchen safety ie pour dirty water from clean kitchen or bathroom floor down the kitchen sink.
If need help or more information
The project manager in HUD Multifamily Hub, Multifamily Field Office
or your local Contract Administrator

housing counseling agency in your community HUD housing Couseling Service locator at 1-800-569-4287

Hud clearinghouse to report maintenance or management concerns 1-800-685-8470

Inspector General Hot Line 1-800-347-3735 to report fraud, waste or mismanagement
if believe discriminated against 1-800-669-9777

Put your hand in the Hand of the Man who stilled the waters
Put your hand in the Hand of the Man who calmed the seas
Take a look at yourself and you will look at others differently
By putting your hand in the Hand of the Man from Galilee

I pray that Susan Wilcoff and Eric Gordon will repent and try to help instead of exploit or neglect those who are given into their care. Amen.

Fire Safety
dishwasher spoon gerda

inspection time missing last two years how does slh handle grievances moved in just before inspection why wasn't this done year round disabled clients scrubbing tub

caretakers very hard american life has gotten really brutal, the care of the mentally ill should be care not screaming and status and caste systems and smooth talkers like ms. wilkoff who refuse to do that pivotal portion of her job which is grievances won't call back after repeated phone calls and she is the ONLY contact person, somewhere other than csa who did susan wilkoff but not clients a favor by taking off the VITAL questions HOW DOES SLH HANDLE GRIEVANCES must have gotten such a bad response csa instead of investigating why so many clients give them a negative or worse rating for this, just left off the question to make the statistics look better.

Dr. Parveen saved my life several times with gerda and spraying lysol in my food to move, beth was about to lose my mind with years of her boyfriend calling non-stop and her trying to provoke me to fights. working out her sib rivalry which is the problem with me trying to tell housemates about fire safety, i wish i knew more, cover with pan or flour now on internet just say call fire dept. does the fire dept have vids for schools on basic kitchen fire safety issues?
just how many clients does eric have "personality conflicts" with, one way to tell some of the story would be to have an alternative to Ms. Wilkoff who steadfastly refuses to do her job. Comar Maryland law protections she ignores with impunity.

how many "emergencies" and deaths are attributable to clients being treated like garbage. Linda, staff at Southport, screaming at MW and me for daring to come into the kitchen when there was no cooking class.

facade like Louisiana, Katrina Bush pretending to bring light and food. newsman was outraged.

only throught the grace of God the near misses of fires in the kitchen was prevented instead of pointing the finger these things could be prevented in time if open to consumer input but everyone is afraid to speak why is this the case who did this

Dr. Parveen absolutely dedicated to patient welfare ms wilkoff and mr gordon absolutely dedicated to their own whims and power over the plebs they really don't see us as human or care in the least what happens to us.

instead of all facade real evidence based success of consumers not manipulating statistics if csa got rid of the question about grievance handling they know and are willing to drop the most important question where do these statistics go who uses them useless to ask anywone and cornerstone will be given the runaround flow chart

queen of pepper tree howard has a heart -- I am glad he said that to lora made her very happy zach helping to clean up spilt water

i don't understand people who can lie straight faced and jeopardize their immortal soul. or what satisfaction in refusing to do the job that pays for your food and rent and vacations and medical care and taunt the powerless clients to make you do your job, slithering around the truth or even a straightforward answer to a legitimate question,

another level ivory tower not just the fact of her flaunting it and the law but i had to contact Congressman Van Hollen after the ridiculous statement by ms wilkoff that I had to submit any grievance in electronic format none of the Grievance Policies nor Comar regulations state this an example of never ending ring around the rosy playing with clients trying to inform management that something is seriously wrong and needs to be fixed the house falling in if gus and maintenance were as irresponsible as ms wilkoff remember she has made herself the only way of filing grievance w/o going outside the agency what ever happened to the other consumer advisory group just for show and ignored or given the run around why can't clients contact the consumers on the Board??

accrues to them rfk the one who smashed michaelangelos pieta the face said he was as great as Michaelangelo because he destroyed the work in a few seconds while ma took two years to sculpt it.

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